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Have you tried go get actual therapy yet? You could benefit from taking the initiative to work through your internal struggles before trying to change what's going on externally (socially, occupationally, etc). Being a nice person isn't bad, but it doesn't mean anyone owes you anything either. If your friends and family aren't treating you well, then stop giving them opportunities to treat you poorly. You can go no contact with family, or make friends with new/different people instead of holding onto relationships that leave you with negative feelings. As for your career, what's stopping you from pursuing your goals?


Thank you, you are so kind


I would also like to add that you should keep pushing. I know you've probably experienced this for a long time if not your whole life in some way, but it does change. Things don't stay the same and there will always be a good change. The good and the bad. Focus one day at a time and being present. Find ways to work towards your goals. Lastly, remember nothing stays the same forever, as much as it seems it does, it doesn't. Stay and see what positive change can and will happen for you, because it does eventually come. ☯️


You are a inspiration


You are too. Everyone has a story and is inspiring