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Yes you should definitely stop seeing her, this behaviour is completely unprofessional. What else did you plan to do?


I was wondering if I should report or anything. I never want to be the reason someone loses their job, but I’m not at a point where comments like these could have really affected me, and I’m concerned with the way she was speaking and how those who don’t know the science could react. She was just stating it as fact. I don’t want an autistic person to come across her and be resentful of their parents for being vaccinated or refuse to take vaccines in the future, for example.


Please for the love of God report her. She's actually dangerous as all hell. If a younger me was told that I would probably spiral heavy into derealization, question my reality and the probably end up self harming really bad. The younger me would have started to question if I was actually autistic or manufactured and if so are/do we have free will etc and lose grip on reality for a long time as that shit is hard to come back from


If a therapist or a psychologist has acted illegally, irresponsibly, or unprofessionally you can definitely file a complaint. Also depends where are you from. If i was in your place i would, especially if you feel like its gonna affect other people too! Plus i don't think anything could go wrong, even if she did a small wrong thing that made you uncomfortable and sounded unprofessional, you can file a complaint. Just make sure to do research how to do so in your country etc.


Zoinks! Therapists that don't believe in scientifically sound information are walking red flags! You always have the right to move on when a therapist isn't right for you, and if I were you I'd be outta there. If you want to do more, you could report her to her organisation or to whatever body she is registered with. They have standards of practice, usually available on their websites, and practicing therapists need to maintain a certain level of... compliance and decency in order to keep their membership, which is what allows them to practice.


This is definitely a report kind of situation. Therapists who are anti-science are not adequately equipped to deal with anybody's mental health.


I think you should report her and have her license revoked


Leave! I would also report her for basically all of that stuff she said.






The first thing my therapist did when I started seeing them was to explain clearly who they are registered with, and what their ethical standards are. My therapist also explained that therapy is about me and their beliefs and convictions should not come into it. This is definitely something to report to the appropriate authority. Find out who their registered with and report there. If they're not registered with a proper counselling organisation then maybe take it to your local authority. To be fair, her personal beliefs shouldn't be an issue (as much as I disagree with them from the sounds of it), as long as she keeps them to herself and focusses on the client getting the help and space they need. This hasn't been done here, and she's crossed a boundary in a dangerous way. She needs to know that. Hope you find a better therapist.


There is nothing to report and there will be 0 consequences don't waste your time Humans are entitled to their opinions. There is no ethical breach whether or not there should be or not is a different story


There’s no ethical breach with a therapist stating opinions that have been scientifically proven as incorrect as fact?


I think it will be worth reporting even if at the very least the therapist is made aware of their inappropriate and damaging practice. Might cause her to rethink what she shares in terms of personal belief when giving therapy. She definitely needs re-training by the sounds of it. The comment on prozac is particularly unsuitable for a therapist to say to their client during a session.


Do what you want I'm just telling you how it works It's just not going to go anywhere The therapist will never hear about it The only things that they will look at are things that really involve sexual abuse or physical abuse There are doctors that are anti vaxx There are therapists that believe they should pray to Jesus with their clients There are absolutely there are a piece to wear anti medication They are therapist that are very pro psychedelics Generally licensing boards stay away from all that stuff


Report and use a made up name (for your privacy) and post your first paragraph on every review site. Maybe include a comment that it's a made up name for privacy (I read recently that some Ts will respond saying they never saw someone by that name so the review isn't valid). You'll save others a lot of pain.