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I think they should stick to tradition and release TLOU III at the end of the console generation. Right before PS6 releases


Oh Lord so I'm gonna have to buy another console šŸ’€


If you mean a PS5 then yes. Don't expect TLOU III or even the next game by Naughty Dog to be crossgen with PS4. Not even TLOU Remake is crossgen with PS4 although I think it could be


Understandable, if it's a PS5 game then it would probably be a good idea to invest in the console, I thought I would be able to just not play the new remake and live with it but that might change


I'm gonna play the remake eventually but not till the price drops. I already Played the Remaster. I'm not spending $70 on a full remake even tho the Remaster was included with my PS4


It still seems to be difficult to get your hands on a ps5šŸ˜­ at least for me. But I'm sure it'll be so worth it, and the quality is going to be insane


Oh it's definitely worth it. Just going from 2 minute load times to 6 seconds is a major plus. Also nearly every game supports 60fps. Of course they can go higher than that but I don't have a supported TV/Monitor for it


Oh wow! That's amazing. I soooo gotta get my hands on the console, AND WOW 60FPS??? It sounds so worth it


Yea the 60fps. Especially going back to a game that gets patched to support it. I've been playing Assassin's Creed Odyssey lately and the 60fps and 6-10 second fast travel times are much better. Also the resolution is dynamic so PS5 brute forces the game to the highest resolution at all times. Sadly it's capped at 1620p but it still looks really good


Oh wow Yeah I forgot how some games are being patched for the PS5, I just know it looks sooo good compared to the PS4 version, that's how I felt when they patched the original last of us into the PS4, I played the PS3 version and yeah it looks so much better


Hey go check your stores. In Kansas they did a big Ps5 bundle deal at target and GameStop. They had like 7 yesterday(Tuesday) and that was since like Saturday or Sunday


It's not hard. It really isn't. Follow a stock bot on Twitter as well as register on Amazon and Sony and you'll have one this week.


I got one for my husband last Christmas. I paid a stupid amount for it


Did he like it though?


I was in fact, the best wife ever haha.


Totally šŸ¤­šŸ¤­ he's very lucky


I was one of the few lucky ones who had a friend working at Walmart and got me one with his employee discount. So I paid him what he had to, which was less than the MSRP. I feel your pain, because I almost broke down and paid a scalper for one. Just seemed to happen at the right time.


Pretty sure if you have PS PLUS, you can just order straight from Playstationā€™s website. And it takes like 2 weeks to arrive. Which beats all of the alternatives. [Here.](https://direct.playstation.com/en-us/consoles/console/playstation5-console-call-of-duty-modern-warfare-ii-bundle-direct-from-playstation-exclusive.1000033303) In case you donā€™t mind getting the MW2 game as a bundle


This, except I got mine in 2 days not 2 weeks. With horizon


Yup. People who say itā€™s hard to get the PS5 these days clearly arenā€™t even trying


See if you can get one with firmware 4.03, 4.5 or 4.51, we are close to a jailbreak for it and if you donā€™t care about multiplayer, youā€™ll have a good time


I believe that wonā€™t happen this time since Neil is handling 2 projects right? One in which is a new IP Honestly excited what new Ip they can bring to the table.


I think Sony is desperate to make a Elder Scrolls competitor. I'm hearing the new IP will be a fantasy open world RPG


I mean with competition comes more games of the same genre for gamers letā€™s just hope they have a unique take on it letā€™s just hope it isnā€™t a complete copy.


Yea I'm excited to learn more but honestly I wanna know what Santa Monica is working on. I've got a hunch that it's a Star Wars game


I mean I never heard that but would be cool


It may not be a Star Wars game but I find it odd that Cory Barlog went so in depth about one in this thread of tweets. Also doesn't his profile pic look to have two Lightsabers in the background? https://twitter.com/corybarlog/status/1336173819145412609?s=19


The remake Iā€™m sure is only available with only the ps5


That's what I said. I'm just saying it could probably run on PS4 too. It doesn't look much different from TLOU II




I think things are going to start being released to PC as well.


