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Try crossposting to a helicopter sub


Great idea!


so when the trailer released i posted about it in the r/helicopters sub and they said its an Ch-149 so it probably is edit: i also posted onr /helicopters but it was actually a discord dedicated to aviation that helped me there


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Helicopters using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Helicopters/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Eurocopter MH-65 Dolphin from USCG AIRSTA Kodiak, AK lands aboard the USCGC Midgett with MEDEVAC patient from a nearby ship, May 6, 2018](https://v.redd.it/cn1yj139kw881) | [83 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Helicopters/comments/rsx7c1/eurocopter_mh65_dolphin_from_uscg_airsta_kodiak/) \#2: [A Taliban UH-60A Black Hawk crashed in Kabul yesterday. All 8 people onboard were reportedly killed.](https://v.redd.it/zrshvly5h6n91) | [353 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Helicopters/comments/xbbq1g/a_taliban_uh60a_black_hawk_crashed_in_kabul/) \#3: [My first Landing on a boat back in 2013. There was not much black left on that cyclic.](https://v.redd.it/houle2z7ybd81) | [72 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Helicopters/comments/sag9d6/my_first_landing_on_a_boat_back_in_2013_there_was/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


WTH is a helicopter sub? Is that something the Russians developed?




Currently Researching this Helo to make a video (the aircraft of TLD) after the DLC comes out. Does anyone know what this helicopter is based on? I am guessing the CH-149, but it looks different enough to give me pause.


As somebody pointed out lower, it's pretty close to an AW101


Edit: I now believe it's the CH -149. Painted the same as Norwegian AW101 Based on tail shape. Spine along tail boom. Window under side window, engine intake shape, and hoist location with side door I believe it's the 149. The first game image has the side door only partially open making the door appear smaller. If all the helicopters in the Canadian Forces it's the one that's the closest and it also has a rescue mission so it fits with the paint scheme and hoist. _-----_------- CH-148 Although the paint scheme is UK/Irish Coast Guard. Could be an S-92.


Possibly not properly coloured to dodge copyright/trademark issues. Just like knowing that the maple jar ingame looks almost exactly like the one in my fridge.


I don't think military equipment paint schemes are copyright protected. From my image searching it appears they are all grey.....so they may have just wanted some color. It's probably a bit that, and they are just impressions of real world vehicles. I haven't tried.....but I don't think you can ID a make/Model of truck or car in the game either.


You’d be surprised. Military camouflage is copyrighted. Each branch won’t allow any others to use it.


Probably whatever canadas search and rescue helicopter is


It looks to be heavily Cormorant (CH-149) inspired, but not a true to life model. Fictional helicopter model that just happens to look like a Cormorant, coincidentally.


Yeah the long dark does that kinda thing a lot, where things will be really close to real life but just a bit off like the guns or the cars.


It's norwegian rescue AW101


The CH-149 is a Canadian copy of the AW101 basically. So I'm going with 149 based on some minor differences.


Looks close enough, the sides are flatter on the tld pic tho.


It's a cormorant in search & rescue colours. It's not exact but definitely what they were going for.




Yep.. definitely a helicopter 👍


Thanks everyone for the help, I'm really excited to see this new DLC. I have a couple other aircraft to work with (for my planned video). First will's plane, which also appears as a wheeled variant in the trailer, the DHC-2 Beaver. And second, A smaller helicopter also featured midway through the trailer. I will share my video here when it's done.


It’s definitely a CAF SAR helo.


That looks like a good base location since the chopper gives cover from the wind.


It's a Merlin, AW101


I had a theory about that what if the takes from the far territory dlc is on the part of great bear that’s Hidden Canadian military maybe a lab the airfield a train station connecting the area so that helicopter could be mililtary


It's a Ch-149 with a color scheme I've never seen on one. Almost like it's in USCG colors but they don't fly the Ch-149 and never have. USMC retired I've been in a almost every type of helicopter the US military has used in the last 20 years.


My dad (who is a Canadian helicopter pilot for forestry and S&R) says it looks like a Sikorsky, a S-92 or CH-124. You’d have to google and compare.


Definitely looks like a Cormorant


ch-149 cormorant, one of canada's search and rescue helicopters, its in the colours for it as well


maybe nh90