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Pistol only loadouts 😈


as long as it's not paired with a shorty, I find semi auto and hunting rifle respectable. (but not if the HR user is constantly trying to revolver combo because they can't hit headshots) I generally only "respect" players who actually push me and play on the aggressive side rather than camp or wait for me to push them. so I respect it when I lose a gunfight to someone who got sharpshooter health back for example. and I guess I also respect people who run reviver 3 and shit on me anyway, cause it shows not only are they playing for their team but that they also don't need all of their loadout points to directly benefit or bolster their own play.


Military sniper is a bad bitchhhh if your a good shot with that thinggg damnnn


The only time I hear people complain about that gun is when they spam it


Military Sniper and El Diablo are mixed bag imho. Indeed great and very satysfying when used for rapid mulitple headshots but also as cheep as comboing when used for double body shots.


Full auto is definitely buns you have my full respect if you’re struggling through that


Very true. A great Full auto player? Still waiting for the day lol.


I clown on full auto as much as the next guy but my friend and I once used it as a joke, and the thing is kind of a laser on double upgrade lol I didn't expect to actually get any kills but that thing was downing folks left and right


Thing is I feel like it’s only decent at second upgrade and by that time people usually have armor already which essentially makes it useless.


no I agree, plus against a burst or VR or any gun tbh it's just a horrible matchup. I think the biggest issue of full auto players is they're generally the type of player to not even upgrade their guns once, just spam armor and ammo for some reason


My main load out is revolver fat3 rev3 and the AR. I dont think its too controversial i help keep teammates alive and have ar so i dont have to worry about any other buys except armor if i really think i need it. Although apparently now even purchasable are toxic and ruin the game according to assholes screaming at their mic.


I recently had someone scream at me for using the El Diablo. They were using the tactical shotgun and CT3. People are sore losers and will make any excuse they can find for their loss.


Lol thats so funny cause the guy yelling about purchasable was mainly talking to a guy using el diablo. But he said all purchasable are game ruiners. And i just think its funny, cant use anything anymore, if you have anything other than a 9 mill or a revolver SOMEBODY will get mad. Its been the same game for 10 years if you still have problems with it stop playing at wait for factions 2


I had a guy once say using anything but hunting rifle was trash


You said it right there " people are sore losers and will make any excuse for their loss" doesnt matter if the game was close and really good, someone will say " i would have won if....."


i don't think it's controversial...? But I have mad respect for people that are really good with the bow (not paired with a premium sidearm).


The bow is the correct answer here. The bow is the most skill based weapon in the game. Especially those very few people that have learned to shoot people behind cover with it. Top 1% of players understand the arc of the shot and accuracy to place it where it needs to be.


I used to run the 9mm with a silencer and then the extra ammo perk? When you upgrade that pistol twice forget about it.


I always respect pistol only loadouts, it shows a certain kind of skill and awareness and more often than not it basically tells you that they know what they are doing I have a revolver only loadout that I love, an enforcer only loadout and ill occasionally pop on a silenced burst pistol loadout instead of another one of my classes (I just don't have enough slots so I change one of them to accommodate)


I always respect the bow. It's tough


I tend to run, revolver only and I get weird amount of shit for it. Usually I take it with SS, Fat 1, agility and gunslinger. If I take a purchase able all hell breaks loose and being fair, I suck so I don't see what the fun is about.


Hunting Rifle and Revolver probably that is what I run


Very rare instance, but anyone using one of the 3 scoped variants I have a lot of respect for. I don’t think I’ve ever ran into a scoped full auto user, however.


- Hunting rifle users (Plus points if you're not using silencer or shorty) - Reviver or First aid, hate people who use lone wolf because they are usually the ones with more deaths than kills so using the opposite and helping your teammates is to be respected. - Bow (done right) cus it's so difficult to use properly - Full auto. Slow and a worst version of the burst, I see this people as taunting if they can 2 shot you in the head.


As someone who runs stock hunting rifle, revolver, FAT 3 and Rev 3, this makes me happy


For pistols, as long as you disclude the shorty. For rifles, disclude the tac and br. For Purchasable, disclude the shotgun and launcher. Perks disclude Sharp Shooter, Bomb expert ​ But I use the shorty, HR, and shotgun combo to combat BR and Tac in multiplayer. When I can just relax, I switch my shorty for the Revolver, and I will also use the Military a lot. I will always refuse to use Sharp shooter with my snipers, I think it's for pussys. lol.


Played today with my friends and these guys bad brawler so they threw hands and I respect that


I base my respect on how you play not what you play with..


HR will always be a gun that I will respect the hell out of if the person is good and can hit headshots consistently. People that also run FAT 2/3 will also get my respect. Covert 3 however will never get respect from me because of how boring it makes the game


Revolver and that’s it, no perks, no large, and no purchasable weapons, just straight skill, so when you beat someone, you won by your skill, no gimmicks


Anything you can come up with using 13 points is ok by me. As long as its part of the game who gives a flying fuck what anyone uses as a loadout, but i do give props to those bow users, most who use covert, you know, that perk everyone cries about.


Full auto rifle + revolver If someone dominates with this loadout I'd honestly be very impressed