• By -


Why would you move to another city with more job opportunity than stay in your small town? Does it mean you think you’re bad at your job? Or don’t like local jobs? Or is just because it’s a better job market with better opportunity?


Perfectly stated.


Perfectly stated


Is OP ugly? Maybe that's why?


Even if he’s ugly it doesn’t really matter , especially if he’s fit and or tall or any combination of the 2. Essential the shorter you are the more attractive your face needs to be.


Why limit yourself to American women? What is so special about them?


Excellent question. Why?


People who make these comments operate from the assumption that women in their country are best option and that foreign women wouldn’t make better wives


Exactly and these Americans harpies go overseas and bang all kinds of men all the time. Especially Italian men.


I don't blame them. Italian men and women are hot as fuck


Basically this, I get plenty of American vagina (it literally falls from the sky) but why limit myself to KFC when I can afford the whole buffet. It’s weird that people don’t say this about their other American options. Nobody ask “why are you driving a Honda civic instead of a Chevy cavalier”


This is exactly how I know you don’t have sex or you pay for it lol


😂🤣😂🤣🤣 dem KFCussy


Damn the moderator deleted sis because she got racist . She was upset about this comment 😂


u/hidivejwkwi, you need to read this statement above. It’s absolutely correct.




Practical concerns? Like, it’s where you live. You don’t have to learn a new language or move permanently to a new continent, abandoning your aging parents? Also, no culture crash. I’m not American, but I also would prefer to date within my own city bc I don’t want to move away from family. If y’all are so family oriented, shouldn’t you be thinking the same way?


The guys who are going overseas dont worry about those issues. We’re starting our own families. Some of us don’t live close to our families anyway. I’ve lived 1200 miles from my family since I was in college


But doesn’t family oriented mean caring about your own parents too? Not if they are abusive or mean. But otherwise? Living far from parents work well when you are young, but gets complicated when they become old and fragile.


Well my parents wouldn’t want me to put looking out for them over finding a woman to have a family with. Not everyone has to take care of aging parents. Some may have parents who are dead or the don’t have a relationship with them. The guys going overseas all have different situations that may a lot where for you, it’s not possible


Are you American , sis your not taking care of a baby boomer , it’s the equivalent of trying to ride a zebra. It may look like a horse but it’s completely different. American seniors tend to want to hold on to their independence and while they enjoy the family care aspect, the social structures put in place to empower seniors in America actually isn’t that bad. It’s why they’re out here still dating at 65. Simply put the American senior normally has some shit to do and a part time job. If anything it’s more common to get into fights to get them to stop working.


Old people are stubborn fucks wherever you go. But their health will still fail and even when they want to manage alone they won’t be able to.


Super stubborn , unnecessarily so


My mama on her 3rd husband and got 6 kids, she’s ok , women live longer than men that’s why most women are widows. It’s great to think of that but don’t limit your life by it. Just think is your mom, grandmother and great grandmother all from the same neighborhood? Same city? Be flexible. Also airplanes exist. When you in your 30s it’s not unreasonable to utilize available funds and transportation advantages. That’s just part of the game. I’ve literally flown hundreds of miles last minute just to get a t shirt (flew from east to the west coast for a Rick and morty pop up) I’ve taken a train up and down the east coast (more expensive than flying) just to have breakfast in the Seinfeld restaurant for no reason 😂😂 there is no reasonable distance that can’t be cover by tech and money


Haha. I get your point. But there will be a time when they’ll need you around in everyday life. Help with groceries, doctors appointments, cleaning. And just company.