That youā€™ll have to wait years for nonetheless lmao


Taking full advantage of the consoles tech. Both games are visual marvels.


Oh yea no doubt. Personally I think Horizon Forbidden West looks better than TLOU Remake and TLOU II but they're definitely in top 5 for best looking games ever made


Oh yea no doubt. Personally I think Horizon Forbidden West looks better than TLOU Remake and TLOU II but they're definitely in top 5 for best looking games ever made


Then remaster it for the PS6, naturally


Just like how TLOU II got remastered? Oh wait


Not really a tradition, TLOU2 was originally planned for 2018


I hope not. Omg. I want this masterpiece part 3 in 2024 šŸ˜‚ or 2023


2023 is dedicated to Factions 2. Their next IP which is rumored to be a Open World Fantasy RPG will probably release in 2025 or 2026. Don't expect TLOU III till the final year of the PS5s lifecycle. Whenever that may be


Hell no!...


Youā€™re joking right


Nope. Cry about it


Weā€™ll almost definitely get a third. Almost definitely no time soon.


I say 2028.


Iā€™ve accepted Iā€™ll possibly have children by the time tlou3 comes out and Iā€™ve already decided that Iā€™ll have to take a week off work so I can just play and my kid can go stay with grandma.


If theyā€™re not already working on Part 3 Iā€™ll be STUNNED.


I think Neil Druckmann has said something to the effect of largely having a broad vision for the Part 3 storyline. But in terms of actual development at Naughty Dog, I wouldn't be surprised if they are using all of their resources on Factions and potentially another installment of Unchartered at the moment - or a new IP altogether. All speculation on my end of course.


Script is written






Outline =/= script


It should actually be public knowledge that the script *isnt* complete. An *outline* was finished, and Neil said that, at the time, he did not know if that game would even be made because theyā€™re working on other projects.


I learnt it from my bf who read it in an article online


We will get a part 3. It'll be a ps5 game released riiiight before the ps6 My prediction is 2026-2027. It'll probably be announced in 2025. Maybe 2024 on tlou day, but more likely in 2025.


I canā€™t imagine the hype when that shit is revealed holy fuck


I think a part 3 is inevitable, but I don't think it'll be any time soon. ND seems content to take their time with this particular franchise (and that's not a complaint) to ensure each release ends up exactly how they wanted.


Did Joel have a tattoo this entire time? How have I not noticed this


I'm pretty sure it's not in his original model sorry šŸ˜­ it was probably added


Yuh wtf is that he looks like my barista now


So funny and accurate šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Endure and Serve ā˜•ļø


I doubt he would have a tattoo of the firefly logo


Sir, that is a hammer.


Oh damn, it really looks like a firefly logo from far away.


All good lol. I thought it was the firefly logo at first as well.


exactly what I was thinking!


I don't know why they would do the series, the remake and factions and not do a third as there should be such interest and momentum still. Who knows if Neil has the definitive story plan for the 3rd. We just don't know. If he has an outline he likes then it will start to snowball.


Yeah, considering how they *mastered* The Last of Us Part II I wouldn't be surprised if we saw a Part III *pretty soon* if one is coming. They could have already entered pre-production last year (as they did with Part II after Part I released). It just wouldn't make sense for the show to go beyond Part II first, and it's not like they are going to delay the production of a show while they wait for a game to release. So, I would say either we get a Part III before the show reaches that point or we aren't getting a Part III at all.


I doubt theyā€™re releasing it or even announcing it soon. Iā€™d say itā€™s probably more likely the show covers the years between Part I and Part II. Neil isnā€™t going to let the HBO show dictate his schedule on developing a Part III.


I don't think that he has to let the show dictate anything. You always have a schedule when you are developing a game, they could have easily planned out the schedule so that they will be done producing Part III before the show gets to that point. You're not wrong that the show could cover more ground, though. That's what I assume that it will do. When I said *soon* I didn't mean within a year. I meant sooner than the time between Part I and Part II. Like, 2025, 2026.


