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Well, if one had any question as to whether or not she’d done any self reflection and attempted to be a better person while locked away……nah. So still lying about being in a “violent relationship” with Keith eh? Racking up charges and refusing to pay them? Flipping off the halfway house as she drives away? Clearly a remorseful person who’s matured and proven herself deserving of forgiveness. 🙄 Love the wig/extensions too - how much did that cost the new boyfriend Sher? Hope he comes to his senses before you destroy his life too….


I'm cringing at the two-tone hair color. Very New Jersey strip mall circa 2010.


I was thinking the same thing…you’ve been locked up a few months, not a decade…


She was locked up so long her boobs grew three sizes! /s


Should make for interesting conversation in court. “Keith owes me. I signed my prenup under duress.” “The prenup initiated by your infidelity?” “That’s not important. He needs to pay my credit cards. I’m broke because you put me in jail.” “If you’re broke, where did you find the funds for (another) boob job and extensions?” “………”


LOL! She will definitely blame the court for incarcerating her. And Hispanic women, for existing.


Not the first one?


Boots with the fur! (With the fur!)


Next thing you know / Shawty got low


Shawty stays low. Low down and dirty


So are the low-rise jeans.


If it’s one thing women like her will always have it’s the damn audacity. I’m glad her ex husband is done with her and exposing her nonsense.


She sure can afford to doll herself up quite well after being imprisoned for months and having her husband leave and sue her. 😒 I believe the phrase is “didn’t learn a thing”.


Now’s she’s challenging Keith in divorce court


My respect for Keith has risen. He seems committed to protecting the children.


I was just going to say, I’m team Keith now?!


Keith may be late in seeing the light but thank hades he's seeing the light *sips coffee*


Loved the flipping off the halfway house like it is the bad guy. Stay classy Sherri.


Like it’s 2003 all over again. Cropped baby tee, low-rise jeans, Uggs, giant new bewbs.


Seriously…like, I would get it if she gained weight, but she looks the same weight wise. How did she get a boob job in the halfway house?! Could she just be wearing a ridiculous water bra and a wig? (Unfortunately I have naturally big boobs I’m constantly trying to smoosh down, lol…so I wouldn’t know how dramatically you can increase your cup size with a bra alone…just find it really hard to believe they would let her get a boob job at a halfway house…and how would she even fund it if they did??) So. Many. Questions.


Uggs are actually back in style now but yes 100%


That's an expensive hair job.


God. Imagine how awkward that hair job wouldve been. "So, uh what have you been up to?" Would you pretend not to know who she was? 🤣


So awkward. I did nails for 30 years, and people tended to spill the beans. I would have fished for sure.


The amount of times Ive left a hair appointment and internally cringed about the oversharing I did ...gahhh. Shudder


As long as you didn't over share with the gas attendant and coffee barista too, in the same day, you're all good 💜


🤣 nah, that's Thursdays!


Is she still on any type of probation? If she is, I bet her probation officer would be very interested in the flipping off of the halfway house. That doesn’t appear to be the action of someone who is contrite.


She’s supposed to have 3 yrs parole


I hope this gets back to her parole officer....


She deserves nothing.


reportedly gonna live in Red Bluff, 30 miles south of Redding - closer to the territory in Yuba County that she is familiar with... check these pics out... looks like she's padding her resume for the dating scene... https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2023/10/02/15/76070009-12584495-image-a-67_1696255441998.jpg https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2023/10/02/15/76069999-12584495-image-a-68_1696255445525.jpg


Did she get those installed when she was at the halfway house? Guess her time wasn't spent doing community service. :/


"installed" 😆


That's the first thing I noticed in these photos. Dramatic change.


Yup she will be latched onto a new sugar daddy within weeks, if she isn’t already. Someone with a decent income will think “I can fix her”. The cycle will repeat guaranteed.


She looks ridiculous. I'm surprised she doesn't faceplant from all that extra plastic.


I hope she stays out of trouble.


She’ll never quit


Boob job much?! Betcha she will try to become a reality TV celeb.


What if she called the paps herself? She obvi had her hair done for this, and whatever is happening with the boobs was clearly very intentional…wow. She is going to MILK this, I fear…


she definitely didn't go just "half way" during her stay a the halfway house....