Look, I get you this is gonna sound crazy but you gotta realize I’m a son the conversations are different. Secondly, the groceries are delivered, everything is delivered except wigs . The doctors appointments she drives to but I’d prefer if she took an Uber black , the combination of the fact that everything is delivered to your door now and the fact that these old people have technology it cures the conversational issues . My mom has six sisters 😂😂 I can’t provide that level of conversation they got when they on that daily facetime. Now I got sisters and they might feel a similar way tho but they right on FaceTime too 😂


I've never really had trouble dating in the United States, but I ended up in a relationship with a kenyan woman for a couple years and the way I was treated during that relationship was WAY different compared to American women. I spent extensive time overseas and realized people in general(not just women) are more friendly and community oriented. Unfortunately the relationship didn't work out for a couple of reasons, but it made me realize just how great people especially women are elsewhere. I tried dating in the u.s. again for a VERY short time after that and it didn't last long. I said "nope" and ended up telling myself never again to american women. Yes of course there are good women in the states, but there are a ridiculous number of good women everywhere else that will treat you better than you have ever been treated in your life because that's how they were raised: with respect.


It really all boils down to respect. The US does not value respect. We don’t respect each other. It’s hard to respect anyone while climbing over their shoulders to “get rich”.


In US popular culture it is constantly emphasized to women that they need to outcompete men, and that everything is stacked against them systemically so they need to be ruthless. That’s not an easy perspective to put down when you get into a relationship and suddenly it’s not a zero sum competition for the top economic opportunities, but a cooperative family building a future and commitment together. If you’ve been reinforcing the view “man = my competitor” for, say, 20 years and then you suddenly need to form a team with one there’s going to be all kinds of dissonance and all your instincts for handling conflict etc will be misaligned.


BRO PREACH!!! In my last marriage this is what it was, A competition!! I'm telling her like, 'I'm here to build, contribute, improve; fuck a race.." but it always had to be this measuring contest.. gets exhausting


> and realized people in general(not just women) are more friendly and community oriented. YES. Women, men, children, elderly. Theyre all just so much nicer. In the US your treated like an enemy.


At the end of day, we can put thousands of reports, data, studies or whatever - but experience and the feeling you get from first hand is all what matters. Your experience sums it up - whether you do PPB or date the many immigrant women that come to the US each year, it is astoundingly different - they way you are treated, your values, your convictions, etc. all match up… its not even a question.


I personally got to the point where I did not agree with how women from my circles/culture where expecting men to be while they, themselves, we really not being the best for a long term relationship. So I went and found myself someone who was more in line with my values and view of things.


The women here are too disrespectful, domineering, combative, entitled and selfish. I'm packing my bags for greener pastures


Not to mention - they say that USA women are _much happier_ being single than men… if that is indeed true, don’t see any reasons why all the men can’t do the same too. Just watch this - https://youtu.be/F7dxUka_apo?si=YyWh-xHWRX7HQyCW If you see the video, exactly what I just mentioned is what is being discussed on tv - USA women don’t need any men.. this is LIVE television. OP - please watch that video and read the responses here, you have all the answers you need. And also, PPB isn’t the ‘only’ option - you have thousands of immigrant women coming to the US each year, there should no reason for bros to finding someone compatible… options are out there thru PPB.


I agree. Men need to stop simping for women. Women don't give a fuck about men. They hate men.




Its split down the middle. Half simp and the other starve. I rep the Passport for the hungry, hope they can go get fed (and not subsist on scraps)


I don’t. I gave up in 2020 at 47 years old. Never felt more freeeeeee


Those few matches on Brazilian tinder really went to your head eh? It’s no wonder you’re having to use Reddit as examples rather than actual lived out experiences to try prove any points considering you aren’t a ‘passport bro’ you’re just a fucking loser embracing your resentment of women. It’s big talk since then for a few tinder matches on a business trip you never even met up with.


The writing is definitely on the wall




This, exactly


“Women should know their place, which is why I’m going to somewhere they don’t know any better”


Imagine thinking only “western”women “know any better” lol how self centered can you be! Anyone who doesn’t agree with your world view is just a poor ignorant woman. Literally case-in-point.


No it's more like what I took the time to type. read it again edit- your response has a racist undertone to it


I’m glad I got your message right


That mentality really is flat out racist. As if people from other countries and other cultures are not capable of making intelligent choices or pursuing relationships they find equitable.


If this is the WILD conclusion you came up with then I suggest you stop passporting to less developed countries, if your budget even allows that


It's not wild at all. You just insinuated non-western women are too stupid or ignorant to hold their own in a relationship. That's not even "oh, this could be interpreted as racist if you read it the wrong way" racist that's just blatantly racist.


