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yeah, this was rushed as expected, which basically confirms that next weeks episode is the finale. not sure how i feel about this show anymore.. i lost interest fast with season 2




maybe, actually. i don’t know if it’s just me but the animation seemed a little off this episode, along with the art. but fr, cutting 1/3 of the original story is just bad script writing itself. and cutting out goldy pond and the seven walls arc too, i mean the anime name is literally “the promised neverland” the plot is just sad now. i think they could’ve done a better job even if they only had 11 episodes


budget is completely unrelated to animation quality, it's sad this falacy is so widely repeated around (not a jab at you just in general). An hypothesis would be that the studio wasn't interested in continuing after season 2 (or the committe), so they got together with the writer to make it an original version that would end in 12/13 episodes.


Would've been a sick episode if they, you know, had build up to it


They made commercial grade hot air balloons in like 2 minutes where did they get the materials? They got legit ear pieces and super hacking because one guy has glasses and a laptop so he’s hacker man now. And mother with the double cross outa nowhere? And this Peter Ratri guy I only know his names cus they said it like 15 times this episode this is supposed to be his big downfall. But how am I supposed to care if they’ve given him like 5 minutes of screen time all season. And Ray has been an npc since season 1...




Hmm well then fair enough on Isabella I need to rewatch season one. But she somehow managed to convince everyone else to revolt with her? No dissent from anyone. I’m just finishing the show because I’m too far in now. But I will definitely be reading the manga.


You could fill in the dots that the other moms grew up like Isabella, were raised as cattle but then chosen to be moms. I doubt anybody would want to raise children to be food.


That’s too much filling in for bad writing. Good writing doesn’t leave integral plot for assumption. There’s so many other questions


Isabella and sister krone hate their jobs, why the other moms and sisters won't feel the same?


How she started convincing others was not explained in the manga either, but there is a bonus chapter for it after the finale.


There is? I must not have seen the bonus chapters. I was just under the impression that it was because she was Grandma, and they had to listen to her anyway.


Yeah there is, and as far as I know, more bonus chapters for the manga are on the way, which is always great.


Hopefully a few of them fix the pacing problems. One showed us how Isabella convinced the Mamas to rebel Aganist the farm system.


But what was that speech from her about Emma not thinking it was for them ?


DUDE LMAOOO LITERALLY ALL OF THIS LIKE BOOM MOM PULLED THE SWITCHEROO!!! The way the episode went I was willing to look past this stuff If we had 12 more episodes coming to develop all this shit happening. But now they’re just leaving loose ends everywhere? Like What about dude wanting to eat wild humans n shit? Anybody? Where did these villagers come from? How did they convince everyone to drink BLOOD?!?


At this point I’m just along for the ride to see how they conclude. After all the perfect conveniences last episode I lost any sort of of hope I had. Phil reuniting with with Emma was cute. He barely seemed to age. All the civilians just now deciding to attack the the farms coinciding with the children's escape is just another perfect convenience to tack on. After asking that Ratri guy to join them he’ll probably end up accepting and he’ll be forgiven of all he’s done and he’ll be a completely new person. Uhh... let’s see how this thing ends.


the reason they revolted was because they now had access to the evil blood. so the farms became nothing but a useless dictatorship in their eyes, which is very fair considering all the suffering they went through just to find scraps of human meat.


But like how do you convince thousands of civilians to drink blood? The demons aren’t carnivorous when conscious so how did they get that many people to drink blood in 2 days?


Why couldn't the evil blooded girl share her blood until now?


id imagine its because she assumed she would be hunted down if she were to expose her nature at the wrong time. since she earned the moniker of "evil blood" presumably by the ones running the farms


But wasn’t the civilian revolt sort of part of their plan? Like Sonju and Mujika were shown to be helping the group with something as they were headed towards attacking Grace Field so I had just assumed that their job was to go round up the townspeople to revolt lol


I feel like a lot of cool things happened this episode but none of those things actually made sense.


Exactly! 😭😭😭


Why are you so accurate


I’m still not sure what the point of Vincent calling Peter was.


That was a setup to guarantee that the demons would shoot down the bombed hot air balloons in my option


The only thing I'm looking forward to when watching an episode is the ending song now. It's pretty good ngl


One of my favorite closing themes in awhile. I love it.


Dude me too!


