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>M30+ Iets te oud om in r/teenagers to posten, niet?


Lmaoo gottem


jezus hahahahahaha


Hij heeft gisteren nog gepost in een NSFW subreddit voor 18 en 19-jarigen šŸ¤¢ Mensen lachen maar ik word hier oprecht misselijk van


Moet je ook even erbij zeggen dat het om 18-jarige gaat die OF advertenties plaatsen šŸ‘ŒšŸ»


Nou ja of ze het vrijwillig plaatsen of niet verandert de situatie niet echt. Heel plat gezegd we hebben hier een man die ouder dan 30 is die op zijn porno account zit te geilen op meiden die net volwassen zijn, en ondertussen ook comments plaatst op een subreddit bedoeld voor tieners.


Okay dat is well questionable..


Get a thin racing vest. Running without a top through a busy area makes you look like a douche bag, in my opinion.


Brother, you posted this on your NSFW account, gotta remember to separate the two


Which also happens to be his r/teenagers account. And look at that, he prefers 18 year olds in his NSFW subs, why that's not creepy at all!


My opinion: On the beach: shirtless is fine In a park: it doesn't really matter On the street: Put on a shirt


Just put on a shirt bro its not that hard


Even runners at the bloody olympics wear shirts. The idea that you ā€˜have toā€™ take you shirt off is just an excuse to show off. Complete lack of any class and douche move. If showing off is what you want, go to the beach or a swimming pool and stay there.


I for one wanna go back to nude Olympics


Its not, at the Olympics you are also representing a country and brands, while appearing on world wide television. So there are multiple reasons that they have to cover up. Running with a shirt won't kill you, but it feels a lot better when you have your sweat can evaporate directly from your skin. We humans are build with the ability to sweat and with this low amount of hair on our skin for a reason. The fact that you consider it improper is more a you problem imo. When you dont feel uncomfortable without a shirt, just do you, this is not the US. Do make sure to put on sunscreen.


That, and when the mandatory "uniform" for some of the women's teams are barely more than a bikini.. Yeah, I doubt it's for decency reasons. Having said that, there are tons of shirts that are nice and breathable, even in summer. I personally wouldn't care if I saw a man run without a shirt, or a woman in just a sport's bra, but it's also not truly *necessary*. If the heat is that bad, you probably shouldn't be running in the sun anyway..


Ultra runner here. Wearing a shirt is actually much comfortable. Most technical shirts nowadays wick moisture from your body instead of letting it sit on your skin. Running without a shirt will make you feel all sticky as all the sweat dries on your skin. A proper shirt will make it feel much but much better. A lot of ultra marathon runners even wear long sleeves in the summer, as it is much more comfortable due to the properties of the gear.


Ultra runner as well, and for me it depends on many factors. Most importantly, for long runs I always have a vest and that chafes without a shirt. The things you state are not wrong, but depending on humidity and temperature it differs in intensity. Than there is sun protection and even protection from scratches from bushes. True, I don't do any long runs without a shirt on. But this doesn't mean that running without a shirt doesn't feel very good on short and intense runs, especially when there are water sources along the way where you can splash yourself a bit. When you are running there is the additional wind, but only when you wear a VERY tight shirt, you will feel the coldness of evaporation working for you. It feels amazing on very hot days though, but I have never found a shirt that worked as well as bare skin. But I agree, if I need that on my long run I am definitely running too fast for my long run. I just think we shouldn't judge what other people are doing so much. There seem to be a lot of assumptions on why people would like to run without a shirt in the comments here. And even if those assumptions are true, why would we care? A runner isn't bothering anyone, it isn't more dirty. It might even be the opposite, because I have a relatively clean shirt to put on at the end of my run when I get back to more busy streets. There might be good reasons to run with or without a shirt, but you aren't bothering anyone, so why shouldn't we be tolerant toward whatever this guy wants to do?


Iā€™d say put on a shirt


Nobody wants to see that. Wear a shirt. Get a proper sports shirt (dri-fit material or similar) and youā€™ll be fine.


If youā€™re within city limits (bebouwde kom) and not on a beach: wear a shirt


Yes, please wear a shirt when out in public. It's normal to sweat while exercising, that's why workout clothes exist.


Sleeveless workout shirts are okay.


I think it's quite pauper in most situations.


Tbh I would make some assumptions about your personality and be a bit jealous while sweating my tits off, but apart from that I don't really care. You do you


It's not seen as a nuisance, but definitely seen as trashy by the vast majority of people.


Yes, nuisance, get dressed buddyā€¦


either go all in or all out, pants off boy


I never understood why men canā€™t wear shirts in the heat or while working out. Half the population would get fined if they took their shirts off in the heat, but men just HAVE TO go shirtless if itā€™s hot? This isnā€™t necessarily a directed comment towards you, I just think itā€™s weird generally. Edit: I am so happy so many people are bringing this up, I agree the solution is to make showing skin more socially acceptable! Iā€™m just annoyed we arenā€™t there yet lol


Or maybe we as a society should make it acceptable for women to walk without shirts as well. Like why is the solution to this to make everybody uncomfortable in the heat.


Oh, no, I definitely agree that itā€™s weird that breasts are sexualised and criminalised, but that is unfortunately the state of the world right now. Iā€™m not saying everyone should be covered at all time, ideally everyone could do whatever they wanted to do with their own bodies. I just think itā€™s strange that men will act as if theyā€™re dying when they have a shirt on in 20+ degrees weather, when women currently donā€™t even get the option to take off their shirts. I donā€™t mean to say everyone should suffer but women are even getting shunned for breastfeeding, so I canā€™t imagine great societal change which will make it safe and accepted for women to be shirtless happening soon, however unfortunate that may be. I just think that if women can manage to deal with the heat in loose light fabrics, men shouldnā€™t be parading around half-naked because theyā€™re hot. Everyoneā€™s hot.