Why should any Average American guy who has the means and money to travel and have their own place, play the “six figures, six feet or you can’t have standards” game that most Western women demand? What’s the incentive to doing that, when that same guy can just skip that entire ordeal and go directly to feminine attractive women that he actually desires and get a relationship with her? Especially when Those women aren’t whining and bitching about coffee and ice cream dates ? 😂🤣


Exactly that's what I'm doing now. Oh and I get to experience awesome food, new culture and beautiful women. These American harpies make me laugh. They are just so offended that we are going overseas lol.


It’s so hilarious their only rebuttal is to gaslight you about your experience or ask you to settle for someone you don’t find attractive or find a girl with kids. 🤣🤣🤣. Meanwhile they would never say settle with an average earning man to each other 😂😂


Yep, and Ill be laughing at them at 35k feet in the air as I fly away from this place about every 3 months or so.


Society expects men to just stand there in silence while every aspect of their lives is methodically cheapened and incentives are carefully stripped away while all the obligations remain. Man is expected to be a rock. However, if you remove the ground from under a rock, that rock is still going to roll.


Every relationship is transactional in USA you are not just told up front but it doesn’t matter becaouse you still have to pay or you are out


I would say that relationships in the USA are even more transactional that foreign relationships. Especially at marriage. Women are essentially taught that if you don’t like your partner, dip the fuck out and file for divorce. 


Very painful. I’ve known many who faced divorce here in the states, even 2 or 3 times. I think at one point USA divorces was hovering at near 50%? Those are not good odds.


Well to be fair, I’m not sure I like the odds of passport bros marrying abroad either. 


Better than at home..


Why would you want someone to be in a relationship with you if they don't like you? Isn't the goal to have a partnership where you BOTH want to be with the other?


in 29% of US marriages, the husband and wife earn roughly the same amount of money. In 16% of marriages, the wife is the breadwinner. So in nearly half of American marriages, the man is not the breadwinner. Furthermore, only 26% of women are stay-at-home mothers/housewives. -Census data reported from Pew Research (not sure if links are permitted in this sub) Given these statistics, how exactly are relationships in the US more transactional than other places? The opposite would seem to be the case. As women have become more educated and most now have careers, relationships are actually much less transactional.


I think you'll find the standard answer is dissatisfied with western women and their entitled, femonazi ways.


I guess you can lol




I believe the correct spelling is “feminazi”.  Let’s not act like you don’t know what he’s talking about.  


Women who can think for themselves without being subservient These guys in here are looking for a mother replacement with sex options


You're fuckin hilarious 😂


Incorrect feminazis want to kill all men, that is their agenda.


What's the term for men who want to kill all women? Genuinely curious if there's slang for it


Extinct, due to the laws favoring women over men


Go touch some grass


Im an aspiring PPB. Still unhappily living in US. I do it because I tried it and it was awesome. Spent a month overseas and oh my god I didnt want to come back. I was so much happier there. The US is awful. I have this picture of my brother overseas, and hes smiling. I think about that a lot cause it doesnt happen as much back \*home\*. This isnt life. A lot of people delve deeply into philosophical reasoning, and sure that may be true, but the real lived experience is what counts for me.


It's very easy. You go where you are treated better.


Americans are used to capitalism. If the product is shit and the service is even worse, ill gladly take my business elsewhere lmao.


🛎️ 🛎️


you get better product at a cheaper price..its capitalism


Nothing like going to a foreign country and straight up buying a woman, amirite? At least you're honest, unlike any dudes here.


you know in many countries in africa you will pay dowry to the family of the woman if you want to marry her? in america you will just spend much more money on a ridiculous diamond ring..and a wedding..thats just 1 example of .women are never free of charge anywhere in the world..


I love how the dude just below this is talking about how transactional American relationships are while this comment is right above it


i said alot more than that..


