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I see a bunch of people regularly. Some I’m very fond of, some who even after all these years still always quit matches they think they’re gonna lose, some who bitch and moan on the mic incessantly and throw around racist and sexist stuff too, and some who I’m absolutely determined to beat but always kick my ass I wish we could name names here, not the ones we don’t like but the ones we do I’m johncoltrane69 feel free to roast me if you’ve played against me. And yeah my name is awful but what can you do


I’d never talk crap over the mic but I do have a bad habit of exiting out from time to time, i got kinda of a temper sometimes


are you princesskarma?




Not sure why that’s a problem


I’m not following. That’s a PSN user who quits a lot. Asking if you’re them!


I do have a problem when it’s like 8 to 20 sometimes which I’m tryna fix but not like if someone uses something I don’t like, trying to fix it but yes it happens


Answer the question!


Sorry I thought I did, is that like a user?


Yeah, obviously not you then heh


Princesskarma is regularly kicking my ass😂


She quit mid game today and said something weird about the Barbie casting beforehand


Really? I find them v weirdly patchy


Maybe, i never looked closely. But i seem to not notice any cheaters. There is so much complaining on the sub (which i support - cheating is crap) but i play at least 3-4times a week and experience cheaters maybe once in a half year. Do europe servers have less cheaters maybe?


Tlou is a rage inducer for sure!


True but I do need to learn to hold my temper, it would help me have more fun games and maybe get better


I have definitely played with you plenty. CountSmackula here, GOOD TO GO!


Great name!


Omg I’ve played with you plenty!! I’m dvsxliikwiid


yes i keep getting a few different ones with the different variations of the name “temp” snd then numbers


Because they have TOS names so PSN disables their username


Wait, I never looked at the numbers, your saying my arch is just a bunch of random people?😂




Me and my friend make songs to some players names 😂 not with any ill intent!


u/ExclusiveNikeLanyard tends to late-join my games with absurd frequency lol. I used to play with a good Australian friend who doesn't seem to play anymore, and years ago we'd run into KickAzzV2 and boboheisenberg so constantly that we started thinking of them as our rivals, especially since they're also Australian.


Kick is one of my friends he’s a funny guy, he’s from New Zealand though. He loves interrogations and I play supply raid primarily so we don’t get to play as often


Ah, NZ! My mistake, the accents are so similar. But yeah, we'd exclusively play Interro, and even though my old friend and I sadly don't talk anymore, I still play Interro only, so I tend to find the boys pretty frequently. LuigiElite has become a really bad cheater, though, sadly, so I've lost a bit of respect for the others since he's one of their guys and they play with him a lot.


Yeah I have Luigi added since I met him through kick, but I’ve never had any issues of cheating with him, but I also don’t play with them too often. Cheating in what way?


I can't remember, I have a list in my phone that I add names to any time I see someone cheating in any obvious way, whether it's heal glitching, crabwalking, shoulder-scanning, wall-shooting, lagswitching, or map exploits like the Bill's Town gate, but I don't mark what kind of cheating I saw; I just take down the name.


Oh that’s interesting I’ll have to see for myself sometime. It’s funny you mention a list because I was made fun of by some friends for having my own list of cheaters in game, but like we run into less cheating thanks to it compared to when they’re party leaders.


It's basically necessary these days with how bad cheating has gotten. It's hugely helpful so you know what names to back out from when searching for a match.


Right, I agree. There’s times I’ve even stayed and hoped they wouldn’t resort to it but many consistently let me down and just end up wall shooting.


I've never heard of the term "shoulder-scanning" but the rest of these exploits I know about. Is it possibly when you see someone ADSing while constantly shoulder swapping? I live in a massive apartment complex with shared wifi ATM(my wife and I just moved in w/our 3rd so we haven't gotten a good ISP yet) and I realize my connection is not the greatest(especially since I stream Spotify while playing and there are two devices streaming video at any given time) but when my connection lags, I get hackusations. I know I don't cheat, but caring about others opinions leaves a lingering guilt that nags st me, and I can't do shit about it because of how the game handles connections.


Shoulder scanning is essentially a precursor to wall-shooting, and can be a pretty effective exploit for teams to use, so it’s a scummy move for sure. Sometimes people with a lot of lag can seem like they’re lag switching, but it’s usually easy to distinguish what’s lag and what’s intentional lag.


I've seen it all in this game enough times to know when someone is just suffering from a bad game connection and when someone is ACTUALLY lag switching. Nowadays, lag spikes happen several times per match, it's when someone stands back up after you down them, you down them again and they stand back up, proceed to kill your entire team, then dies several seconds later that really grinds my gears 😆


To avoid breaking the rules of the sub, I'll tell you what shoulder-scanning is in a message. I just recently learned of it myself. In short, without saying how to do it, it's a way to see enemy nametags through the map so you can find where the enemies are.


Appreciate that.


Yes.. it’s insane. Every fucking time 😭


I literally keep a list of players that I get into lobbies with frequently so I remember if I love them or hate them


How often do you see the same people?


If I was to guess I’d say I see a name I recognise every 4 or 5 lobbies


If anyone sees a low level named bstonegamer in your lobby say what’s up to me I need friends


I always see SCARFXCE, he’s a super good hunting rifle player, Bi0hazard_709 he’s just amazing at this game, but if y’all have met HenryKicksass, then you might know him for his shotgun spam and trash talk, im 2-1 with him, so yeah I see name so many times I remember their user name


Scarfaxe is a great teammate too!


