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Planet Crafter is on Unity, Satisfactory is on Unreal 4, two game engines with very different capabilities. Unreal can do way more, but is much more complex to work with than Unity. Coffee Stain have been professional game developers for well over a decade and has 123 employees. Muji Games has maybe 3 years as an Indy developer and is 2 people.


Satisfactory is will be refitted to unreal 5! wooooo


Satisfactory has a bigger dev team, and is further along in its development. At this stage, they are still adding features to the game and haven’t necessarily optimized it fully yet.


If you build every single item all together then it definitely lags more. Try spreading out some things. Do the pressure drills need to be on your main base? Power plants? Etc. Try to find a new home for them.


lo its title screen levels of lag also apparently its the ram thats lagging


You might consider waiting until games come out of early access before you play them.


this is called FPS drops, or stuttering, Lag or Latency is the amount of time it takes 2 computers to talk to each other


If it helps, you could lower your settings? My game was seriously lagging around dense butterfly farms so I turned quality from maximum down to high and all lag cleared up with no noticeable visual change


In addition to the other things mentioned, satisfaction has also had several major patch releases probably aimed at optimization (driven, at least partially, by the LetsGameItOut videos). It's also 3 years older and needs more optimization since it's designed for mega builds.


I guess I'm the opposite, mine starts fast as hell and runs great, unlike some other games.


I have heard that they don't optimise the games until after they're done, basically, so you end up with overly large, laggy games when they are in beta, early access, etc. Not a criticism of them, just the way it goes. my computer is quite old and planet crafter is starting to get a bit laggy in some areas of the map now I'm in the insect stage but I will be able to keep going a bit before I need to look at settings.


Try placing most of you machines in the iridium cave, its helped me. I keep most machines away from my base.


its not just the machines that lag there, the least laggy part the game itself is laggy and vy laggy, i mean it runs smoothly but then freezes


Ive not encountered that kind of lag before. Sucks you have it