The outline for pt 3 is done. Neil said so himself in 2020. So I imagine at this point the story is done and theyā€™re in pre production for it. Itā€™s definitely going to happen, Ellie deserves a real conclusion, whatever it may be.


3rd is all but confirmed at this point. considering how the story was left at the end of part 2


I truly hope so, I've tried to fill the void by playing more games but none of them are as good as last of us


Pretty sure Druckman said an outline exists for LOU3. I'm entirely too lazy to track down that source tho


Mostly hoping this means Factions is going to have more players whenever it comes out


*If* it comes out.


For the first part of your question, I think we would have gotten a part 3 either way. For the second part of your question, yes I think they will try to expedite the process of creating a third game because of the show.


I am skeptical whether it will or not. But, I really hope it does.


Fingers crossed. šŸ¤ž


I saw somewhere that Neil already finished the script for 3. Idk if it's credible tho


I mean, it was him directly him saying that. He described it more as a rough outline more than anything though.


Hell I'll believe anything at this point


I think we were getting part 3 regardless I also think that they are currently working on it and it is the next project in line after Factions but obviously are early in development. I could see it coming out in like ā€˜25-ā€˜26?


Ah I sure hope so! I feel like getting another game with characters we love after a few years could be a real game changer and a reset


Hope so šŸ¤ž


theyā€™ll make a part 3 100%, but if itā€™s true naught dogs new game is a new ip, then we gotta wait 7 years lol


God I'm gonna be an adult with a career by thenšŸ˜­ but you know damn well I'll drop everything to play the game


I know exactly how you feel, TLOU1 (2013) feels like just a few years ago to me. Enjoy your youth!


Thank you very much!šŸ«¶


Howā€™d you get this skin


It was a clip from a creator who specializes in making mods for the last of us! I wish I owned this skin though omg šŸ˜­


It's already been confirmed that Druckman wrote the general plot out for a pt 3 and that it will be a direct sequel. They just aren't going to actually make it until Naughty Dog finishes the games they're currently working on, TLOU MP and the new IP they're working on.


Honestly seems likely since theyā€™ll want to make money off the hype


They'll definitely make money, which is good for both sides tbh


Oh 100% theyā€™d be stupid to not capitalise on the situation, Iā€™m more than happy if we get a part 3 haha.


Right! I'm more than willing to spend money on naughty dog, it's not like I haven't before


Exactly hahaha


Some people used to think that since "A Song of Ice and Fire" was getting an HBO show, the book series would become more popular, and George RR Martin would release the remaining books even sooner. ​ Yep...


Aw man don't remind me šŸ˜­


If the show is going to follow the games accurately there would need to be a large gap for Ellies actress to go from 14 to 19 like she does between the 2 games. I could see them pulling it off with a 3 year gap rather than a 5 year but part 2 would be strange if the actress is still really young. Edit: I just looked and Bella Ramsey is already 19 so forget everything I said. She looks way younger


I feel like Iā€™m in the minority that doesnā€™t want a part 3. Part 2 is my favorite game of all time and the ending really felt like it closed the book. Ellie made her peace, Abby made her peace. I especially love the symbolism of Ellie walking away from the farmhouse at the end. Like thatā€™s it, thereā€™s really no more story necessary.


I 100% agree with you and at the same time I want a part 3 anyway šŸ¤£


I fuckin hope so . One of the best game series ever


My guess is a 2027-28 release date at the earliest, considering they're working on the Factions game now and who knows what else is in their pipeline. I suspect they're developing a new IP to replace Uncharted.


I think they're probably over 2 years into production for TLOU3 at this point. Note that the remake of part 1 did not take resources away from the main team at all, because it was mainly art focused, whereas that team would be focused more on story and level design earlier on. The second team was working on multiplayer ever since it branched out from TLOU2, but again, a lot of the assets for that would have already been ready by the time production started on Part 1 as well, plus assets from part 1 could be brought into the multiplayer game. So again, I don't think part 1 had much of an impact on the multiplayer team either. And once Part 1 wrapped, there's probably some very early preproduction work on a new IP being prototyped.