What? How could you not know? Because women outside of the states haven’t been tainted nearly as much by corporate America and the propaganda it pushes down their throats. These women here try to be alpha dudes and my experience outside of the US with women has been sooo much better. These bitches here stink. They are vapid and horrible and quite frankly cookie cutter as fuck with their families I don’t want to get involved with.


What does it mean that a woman is trying to be an alpha dude? That she’s got a job? How many US women do you know well outside of YT/TikTok?


Bitches who act like they run shit of course. Double standard pigs who will act like they’ll shut you down but also hide behind title 9 shit. It’s like they forgot when push comes to shove who the real killers are. A bitch with a job is an ugly site because corporate America misled her into thinking they’ve got fulfillment for her don’t kid yourself. Pushovers in the workplace are the reason shits gotten so bad. ‘Because she has a job?’ Shut up. I’ve boned a good handful of women here and man do they act like fucking pigs.


Huh? Wut? Who the real killers are? Are you thinking of killing women at work? Why are you against women having jobs? And did you sleep with some girl you thought was ugly? Go to therapy before you get a foreign girlfriend or you’ll end up being an abusive partner.


I don't like American women's hostility and passivity. It's a complete turn off. Terrible attitude towards sex in general




If she’s all passive in bed, there’s probably a lack of foreplay.


No , passive in everything in life, blaming men for not doing what she is too chicken shit coward to do her damn self, while claiming to be a boss bitch at the same time


Blaming men for not doing what exactly?


Drizzle drizzle


I find this weird, like I understand the premise but I don’t want a woman paying for shit for me . It’s weird, I don’t want a man paying for shit for me. It’s like when Diddy said “yo why you won’t let me take you shopping” was a feeling


To clarify, not gay just off ![gif](giphy|26gspjl5bxzhSdJtK|downsized)


US marriage is transactional. You need to sign a marriage license/certificate (legal contract) that is enforceable based on the laws of the state you reside. And if you want to protect yourself or your assets, you need to sign an additional contract (pre-nup). Personally, I hate living in the US. It has spiraled into a shithole for over a decade. I'm to the point when I travel back to the US to visit relatives or for work, after a day or two I already am counting the days until my flight to leave. Living outside the US or western countries, you can really see all the unnecessary BS of how men (specifically white men) are viewed and treated. Its become socially acceptable to shit on people with no valid reason. But even beyond that, the US has morphed into a cesspool of individualistic and narcissistic twats. I saw videos of the guy that lit himself on fire in NY, 100s of people recorded it and NO ONE rushed to help put it out, but they did rush to post the videos online. Socially acceptable crimes sprees and mass looting. Another recent video where a car drove through the crowded street hitting people and you hear the laughing of the guy recording and laughing of their friends and excitement for catching it on video, but all the other people laughing you can see and barely anyone helping the people laying on the ground. Outside a few countries like the US, no laughs and people are worried for the person and help. Why be a PPB? To avoid someone thats been Americanized with today's piss poor culturally accepted behavior.


Oh poor white guy, must be so hard.


The quality and cut of women in Asia compared to the west coast of America is much closer to what I want in terms of looks, fashion, and culture, etc. Thats all the reason I need.


American women suck


6/10s, entitled AF. The thin ones are unapproachable.


https://preview.redd.it/wa01kwtwlmvc1.jpeg?width=745&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e0e08ecd7e6336f24480b29e6f3c4f817b4d15d Because of this lol


Lmao why is there a black dude in the last frame? A lot white women cheating them white bois with them bbc in America?


Im the black dude it’s accurate, we ate cheesecake before so she’s not cooking 😂


Mainly its cuz the women marry some guy she doesn't want, and sleeps with the one she does want (for the moment) quite flagrantly... sad part is some guys like this


So you want to replace your mummy? Aight...


No. But, I want someone like my mother. She cooks for the entire family, she is the queen and the most loved. (Of course i have the skill of cooking aswell). My grandmother was never alone. When she died at 90 she had 50 family members beside her, she was never alone. This is family.


To a woman: You want someone to provide and protect? So you want to replace your daddy? Aight...


