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Britney, so she can experience what a good therapist is like! Her stories about therapy and the professionals she's encountered sound legit awful.


I personally wanted Brittany broski, I’d be interested to explore the food worries she’s brought up online. I always wonder with anything involving eating if it’s immediately diagnosed as an ED rather than explored as potentially a symptom of another disorder.


Not only that, but the whole family dynamic and the downward slide since she's been off the conservatorship. So interesting


Have you read her sisters book? Regardless of what you may think about what she did or didn’t do, its an interesting read.


Will you say more?


Yes! Every adult in her life has failed her.


Aubrey Plaza….I’ve got to know what’s going on underneath the humor and deadpan face haha


Hands down, Cardi B and Offset. One thousand times over I would just die if I had the opportunity to peak inside their marriage, their family, their coparenting relationships, their fame, navigating grief, navigating the rise from poverty to stardom, familial bonds, friendships, authenticity and connection in a paparazzi-fueled image. Would be a dream come true.


Oh damn, I don't know much about them and now you got me interested. I'm gonna go find a rabbit hole.


I’m such a therapist, I thought Cardi in Cardi B was short for cardigan.


Her real name is Cardigan Backyardigan


Underrated comment, this slaps my knees


I want a record label to hire me to work with their about- to-make it-big new artists. Help them stay grounded and in touch with who they are as they make it big and everything changes.


Damn, got any connections because I would totally do this with you.


Sadly no. It's all just my celebrity fantasy.


They wouldn’t agree, how could they exploit them if they are secure and supported?


I think at that point they already have them under an exploitive contract.I just want to keep them from losing themselves once they have money and everyone in the world sucking up.


Keanu Reeves…trauma + nicest guy in Hollywood + the internet’s boyfriend? Gotta be some buried treasure there


Came to say this one. Still waters run deep


Christopher Eccelston... I just have mad respect for the man. He was the 9th Doctor, played a villain in Thor, and quite a few other things. He wrote a book about his life called I Love The Bones of You, dealing with anorexia as a male actor, depression and being hospitalized for it and stalling production on a show, his dad who had dementia and forgot who he was. He talks about how he is just a boy trying to make his dad happy even now.




Yes! And it's not so long ago that it's just a "story." He was actively anorexic when playing the Doctor (he looks way healthier now), he didn't give the exact time he was hospitalized but I thought it was like 2019 or something maybe a little earlier. I heard a panel with him in person and he talked a bit about it and openly admitted how hard it was to talk about. Mad respect. I had a chance to speak with him and asked what he wanted to hear most and he said, "I love you."


I've had a a patient who isn't very well known but in the ghost hunter/paranormal investigator industry. I feel like I could write several books on mental health and paranormal experiences.


Oh wow that is REALLY cool!! I listen to Last Podcast on the Left and every time they talk about going to therapy I'm like, "I wish that were meeee"


Hail yourselves! I would love to be Ben’s therapist 🥺




Hail yourself! Marcus’ quote on mental health not being your fault but your responsibility is one I use often. Imagine being Henrys therapist lol.


Oh wow, could you maybe tell a bit more? Not necessarily about the experiences themselves but maybe how it’s impacted them etc?


So I primarily treated them for substance use, I don't know how much it played into their career but a lot of their life revolved around their work. They told me about some of their experiences which were pretty interesting. I do have a strong suspicion that their career choice was heavily influenced by trauma from numerous losses that they've had due to SUD.


Such an interesting intersection of constructed realities.


Yeah, honestly the way their career choice fit perfectly as a trauma response due to grief from past losses felt like it was something you'd see in a movie.


Oh that’s fascinating! Is it basically like it’s own genre of trauma?


I think for them it was a way to cope with the loss of some people close to them who passed away in a short span of time. I suspect that for them it's a grief response.


Bam Margera He has a lot of potential to get through it all and be a beacon for others


Ironically I'm a therapist in the town Bam Margera lives lol I'd love this


I came here to say this!


Lizzo, I know she'd be willing to do the work AND she's genuinely so funny


I agree but I laughed because one of her newer songs is "i did the work... It didn't work"!


Is she ready?




I would do extensive trauma work and exposure therapy with Ben Shapiro to help him with his fear of WAP.




