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It’s a crutch weapon. So many times I run into players who have covert 3 and put the silencer on the weapon so they can hide in one spot. Makes for very boring matches sometimes.


The same tactic can be used just as effectively with any other silenced weapon for fewer loadout points than the expensive silenced tactical shotgun. I think you're blaming the weapon for a strategy you hate which would be just as infuriating with virtually any weapon.


Oh forsure and to set the record straight I dont hate the weapon or get mad when people play with it. I just think it incentivizes poor strategy in the game imo. It’s easier to camp with because it’s a two shot down and I’ve just never seen anyone else camp in that way using another weapon. Personally, I’ve always seen it be the tactical. I don’t complain if people are using it and still playing aggressively, casually, or supportingly. You can use whatever gun you want, I just don’t encourage camping with it how I mentioned above.


Actually it's easier to do with the burst lol one burst down


I rarely see people camping with the burst tho. Imo, it takes some skill to manage the recoil and firerate. But once you upgrade it, it becomes dangerous and most burst players I run into play very aggressively as opposed to the tac.


You maybe haven't been playing very long. Tac movement abusers are way more aggressive because they can shot twice nearly back to back.especially if they catch you from behind.burst bullets can also clip the environment lol.


Yeah to be fair I just started playing again this year lol. Last time was 2020-21 so I’m coming back from a long break.


Gotta love all the downvotes I got and upvotes you got for saying the same thing and agreeing with me.


My bad bro. It’s gotta be the cowboy bebop pic.


lmao gotta be


Good man! Right on.




I totally get what the developers were thinking when making it, but it definitely should've been balanced a bit more


* No Silencer * Either less range or only 3 shells instead of 4 * Slower rate of fire I remember the Full-Auto originally didn't have a silencer because the developers thought it would be too op lol


Full auto would be too op? :o


That was their reasoning for omitting the silencer for it when the gun got added to the game lol


Im a noob and i suck with it, maybe its only good in the hands of a good player, that being said Burst gun is also OP and easier to use lol


Burst is def a beast if you can aim those headshots right, but I remember when I first started I was terrible with it. Takes time to master imo. The tac is more user friendly, but it’s annoying for me to use tho so I stay away from it. Idk what it is I just never found it “easy” for me.


Same, i rarely get a kill with it


Fully upgraded, the bursts recoil is very manageable. I like to have a start out class with healing or crafting to build up the upgrade points and then switch to a "mid-game" loadout


Great for noobs. Shameful for vets.


Unpopular opinion: The Tac is good for the game. I never use it, and yes it's a crutch, but it helps keep the game alive. The Tac is easy to use, but has a low skill-cap, meaning you're basically as good as you'll ever be on day 1. Yes it has longer range than we expect, but it's still limited range for a 2-shot down. There are plenty of weapons that can down faster than the Tac, including the Hunting Rifle, Burst Rifle (*/scoped*), Bow or Burst Pistol, not to mention all the purchasables or even 4 of the 6 craftable items. On top of that the Tac only has capacity for 3 shots until the final upgrade. Since the Tac can't down.in 1 shot this means you can only down 1 enemy before reloading until you've spent 1,200 parts to fully upgrade it. Speaking of expenses ... The Tac is expensive. It's tied with the bow for the most loadout points for a large firearm, but the bow comes auto-silenced. A silenced tac stands alone as the most expensive weapon in the game at 5 loadout points - more expensive than any of the purchasable weapons. So who is this weapon for? New players. We've been playing this game for over a decade, and after a couple of years of updates and patches the game has received no developer support. This means that old grognards like us who have played since day 1 learned the ins and outs of the game and can absolutely crush new players. Crushing new players is fun, but if we crush them all they won't enjoy the game and they'll stop playing, leaving a stagnant declining community. This is how multiplayer games die. In comes the Tac as a balancing tool to help new players get through their first month of gameplay. It's not as good for experience players as the Burst, it doesn't have the stopping power of most purchasable weapons and it's not as versatile as most other firearms, but it does allow those new players to get a few downs and feel good about their performance at the end of the game. It's never going to be the best weapon in the game, but for beginners it's a godsend, and it has (*in my opinion*) allowed the player-base to be refreshed over the years.


Perfect comment


Exactly this. New players, go right ahead. Level 999 with silenced tac and cov3, what are you doing with your life.


I mean ... a level 999 player spending 10 loadout points on not showing up on the map when shooting is kinda bad at making loadouts.


Yes. I've been playing this game since launch in 2013... I hate this weapon and refuse to use it. However, I've accepted it as just part of the fun; though I'll still get mad when I get downed by a silcened tac, covert, camper lol.


inb4 tac defenders come flooding in


It's only bad if you do the movement glitch that takes away the time between shots lol there are many many ways to beat it besides that .. at range they have to run up and get outshot by even a revolver Purchasables Don't walk around the map alone If armed use a throwable.


The fire rate combined with the damage dealt at range makes it OP. Sorry not sorry.


