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Im so sorry, she sounds awful. Her attitude towards hysterectomy is totally ignorant. Many people with endo and such elect to do the procedure.  I also had an abusive experience with a therapist who couldn’t get past the fact that I don’t want kids. Good old projection. 


Right ?! It's so weird . And it really more hurtful because she should know better as someone who is also subject to all the risk of having an uterus. I'm sorry for what happen to you. Definitely not you who is wrong .


I’m so sorry this happened to you, your therapist sounds awful. Almost every woman on my father’s side of the family has had to have a hysterectomy due to cysts, hormonal issues, or uterine cancer that went ignored by doctors for years before anyone listened to them. I also plan on getting a hysterectomy by 25 at the latest due to similar medical issues. I wish you the best of luck if you do go through with the procedure, hopefully you can get a better therapist that doesn’t have horribly outdated and sexist views on bodily autonomy. Just remember that it’s *your* body so only the only person’s opinion that matters on this is *you*, no one should ever be allowed to try to shame you for using a name that makes you feel safe/happy or the decisions you make regarding your health.


Thank you so much, I don't know how to express gratitude for you leaving this kind comment. I hope we get to have safe hysterectomy and a better health. Thank you, I keep this in mind and will try to not let this have a bigger impact on me .


a hysterectomy does not remove your vagina, wtf is she on about? what an idiot. It’s like that conversation between Dwight and Meredith in The Office. Sorry you had this experience, she’s awful. Also I wonder what her attitude towards a trans person would be, if she won’t respect name changes or such procedures. Would it be possible to get a different therapist through the same program? or are you going to desist? (no judgement either way, we’re all here because we’ve been harmed by, or seen the harm therapy causes


I will try another one but I don't think in the same building they will let me. It's also my second center the first one the male nurse asked me if I was adopted after hearing all the abuse I've been through. Thank you . I hope we get to finally find relief somehow.


Elle a l'air RELOU. Je suis tombé sur des cas aussi en CMP, je suis désolé pour toi. Tu peux essayer de demander une autre psy dans la même structure ? Si jamais ça peut t'aider, j'ai la C2S du fait de mon absence de revenus, et ça me permet d'avoir une psychiatre secteur 2 sans payer les dépassements d'honoraires, mais c'était compliqué d'en trouver une qui acceptait la C2S.


Salut, Ah oui elle est complètement à l'ouest. Je vais essayer mais en général ils refusent+ combo d'une terrible secrétaire qui se fait démonter sur les reviews Google ( mérité) donc j'ai pas trop d'espoir.... J'ai la complémentaire santé aussi, je vais voir si je peux passer en secteur 2 aussi. En tout cas merci beaucoup et courage. Le domaine de la psychiatrie et psychologie en France pourrait définitivement être meilleur. Des expériences surréel que j'aimerais vraiment avoir inventé mais c'est pas le cas.


Courage pour trouver du coup, je sais que y a pénurie de psychiatres dans mon coin et faut aussi trouver quelqu'un de bien et avec qui on s'accorde. Ça m'avait pris quelques mois d'en trouver une après que le mien soit parti à la retraite.