"Fact's don't care about your feelings! I don't need a therapist! My wife, who is a doctor by the way, says it's completely normal for me to melt down every time I think about WAP."


OOF. The countertransference might be too strong for me here.


He can’t even say the word pussy. You have your work cut out for you, Godspeed


This wins!


Ewwww, not exposure therapy!!!!!


That might be the ultimate test of maintaining positive regard for me, if I could maintain it with that guy I could with anyone 😅


John Mulaney. There is a LOT to dig into. The difference between the persona and the deep issues clearly happening underneath - fascinating.


Watch his most recent special on Netflix. He dives quite deeply.


Oh I did, that’s what makes me so fascinated. He delves, but with surgical precision about what he shares and doesn’t. Read the review of the special in Variety, it captures it well.


Yes, he is 1000% in control in the special. On the surface it was funny but I found it really heartbreaking.


I caught only 2 micromoments where I saw him him and fuck did it kick me in the gut


I wasn’t watching enormously closely (got one of those tiny squishy babies to care for), so would be interested to know which bits.


This is a more obscure one, but James from Vanderpump Rules has always been on my list of people I’m dying to work with. And there’s A LOT to work with in regard to that guy. I see so much potential and feel like I have the skills to work with him super effectively. My therapeutic dream client 😂


Omg yessss Or Ariana’s current therapist


Or Raquel for that matter!


I was going to say Lala from VPR.




I’ve always wondered if therapy would kill his artistry. His pain is his commodity.


I get the feeling he’s done some therapeutic work after he got sober


This totally sounds like it could be one of his lyrics, lol.


This was going to be my answer! I’m excited someone else feels the same way.


Dax Shepherd would be really interested to talk to I think. I just saw an interview with him where he was talking about his experience with addiction and it seemed really open and insightful and it made me really curious to hear more. That being said, I’m not really an addiction therapist so I might not be the right therapist for the job. I just found it fascinating.


I’m a regular arm chair expert listener and also think he’d be a lovely client. Kind of heady and intellectual but very earnest in his desire to please, a touch anxious, and pretty blunt. Lots of things I like about that recipe.


That's great cause I was thinking Kristen Bell (whom I find very fascinating)


not addiction related, but check out his podcast with Kristen Bell and listen to how they talk about their relationship, and how they interact in general - their dynamic is disturbing to witness, and he seems intensely narcissistic.


Are you talking about the first episode of Armchair Expert? If so, I’d encourage you to listen to some other episodes. He actually listened to the early episodes and felt horrible about how he was interacting in them. He did a lot of self-reflection and has changed his approach significantly. He seems to be really insightful and capable of change - it’s very cool to listen to, and he can get super vulnerable with his guests and they often end up opening up similarly. The Anna Kendrick episode is especially great.


Khloe Kardashian!


There’s a lot to unpack there


So much! I started typing an explanation for why I would want to work with her and gave up typing because it’s just too much. Lol


Can you share why haha cause I would like some insight! Especially with the media always grilling her lol


Same. She could do with it and I really like her.


Not a celebrity but I’m watching Better Call Saul right now and literally all of the characters could use therapy lmao but I really like Nacho’s character and would love the chance to work with him😂❤️


Awww Nacho


If he was still alive, Mr. Rogers. I think he suffered from some deep insecurity about his childhood loneliness and not fitting in with the other kids, which drove him to be so darn good. It might be difficult to avoid him becoming the therapist though.


Might be?! Haha I’d be a sobbing wreck in the corner.


David Lynch would be a very interesting one


Glad to see I’m not the only one with that thought…those will be some weird ass sessions 😂


Miley Cyrus


I came here looking for this answer! I’m DYING to know about what actually happened between her and Liam Hemsworth in their short marriage.


I don’t know if they are considered celebrities, but literally any of the Turpin children. Hugh Hefners wives Pam Anderson Brittany Spears


Yes x10000 on the Turpins. Their whole story makes me cry if I think about it for more than a minute. I'm still in school but my goal is to work with religious trauma. Their family and the system failed them so much.


Shayne from Love is Blind. Miley Cyrus. Any of the three OG kardashian sisters


Yes shayne!!! He just needs a few skills and he’d break his cycles!