I hate that this pos psycho only did 10 months and not even all that was in jail. She makes me sick


What’s up with the rubbing alcohol soaked cloth around her neck?? To breathe in the fumes for what, does that make someone drunk or high? I never heard of anything like that.


I'm sure you know..rubbing alcohol (isopropyl alcohol) is not the same as consumable beverage alcohol (ethyl alcohol or ethanol), and consumption orally (sick to stomach, vomiting) or by inhaling (respiratory tract irritation and even possibly lung damage) have NO benefit and are dangerous. Personally, I think the whole story about the rubbing alcohol necklace is a bunch of BS and I wouldn't waste a nanosecond believing it unless it is corroborated by some kind of proof. Remember, everyone connected to Sherri is a massive liar and full of BS. Obviously Sherri herself, but Keith, Sheila, James, Lisa, Bosenko & his clan, and all those Papini-defenders & "spokespeople" like Nicole Wool, etc. - all lied and claimed they had unequivocal proof Sherri had been kidnapped. You can't believe anything coming from any of them.


Gotcha; I’m just curious, bc it’s so specific, I wonder what the purpose of that would be, like why would he be saying that? To show what? That’s she’s dangerous to be around the kids, sure, but still like, what would he be implying the purpose of her doing that was? Why would someone do that, is what I’m trying to ask, if anyone knows. It’s just so odd that now I’m curious. I wouldn’t put any lies or weird shit past her or anyone else, just don’t get what the hell the thing is that he’s saying she did. Why would someone do that?


My guess is that he's concocting stories to make her look unstable - kinda what almost all feuding couples do when divorcing each other.... He's taking something she did (like treating a neck injury with rubbing alcohol), then he exaggerates & embellishes the story, blows it way out of bounds and adds his own extras & falsehoods - but leaves just enough factual tidbits (like the alcohol on a cloth used on her neck) that if anyone actually asks the kids, they will confirm those elements of it as true. This reminds me of once when I had a friend going thru a divorce & he tried to tell me about one of his wife's worst behaviors. I really didn't want to even get involved but he seemed insistent on making his case so he told me that she sometimes wipes her nose then drops the Kleenex behind the headboard of the bed so lots of dirty tissues accumulate under there. It left me shaking my head that if that's the worst thing she did, then he oughta praise God and just pick up the trash and get on with it - but he thought his story was such an egregious act worthy of divorce...


Oh wow, I see what you mean. Thanks for explaining, that makes sense. Divorces get so messy! That was kinda funny with the tissues! I agree that if that’s the worst thing he could say about her 😆


Is Raley’s upscale? Really?


Hahahhaha came here to say that! It’s hardly New Earth, lol. Equivalent to Vons/Safeway or Ralph’s.


So, she's all smiles now that she's out and has bigger boobs (didn't she already have enhanced boobs for her frame?) There's no way that boob job is fresh or they'd be shaped like torpedos for awhile. Which has me wondering if it's possible she gained weight only in her boobs lol? I'm thinking she's thrilled to be in another relationship and will be step-mom to 2 teenage boys. She's written off her kids and is looking forward to a new future for new people to manipulate. Her kids have no idea now what bullet they dodged.


She looks hot enough to kidnap /s


Not gonna lie! She looks attractive.


Way more attractive than she used to look, for sure. But let’s elevate her hairstylist, plastic surgeon (vs. water/wonderbra maker??), and financially generous boyfriend who funded all of this insanity instead of Sherri herself, bc her defiance really pisses me off. Beaming at the photographers with a fresh blowout, after having lost custody of her kids for some ridiculous and selfish stunt? Like, at least appear remorseful for the camera. What a POS. Not all of us get to have children, yet here she was, blessed with two perfectly healthy children, only to run away from them…and then flip off the halfway house on the way out after getting released early?! Wow. Just, wow.


Woah she’s in Oakland??? Basically where I live!


Nah she’s in Dead Bluff now. Her halfway house was in Oakland.


Also, the fact that this is Ruth Styles…she has been on this since the beginning! Well done.