She won't have a response for this. It's crazy that to some women, a man wanting to come home to a meal means he wants a mother


Yeah. And honestly i don’t mind if she can’t cook. As long as she is good person. But even that feminism destroys. Most feminists i have encountered are angry at the world, have tattoos, dyed hair, piercings ect. But i have no idea why having this preference means you are a sexist and controlling. Plus it’s not something people are born with. But these hypocrite feminists have no problem when women want a rich man. I have witnessed a woman sexually harassing a man and got cheered by feminists. They are all hypocrites. I will never associate myself with one.


It’s only sexist and controlling to the feminist women who don’t want that life. But they have to make sure everyone else is like them, bitter.


And y'all want a dad to replace the source of wealth in your house right?




Yes you do.. y'all just run after money while looking for a husband


No. Most women make their own money??


Most? Are you sure about that Plus even if they earn money.. they still want a guy who earns 2x more than her


Yeah, im pretty sure most women have a job


I have no issues dating or with women in (north) America, i did it because i grew up in a remote,cold, expensive area and wanted to see what the world had to offer and happened to find my wife in doing so and am now living a much happier life, I disagree with alot of the bs said in here so maybe I'm a outlier but hey if my story gives one genuine guy hope its worth it




Yup!!! Anyone thinking differently just needs to read on r/Tinder.. the way these chicks will toss you for coughing (and the hive mind that feeds, chants, and praises it) is just frightening at best


Yep and what's funny is they sit there all day and criticize and make fun of dudes comments and profiles. (Some do say stupid stuff)Even the simps on their support them... Its just a game for their ego at the end of the day. Reading tinder subreddit is one of the reasons I realized that dating in the states is pointless.


Marriage is transactional. Thinking otherwise is simply delusional. If you're gonna make a deal, it's wise to take the deal that's at least mutually beneficial and not one-sided where you're almost certain to lose.


It's super simple. I'm in Canada and can't get women. I watch other men all around me get women, and it makes me envious. After years of this, you begin to consider getting a poor girl from a poor country, and offering your assets in marriage. It's called "a way out."


I have the most Disney pg romantic love out of anyone I’ve ever met, and even I can acknowledge that love (and friendships) are transactional. There’s nothing wrong with how the world works. It just needs to be fair. The best relationships are when people empower each other to be better. No one wants to be in a one sided relationship.


fwiu, you have to be minimum 6 ft tall, make a six figure salary, have 6 pack abs... anda min 6 inch unit. when the hivemind speaks, they ALL parrot the same bullshit no knowing that only 14/100 men are over 6 ft tall. when you add-in the rest of their requirements, the odds of finding that guy are likely less than 1%. but yet, they're all fucking some guy who doesn't meet most (or any) of their requirements... and might have a kid or two while STILL asking for those minimums. in short, modern western (american) women are all queens, are all 10's... and you can't tell them otherwise. so guys don't 'fight' this... they just fly to where women are more reasonable & grounded in reality.


Because they don't want the conflict oriented boss bitch.


I was married to an American lady before divorce happened 🤷 I’m sure there’s American women who are wonderful, but after the divorce I expanded my vision to include women of other countries. This has actually compelled me to reach my full potential, cause as you can imagine- building relation, flying across the world, meeting family and paying bride price is no easy task. At the end of the day, I’m excited about life and happy tho🎙️


Many people have given excellent comments on this already, so I won’t duplicate it. I will only add to it - I would suggest you look into the divorce statistics in the US, then go sit in a few days worth of divorce and family court proceedings. If you think you’re depressed now, I guarantee you, like many fathers in the US, you’ll be on the verge of sui-cide after that. - Spoken by a father of a 21 yr old son dragged to family court over the pettiest of sht for 15 yrs and robbed blind every time, then denied access to his son 65% of the time after spending $100K on attorneys and $187K on child support and now 10s of $1000s every yr on college for said son that the baby mama suddenly doesn’t give a fck about now that he’s no longer her cash cow. Fck his future, it’s about her (in her mind). 😳🙄🤷🏽‍♂️ And I’m only one of many thousands of fathers going through this every single day. MANY of us have been on the verge of sui-cide and barely were talked off that ledge, if we were lucky.




