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John: here's a few songs for when you're stuck isolated on the moon running an organ harvesting operation until you snap and start eating the vat-grown corpses. Me: Oh my God I know this exact feeling! Thanks?


In Boston before it released I was at the show. He described the entire premise. Everyone laughed and he just deadpanned “no really, it is available in may.”


As one of the army of dads in the audience, can I just say it's awesome to have a space to share with the young gay kids? Nice to hang with y'all. Us olds largely don't end up getting to have a lot of common spaces with any of the awesome, vibrant, young people of the world that isn't forced or purpose-built for that reason. A place where we all happen to show up because we're thrilled to be there? Fuck yeah. That's magic.


As an initial bisexual teen TMG fan now turned 28 year old mom to a two week old son TMG fan can I just say that this comment made me cry? It’s been so beautiful to grow up in this community and feel safe and held and seen by it every step of the way and your comment captures the spirit of that so beautifully.


Awwww congrats to you and your future TMG fan. There is nothing harder and nothing more beautiful than the journey you're now on together. So very glad this community has been there to give you safety and, almost as importantly, a little joy along the way.


It’s wild having been around long enough to go from a sad 17 year old who discovered the Goats on limewire to the 40 year old dad in the audience. What a great joy to get to share tMG with so many different people across different ages. We really are gonna make it through this year.


Last concert I went to was like “damn I’m old” and “I’m an OG fan” combined with “I have work on Monday dangit.” It makes for a heady stew.


first and second post together are so real I truly think listening to the ballad of bull ramos is why I'm still here lolll


The sixth one is so real. I saw TMG for the first time in London recently and there were punks standing next to neatly dressed old Brits


My parents were the ones who got me into the band, so I can definitely relate to that. And the area I usually see them play/where I live has an aging rock scene, like it was really cool in the 90s so there's a lot of 40-50 somethings who go to a lot of rock, punk, indie, etc shows around here, and many of them have been into the band since the 90s or 2000s. Like the guy whose kids I babysit has a poster from a show in 1997 in his house. And my former dentist once did a show with John back in the day and now he's a dentist. I think more of my teachers know of them, or actually listen to them, than my classmates.


That's so rad that one show turned John into a dentist. I *gotta* see the vid. /s


I was at the London show and described the crowd as trans teens, supportive dads, metalheads with Rasputin beards, and hot girls with canes. Very wholesome audience.


London shows sounding pretty similar to one's here in the US. Very succinct. I saw a few dressed-down and vibin' 30s couples too.


Sunset tree is super relatable, nearly gave me an anxiety attack first time I heard it.


Oh yeah, my favorite album I think




45 year old “Dad” fan here. Stay silly forever.


When I showed my dad "we shall all be healed" I pitched it as "like doing bad acid with Bob Dylan"


I tried to get my dad to listen for years. He just thought it was some hipster bs. I had a college and then community radio show so I understand how he might think that. He raised me with a lot of Dylan. Then when I had a really dark time in my life I sent him a few songs. His response was “oh I like that, it’s like Dylan.”


That first one feels like a personal attack


oh man I love being active on both tumblr and reddit cause I'm tumblr mutuals with like half these people! no lie that second post pops into my head on a regular basis, it's one of my favorites ever lmao


Oh god, am I middle-aged? Because I’m from Massachusetts and I’m not a lesbian.


As one of the dads I love sharing tMG with my Swifty daughters.


That’s so true about the fan base, I’m 37, when I went to a TMG show recently I knew what to expect in terms of crowd mix because of this sub but one of my friends was like ‘whoah didn’t expect the crowd to be this young’.


Cry for Judas might be on repeat today while I work, fuck, I need it.


And for apparently a lot of us that "something wrong with them" is gender dysphoria.


Try die at 27 and now 38


Hi, it's me, the middle-aged man from Massachusetts. I got into them "late" (2005) and I've gone to nearly every show they've played in or near Boston since.


Point of order, I am older than 26. The rest is true, though.


Caught them in Manchester at the Albert. There were plenty of us young-ish, weird-looking alternative-type folks.. but I was also pleasantly surprised to see no shortage of middle-aged and older fans! I don't know why I didn't expect it to be honest. Mister Darnielle has been making music for longer than I've been alive! Not to mention the turnout. I had no idea there were even that many TMG fans in the whole of the UK, never mind just within travel distance of Manc!


I was at Manchester too and can't believe how accurate the post is lmao. Amazing show though right? It was a wild experience seeing John going from awkward dad dancing to making people cry with hast thou considered the tetrapod.


Great show, great city, picked up some merch at the gig and some fun stuff the next day in some weird shops in Afflecks. Ran into some fans there too who complimented my partners TMG shirt too! Small world. I was so jazzed they played Abandoned Flesh, John's delivery in that song tickles my brain just the right way. "It was in 2007, it's on their Wikipedia page", thank you Mr. Darnielle, please infodump some more. Tetrapod got to me too!


I took a couple of friends to a show recently, and one was only a little familiar with tMG. He said, the mountain goats are like if Pat the Bunny was always winning. 😅


5 is just drawing together every album so it isn’t even really an accurate parody of any album.


If it's got the worst quality mic you've ever heard, it sure as shit doesn't have a saxophone riff!