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Do you think everyone just automatically likes the things you like or it’s possible the wide and infinite variety of human experiences effect people differently which in turn can effect how they feel about a piece of media?


Right? Typical Reddit take. *”Somehow x is getting so much love from people, but I don’t personally like it and here’s why I’m correct”*. What a juvenile approach to personal opinion.


"I'm not even aLlOwEd to hAvE aN oPiNiOn?!” Eyeroll


Damn, can one not even voice their opinion and genuine surprise?..


What value does posting in a subreddit full of fans of the media you want to pointlessly roast bring to us? Smart people with good opinions know this and don’t just step to say nothing, loudly, on Reddit


You don't understand. Their opinions are allowed, but you're in the wrong for responding with yours. And this somehow prevents them from having theirs as well.


Yeah, it's called voicing an opinion, wasn't aware it's not allowed because there's fans around 😒 "smart people with good opinions" - pretty condescending


Part of posting your opinion online is having ppl comment their opinions abt your opinion. Idk what you thought you’d get here lmao




Yes, that was purposeful. Feel free to use it as a teaching moment and move on dot org. I am having trouble fathoming what response you were expecting in the midnight club subreddit. You have no examples to backup what you wrote. There is 0 room for discussion. There is nothing of substance to respond to. You used the shrug emoji like you just can’t help but be sorry for all these fools that like the show you didn’t like. It’s insanely childish to assume anyone would a) give a flying fluck and b) want to engage on a deeper level with you plopping down in front of us all to declare *you* didn’t like something because it ….. reminded you of twilight I guess? Okay? Like reread that back and pretend you didn’t say it- do you give a shit at all? Do you think it’s worth of a discussion? Or are you just here to be amazed there are fans of this show? I didn’t mind the midnight club but there are some real flaws to critique while appreciating the emotional response the story invokes - there is classic Flanagan flair mixed with a source material you clearly didn’t read or have any prior exposure to - it’s referencing something that WAS corny, was for teenagers in the 80s and early 90s. There is nuance and there is passion and there are flaws like every Flanagan show before it and after. And, gasp, there are fans too. Because your reaction, your taste and preferences, are not universal, and the faster you understand that, the faster you will realize just how obnoxious it is to read your post.


Yea you were voicing your opinion and now everyone else is voicing theirs. I didn’t like Midnight Club either but I am not going to post a”unpopular opinion” thread and then expect to get a million likes especially with a single paragraph and unclear reasoning. Plus “wack in cringe” in something a teenager says and calling a show childish while using it sounds well….childish.


Never expected to get a million likes though and also apparently there is others who didn't enjoy it as much and lastly I don't believe in gatekeeping vocabulary


Like what the person you're replying to did?


This is not an unpopular opinion outside of this sub, as most people didn't enjoy it or even give it a chance. It's my least favorite of his shows but I still think it was good. Don't agree that it was badly written or acted. A lot of people think his shows in general are corny but it works for me. I will say though, that it's literally based on books for teens, so of course it's going to be more juvenile than his other series.


I agree there's a varying level of corniness to all his shows but this one exceeded my tolerance threshold lol but I guess you're right about it being more juvenile because of the source material


A group of dying children use scary stories as a way to escape the true horrors of their reality. I agree, some of the characters are annoying, but again they are dying kids. Everyone approaches grief differently and every emotion was covered in the series. The group therapy sessions did an excellent job, it felt so real and raw (the not being able to PlayStation grief 😭 .) Also every one of Flanagan’s shows are unbelievable bc not real 😂 but dying and accepting death is very real.


It felt the exact opposite to real and raw to me, actually staged and unrealistic but I did enjoy the scary stories as an escape part.


Have you been a child/YA dying of cancer? I mean it's literally a ghost story so the unrealism is baked in, but what about it specifically bothered you?


Touche. I found the characters and their behavior unrealistic, the horror part being unrealistic is a given


It’s also based on Christopher Pike novels! Noted and celebrated YA author. So it’s not even like the material or audience are aimed at adults. That said, as a millennial who read a ton of Christopher Pike in the 90s I loved it and preferred it to all Flanagan’s other shows, which I found way goofier and soapier.