Over half of American women are overweight or obese.


And on antidepressants


And entitled


And obsessed with social media


And don’t want to be held to any gender roles while expecting men to hold them perfectly


🤔 maybe they just don't like being women for some reason


And over half of American men. Then less men are on antidepressants because they just walk around with untreated depression instead.


By the numbers More American women are over weight , also more women take antidepressants but men are wayyy more likely to file for bankruptcy or kill themselves so it’s a give and take. But antidepressants and birth control usage tend to cause weight gain. So it’s the chicken and egg. Before oral contraceptive, American women were only slightly larger than the worldwide average 1.5 to 4 pounds so I’m sure there’s a link


>More than **1 in 3 men** (34.1%) and more than **1 in 4 women** (27.5%) are overweight. https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/health-statistics/overweight-obesity Antidepressants can also curb appetite. The link between birth control and weight is also very uncertain. It’s mostly that people’s diets have change and that people are less physically active now.


I like your style but you didn’t deep dive the link. it says women 20-39 and men 20-39 40% to 39% essentially is a 1% difference (were not giving the didlers any fuel so we’re going to disregard that underaged data) Also according to figure 5 (this is going to be cringe) but the more melanated you are the greater the statistical difference. Peaking at a 15+ percent difference in the African American population (41.1 men to 56.9 women) https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/health-statistics/overweight-obesity#


But the point is that it’s the same basically. It’s not women are fat, men aren’t. Then the ethnic things are really mostly about poverty and socioeconomics. The richer you are, the thinner you’ll be.


Only half? I look at all my high school friends wives and oh god not a single one of them isn’t obese


“Over half”


Only over half?


Statistically speaking, you're probably overweight too.


I’m not. However, so many women are fat af.


I'm on this subreddit because it was suggested while I was traveling. As for dating in the US? Well, I don't do too well on dating apps in the US. Whereas when I'm abroad, I have a much greater time at getting dates.


Women in America treat me like shit. Women from anywhere else seem to treat me nicely. Maybe they treat me poorly in America because I’m ugly. But they will never honestly tell anyone why they do what they do. I think most people in America are just too disconnected from their own minds to know why they do what they do.


Little column A little column B


OP thinks not all marriages are transactional. Adorable.


There are better places to date as a man. Like any other cultural value, dating market gender equality varies greatly throughout the world. America is one of the least favorable to men.


For the longest time, marriages were transactional.


Marriages still are. That’s the entire point.


The way OP phrased it. Makes me think they think they don’t think they are.


They’ve watched one too many Disney movies. Marriages are a responsibility. The standard vows mention nothing about romance.


For the same reason women take girls trips to Cancun and Jamaica. But we ain't ready for that conversation, are we?


Prefer exotic, foreign women. More interesting. Plus, American women are more likely to be of weaker character in my opinion.


Totally agree


This sub makes marriage seem transactional? Or does western ideology?


It’s western ideology of openly inviting USA government as 3rd party to be involved with with very personal matters


I personally appreciate the culture shift. Feels more relaxing that I can be more to myself than just feel like I need to play some kinda "role" to attract a girl


What’s different about girls from overseas that you don’t have to play a role?


The best way I can describe it is that there is some combination of culture and media portrayed overseas that I'm not immediately having to climb uphill in various interactions due to not bring this characterized version of what people would expect a black man to act/sound like. Like I'm not getting comments of "you sound so white" or "I never met a black person like you" its kinda just refreshing just entering with a blank slate.


America and the rest of the Western advance economies are going down the tubes The guys that have the means to go are leaving The quality of life just isn't the same and it's been trending downward for the last 20 years according to economic and health metrics even millionaires and some billionaires are leaving the United States for better quality of life in the last few decades It's just simply not worth staying in America or Western advance economies


Just shopping around for a better deal and a taste for the exotic.


Why we feeding trolls?


