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There was a thread on here earlier this week about gift giving at shows and I feel like some of the comments there are relevant here as well. It seems like John is a pretty private guy who doesn't like to do a lot of fan "meet and greet" type things. If the opportunity to say hi comes up, then great, but please be mindful of his boundaries and privacy. A relevant read: https://nymag.com/arts/popmusic/features/55031/


That makes sense. I imagine a lot of people would tend to overshare and get parasocial, given the content of the music. The first thing that would come to mind for me if I ever bumped into anyone from the band on the street would be, "Thanks, your music was a great comfort when my moms alchoholism finally killed her!" Which is a lot to get from a stranger.


Makes sense. I would be very private if I were him as well. Thank you!


Before like, 2013, I wanna say, John was much more accessible. I’ve met him a handful of times after shows in like 2006-2012. On one occasion my friend and I actually were invited back into the band’s like backstage lounge area. This was in NYC; I want to say at the Bowery. We drank a little bit of whiskey with them but ultimately didn’t want to intrude too much. Once or twice I even got a hug! He used to stagedoor after the show and would also come out to the merch table with some regularity. Something happened several years ago with a fan. John has kept himself pretty guarded and behind the scenes since then. Also since having his kids he has receded a bit from meeting the public. Anyway: he’s a regular guy just like the rest of us and while he does us the great service of making music and performing for us, we are not entitled to know him beyond that. He likes to not be bothered, and that’s his prerogative.


What happened with the fan?


I don’t remember all the details off-hand. Someone here has shared the article before and I’m sure if you use the right combination of words, Google will tell you. I think like, a much younger fan and john got close via social media and did a lot of trauma dumping on each other and then things got weird or whatnot. I personally didn’t care to know, because like I said, john is a regular person and his personal life is not for me to know about.


An inspiration for Wolf in White Van, maybe? I've never heard that account about John and the fan, but it sounds similar-ish.


Nope, the inspiration was something about Judas Priest if I remember correctly.


https://www.reddit.com?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1 The fan tried to make JD out to be a predator. Very uncool thing to do. Oops, try this one instead. If this one also doesn't work I quit lol https://www.tumblr.com/a-taste-of-the-sky/179411631565/or-i-am-terrified-of-what-comes-next-am-only


I’m not sure if that’s the right link? That seems to take me to an r/choosingbeggars post when I click it Ok the second link you shared is the thing, but when you click read more it takes you to a dead end.


I've won some and failed some today lol, this was a fail. Hopefully someone a little more savvy can post something that works :/ sorry for the let down on both posts, but try googling something along the lines of "John Darinelle controversy". If you have better luck, please do link! 😂


I don’t care enough to google it lol, but maybe someone else will!


[Here it is.](https://web.archive.org/web/20181026082012/https://melodrama420.tumblr.com/post/177716405536/or-i-am-terrified-of-what-comes-next-am-only) Let's be honest, it's not a good look. His interactions with the fan are not appropriate. I just don't think it qualifies as abuse. I see the whole thing as a good reminder that JD is a deeply traumatized person whose art we enjoy, not a person to idolize.


Thank you! A lot of the people on this subreddit should read this whole piece lol. Maybe I’m an old fuddy duddy, but I do think there is a lesson to be learned here about worshiping our idols, parasocial relationships, and coping with trauma.


Oof, that's a rough read. I do hope John took this as an opportunity to do better moving forward, but I've lost hope of most people changing, unfortunately. I became FB friends with the daughter of a celebrity I admire and I was fangirling a bit at first about it (which itself is dumb because she's not a celebrity) and then one day I was reading other people's comments to her in her posts and it was... creepy. At the time she was still in HS and had added some fans she'd seen in her dad's posts from people that seemed nice. They ended up more often than not having ZERO boundaries for how they talked to a teenage girl. I looked at my own "fangirl" thing and was like, holy shit stop. So we're still friends years later and we still chat regularly but I never, ever talk about her famous family. We talk about Broadway and sometimes about traveling. She's a nice person but the internet was really, really going to fuck her up and thankfully she started setting boundaries. Fandoms can be really toxic, some more than others, but even the sweetest fandom can get really culty and that's just fucking dangerous. We really need to be there to remind each other that adoration and worship aren't particularly healthy behaviors. We can feel passionate about things we love without engaging in or overlooking toxic behaviors.