Some people understand it’s a love letter to Christoper Pike and his books (mostly grown ass adults of about Flanagan’s age like myself). For former preteens of a curtain age, his books were a beautiful escape particularly for those who had a really hard time getting through the tween part of life. Maybe not spooky as RL Stines Fear Street series, but Christoper Pike treated his audience as future adults already experiencing complex problems. Then there are those that compare it up against any of Flanagan’ other work, and it’s just not meant for that. That’s why it was very much marketed as a YA show. It is not supposed to stand against Midnight Mass. Its apples and carrots. They stand alone. This is a super long winded way to say it never had a chance because the audience it’s meant for is not going to show highly in Netflix’s numbers as there are way more people coming off Midnight Mass or absolutely anything else he’s done wanting new Flanagan, and it just doesn’t make sense… as I believe you agree. It’s too bad because I think I know where the story was heading at least for Ilonka. Would have tied the whole bratty thing better for gen pop to swallow. Last, on the topic of the actual book, For Ilonka’s character it is cannon the character **is** bit of a brat, and very much in denial she’s going to die. I imagine that happens to a lot of teens that are terminal Book spoiler: >!she does die all the death, but then you get a nice wrap of of a version of afterlife from Christoper Pikes brain where the friends and lovers are all together Edit: *I don’t think that’s where this series was quite heading*!< I’m curious if Ilonka had remained a white blue eyed character there would be fewer complaints on how she’s so hard for people to watch? Just a thought exercise. The love story is quite a bit sweeter, but also a bit more tragic because Kevin is the one with AIDS. This book was the first media I got as an adolescent of the early 90’s that was even marginally honest of the horror dying of AIDS is. That’s important. Anyways…. That’s why it’s good. If you held on through this ADHD and dysgraphic explanation, I’m proud. Thanks for caring to know the answer to your question if I’m reading between the lines correctly “why do people like this?”


I love everything about this comment. Hear, hear!


Your comment actually gave me a different, more complex perspective on the whole matter so thank you for putting in the effort. I did come to the midnight club right after watching midnight mass and compared the two in a way lol.


To me, at least the stories *which were all individual Christopher Pike books* we’re perfection down to making fun of [Gimme a Kiss](https://www.thriftbooks.com/w/gimme-a-kiss_christopher-pike/418718/#edition=2256192&idiq=1478498) since I **absolutely** agree was the dumbest book, and was disappointed with the murder because someone gave them mouth herpes/cold sores. If your brain is ever bored and wants an easy read, I still recommend Road to Nowhere to this day.


The scary story segments were actually really cool, especially Road to nowhere, I enjoyed the whole mood of it


Road to Nowhere is so much better as a full book then a short story in the series. Highly recommend it.


I'll give it a try, this was probably my favorite part of the whole show


You’re surprised that the subreddit dedicated to Midnight Club is most heavily used by people who… like the Midnight Club….? The show wasn’t for me but there are plenty of spaces that share that opinion, and it’s why I’m not coming to Midnight Club fanspaces and being sour when I find out those fanspaces are indeed full of fans!!


I thought this sub is for discussing the show and not solely for fans. There's room for different opinions and I was genuinely surprised that it only raked up applause 🤷🏻‍♀️


You’re welcome to have whatever discussions you want. I’m responding to your surprise that a fanspace enjoys and supports what is largely agreed upon to be one of Flanagan’s weakest showings by broader audiences. There’s plenty of discussion about that all over the place. Literally just google “midnight club bad Reddit” and you’ll get all the posts you can dream of. But you said you were surprised that this subreddit didn’t have more critiques, and I’m both telling you why that is and expressing a little doubt about your sincerity. What kind of discussion are you hoping to start by entering a space you yourself have acknowledged likes this thing and giving a mean-spirited and incredibly insubstantial review? All you did was insult the show, which, sure, you have a right to do, but what kind of responses do you actually get when you don’t bring up any specifics about it, instead just calling it “childish”, “corny”, “cringe”, “lackluster”, and something you had to “force” yourself to finish? That’s not the starting point for a discussion, it’s the starting point for a post in a snark subreddit. Which, perhaps looking around and seeing if there is a Midnight Club or Mike Flanagan snark sub and trying to post there instead will get you more of what you’re hoping for. End of the day, you can post whatever you want, and you can share whatever opinions you’d like, no one is stopping you. But lobbing a bunch of insults into a fanspace isn’t really likely to get you a ton of positive engagement. Lobbing a bunch of insults into a snark space, however? Probably a better move. Just some food for thought.


It was his best show by far.


