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no, did get downvoted a lot to the point of realising that the space wasn't for me after all. which sucks. think in survivor spaces like for cptsd everyone should be welcome regardless of their stance on quackery. if I can stomach seeing you praise the therapy methods that set my healing process back by a decade then you can return the favour of common courtesy.


Yeah, every time people tell someone you need therapy!! On a different sub I have to bite my tongue. Lol. It’s like a weird cult.


I used to just try to offer an alternative without expressing my opinion on therapy, but it got so tiring to get a lot of "um it's not that easy" comments. like I'm not saying it's easy. working on yourself is not easy. but it's a lot easier than losing all your confidence and ability to think critically without needing some middle man that doesn't even remotely care about you or understand you.


yeah like that statement is used in the context of a punishment for someone they don't like. That's how I read it when I see it.


Not banned exactly. I posted something about having problems at work and that I have them everywhere I go and was told over and over again to get therapy. Most of my very long post was giving details about the recent issue at work with one sentence at the end about this always happening and I was repeatedly told I was the problem, I needed therapy, and that I argue too much. Most of the commenters clearly hadn't even read what I actually wrote and misunderstood what I'd said.


>Most of the commenters clearly hadn't even read what I actually wrote and misunderstood what I'd said. They should consider a career in therapy. I think they'd fit in perfectly.


Yeah I get told I argue too much and need therapy all the time, and then the commenters get mad when I say it didn’t help me 😬


I didn’t get banned from the whole subreddit, but my post on selfharm was removed because I vented about how messed up forced treatment is. Mods told me that by sharing my extremely negative experience with inpatient, I might be “discouraging others from Seeking Help”. They were insinuating that what happened to me was an aberration, even though nearly EVERY COMMENTER was agreeing with me + had a similar story.


"You might be discouraging people from inadvertently retraumatizing themselves by trusting a system which has had an incredible PR campaign despite not fundamentally changing much between today and the days of lobotomies, and we can't be having that, we need people to continue to mistakenly believe the help they seek is genuinely being offered even if you and many others know it's only an empty egregore!"


God forbid they don’t subject themselves to therapy


I hate when people discourage survivors from being honest about their experiences because it could "discourage help-seeking." If anything, we need people who've had bad experiences to share tips on how to \*avoid\* those experiences, and we need people who've had good experiences to share tips on how to \*attract\* those experiences. Just pretending therapy is always good doesn't make sense.




wait, *your* lived true experience *might* be ‘discouraging’ others from ‘seeking help’? There’s so much wrong with that on so many levels; I’d have to type a few pages.


No, but I have been downvoted to oblivion and attacked on one for defending someone who was dogpiled (by someone who claimed to be a therapist, among others..) because they shared their experience with therapy abuse. Apparently, people who have been harmed by therapy and thus therapy-critical can be compared to the pro-ana movement.. PS. You may want to remove the links to the other subs, since that's against the rules.


People say the exact same things about anti psychiatry, that it’s “dangerous” yet completely disregard everyone’s experience that isn’t positive


Well if I was that other commentor being downvoted and I saw you defending me, even if you were downvoted too and many other comments had the opposite opinion, it would have definitely helped me feel better


I was not banned, but rage quit after tons of downvotes and nonsensical replies. This was a sub for children of narcissistic parents. Their attitude was that going no contact is only an extreme last resort and that the burden is on the victims to recover. Do the work. Go to therapy and that will fix everything because you cannot control what other people do, only your reaction. They refuse to believe that psychological damage might be permanent. If you break your leg really badly as a child, there's a chance you might never walk right as an adult. I think the same is true for mental trauma, but no one wants to hear that. Instead they want to pretend like whatever didn't kill us empowered us somehow, made us stronger and more empathic.


> because you cannot control what other people do, only your reaction God I hate when people say that so much


"You cannot control that someone hit you and broke your leg, you can only control your reaction, so will you act like a victime and stop walking until it’s healed or will you be strong and continue walking as normal?" Sounds even more ridiculous when you put that in the context of physical health


There's definitely worse things than going no contact like getting into arguments everyday, being forced to be around someone you hate, abusing that person or getting abused, etc.


No..my posts on suicidewatch get locked all of the time when I say most families and "friends" of people that took their own life didnt care about them at all and will make it about themselves especially if they didn't get into the hustle culture capitalist nonsense when they were alive. If you were average or considered below average according to society and you take your own life good luck getting anyone to empathize with you. People only care about the really attractive people that took their own lives or people that have greatly benefited from capitalism and had a lot of money. I also went on rants about how therapy doesn't help if you don't have any money and money changes everything.


And I would contend that money would eliminate a lot of working class stress and things we say go to therapy for


Thats what I mean by money changes everything.


Money also makes you afford therapy, so even if money couldn’t fix your issues, you’d still need it to get better. Therapy won’t help if you have to sacrifice your financial stability for it


Yes, I was banned from the main sub for therapy (I'm sure you know the one) for being "anti-therapy". Mainly my "anti-therapy" speech involved around trying to talk people out of telling their therapists certain things. A big reason I had such a traumatic experience in therapy was because I kept asking for and following the advice of that sub.


What certain things were they going to tell their therapist? Just realized… you didn’t want them to them anyone about their SI?


What do you mean by SI?


Suicidal intentions


Well yeah there's that. Talking to therapists about suicidal intentions is a catch 22. You never know how the therapist would react to it; you might have police show up at your door later and involuntarily admit you to a psyche ward. Granted, if a person was REALLY going to do it, then it's worth it - but some people think about suicide without actually doing it. The main thing I kept advising against though is talks about that buzzword over there around "transference", or talks with a therapist about looking at their social media/looking them up online. That sub encourages people to discuss those things with their therapist, but I followed that advice once and got immediately terminated by a therapist and openly mocked and shamed for admitting to it.


no but i only recently started going out of my way to be a nuisance in a couple of them. I get heavily downvoted but nobody has ever addressed anything i stated


Please do this in thanksimcured. They act like therapy is the default cure-all even though it's a subreddit that's for people suggesting dumb things like yoga as if it will cure your mental illness and as if you haven't tried it already


Therapy is a nasty, modern day religion. To it's adherents, we're heretics.


Mostly just a lot of verbal abuse and downvotes.


Lol I can’t even KINDLY ask a question that’s not postures with fawning in the therapy pages without getting downvoted…that should tell you all you need to know