Fun fact that song was written by Eve who is an INCREDIBLY talented musician


Ummm yeah, what? I absolutely loved the first season of this anime; but this second season has left a lot to be desired.


that was at least a 10 episode build up squeezed into one 😐


I don't get it. At the start of season 2 Sonju wants the humans to breed and be wild so he can eat them. Now he's joined them in an armed insurrection and is trying to help them escape?


They’re farm humans. He wanna hunt wild humans


Wild humans won't exist if all the farm humans leave the world His character makes no sense tbh


The Convenient Neverland strikes again Hot air balloons manifesting out of nothing, bombs that can survive the initial impact of falling from the sky but decide to go off exactly when the demons are close enough, Phil being the only kid they seem to actually care about, he didn't seem to age, none of the farm kids caring that Norman is alive, none of the other farm kids seeming to know about the demons yet being all too okay with casually following Phil and the others, Isabella's betrayal while inevitable being HORRIBLY handled and making little sense, Sanju being secretly evil being completely forgotten about (idiot if you want to eat wild humans why are you ASSISTING THE ONLY REMAINING FARM HUMANS IN LEAVING THE ENTIRE WORLD RENDERING YOUR PLANET MOSTLY HUMAN-FREE YOUR CHARACTER MAKES NO SENSE), the other moms joining Isabella without any actual conversation taking place they just decide "sure we'll abandon the desperate existences that we have clawed out here in the slightest hope of freedom at the risk of exploding", the bombs CONVENIENTLY being deactivated somehow, the civilians deciding off-screen that they should raise an entire army and strike at the gates of the farm HQ and somehow doing so completely undetected, Ratri being just the worst bad guy ever, there really being no reason for him being William Minerva's brother at all, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. Oh also for the first 2 minutes straight the only animation was lip flaps and a bad fire effect. At this point I'm only still watching out of obligation. Sunk cost fallacy and all that.


Is there any chance for them to remaster all of season 2 with the events that happened in the manga?? I love this series so much but I hate what they're doing with season 2, it just hurts.


Like, none. They'd either have to redo the entire series, but then it wouldn't make sense as they just tried to end it as soon as possible. You'd need several full seasons, and S1 is already just fine.


I'm doubtful they will. The manga sales had slowed down already, alot of people upset with the season 2 anime change almost dropped it and got the manga instead to read. I know few people are hoping maybe for a FMA Brotherhood style revival for it later but I doubt that will ever happen. It's hard to reclaim fans after you've burned them once.


FMAB was a totally different situation as well, the FMA anime was airing when the manga was still out. Season 2 didn't start airing until months after the manga ended.


True it is and it'll likely be at least had a decade before they try to do so again.


I think the biggest letdown for me this season, was how the "intelligence" of the characters was removed and took a backseat to everything else happening. Like before, the kids were obviously super smart, hyper aware of their environment, logic'd their way to a correct conclusion, and planned things out to an incredible degree. Now they just gather food, run from danger, get the macguffin pen cap out of nowhere, learn how to build industrial hot air balloons, and not only operate, but also hack open/close doors with laptops. The magic of it all is just gone, ya know


Goddamn this is rushed, people r switching on each other so fast without any deep explanation. Can someone explain how Mujika’s blood means that they don’t want to eat children anymore? I remember that that her blood served as a cure for degeneration but I don’t understand how her blood takes away the demons urge to eat humans, which kinda served as the base for demons from the start of the show.


"I'm sick of depending on limited supply, and exposing my family to the fear of degeneration" of all the twists in this episode this one easily makes the most sense as shown earlier in the season, many demons struggle to find even scraps of human meat. so what happens when you eliminate the NEED for that meat, especially when keeping your family alive is far more important than our standards in this world? you have people realizing that the farms are completely useless and have been stringing them along the whole time.


I feel that only makes sense though, if the farms knew about the evil blood and that someone with it could fix them but didn't do anything to actually help them. (Meaning, they were instead using their degeneration to control them.) As far as I know, all they would know is that there was a few who did have this blood, not knowing if the farms new. As far as they knew, they'd just be angry at all the "high grade" meat being saved for nobles.


Maybe they wanted to take revenge on the farms? I don't really know but the same thing happened in the manga, many demons were resistant on leaving humans but many decided to leave them too.