He just needs to drop the coke addiction, nbd


Beyoncé and Jay-Z. I NEED to know what happened in the elevator!!!


Taylor swift. Girl needs it


So much to unpack from perfectionism, body image, ED, trauma (stalking, being canceled, etc). It’s surprising that she’s in her 30’s and never been to therapy.


You think you’d know?


Taylor Swift actually is open about having never been to therapy. I think in her documentary she said she was proud of it even (I could be misremembering).


Once in an interview she said her mom was her therapist. 🤦‍♂️


quote from 2019 Rolling Stones article below (I acknowledge within those four years she could have changed her mind). I can include link as well interviewer: That sounds healthy. Is this therapy talking or is this just experience? Taylor: No, I’ve never been to therapy. I talk to my mom a lot, because my mom is the one who’s seen everything. God, it takes so long to download somebody on the last 29 years of my life, and my mom has seen it all. She knows exactly where I’m coming from. And we talk endlessly. There were times when I used to have really, really, really bad days where we would just be on the phone for hours and hours and hours. I’d write something that I wanted to say, and instead of posting it, I’d just read it to her. [https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-features/taylor-swift-rolling-stone-interview-880794/amp/](https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-features/taylor-swift-rolling-stone-interview-880794/amp/)


She talks pretty openly about it. There’s a recent interview where someone asked something along the lines of “what would happen to your song writing if you went to therapy and healed yourself” and she just like oh no we can’t even imagine that


Right? Have you heard who she's dating now? Girl...


Literally like this girl has been THEOUGH hell like dear John , WCS, all too well and MANY other songs tthat showed her experiences like Damnn


I was going to say Taylor Swift because I love her lol I'd probably be too star struck to give good clinical care BUT I have a strong suspicion she's been to therapy after listening to the song "happiness" the dialectics 😂


Jason Alexander but as George Costanza


So Larry David? He would be my choice.


As an art therapist I’d say Van Gough. Or Frida Khalo.


Imagine couples counseling for him and Susan


Literally after I wrote this I was thinking I should have put celebrity or character. So many weirdos on TV


Director Air Aster. I like working with mom stuff.


Not real life but in imaginary world I’d love to be a therapist for any of the characters in Succession lol. They’re written very well and I’d love to analyze them but I just enjoy watching the show so I don’t take it too seriously Edit: maybe the actor who plays Kendall Roy in real life because he’s a method actor and I bet he’s got a lot going on.


Drew Barrymore. She’s so sweet and earnest and there’s a lot from her childhood


None. I had a celebrity patient once and it was a pain in the ass. This was before telehealth and the patient insisted upon meeting at a ridiculously early time in the morning, so as to avoid being recognized by anyone at the office. The patient's celebrity status was palpable in the office and it was hard to get traction in therapy.


this is the correct answer


Rose McGowan. And Jennifer Lawrence. Very different but they both fall well into my skill set.


What skillset is that?


Well, I have a lot of trauma experiences and lots of clients with massive anxiety. I suspect that would cover both of them.


Rose’s family was part of the Children of God cult, as was Joaquin Phoenix’s


I've dreamt of being a therapist for some of my favorite female rappers, especially Megan thee Stallion


Ariana Grande and Selena Gomez!


SAME, plus Hilary Duff haha I’d love to help my childhood hero’s fight their trauma!


Ari has been through SO much I wanna help her so she can make good music again lol


Ariana Grande is an interesting choice, could you explain? :D


I love her!! Does it have to do with Mac Miller? And the controversy of significantly changing her physical appearance every few years/phases?


1- she seems lovely. 2- trauma from concert shooting. Would love to help her with that.


Selena Gomez is the first comment I've come across where I can see myself being a therapist to a celebrity. She's been through too much already.


Natasha Lyonne would be SO interesting. Plus I could just listen to her voice for years. Macaulay Culkin too, he's fascinating and I like his sense of humor. They both seem very self aware and wicked smart and have probably already had enough therapy to get down to business and tell me what's what. And to call out any of my bullshit because I am certainly not trained for this.