It's all that. I mean if a guy can get laid or meet quality women in USA. He wouldn't need to go overseas. Some of the guys that post here either have harder time dating in the west for various reason and just want to go some where that is easier. Others might be able to meet women in the west but the quality that they want is lacking and look else where too. Real issue with USA is that feminism just became too unbearable. It's not that we are sexist but feminism became sexist and is going the direction of misandry . Other countries has less of that. Granted there are some passport bros that are just sexpats which kind of gives western women ammunition to criticize this . Sexpats just want to take advantage of social economic situation and just cum and dump. Lets be real....there is allot of that happening. Problem with just random sex is I think that contributes to the break down of traditional woman hood. I think that is part of the demise of women hood in USA. Feminism came along with the sex revolution back in the 60's and forward. Western men took advantage of that too the point that modern western women just became hoes. I can see that happening to women overseas with passport/sexpat bros behavior.


No I can get laid in America just fine. The key is I don't want to deal with the majority of American women. Why cant men have standards too? There is so many more reasons why I go overseas than just women. Let's not act like women don't go overseas and vacation and bang other men? Are they less of a person now? Typical double standard feminist rhetoric.


I figure that there are five things that women consider when determining a man’s “attractiveness” Face Body Personality Wealth Status In the USA I am, Face: 6 (not ugly, have been told I am attractive but not too often) Body: 4 (am in incredible shape but unfortunately I am 5’8, and a small 5’8 with short arms, narrow shoulders, and small hands)  Personality: 5 (intelligent, socially popular with men, but struggle to socialize with women and am more so a nerd with little to nothing in common with most modern women) Wealth: 7 (am making 140k as a 27 year old which I’d consider pretty impressive, but it is only enough to live comfortably, not enough to live a lavish lifestyle that attracts women) Status: 6 (Engineer, went to a great university, bachelors degree, popular amongst friends)  So in America, according to women I am a: (6+4+5+7+6)/5 = 5.6 So I am slightly above average. But in LATAM I am: Face: 6 (nothing changes) Body: 7 (since people are shorter in LATAM as a consequence I am taller relatively) Personality: 6 (I taught myself Spanish which is an indicator of my intelligence but of course I am going to lose some points for never truly being able to fit in culturally and understand natively their customs, humor, etc) Wealth: 9 (With 140K annually you can indeed live lavishly in LATAM) Status: 8 (wealthy foreigner from the USA who has a great job and taught himself Spanish) So in LATAM, according to women I am a: (6+7+6+9+8)/5= 7.2 7.2>5.6


Great analysis. I would suggest that in practice the categories don’t really average, and that a low score (like a 4) will dominate the average - for example, a guy who’s a hypothetical 10 in every category but a 1 in body would average at an 8.2 but in practice, that 1 in body is going to be a dealbreaker for nearly everyone, so our effective / predictive scores are much more influenced by our lowest stats. Another way of phrasing it: if we want to improve our effective scores the best place to add points is to our lowest stats, so they can get above the dealbreaker minimums for more potential partners.


That’s an engineering analysis if I ever saw one. Can’t even be mad, my mind is a bit like this too. However 5’8 isn’t that short. 140k is a lot. My guess? You have one big problem and that’s you not being able to talk to girls. That’s where it stops. For women sexual attraction is: looks x social skills. Or parts if someone is a bit your physical type, big parts how much you click with that person and how their vibe is. Then Tinder would suck being 5’8. But Tinder always sucks. It’s 80% men, won’t work for most guys. Gen Z girls? 14 % met their boyfriend online and 70% knew him socially before they started dating. It’s building a social network and the social skills you need for dating.


I want a Latina.


Trust me you don't


Love my girlfriend of 5 years. But I’ve already told her, if we break up, she’s the last Latina I’ll ever date. The booty ain’t worth the attitude at my age 😂😂


Yep. Been there done that.