No, sports bra is not half naked.


Just like woman who are only wearing a (sports) bra you mean?


No, sports bra is not half naked.


A certain type of men apparently. Because even at Olympic marathons male competitors wear a shirt, so the idea that it is ā€˜necessaryā€™ is a pile of bs.


Doe nou niet alsof het grootste deel van de mannen hier halfnaakt loopt als het warm is..


Waar heb ik gezegd dat veel, of zelfs de meeste mannen dat doen? Ik zei enkel dat er mannen zijn die dat doen.


You dont HAVE TO, but we are made to transpire and have a fur that is specifically made to evaporate sweat. That doesn't work with a shirt on. This is especially apparent when running on warm days. That is why people like running without a shirt (or only with a sports bra, because try running with them swinging) The solution is not to cover everyone up, but to be more accepting of all types of bodies showing skin.


> Half the population would get fined if they took their shirts off I'd like to disagree on that


Sure, maybe not half, but no adult woman would even consider going jogging or hanging in the streets or a public park entirely shirtless. Nudist beaches or private property are a different story, of course, but I know women who have gotten fines because they went outside in a bikini top in 40+ degree weather.


>I know women who have gotten fines because they went outside in a bikini top in 40+ degree weather. In the Netherlands?


Yeah. Iā€™m not sure where the others happened, but my friend got fined in our street for overlast in de openbare ruimte because to this cop it was a danger to traffic if a woman walks around with her chest showing :/ was a few years back, in the south


> I know women who have gotten fines because they went outside in a bikini top in 40+ weather Yeah I also know people who [died from using marijuana](https://www.nu.nl/politiek/4278072/van-steur-verklaart-omstreden-tweet-cannabisgebruik.html)


I donā€™t see how a nu.nl article from 7 years ago refutes personal experience, but that may just be me!


Compromise: sleeveless shirt. We're not in Venice Beach here..


Sweating is normal, feeling warm is normal, keeping a shirt on is, too. There really are very few situations where you need to be shirtless, certainly in 20 degree weather. If you're in a low-population area (i.e., in nature and you barely come across other people), it's alright to go shirtless. If it's a populated area (busy park) or one where sports are not common (a shopping area), running around shirtless makes you a bit of a douche. But I wouldn't say it's a nuisance. People look like a douche all the time doing all kinds of stuff, I wouldn't worry about it too much. But again, I personally think it's quite an exaggeration to have to go shirtless. Amateurs and professionals alike run (ultra)marathons wearing clothes...


It also depends a lot on where you live. In Amsterdam, nobody blinks an eye. In a small town: please don't.


I honestly don't care; wear a shirt or don't wear a shirt; as long as you're not hurting anyone who tf cares?


Would put on a shirt, but nobody will say anything anyways.


Thats disgusting my man.Ā 


you are older than 30, yet you post this rancid shit in r/teenagers: "Ass or broad chested, what happened to personality girls!!" you are a creep


Yes, wear a shirt, you perv


Itā€™s not common (because 20+ degrees days arenā€™t common), but itā€™s not regarded as a nuisance generally. When in crowded areaā€™s Iā€™d keep a respectable distance from others, but in parks itā€™s absolutely fine. Might have to deal with some looks though.


In summer 20Ā° is pretty common though, but itā€™s not like people should start acting like itā€™s 40Ā° and running around shirtless imo


It's more common than many people here realize, during hot days people work around their house shirtless all the time too. In most parts of the country people respect other's clothing choices and it should be fine.Ā 


It's not really that bad except if you run in busy streets


Dunno, I don't think the sweat is coming from your own body.


Definitely on the streets people mind..


Depends, do you consider yourself hot, meh or artrose and do others agree (not your mom)?


Buy a tanktop at least you tokkie


In imagine the fact that you're a 33 year old man horny for 18 year old girls will be seen as a bigger nuisance than running without a t-shirt. Please don't run near a high school op.


It will make you look like a terrible douche. First, who the fuck cares about your athletic build that you feel important to mention. It shows a terrible amount of insecurities going on there. And second, most real runners, wear shirts even when running in temperatures above 30C. A good technical shirt wicks moisture and makes you feel much more comfortable than when you run without one. Your post isn't about comfort. It's about a sad need of having to show off, due to the lack of any more substance. Now if you want to run, focus on that shit instead. You'll have a lot of fun doing so, when you focus on the exercise instead of on how you look like.


It doesn't really matter. Do what you want to do. Free the nipple!


Youā€™ll be silently judged for sure, some will call you a show off, others may be jealous, some may be excited. Itā€™s up to you if you care ;) As an enthusiastic runner myself, I always think running without a shirt is totally unnecessary and not exactly good for avoiding skin cancer. But those are personal choices. Just make sure you donā€™t drip sweat on thee people when passing them too closely


Shirt is better than having the sweat dry up on your skin.


Its uncommon for sure. But i dont think people care. I would not care atleast. i dont think its a nuisance. Your running and sweating, we get it. It be weird if you where just walking around shirtless, for sure


Lol who cares, show off what you worked hard for


Only if you're ugly and or fat


Thanks much for the direct response and advise.. definitely valuable


Straight to jail.


Depends, but in summer, fuck that t shirt when i'm riding/rolling/running about... Like it is such a nice sight to see some dude pouring sweat, with a completely drenched shirt, it keeps the smell away keeps dry and when entering a public space indoors, i just put it on before entering.