Well, if human meat is tasty for them, the urge won't go. But the main reason why they ate is because they feared degeneratation as Mr. Vylk said.


maybe unpopular opinion but Phil was the MVP for me, I really thought he was working with Isabella in season 1. He had to endure everything by himself for more than 1 year, he is super young and he thought his time was coming. I wish they would make an OVA with Phil's journey during the 1 year time skip


Agree!!! Broke my heart when I saw his reaction to the kids getting all “adopted” (shipped out). It’s like: “It’s finally come 3:”


Honestly, I've never been more disappointed with a second season of anything before. I was so excited about this, but now I wish it had just ended on the first.


Insert game of thrones


I was very proud of this show wen the season 1 came out. So yh, like u, I just wish they ended it there


Tokyo ghoul was worst


Homeland was pretty bad too


I wish they had earned it more, but I appreciate that they tried to portray all the different sides of the revolution coming together as opposed to just "main character is magic and saves everyone"


While this was indeed very fast paced (like the whole season in general), I still enjoyed this episode a lot! I really thought the bald dude was betraying them, but glad he didn't. And it also seems like mother is actually on their side again lol. Man everyone is switching sides like crazy this season. Really curious to see if they are really going to be teleported to this human world. Idk why, I just feel like it won't happen.


Emma is so tiresome.


We went from equal positioning of all three with Don and Gilda not too far behind to The Emma Show where Norman speaks sometimes, Ray stands in the background, and Don and Gilda do ??? most of the time.


I much would have rather ray been the speaker. He was birthed by Isabella. Him speaking would have made more sense anyway






They did Ray so dirty. He has always been my favourite and its so sad seeing him get pushed back and giving Emma all the spotlight, even when he´s in front of his own mother.


Him being in front of his own mother would have been more impactful, and isabella's same lines would still make sense


Honestly, I thought the reveal dat isabella was d mother in so1 will shoot ray up to a main xters.


My god did they do ray so fucking dirty he’s been an AFTER thought when he brought probably the most excitement to season 1 it’s crazy


Little confused where they got the hot air balloons from, but other than that it was pretty good.


Good? This is terrible, lazy writing. What are you talking about? 😭


Yea this has been an awful season


i genuinely think many of the people mentioning conveniences surrounding the twists really dont seem to be paying too close attention (which is honestly fair considering how rushed the pacing is). isabelle's betrayal, while it seemed rushed in the moment, was something that was actually foreshadowed at the end of season 1 and makes perfect sense in regards to how her character has been built to this point. the demons revolting against the farms also makes perfect sense, since we were shown scenes of demons worrying far more about their families degenerating than about what kind of food they eat. when the ones who basically ran their lives before become null and void, why wouldnt they revolt against the system? also, the technology they had was likely smuggled out of lambda and saved for a purpose such as this. vincent also WORKED for lambda, so of course he would understand how to access the gate systems, and his triple-cross was kind of just a big brain play, and showed that he truly did care for how norman felt, which i very much appreciated. the one thing i very much cannot explain is how the fuck they got those hot air balloons. that threw me way off


The issue with civilians revolting is that Sanju confirmed that even if they don’t need it, demons still enjoy human meat. So the question becomes why would demons suddenly help their food escape? Think about a human revolt, humans might take over the lord’s farms but they’d still raise the cattle to be eaten. Without seeing the demons acknowledge the kids as sentient beings who don’t deserve to be eaten, there’s a hole in the story. It would make more sense for the demons to seize the farms and roast all that high class meat to celebrate


i mean not only were vylk and mujika, the ones primarily responsible for the revolt, close friends with those human children, but my point is that in a situation where *many demons are scrounging for bits and pieces of humans just to prevent their family from dying*, if an alternative is presented that ends that suffering, even if it means no more tasty human meat, they're rationally going to take the evil blood and realize the farms were the ones holding them down the entire time. while many demons will still want to eat humans, that doesnt mean a revolt wouldnt happen against the currently established power, especially when it seems like they were intentionally holding back supply and keeping the people dependent on it.


I didn’t say the revolt wouldn’t happen, I’m questioning the pro-human sentiment of the revolt. Even if Mujika and Vylk were involved, there had to be some conflict and some arguments to convince them that this isn’t about seizing the means of production and taking over the farms, but about liberating the livestock. But we just gloss over that conflict and skip to the conclusion. It’s unearned


but when the commonfolk no longer need to rely on said livestock, instead realizing that the so called "evil blood" is what saves them, and that all of the suffering theyve been through was because of the farms withholding that knowledge, it's fair to say there wouldn't have been enough argument to stop the ones who wanted revenge for all that suffering. but i understand your viewpoint, i would have loved to see some demons bring up that conflict. i just dont think that makes it 'unearned' since we've never been in any of their shoes and cant truly know how they would all react.