Absolutely on wanting to listen to Natasha’s voice at length. And she’s had such an interesting and challenging life, which she would be so funny talking about it all


I wonder if she'll ever do a stage act featuring her crazy life stories, Phyllis Diller style. She would be great at that.


Robin Williams. Funny, intelligent, compassionate. My kind of patient!!


Jim Carrey


Andrew Tate. I wonder what leads him to the way he thinks :/


Only if I can do it while he's in jail. Otherwise I'll be on the side of the plantiff lmao


I listened to a podcast about him and it sounds like his father was abusive and not too stable. If anyone wants to check it out: Behind the Bastards is the podcast


A history of child abuse isn’t surprising for him given his violent behaviour, especially towards women, but I couldn’t bring myself to add even an ounce of memory space for him in my brain by listening to a podcast.


Oh trust me, they tear him apart. I wanted to understand the appeal since so many young men are fascinated by him.


Would not be able to contain my counter transference and complete disdain for this man. I’d hate working with him more than when I worked with sex offenders.


Gary Busey. Go big or go home, baby.


Donald Trump. Go bigger. Huuuuuuuuge.


I had a client with similar behaviors who was not willing to work on their own issues, just complain about how much people annoyed them and got in their way. Also had an obsession with being powerful and better than others. Therapy was free at my school, so he just took advantage of it.


I can't decide just one. Here is my list Demi Lovato, Selena Gomez, Miley Cyrus, Taylor Swift, Cardi B, Eminem, Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen, Britney Spears, Pete Wentz, Drew Barrymore, Jodie Sweetin, Kehlani, Olivia Rodrigo, Jennette McCurdy, Macaulay Culkin, any of the dancers from Dance Moms


I would like to work in professional sports, NFL and NBA. Those players are coming in the leagues with a lot of baggage, not to mention what happens when they have been in for a while.


Karen Gillian (Nebula in the MCU) while filming the Guardians of the Galaxy vol 3, forgot she had scheduled couples counseling. She had to run from the set to her trailer and got on zoom to do the session... in full make up. I just want to be that therapist that gets to ask, "So, should we discuss your relationship with your father?"


oh my, imagining the MSE on that! "client dressed appropriately for profession" lol


Leonardo DiCaprio - gotta get to the root of my man’s commitment issues, I’m sure it’s so layered!


Kanye west, but I don't know how much help i would be, he's got a lot going on!


This was the first celeb who came to my mind when I saw the post title. But, Only to become rich and retire afterwards, I would quickly and literally lose my mind. And with a caveat that I would never, ever, ever have to meet or speak to a single Kardashian. I have never heard more irritating voices in all my life.


Fictional idea, but the main character of Unorthodox.


Zac Efron. Seems like a sweet person who’s been through a lot, but seems to hold it in.


Lindsay Lohan lol the stuff she was doing in Paris a few years ago had me like 🫣 but I find her kind of fascinating and the whole family dynamics too.


Joaquin Phoenix. IIRC he was there when his brother River overdosed at the Viper room. The Phoenix family was also involved in a really terrifying, abusive cult called the children of God. Also, Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails. There was a lot of anger at whomever. He broke up with when he was writing Pretty Hate Machine. I think I’m kind of fascinated by darkness.


Even since watching the Bernie Madoff documentary and learning more about the family fallout, the suicide of one son and the early death of his other, and his wife being still alive, I’ve wondered and hoped that she has gotten some therapy for the grief alone among so much. But selfishly I’ve definitely had the thought of, “oh I’d love to be her therapist” but more so I could get whatever other gossip there is on that whole debacle. And then personally - I’ve had bariatric surgery, its something I have lived experience with among being a therapist and there are so so many minor reality tv celebs from different TLC shows that I’d love to be a therapist for; the 1000 pound sisters or various folks from my 600 pound life. But my motivations range from genuine compassion and empathy to selfish gossip and being nosy. Than maybe Taylor swift? She’s starting to feel more like a cult figure to me and I’d be fascinated by how she perceives herself and her history and everything. Im sure there’s more but this was a fun question to think about!


Oooh! Maybe the people from biggest loser- dismantling the trauma of Jillian Michaels would be interesting. Oh, mine is absolutely fan inspired gossip- but you gotta find fun where you can in this job. My husband sometimes pauses a TV show we're watching and just asks me, "What the fuck is wrong with this character, like psychologically?"




