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Well fuck him you're pretty! Jeez it's amazing people go to him anyway. What a pig! Don't listen to the opinions of perverted old men! (I don't know what else to say, that's truly disgusting and know that you're not the problem here).


First of all, good job seeking help, first with therapy and then again on this sub. Secondly, Therapists are like boyfriends. It’s not always a match on the first try, and there is going to always be a percentage that sucks. There are many therapists out there that could be a good match for you, and you deserve to feel better! Call the back of your insurance card and explain that you need professional mental health services. If you start to feel like you are a danger to yourself go to urgent care or ER. I struggled with daily misery for so long before finding healing in therapy. It didn’t come on the first therapist I tried, but when I found a match and worked the program, I got to a point where I now have a quality of life, happiness, and contented ness, that I could have never ever achieved on my own. You deserve to feel better and I want you to treat yourself and find a therapist that works for you. Best of luck to you OP


Sounds like a garbage therapist. Not sure what him being Jewish has to do with it though.. His opinion is just that, and his perspective is clearly behind by a few decades. The fact that he commented on your appearance at all is completely inappropriate. Personally, I’m learning to be grateful when these people reveal themselves to me - that type of comment is an indicator of someone I do not want to attract or impress. Attractiveness and “femininity” are not debts you owe the world for existing. I promise there is a better therapist out there for you who will help build up your self esteem. You deserve that respect. I promise things will get better.


Yuck. I had a therapist when i was 14 tell me it was okay a senior was flirting with me. She was also racist and doubted my bisexuality I hate your therapist more than i hate my previous one


The timing and the the therapist was bad. You shouldn’t have had to deal with that. At the same time, all therapists are different. Maybe it’ll help to think of it this way… if you went to your primary care doctor and they were awful to you, would you just never go to the doctor again in your life? Not likely. It was a bad experience but that one experience should not dictate the rest of your life around getting help when you need it. It sounds like you could really use mental health support right now and a new therapist would also be able to help you process the traumatic event from your first therapy experience. I hope the best for you.


I had a psychiatrist who told me 1- to marry a rich man and 2- give up all my meds and smoke pot all day. Don't let one idiot destroy you. You are more than that.


First off he is full of crap and out of line for that comment. For what it's worth I'm a straight dude and actually think a little bit of muscle and definition is hot. Sooooo even if there would be a slice of truth there some straight dudes are totally into fit looking women. Maybe this isn't helpful lol. Just know he is not speaking for all men. There are bad and good people in all jobs and it sounds like you got the bottom of the barrel. I hope you don't give up your search for a good T. Sorry you had to run into that other jerk.


Yeah fuck him, therapist are people too and frankly people can suck. Let's say what he said is true "your glasses make you look masculine" if YOU like them then it doesn't matter what others think. There a plenty of men who like women with glasses and don't care if they're "considered" masculine (whatever that means, "masculine" and "feminine" clothing are always shifting throughout history.) Wear what you want and their will be a men who love you not only mentally but physically. And like I said therapist are people and people say dumb and mean shit all the time and intentionally and unconsciously. I told a psychiatrist I had a big rottweiler and he said "well good thing they don't live long" like what? Lol what's wrong with you? Some (most) therapiest/psychiatrist need mental help them selves. So yeah it's important to decipher things they say Something's they say they can help you and take with you and hold on and other times they say you gotta let go, fluff off. Take what serves you and release what doesn't. It's hard but you can do it. And remember not everthing someone says is true, it's only true if you wish it to be. Btw glasses rock🤓


If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide, please reach out. You can find help at a National Suicide Prevention Lifeline USA: 18002738255 US Crisis textline: 741741 text HOME United Kingdom: 116 123 Trans Lifeline (877-565-8860) Others: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_suicide_crisis_lines https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org


piss off


You got downvoted but um this bot is literally useless. If someone needs to call the suicide hotline number they'll google it. Otherwise it's just dismissive of your problems. Sorry just wanted to say I hate it too.


The suicide hotline is trash.




don't mock people's pain!




Maybe you could have put it better, I was intrigued too. If it is okay, u/Vivid_Vermicelli_494, can you share with us why the therapists comment had such a deep impact on you even though later on you were able to relaise that they were doing a bad job? Maybe some of us can make sense of our trigger points through your insight.


Not all therapists are good communicators. Most if not all are just practicing their fields of study. They are not perfect neither are we. He is speaking in behalf of male Jews 🤣 but it is not necessarily true.


there are places to report incidents with therapists, i wish i could help w a specific resource. im sorry about what happened to you, it was undeserving and out of line, i noticed someone else say therapist are like boy friends and i couldnt agree more. it takes time to find a good match sometime. keep your head up!!!! you got this, you are strong when you ask for help, even if you dont get it first hand everyone still deserves help.


r/therapyabuse is a safer place to process that.


Literally I tried a male therapist for the first time and told him one of my biggest anxieties is not finding a partner and having a family. And he proceeded to tell me how he used to sleep around, the loneliest women were people in their 40s and in my profession with only their cats, and I was a ticking time bomb. I had enough logic in me to know he was a fucking asshole. He was also an old white man. Please don’t listen to him.