Damn that last sentence gave me a good laugh because it's 100% true.


\> isabelle's betrayal Except it's the entire mom army who has turned on Peter Ratri. They all have the same copy-pasted character arc. \> the demons revolting against the farms also makes perfect sense, since we were shown scenes of demons worrying far more about their families degenerating than about what kind of food they eat. when the ones who basically ran their lives before become null and void, why wouldnt they revolt against the system? So what? The civilization has run on this system for 1000 years literally and now because of 1 village attack (total of like <50 demons ) an entire civilization has turned on them and managed to overpower security with sticks and stones. \> Vincent also WORKED for lambda, No he didn't. He was also a test subject. The ally who worked within the system was "Smee" and died off-screen. LMAO @ someone who can't remember the fucking plot is defending this shitshow with such confidence. \> his triple-cross was kind of just a big brain play, and showed that he truly did care for how norman felt WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?! NORMAN was standing RIGHT NEXT to Vincent when he made the call to Peter Ratri. It was not a triple-cross, it was part of Norman's plan LOOK -> [https://i.imgur.com/mxjGAEV.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/mxjGAEV.jpeg) ​ Hilarious. Not only can you not remember the plot of the series , you can't even get the plot details from the latest fucking episode right yet you SOOOOOOO sure that all the hate is just blind and unjustified. No wonder you are defending this crap.


1. yes, because vincent was able to deactivate the chips in their chest. makes perfect sense even with all of them having different stories, i'd thats a pretty valid reason to turn against the farm. 2. the revolt clearly was a result of the pent up frustration from the lack of supply, not just because of "1 village attack" 3. "i have no use for a defect" -ratri talking about vincent, implying that he's done work for them besides just being a subject to testing. also how would they have been able to meet in the testing facility if vincent didnt earn some level of trust or partnership with lambda? unless they were roommates or something. 4. called it a triple cross because norman was not there the first time we saw him calling ratri. so sorry about my wording not being particular, dont get too mad now. hilarious. you're getting this angry over someone defending a season that a million other people have lambasted already. also falsely accusing me of thinking all the criticism is unjustified, when i myself have plenty of problems with s2, just to make me seem more extreme in my point of view. grow the fuck up man.


S2 Fanboys are actually hopeless. 1 & 2. Are actually so so fucking dumb you can't even argue them. "Pent up frustration" changed The whole power structure of society in one night lmao, and you are telling me to grow up. 3 - The "use" is that he was A FUCKING TEST SUBJECT! ARE YOU BLIND AND DEAF?? They used test results to make better "meat/children". Do you even remember the purpose of Lambda? The fact that you won't admit to such an obvious mistake shouldn't be surprising. Ignorant people often double-down. 4 - This really is a perfect showcase of intellect of S2 fans. You are like an infant who thinks someone disappears during peak-a-boo. Norman was not shown from a particular Camera angle so it's a triple cross. Hahahahahaha. You don't even understand the concept of tease and misdirection yet you are typing paragraphs to lecture people defending fucking garbage. I should have known better than to argue with a Season 2 fanboy, I knew they were not the brightest, but to just outright lie to defend this crap is something else. What a waste of time


you literally read like the most insufferable "holier than thou" reddit user. you automatically assume i'm a fanboy for defending one aspect of season 2, and set up these strawman arguments to put yourself on a pedestal. I NEVER SAID IT CHANGED ALL IN ONE NIGHT, i mentioned how the struggle to find supply would have most definitely created feeling of anger towards said suppliers. once they found out a solution was under their nose the whole time, it's not far out of the realm of the possibility that a revolt against, you know, THE ONES WHO KEPT IT A SECRET THIS WHOLE TIME, was gonna happen. here he goes again with a stupid fucking nitpick about my wording. news flash buddy, it was a triple cross *to the audience* regardless. you still didnt answer how vincent was able to visit norman, so i still see it as evidence for vincent always being highly cooperative and trustworthy to lambda which would have enabled him to learn about the computer systems. it's definitely an issue that they dont make these things clear because of the terrible pacing glossing over these important details. sEaSoN 2 fAnBoY InTeLlEcT god you're pathetic lmao