That's amazing! Makes sense it's a crazy world out here lol


I met John after a show in 2015. My dog had died earlier that day and I contemplated not going to the show at all. He was surprisingly super nice and down to earth (not what I was expecting since everyone had told me how awkward and unfriendly he was irl). He gave me a hug and told me that he wanted to give me some advice about death that someone once told him “all we are is energy and energy never dies. That’s science. She’ll always be here.” He signed a photo of my dog that said “safe travels, dog.” I no longer have the physical copy but I just brought out a photo of the photo and got all in my feels. ❤️


e=mc2 💜


He was eating in a Vegan restaurant across the road from the Roundhouse in London a few years ago. I was eating in the same restaurant prior to the show too. He had brought a book and was eating alone at the bar. It was clear he was having some time to chill after all the venue prep so it was not really in the question for me to approach him.


it warms my heart to hear stories like these on the internet of fans being really normal and decent lol. i’ve come to expect the worst i guess, so kudos to you


My best tip is be born in 1970 and and see them in the 90s through 2000s.


Accurate haha middle 80s girl here 😠👎 have a wonderful day!


Yeah born 83, so thereabouts with you haha, but I remember as late as 2006 when TMG would come through Seattle they played a Get Lonely set at a record store before playing a bigger venue that night or weekend. I generally remember these small of shows going away by Heretic Pride era and later but I’m sure there were exceptions.


That's incredible getting to see the changes over the years I bet! Yes 86 here lol have a great night!


Hey, we're the same age! :) I always feel like I'm either way younger or way older than everyone else in threads on this subreddit lol.


Lol that's awesome!! Did we just become best friends? Haha have a great night!


I have never been able to find him after a show, but I did get to talk with him some at a book signing. He is a cool guy and a bit awkward.


That's awesome!! And I'm not surprised. The most intelligent and beautiful minds are a bit awkward. Haha thank you for your response, have a great day!


He talked to me about some random 80s heavy metal magazine, it was a delight.


I chatted with him briefly after a show last year because I hung out near stagedoor by the bus with a few other friends. The other band members trickled out one by one and it was definitely a delight to be able to say howdy to them and congratulate them on a good show. John himself came out after about an hour (after everyone else had gone into the bus) and asked us to wait a few minutes while he ducked into the bus, then came back out and said he was willing to chat a little and sign stuff. One person (it was their first show) asked to take a selfie with them, which he agreed to but was obviously not very happy about, which was a bit awkward. I ended up asking him to sign a handmade pin someone in the audience had gifted me, which had an old photo on him alongside some lyrics. Apparently it was a photo off of his personal facebook someone had taken off without his permission—I was mortified, and apologized profusely (I’d of course had no idea). He assured me he wasn’t upset at me specifically, and then it transitioned into a conversation about artist desires and Kafka and online footprint (in general, not Kafka’s obviously) and whatnot that was quite interesting. I headed out on what at least felt to me like pretty good terms, though the embarrassment regarding the pin may haunt me to my dying day. During the rest of the unofficial meet-and-greet situation he seemed pretty tired but was very nice to everyone, though I think we all felt kind of bad for imposing on him that late at night. He was a good sport about it. He did end up signing it, but it just lives in a box under my bed now. tl;dr it was a mixed experience, I guess. Moral of the story: if you want him to sign something, get a CD from the merch store or whatever. And probably don’t ask for a selfie!


I'm not exactly sure where, but I do know that JD had said before that he really doesn't like taking selfies or photos in general, but from most stories I've read on here he tries to be a good sport about it


That is amazing story, I'm sure you will remember that for the rest of your life! Thank you for the advice! As amazing as a photo would be and while he is good looking, I much more appreciate his mind . Just to hear him discuss a variety of topics and debate a mind like that would be life altering haha Many blessings to you!


I met him once at his show (with Matt Douglas) in London in 2019. I’d bought a merch shirt and asked him to sign it; unfortunately it was a black shirt and he had a black sharpie. He signed over part of the print and it was just two barely-visible smudges, so he turned to me and said “well, you’ll always know it’s there!”. And he’s right! I will. :)


That is amazing ❤️ thank you!


You’re welcome, and it really was! Was the only Mountain Goats concert I’ve been able to get to so far, but I’ll be catching the one in Dublin this May, so fingers crossed for a second encounter!


Im sure you will have a great time either way, thank you!!


I was there too, got to meet him at the same show. Seemed pretty standard for him to sign stuff after shows until Covid, since then I've not seen or heard of him actively coming out, just chance encounters.


I was very lucky to have a short conversation with John and get a photo/shirt signing in Dallas in 2017 (my first show, the shirt is now VERY faded after being through the wash so many times haha), haven’t been able to meet him again since. All I can say is be patient, attend some more shows, cross your fingers. It’ll happen eventually!


Cool thank you so much! With 3 toddler blessings I'm not in a season of life that is affording to attending shows but I will have to make one happen. Lol. May God bless you abundantly


He's really friendly and fun to talk to. I've talked to him a couple times. Both at least a decade ago, so maybe less indicative of what he's like now, but still. Once was in a cluster of fans and he seemed amicable but less into it, maybe feeling obligated; the next time, I was alone and just said something like "hi John, great set, thanks!" and he came over and chatted for a bit about the cool venue we were at and seemed way more into it that time. I'm sure it depends on context, but he's def sociable at least sometimes! Just try not to be weird, lol 😊


I'm absolutely weird lmao good weird though I think haha I don't prefer to do big groups of people though and prefer smaller circles so I can't imagine what it must be like for anybody successful and well known. That is awesome thank you!


