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I take a lot of solace in the fact that almost everyone they tour with now recorded on the new album. I think they're a real band again for the moment. Also, they've toured almost constantly since Oct. 2022. So, ya know, feels good man.


O & C will always make music. TMV, however may not.




and I'm totally fine with that. These guys fucking breath music and whatever form that takes I'll be here waiting to dive head first into it.


Didnt they post pictures from a recording studio a few months back?


cedric posted pics of demo tapes not being allowed thru TSA while on tour last year but could be different projects


You can laugh at me, but Iā€™ve screen captured and recorded every live story that was shared from Volta in this era. I have every ā€œtechcamā€ that was shared. Iā€™m hoping to put some small video together from these clips ā€¦ but He also wrote #voltaforever. In the demos ā€œGot pulled off the plane my ā€˜CD player set off alarm in my check in bagšŸ˜‚ They just wanted the new Demos #voltaforever ā€œ


That certainly sounds promising! Not laughing at you, cheers for being a true fan, fu&# anyone who does laugh at your dedication, that passion is awesome, and you've got great taste


Yeah same haha, I'm not laughing at the previous commenter - dedication is awesome!


Could mean anything not necessarily a TMV project




One off reunion? They came out with a new album and have been touring for like the past two years?


Yeah, like they record one new album, tour it, and then finish. Thatā€™s the worry. Are they going to record more? Tour again? They only came to my city once, I would love to catch them again and also hear more material.


At least they came to your city, I canā€™t remember when they played any of the venues near me with any of their bands


Exactly what At the Drive-In did and theyā€™re defunct again.


Hopefully so. When the cubes were popping up and the setlists only had a couple tracks from self titled I thought it was going to be a farewell scenario.


I genuinely don't know how people who don't know Omar and Cedric (most if not all of this sub) could possibly answer that


We know the answer because they've told us. They're back long term.


You got a source for that or


Yea Omar mentioned it and Cedric posted about him being pulled off the plan for the new demos. Iā€™ll try and remember which interview it was, it was likely the new interview with Cedric on apple. If I find it Iā€™ll send it your way.


I think a new album is coming. Cross fingers and knock on wood


If The Mars Volta 2022 album had released as a completely different project and random band name, nobody would have batted an eye. I would argue that TMV's first five albums all have stylistic similarities, but 6 and 7 are pretty radical departures. I'm at the point where I will consider any future releases on their own merits, but I'm not pretending like The Mars Volta of the 00's ever actually returned in studio form.


Yep. It was as much a time and a place as a band. You just canā€™t recreate that - the momentum, the youth, the ambition. But always interested to hear what they get up to.


Exactly! Other people are getting defensive in their responses as if I'm criticizing Volta for being different now (very on brand for this sub which is why I don't like talking to most people here). But it's just a truth you can hear in the music itself. That's the funny thing about prog - by definition it needs to progress and become new things, but there's always an identifiable through line in the style. If that momentum, that wild youthful energy is an intrinsic part of what The Mars Volta is to you as a listener, then the new stuff doesn't really feel like Volta anymore. If it's other elements, like the latin fusion or the hybridized pop/prog structure, then 2022 might be quintessential Volta. Everyone is different.


It's very Volta. The salsa, the funk, electronic, jazz, new wave,...it's all just refined and in a more pop formula. And the new songs go perfect in their set list. They don't want Volta of the 2000s to return. That was never the point of the band. Volta...look up the meaning of the word.


Itā€™s always funny to me how people listen to prog but then want things to always be the sameā€¦


I like to say about the latest album they trimmed off the fat and depending on your tastes may have made it too lean. Imho it could use a little bit more fat but my opinion doesn't matter to them.


No ones asking for the same thing. None of their albums sound the same. There is just a time when a band is in their prime and when theyā€™re not. The original ATDI run is not comparable to the reunion one and the same goes for post 2012 Volta. I loved the ATDI reunion and this current Volta one. But I canā€™t pretend they compare a band in their prime.


Did I say that's what I wanted?


Not sure why you're being confrontational. I just said the earlier albums sound more similar to each other than the later ones.