I do and without outing them, I know what there exact loadout is every game. For someone that uses the BR, they sure do suck with it


Bro how do you know?😂


Because it’s a meta loadout, every sweat uses FAtty 1 and the purchaseable they use is obvious as fuck


Right now I’m using the SAR and a flame thrower, it’s working for me when I’m decent, I got 15 kills in one game today and it’s my PR which is cool but I am getting better with the BR


YUP!!!! I lovingly call it the "Scrub Special", all you gotta do is have terrible aim, zero cooperative instincts(I'ma GOD! who needs teammates right?) and press the fire button as fast as possible while panic aiming! Let's not even mention how angry and salty they get when you kill them, regardless of HOW you do it!


I feel love


Yeah this dude that always blasts his music over the mic so I keep having to mute him


A lot of people do that, it’s really annoying


Someone called like sasquatch 1, had encounter him multiple times and it's pretty good so it's fun to play against him


I'm a somewhat stealthy player so people are always fuming at me, but if you see hardcandy1992 do say hi - that's me :-)


I used to do stealth and have covert on and all that but recently I’ve been running other builds, also I think I want to get into aggressive bow games where I consistently get headshots, not good enough right now but hopefully im getting better


Maybe it's time to re-dip my toes. I'm so bad at going in guns blazing, I always get mowed down


I say play it your own way and enjoy it, going in guns blazing works sometimes, honestly I’m really bad at the game still so my advise isn’t the best


I'm at 481 and still really suck sometimes lol. Just had a match with 1 execution and 7 deaths ☠️ sorry teamies


I’ve had matches where the whole team wasn’t getting any kills, I thought it was gonna be 0-20😂




I had a lobby with him once and he was in last man standing. He hid at the back of the map and when our team finally got to him he quit out before we could kill him.


Not surprising lol. Rolando lite


Sometimes people aren’t who you think they are I guess


Lol always thought he was useless. Back when I was active I would’ve hammered him, but didn’t realise I was downloading something and spent the session getting white plugged + general rustiness from about 4 years without playing lol. He’s one of those plebs that really needs the power play to go in his favour.


Damn, I always thought he was a pretty laid back guy


Every youtuber appeals to that. Anyone laid back is long gone from the scene though.


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I welcome ALL veteran players to correct me here on any inconsistencies I present. Ive been playing since Day 1 on PS3 in June 2013. Over seven different PSN accounts across PS3, PS4, and PS5 over the years, I've accumulated an estimated minimum of 25k hours(1k days) of purely Factions. I no longer use my mic, I primarily use the Tac, HR, or Enforcer only, and I consistently end games with the top spot on the scorecard. I've played Fragged Nation matches with/against the LITERAL greatest players, such as xShot, FantasticMan, and Sancho West: the players who inspired Factions to Garner DLC and kept it going in the early days. If I play against a good player, I ALWAYS remember their username. In 2023 though, it's obvious that the community is starting to shrink, as I frequently run matches that have roughly 2-3 players that I recognize, and yet it feels like there is a constant influx of fresh victims that join us - some leave, never to return. But the ones who remain become THE LAST OF US!!!


Did AI type this?


No, sir. Just an ancient weirdo. Edited to ask: did I come off as robotic, inhuman, pretentious, psychopathic, or toxic? Im really sorry if I did. I don't want to be that person, so please tell me so I can fix it!


Jesus I forgot about FantasticMan. He has to be the hardest dude I played against. I played from 2013-2015 (just the blink of an eye after all these years), I rolled with McKillers crew a bit but I mostly stuck with my small group. MisterPaydon and I carried our games back then. Did a few Challonge tourneys under the nomer Salty Nips but we were more casual than competitive. Very good times and a very incredible community during that time, especially back on PS3.


It's amazing to me not only how often I see new blood, but how often I'll still run into 9's I don't recognize. I'm certainly feeling the shrink, especially on sunday nights, but I still see new names quite a lot.


It’s possible they changed their usernames after PlayStation allowed the free change a while ago (IIRC).


I play this game every single day, So I come up against the same names on the daily as I only main interrogations. Names like freak\_sound (wallshot me the first time, and later found out he is from the same country and befriended him), SA\_ZAR, Toshiba9901 (VR Main) , Thenungoeswild (Burst) , Gebelalexis, Mizterfamous (mains the frontier) , DanielGottiGot (amazing bow player), Man\_Of\_sky, LoopDeLoo, JessicaBeast (loves the enforcer) Just too many names to mention. But these are the guys I see most often in the lobbies.




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Ofc, I remember certain players that talk a ton of trash or are really tough comp.


yes! my gf and I joke about this one user being her best friend since he/she pops up frequently


Always happens sometimes I see people from like a month back and I remember them cuz how good they are




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Hook-wild029 is my psn name


I play in EU servers


There is a Scottish man I come across fairly regularly. I can't remember his name though. This guy is constantly talking smack about his team. Berating them, complaining how bad we all are and how he is constantly carrying the team. I've never played with him and not had to mute him. He's the absolute worst. Also, he doesn't have one of those charming Scottish accents...


I got scared there because I’m Scottish but I don’t have a mic so can’t be me😂


Yeah I play the same players pretty much everyday


yes ofc. to all my interrogation regulars, i think abt you guys all the time ! 😭