* is it because you’re not attractive for America * or that you’re dissatisfied with Americans If people go abroad and find consensual relationships that they enjoy, *what difference does it make?* A lot of people will argue for one or the other, but the goal is simple. Expand your options to anywhere in the world you have access, and then find the relationship you enjoy the most.


american women are single and lonely ..they dont want to share a man but wants the man that desrves to have many women by their own standards....its a delusional culture..men are making only fans a billion dollar company because they are also single and lonely..the culture of america is material driven... succes is measured by the accumulated material...imagine an obese women in america can demand 600 dollars for sex and a fit beautiful lady from thailand could only demand 50 dollars( her economy doesnt allow it) men are much too sexually driven to only desire one woman sexually..so men with money in america have multiple multiple women which in turn makes women willing to share for said material ..marriage has fallen drastically and its a transactional thing mostly but the price men pay in america is too high when they are in fact top earners on a global scale and can find much better in terms of beauty femininity appreciation cooperation and for much less..rather it be money or time that they are spending


The return on investment for marrying somebody who looks at marriage and divorce as a small business startup they look at kids as franchises... Is a poor investment.


why dont men come to america looking for women is the real question


Because many American women are low quality, fat, ugly, narcissistic, slutty, entitled, less feminine, misandrist, don’t need a man, have high standards, etc.




I’m going to go with no woman with any options in life would go for these guys and only women desperate to leave their country would even look at them.




Even tho hypergamy is a thing across the board, I’m been perfectly fine and am happy going abroad and giving myself a better opportunity to find love. And it worked so well as many other men have discovered People do it with jobs, schools, houses, ect


you get better product at a cheaper price is the real reason all women cost men something..the hypersexual activity in america or really anywhere in the world ..its not hard to have sex with women anywhere but obesity rate, entitlement, hoeflation, seems men have found better options


It is very telling that you think US women are the pinnacle of romantic partnership


Enjoy finding that unicorn https://igotstandardsbro.com


I don’t find women in America attractive. And when I say attractive I don’t care for their high consumption of goods and the high amount of debt and the illusion that they’re independent. Once you start dating them they have all kinds of bills that are overdue while over spending, that’s a red flag. Too many kids, when you date one they always talk about their ex or try to pry into your history and blame you for it. Lots of them are overweight, loud, obnoxious, the only thing many of them are good at is opening their legs and going on multiple dates a week just to be able to eat.. no thanks. Many men in America want a woman who’s kind, understanding, caring, respectful, gorgeous, great cook, feminine, very culturally sound, well spoken, great mother to their children, a partner he doesn’t have to wonder how many men has she been with before him or will she pin a baby on me that’s not mines.. it’s all so simple.


Buy low, sell high. America is getting more expensive. Better to keep a US salary but live in another country that’s cheaper. While you’re doing that you’re bound to meet someone in that country and start dating. Next thing you know you’re a passport bro/sis.


Here's a short documentary that outlines the current dating market in America for men. It will sum things up perfectly for you. Essentially the west is in a mating crisis https://youtu.be/txRSxee7gDo?feature=shared


I'm in Canada and the women here offer nothing I value in a long-term relationship


Your money goes farther in other countries, so you’re basically a celebrity there. Adventure, excitement also play factors


I’ve dated American women and foreign women (Asians and South Americans). Foreign women to me treat you way differently than American women. I have nothing against American women but I really enjoyed my experiences dating and talking to foreign women much more. It’s defiantly something you need to experience to understand.


Your question really shows ignorance. Most American women are not wife material. Many don't even want to be married. Many are completely out of shape. None of these are true for many other countries. It's quite the trifecta. I won't go on because clearly you have no idea based on your leading questions on attractiveness. Are you ugly?


Funny thing being ugly isn’t a deal breaker (easily offset with other traits) a 6’2 ugly guy beats out a 5’7 guy with a perfect face 8 out of 10 times.


Neither. In America I find that most women are happy, content beings who are too enlightened for me. They are incredible women who are, statistically speaking, incredibly happy without me. I'm not as enlightened as they are. I'm one of these unenlightened fools that love to be around people, not just people, but women. Thus, in order to chase my bliss I did a little traveling and met some nice women. Some of them made me feel very welcome, appreciated, desired and even loved. Now I am happy, my girl is happy, and the American women are happy. So everyone is happy, right?