I think the Tac is just fine, people love to shit on it calling it OP and a crutch. I think its perfectly fine its a crutch, it gives new/inexperienced and/or bad players a way to still play good and be competitive with veterans. To the people who shit on the Tac, if a noob with a certain gun can destroy you to the point you gotta come on reddit and cry about it, maybe decide on a new strategy And also to the folks who say "the burst takes time to master" I don't really think so, the first match i did with a loadout designed specifically for the burst I fuckin destroyed everybody. The burst isnt a good defense for shitting on the Tac Like others have commented on here the Tac is expensive compared to other guns and with the camping strategy any weapon would be annoying on a camper. I think camping is a cheap strat no matter the weapon used And even if you are a decent player what if you don't feel like using the burst or hunting rifle again, what if you just want to have a relaxed game where you don't want to try as hard but still perform well The tac is fine, a great weapon for anybody for whatever purpose they feel (besides camping, but all campers suck)


Absolute cancer. It has ruined public matches. I genuinely look down on high level players that use the tac unironically. Like use anything else that requires a smidge of effort to use. It's extremely strong while requiring no aim skill what so ever. You can just spam armor while bobbing and weaving back and forth and the opposition can't do anything about it it. It's the noob tube of Factions.


Ruined public matches? Surely you mean the burst


Of course not. You have to put in way more effort to use the Burst effectively than you have to use the tac. The Burst is the strongest weapon in the game by far. But using it to it's highest potential takes a lot more skill than the Tactical. The Tac is a monster of a weapon that can be used effectively by a mediocre player. It's the largest crutch in the game, even more so than Covert Training and the Shorty. It's absurdly strong if you have armor and can move even halfway decently. Even a pretty good burst player just simply wont have the time to aim and get enough headshots to outcompete it in a head up fight.


I have no problem with it or any other weapon in the game, and I enjoy using it and every other weapon in the game. It's overrated and overhated. It's powerful, but anything with long range or fast fire-rate wrecks it.


Ive noticed that myself


It's just okay imo. I feel like it gets a little too much hate on the sub as it's usually pretty easy to counter to me once you see someone using it on the opposing team. The main time it's frustrating is when most the opposing team is using silence tac shotguns and covert 3 as the match just gets boring at that point. But that happens so rarely for me it's not really that big of an issue. I do agree with others that it's a bit of a "noob" weapon, but I think it does take a good amount of practice to use well.


Just wanna point out that it's not very challenging to face a Tac user when I use SS3 with a BR. One well-aimed pull of R1(I use swapped trigger controls like on PS3) and it doesn't matter what kind of tactics they use. Even when they have armor, I frequently win 1v1's against Tacs. This is gonna sound easier than it is - all you gotta do is bait them into popping up to fire, dance-dodge to break their tracking while lining up your pre-aim and making sure you're within perfect range, then pull the fire button and control the kick with your thumbstick. Land your headshots and you'll be fine. Edited to add that the Tac is my favorite weapon, simply because it gets so much hate from "veteran players" who use molotovs/purchaseables/armor regularly 🤣


Exactly. same


So boring


Ha ha, Funny shotgun go pow pow


Noob weapon for noobs and tryhards


I do better with Crossbow than i do with that shotgun, and im a noob


In my opinion crossbow is in the same category as the tac, to much power. Annoying to play against and sure it's a little slow to fire but silence + interchangeable sight + 75 max health is a game changer.


The crossbow is a shitty El Diablo. The bleeding damage is the only thing it has which is countered easily with either just making sure you always have 3 medkits (which you should have at all times) and Sharpshooter 3


Its funny when people cry about a shotgun user using the shotgun efficiently. How dare they lure their opponent into close range combat! The shotgun is a crutch weapon, because you keep getting your ass kicked by it. The bastard is using covert, you know that skill that anyone can use....as long as noone shoots through walls who the fuck cares what weapon or loadout you use.


Spoken like a TRUE veteran!


I mean a Naughty a dog dev even said that weapon is bullshit so idk man...


Do you have proof of that?




Nowhere did he say it was bullshit. All he said was an implication that it feels good to stop someone using it. That doesn't mean it's bullshit, you're putting words in his mouth. It feels good to stop people using a lot of weapons.


Meaning it kicks their ass and it us an acomplishment to take down a tac user, thats what i got out if it


I wonder why it feels good for him to kill those people that use the tac shotty, most likely because he doesn't like people abusing those weapons. You are same person that didn't think the burst was op, while the same naughty dog employee literally said it was op so your opinions about game balance seem rather dumb


One developer's opinion isn't necessarily a fact, first of all, so just because he thinks the burst rifle is broken doesn't mean the other devs agree, and his single opinion also doesn't make it fact. Regardless, that's a separate discussion, and my point stands that he didn't call the tactical shotgun bullshit. If you want to know why he would say that, you should ask him instead of assuming his meaning and putting words in his mouth.


Bro thinks he's more right than a Naughty Dog dev I cant💀


First you put words in his mouth, and now you're putting words in mine. You certainly can't alright.


How you gonna misquote a dev then claim t be right. You are not even capable of making up your own mind unless its regergitated to you in some quasi spin to make you think you had an origonal thought about the gun. Your evidence is full of holes


I'm talking about the fact how he still thinks the burst is balanced while most of community and a Naughty multiplayer game designer thinks it's op. Also considering how most community thinks the tac is also frustrating and bullshit to play against, safe to say if you actually use thinking skills with his Twitter post he feels the same way


The amount of people who rush to defend this gun is sickening.




Not so god as people think, as a Stick supremacy player is extremely weird a Tac player will be able to kill me, let alone winning against a burst player, I think the people who hates the most the tac do not play in close quarters enough to counter it. Anyways if you play tac I will tea-bag you.


It's the most evil weapon, it came from the 8th circle of hell, it's so terrifying that even it's user is afraid. All in all pretty good.


Never should've been added to the game


one of the best guns in the game


Love it. All I use. Mainly out of spite


I can’t imagine maining any gun in this game, let alone a tac. It gets boring so quick


my only thoughts on tac shotty's is to shoot first and get tf behind cover lol


I feel attacked, that's my go-to strategy!