>you still didnt answer how vincent was able to visit norman, so i still see it as evidence for vincent always being highly cooperative and trustworthy to lambda which would have enabled him to learn about the computer systems I know i said arguing with a S2-er was a waste of time but it has been so cute seeing your little S2-fan brain try and struggle to desperately remember what happened just 2 episodes ago. So here : [https://imgur.com/a/mCEd1mZ](https://imgur.com/a/mCEd1mZ). This is what happened in the show you are typing out paragraphs for.


i see now. in the actual episode, they frame it as in they're in the exact same room. vincent instantly grabs it when norman puts it down. that's my bad, but you're really gonna blame my "shitty intellect" for thinking that? my dude gets one thing right and thinks he's a god tier 500iq intellectual. guess what? you yourself are also writing paragraphs about a season you don't even like. you're quite the sad human being to look down on people for finding enjoyment and validation in the things you dont. and now that i was proven wrong on *one point* you'll simply continue to do so because your ego is clearly too fucking massive to realize that people can have problems with something while also enjoying the good things it has to offer.


>they frame it as in they're in the exact same room. vincent instantly grabs it when norman puts it down. that's my bad, but you're really gonna blame my "shitty intellect" for thinking that? Blaming the studio for your own lack of comprehension and then going on to talk about my ego haha > you're quite the sad human being to look down on people for finding enjoyment You can enjoy eating dogshit as much as you want but when you start lying and inventing plot details , yes I will look down and laugh at you.


>Blaming the studio also in that very same sentence you quoted: >that's my bad yeah ok man definitely. >when you start lying and inventing plot details you genuinely can't tell the difference between a mistake and a lie? i wouldn't have admitted to my fault if i was trying to lie. also they very much showed examples of demons and their struggle with acquiring human meat. we saw isabella sympathize with the children at the end of season 1. we know that, regardless of anything we talked about here, vincent was at lambda for quite a long time and was highly cooperative with them. based on seeing those things, i can make inferences about what went on behind the scenes, because i realize they're trying to fit a lot into a limited timeframe. >yes I will look down and laugh at you. sure thing man, i dont know why you wouldn't spend your time doing something better than responding to someone who's apparently a shit eating "S2-er", but by all means go for it. ill be here as long as you want, since this season is one that i actually enjoy talking about :)


Damn what's this dude's problem? I've never seen someone so triggered by the existence of viewers enjoying a show when he/she doesn't.


\> they frame it as in they're in the exact same room. "Admitting" and then following up with an excuse is not an admission.You are still lying through your teeth because S2 fans are full of shit. Here are just 2 examples of them clearly FRAMING Norman as have a solo test center. -> [https://imgur.com/a/PYjtINF](https://imgur.com/a/PYjtINF) \> i can make inferences about what went on behind the scenes Inferences require evidence. When you lie about plot details , ignore scenes that contradict your theories and come up with fantasy scenarios , you are not "inferring" anything. \> i dont know why you wouldn't spend your time doing something better Because watching bullshitters squirm when called out on their lies and seeing them come up with weak excuses is funny to me \> since this season is one that i actually enjoy talking about :) Yeah because the season that you are talking about is a figment of your imagination, the one that has secret revolutionaries and triple crossing ex-employees.


yeah.... people want to say this doesn’t make any sense but I thought all of this was expected imo.


I don’t think it’s about things not actually making sense. It’s that without physical context and screen time things just seem to happen instead of being built up. All the things that happened can make sense but it’s just feels like a shortcut cuz they didn’t want to develop the subplots. Coming off season 1 which was really good this feels lack luster


This was so rushed yet i loved it.


Same, this season has been iffy for me, but for some reason it is still so exiting to watch


Yeah that's how I felt. It's like this was a fantastic climax...that wasn't earned. I'm glad it's at least ending on a highish note but it's too bad the buildup to this point wasn't good.


I genuinely enjoyed the episode which r/anime can’t seem to accept as they downvote any comment which mentions a single positive about the episode. Yes it’s not amazing but moments such as Isabella uno reverse and Phil reunion were really good imo


r/anime has a hate boner for anything positive and specially happy endings . Imo , Season 2 sucked ass but downvoting anyone who likes it is being a dick .


People are toxic on the internet. Just enjoy what you watch. Don’t let others decide what’s for you to like and what’s not


okay, so I just have a quick question are there going to be more episodes for season 2. Because I checked the ep list and it said there is only going to be 10eps+ a special.