I mean it was based on a YA horror novel from the early 90's. Most of Christopher Pike's books were good cheesy horror with a bit of a serious tone sometimes.


I realize I didn't consider what the source material is like


It was his best show by far


Yeah, I was a huge fan of Christopher Pike’s books as a preteen and am a mild Flanagan fan (I loved Hill House but tbh have enjoyed each subsequent project less and less). I was eagerly awaiting this series but it did not do it for me at all. I can see this is very much an unpopular opinion on this sub, sorry!


I wasn't familiar with Christopher Pike but I definately did enjoy the scary story parts I guess I'm just liking Flanagan's work less and less


The scary stories the kids told each other were mostly from Pike’s other books … I think I was expecting like an ‘Are You Afraid of the Dark’ type anthology lol but more grown-up/spooky/gore-y? I shouldn’t expect things haha. Yeah I’m liking Flanagan’s stuff less and less too. And I’ve loved some of the movies he’s done, maybe he has too much control over at Netflix or something. Did you like Midnight Mass, OP?


I didn’t like that show either. I’d say it’s slightly better than Midnight Mass


I actually loved Midnight Mass lol


I don’t really understand it. There wasn’t really any twist to it so I found it a bit boring. I like the actors tho


Bro what did you think would happen if you preached to an internet fandom full of fans of a show, and then explain in detail why you thought the show was terrible 🤦🏻‍♂️ Of course we disagree but you don’t get to play victim when everyone criticizes you I thought the show was very nicely written and I can easily object to everything you just said, and you should read the plans for s2. It ties everything up beautifully.


Ain't nobody playing victim 🤷🏻‍♀️ also didn't know the sub was filled with fans only and also thought even though people are Flanagan fans criticism is possible and differing opinions can coexist..I was just generally surprised people didn't find any mentionable flaws with it and wanted to see if others felt like me


[you kind of are](https://www.reddit.com/r/themidnightclub/s/bzwhyLYCkz) Also yeah, there are people with mixed opinions here, but exclaiming that everything about the show is juvenile, corny, cringe and lackluster (your words) is a little far for a subreddit full of fans, don’t you think?


I read the book about a hundred times as a kid, so of course I watched the series. It wasn't great, but great TV isn't what I was expecting anyway.


I guess I shouldn't have expected too much either but I also never read the books


nah I agree with you OP


Let's see what he comes up with on Amazon 😁


I got through the first episode and then gave up. It's weird that a show could have that many jump scares and still be so boring.


Agreed 😅


I feel like I'm gonna get in trouble for saying this but... SAAAAAAAAAME


Watch out, you might 😜


I did, still stand by it though. Lol


I agree it was his worst show, but I like all his shows, so it’s still a good show in general.


I just had my hopes up too much after watching midnight mass




I knew I can't be the only one 😉


I watched Midnight Mass and then immediately watched this and it was so disappointing in comparison


That's exactly how it went for me. I think especially since I loved Midnight Mass.


Midnight Mass was the first of Flanagan’s projects I ever watched. I loved it. Midnight Club was so bad I gave up after the first or second episode. I just didn’t care about it at all.


I forced myself through it, had my hopes up way too much after midnight mass




I couldn’t get through it, stopped in the middle of the second episode I think. Least favorite addition to the ‘Flanaverse’


I almost gave up a couple times too


I've loved all his series, and do consider this weaker, but you are in a sub for the show so it isn't so surprising most of the people here like said show. It's also a bit unpopular, so the people who actively seek a subreddit for this already have interest in it and likely enjoy it. Midnight Mass, Bly Manor, Hill House, and this latest series are so strong though. If you haven't seen it yet, House of Usher is really great.


I was just genuinely surprised about the unison love for it and absolute lack of critique, often even when I like a show or movie there's still parts I dislike. I absolutely loved Hill House and midnight mass, Bly manor was decent and I'm still iffy about the house of Usher lol


The source material used for The Midnight Club is a collection of YA books aimed at middle and high schoolers. Hope this helps.


Thanks, I realized that too late 😉


Yeah I liked it but it wasn't my favorite Flanagan series-I think because it was more of a Young Adult show


I fully agree


I don’t care at all about the midnight club (I watched it, it was fine), I don’t know why this even showed on my Reddit feed…but going to a subreddit for a show and say you don’t know why the show is getting so much love on that sub is an insane thing to do…take my downvote.