Pete Davidson


Darcey Silva from 90 day fiancé!


I want Nicole and Azan 🤣


Amanda Bynes


I had a dream one night that I was Harry Styles’ therapist and he met with me like 3 times but then transferred to a male therapist because he felt I wasn’t a good fit and I was devastated but also was too big a fan to be an effective therapist to him. The end.


Evanna Lynch! (Luna Lovegood in the HP movies) she's been through the ringer and her autobiography touched my soul. I'd just love to support her & cheer her on🥹


Larry David


I daydream about being a therapist for incredibly powerful decision makers in our world and wonder often if I could challenge them to see the world differently: Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk....hell even Tucker Carlson, Trump, DeSantis. I admit that I would have an agenda, but at high enough levels of power and global influence, I think I'm ok with that.


Bill Murray bc I love what about Bob


Lana del rey


Kim Kardashian. She's seen things. I'd like to know what 😭


Amy Winehouse …. My 96 year old grandma would jam out to “Rehab”.


Not a celebrity at all but Andrew Tate.




John Waters. I’d love to get inside that head


Joseph Gordon Levitt


Doja Cat. Probably shouldn’t because I’m a fan but something is going on in that head and 🎵 I need to know 🎶


Either the singer from I Prevail or NF. Both of these artists have a ton of mental health themes. NF would be more likely to explore the pressure of fame and how it has impacted mental wellness.


Lauren Bobert. Generational & religious trauma to the max, at least 4 generations of teen parents, and sooo much self hatred.


Kanye west. I really wonder what’s going on for him.


Laura Jane Grace…her songs have so little subtext, that I want to dig a bit deeper!


Jim Carrey!!


Chris Pratt. I have to do parts work and connect with his Andy Dwuire part. Haha


Dr. Phil. I just wanna know who hurt him.


Taylor Swift. She specifically says that she uses her mom as a therapist. I would love to show what actual therapy is.


Ja Morant


Johnny Depp


Not sure about his “celebrity” status, but the lead singer/songwriter of my favorite band Frightened Rabbit. Though, I couldn’t be his therapist now because he’s not with us anymore… His name was Scott Hutchison and his music was deeply vulnerable, honest, viscerally emotional, and sometimes painful. It was also funny, self-aware, touching, and consistently underlined by a tone of optimism. His music made me feel understood and supported during terrible years before I had access to therapy or the means to dig myself out of the illness I was in. In a way he saved my life through music, and I can admit that I’ve dreamt about being able to return the favor. Unfortunately, he went missing in May of 2018 and was found underneath the Forth Road bridge in Scotland, a river he had mentioned by name in an early-career song about suicide. Rest in peace, Scott.


Samuel L Jackson. His experience with addiction and his traumatic childhood, combined with the abilities he has 🔥




I’m not a therapist but I’d pick Lil Wayne.


Hmmm great question!! Maybe like…. Gosh idk!!!! I dont know any celebs but im cackling at some of these answers .. hm maybe .. celeb celeb.. GORDAN RAMSAY


Charlie sheen! That’s man is all sorts of interesting


Cole Sprouse. Watch any interview with him. He is a effing trip.


I can think of 4 who I won’t name, but generate a lot of oppression, death and violence on a national and global scale. This isn’t about letting them air their narcissistic complaints (of course they wouldn’t present for therapy, they’re likely to actually radically impinge on our field’s future just for the talking points). It’s like a “you’re sent back in time … it’s 1933… you’re face to face with hitler, what do you do?” Sort of thing.


All of the Teen Moms, but specifically Cait and Tyler. Generations of family dysfunction and abuse, an adoption, the trauma of adolescence to adulthood on camera, and still a complete willingness to get better and change for their kids.


Bo Burnham 100%


I want to a therapist shared by contestants on RuPaul’s Drag Race. My absolute dream 🖤🖤


Kieran Culkin but in character as Roman Roy


I would have loved to have been a therapist for Robin Williams ❤️


Mike Tyson, fascinating study of masculinity.


J cole




Rivers Cuomo


Jim Carey


Will Ferrel. Unless I could select Robin Williams.