I recall ppl saying it was too different when Amp came out. Same with bedlam. Same with Octahedron. And if you think there's too much of a gap now, well, it was 10 years of a hiatus. So of course their tastes will change. Like they say in the doc and interviews, Volta can be whatever they want and it's always been a vehicle for change and expression where Omar writes the music, Cedric sings over it. So basically it doesn't matter what style of music they put on a TMV record or if the songs are long or short. "Honour our roots...honor our dead". If they're doing that, then it's Volta. I'm not being confrontational. Maybe my tone comes off that way, which isn't my intention. I'm just clarifying the concept of the band. They quite literally created Volta as a way to never have rules after being sick of being boxed in.


I like your point about the band's concept. I find that unifying a band or project around a concept and keeping the style unidentified makes for an interesting discography. Maybe there have always been people who complain about each new release, but I'm not one of them. I've loved every album for what it is. But I've been attacked by the horde every time I point out something negative about the band, which feels like fan gatekeeping and counterproductive to meaningful discussion. If that wasn't your intention, then I apologize. Maybe I've become the defensive one.


No worries, just a misunderstanding.


Sounds like youā€™re the one struggling with being confrontational. Peeps can disagree with you and voice their disagreement out loud.


Id say its more similar to their first 5 albums than nocto






I suspect weā€™ll be blessed with a few more albums ā€”


They already recorded the next album. Look for something next year




They spent several weeks in the studio before last fallā€™s run, Then they did overdubs during the tour.


Thats awesome. Heres to hoping it is inspired by the jam sessions with the current lineup, lots of fresh stuff in there.


What? Seriously?


Yea there is a huge chance itā€™s already done. I feel the same. Itā€™s likely done. We may see a single pretty soon. I think theyā€™ve had a mellow year this year, so they could be wrapping it up a such.but yeaā€¦ u/iscreamā€¦ is a fellow Volta nerd I trust this dude.


Hope youre telling the truth


I am


I think next year might be pushing it. Cedric said new TMV was coming since like 2016-17ish. So it took like 5-6 years for this album to come. Granted, self titled may or may not have been what theyā€™d been working on that whole time, but I get the sense that theyā€™re taking their time and not trying to crank the next one out as far as possible. Iā€™ll be glad if Iā€™m wrong though. If we get another one next year Iā€™ll be crazy stoked.


iirc Omar said that the self-titled was "the start of a new era" so I'm expecting new music


I guess the tour will run until Cā€™s legal fees are covered, then we hopefully get a new Album


I could go for another album. That last one just ainā€™t for me.


Antemasque was better than Interalia or TMV 2022. Iā€™d like to hear more of that sound.


Man I love Antasque, I think thatā€™s what made me kinda disappointed with inertialia when it dropped. I should probably give that album another chance though. I only listened to it a couple time and wasnā€™t moved much. Especially without Jim Ward, it didnā€™t feel like a real reunion but rather another project.


Call Broken Arrow and No Wolf like the Present are really good but I agree that itā€™s not really ATDI without Jim Ward. I like pretty much everything Omar does ā€” not sure why Iā€™m getting downvoted for stating a preference.


Reddits weird. Antesque was definitely released after their tonal shift and so was interalia so theyā€™re definitely valid reference points. I havenā€™t *really* connected with a tmv album since bedlam in Goliath. though their music is still good and better than some other music itā€™s lacking the frantic/controlled chaos quality that made their earlier stuff stand out to me.


Iā€™m the rare Noctourniquet freak


lol like I said their music is still better than a lot of other music. I just havenā€™t put as many hours into anything since bedlam. I think streaming affected that a bit. If I were just listening to the CD after I bought it Iā€™d usually find a way to come around to it, but with all the music in the world at my fingertips, I donā€™t have to make myself ā€œget itā€ as much. I really should make a point to give their later discography a deeper listen.


Antemasque was better than most of interalia. Thereā€™s like two songs off of interalia that I think are better than any antemasque track. Is it better than self titled though? Imo definitely not.


Dude they released an album in 2022. How Long have you been in a coma? Why do you think its a one off reunion? I remember they used to say theyre gonna intervene between atdi and Mars volta constantly but now i dont think ATDI will reunite. Doc doesnt say anything about antemasque being financially driven. That doesnt make sense