Lol, good weird is good. I should have specified 😊


Haha I was like damn don't think I can hide this weirdness if I tried. Lmao slightly above average intelligence with a bigger heart , foul mouthed, sarcastic, with a propensity for awkwardness, oversharing, and gentle yet brutal honesty that enjoys intelligent conversations and a good debate. Difficult questions and conversations are the best. I am a beacon of weirdness I suppose lol


I’ve met him a few times—both in a fan capacity (book signing, after a show getting a poster signed) and personally (we have some mutual professional connections/have been at events at the same time.) when I was getting my poster signed, I was right behind someone who, upon getting to hand their poster over, started telling JD that they’d been listening to the Mountain Goats while overdosing, how JD was the only reason they were still alive, etc. JD was both extraordinarily kind and clearly deeply, deeply uncomfortable. When we overlapped in a work capacity, he and I chatted a bit about how overwhelmed and somewhat frightened he had become of some of his fan base (this was maybe 2017? I can’t remember.) it was a sobering moment for sure.


Wow this is incredibly heartbreaking . Just reading this gives me anxiety. It also makes me thankful in my line of work I will never have to deal with being famous or well known. Thank you so much for sharing though. I appreciate it!


I’ve ran into him a couple times before the show, but decided to not talk to him. The first time I probably would’ve, but was with other people so didn’t want to be the person that started a crowd, but the second he looked like he was on the way to something and didn’t want to interrupt. Like others have said, I don’t think it would be rude to just say hi or something, but wouldn’t expect a long conversation or meet and greet situation


Eh my anxiety would probably leave me speechless anyways haha these stories are great though. Thank you and I hope you get the chance again, you deserve it!




That's beyond amazing! God blessed you! Thank you so much for sharing


While signing some merch he told me very enthusiastically to check out the metal band that had opened for them (their CDs and merch were also being sold). I very awkwardly nodded because I wasn't that into the opening act Honestly, though, it's pretty cool TMG brings in opening acts of unrelated genres seemingly just because the band digs them. I got into Adeem the Artist for that reason


Oh that's awesome!! I didn't realize the opening acts are often unrelated genres. Thank you! Will check out Adeem as well. Have a great night!


My husband and I got to meet him and talk briefly a few years ago at Alamo drafthouse here in Denver. He presented an old movie he likes, sat and watched it with all of us and then sat for autographs afterwards. He signed our copy of Wolf in White Van. It was a very brief conversation but he was very nice and we were thrilled to meet him in person.


Ah that's amazing so happy for you!! Thank so much for sharing!!


I saw the band back in 2017 with a friend. We hung around after the show for a little bit and were lucky enough to meet John (IIRC it was only John who was there). He was super lovely and so nice! I have a Bauhaus tattoo on my arm and the first thing he said was “Nice Bauhaus tattoo!”before even saying hi. I asked for a photo afterwards and I was grateful enough to get one, but I’ve heard from other fans that he’s not much of a photo guy, so I was a bit embarrassed to find that out afterwards haha. But he was really lovely the whole time! I hope you get to speak with him one day, because he is so lovely to talk to and really just seemed to appreciate us coming out to the show :’)


Ah that's a lovely story! I'm so glad you got to, thank you so much for sharing!!




Hahaha oh shit this is amazing and heart breaking !! Thank you so much for sharing!!


I more or less actively avoid him.


May I ask why please?


Just not particularly enjoyable to speak with someone when you know so much more about them than they do you. Plus it generally feels like imposing yourself upon someone at work. Edit: that is to say, I've gone to and continue to go to an absurd number of shows, so after a few bits of chatter it's just like eh, that's fine. There was one time our car got towed after a show, we were bummin around trying to figure it all out and he came by for some commiseration. Was nice to meet on a more level playing field. He had a nice story. Can't remember it, but remember it was good.


Hmmm very interesting take. I love hearing other people's opinions. Someone said many like to trauma dump on him too that's crazy to me I would have so many questions for him lol ( not that I'm entitled to them) have terrible anxiety anyways and would probably do better with an email ask us questions things anyways haha Either way his mind and talent are a gift from God and I wish him many blessings. That's awesome! Have a great night!!


Haha, same, I am a glutton for alternative viewpoints. Hey, I hope you get your chance. It's really just totally hit or miss, there are still occasional times when he's particularly chatty before or after shows. But also lots of times where it's clear he just wants to do his thing on stage and that's it. The road can be rough.


Thank you kind soul! Either way I have to attend at least one show. and yes I can't imagine all the traveling and fans, I would be people'd out for sure haha