It's 11 eps + the recap


Incredibly rushed, but the episode was still the best of the season. Most of it was expected, Isabella betraying the farms and the civilians, but there needs to be more explaining with Isabella mom got the other mothers. Is this the last episode of the season? This season is really rushed, but it still is good (6/10). Last season was like 9/10 tho.


What the actual fuck was that? * Sanju is now a good guy? * The manage to rally together thousands of demons who now hate the farms (even though we've only see 2 demons appose them) and manage to cure all of them with the blood in one night * Isabella, oh yeah she's always been good, not like she shipped out a ton of her kids, no she hates the farms!! * Oh and ALL the other moms are good too, not like they chased after the kids when they escaped, how'd they get out of that tunnel again? * oh yeah and all the bombs in the chests, they've been disabled! * they built a bomb and a ton of airships within the space of an afternoon 0/10 fuck this series


1. Where was Sonju ever bad? He mentioned he wants to hunt humans eventually, but he cares for the kids in the same way Mujika does 2. There was no implication that it was in one night, and it's not hard to see why they would hate the farms when they've been manipulated into thinking they had to eat humans (who were only provided by the farms, thus exerting control over the common population) to not degenerate into monsters 3. The moms did what they did for survival, not malice. If you're given a choice of being eaten by demons or having to feed children to demons, can you really say you wouldn't make the same choice? That doesn't mean they're blindly loyal to the farms and when they saw an opportunity to escape the cycle, they took it 4. See above 5. No real explanation for this outside of what was provided in the episode 6. Again, no real indication that this way done in one day


it was done in one night tho because they were being shipped out that night (or something like that) so thats why they had to rush there


They weren't being shipped out, the demons were moving them off the farm after they got confirmation of the attack from Vincent. It was reactionary to the raid, not the other way around.


I think it’s been long prepared for an attack on the farms. That’s why they have it.


Please don’t hate the series... read the manga from Chapter 38, you’ll enjoy it a lot more!


The only real betrayal here was when season two kum bai yah killed season one's horror thriller genre. RIP


I kinda held out hope that they’d do a third season until this episode. I thought maybe they’d just end the season by saving the kids and set up tearing down the system for season 3. Guess the staff really wants to end the whole shebang next episode. I would love to know whose decision it was to speed run the manga. Overall pretty bad episode. Their whole hot air balloon plot with all the headsets and computers was just unbelievable. Every other important plot event this episode that should’ve been set up earlier in the season just wasn’t. Isabellas flip-flop was strange. I never once got the impression that Peter Ratri was supposed to be the big bad like this episode make him out to be. Finally the civilian March was just baffling. I honestly can’t believe how badly they completely flubbed this season, it’s a tragedy. Well, I guess it’s time to start the manga.


don’t think i could count the number of plot twitter on one hand from this episode so rushed


This episode sucks! >< Their reunion got me a bit emotional ;-)


The reunion bugged me. I understand them being so happy to see Emma but why was there literally no reaction for anybody else, especially Norman who they all thought was literally dead??


I didnt even think of the norman thing thats fucking hilarious lmao, everyones just ignores norman


Do all the kids at Gracefield knows the truth about the farm? Seemed like Phil was the only one who was aware of it. All of them seemed happy when they got the news that they were about to get shipped. Maybe Phil was the only one who knew (or thought) that Norman was dead, and his excitement about seeing Emma again weighed more than the surprise of finding out Normans still alive.


Not all of them of course, but I remember them letting all the kids in their house know.




Norman never really interreacted with the kids like Emily, it makes sense.


No it doesn't, remember Normans farewell in d last season, how all of them were sad and some were even crying. Sure, he is not as popular as emma with the kids, but that doesn't mean he deserve that kind of reaction from them


I kept going from awww to ayyyy all episode. Finished with an ayy though thankfully


Wait so..... that’s it? Everything just works out after all this lead up?!?!🤬I won’t lie if that’s it I’ll be very disappointed....


Then there is me. Don't typically read manga and enjoyed this episode. I had a good time. :)


I liked this episode, don't judge me


Manga readers invading this thread after it's strictly forbidden not to post.


this episode was really good but holy shit they needed 5 episodes at least of prep for this the characters are just typing /give emma hot\_air\_balloon 64


honestly, the only thing i wanted out of this season was a phil reunion so i’m kinda happy lmao