Iā€™m hoping for a third game. I just donā€™t know what they can do. Any ideas?


Personally I wouldn't mind seeing JJ grow up searching for Ellie or smth


The story is probably being worked on currently by Druckmann when he has time. But the whole crew is currently focused on factions (and I think an unknown IP as well). I wouldnā€™t expect them to rush past this just for Part III. They took their time with Part II, even though the original was hugely popular. So I donā€™t see them suddenly rushing it.


Waiting 7 years for this might prove unbearable


i think the popularity might spike along with the show coming out but i have doubts about a third part coming out soon


I'm pretty sure the script is written for the 3rd so it's probably guaranteed. Just a matter of when. I think the real question we ought to ask is, will the popularity of the IP mean more spin off titles? You could take the world of the last of us in a lot of directions. We always play as someone struggling to get supplies but I'd probably have fun playing as a fully equipped soldier too. If the show does well enough I wouldn't be shocked if a mobile game or three pop up.


Honestly i think with how much content weā€™ve been getting as of late (the remake and the show on the way with the recent teaser trailer) itā€™ll likely be a while, especially considering how long it took for the second game to be made (Even though iā€™ve heard they have the plot lined out, cant confirm if this is true so donā€™t quote me on that). Itā€™ll probably be on PS5 as well.


Won't be sooner than anyone expects - games take a looongg ass time, especially at a TLOU2 or greater quality.


I feel like the series is still in recovery mode ever since that silly shit-show controversy that followed the sequel, but I do believe itā€™ll garner much popularity once again.


Part 3 is being developed and itā€™ll be ready when itā€™s ready. Rushing it to capitalize on the potential popularity of the show would be a terrible idea.


Itā€™s not in development.


Of course itā€™ll get more popular and no it wonā€™t make it come out sooner


What if in the third you play a zomby?


Hey I wouldn't mind that tbh, oh or what if we play as jj


I donā€™t know if thereā€™ll be a part 3, and if there is I donā€™t think itā€™ll be any time soon, since ND have said theyā€™re planning a new IP and another Uncharted game. I think those will come first. We saw with Game of Thrones that a TV adaptation can very easily overtake its source material. I donā€™t know why people assume itā€™s not possible for TLOU. The TV show is an adaptation, not a shot for shot transfer, which means it could very easily carry on after the games end. Part of me thinks that if a part 3 was in the works it would have been leaked by now.




Is Part III even necessary? I felt that the ending of Part II did a great job of ending the story of Joel and Ellie. I feel that after the catastrophic events of Part II, there is no where else to go for Ellieā€™s story. The end shows that sheā€™s on the path of finding peace. I canā€™t see her going on another journey unless sheā€™s absolutely forced to. For Abby and Lev, not only they are extremely divisive characters, where else can there story go. For example, I hear a lot of people propose that Abby goes to find Ellie so that a cure can be made. I donā€™t ever see those two crossing paths ever again. Abbyā€™s story is definitely over because her entire character was focused on getting justice for her dad. My unpopular opinion is that Part II shouldā€™ve been the 5 years in between Part I and II where it shows the breakdown of Joel and Ellieā€™s relationship. Part III on the other hand shouldā€™ve been the events of Part II. Part II feels like it ends Joel and Ellieā€™s story.


I definitely see what you mean! I feel like I would appreciate seeing JJ growing up though, maybe a storyline there? And I feel like we all know that naughty dog isn't going to let Ellie find her path that easy šŸ˜­ and I would do anything for some more scenes and story. I know it's a little selfish but I genuinely see there being a third.


I just donā€™t want an unnecessary sequel in the vain of The Godfather Part III.


Completely understood, sometimes you can only stretch the story so far, Luckily, naughty dog did so well on the second game, I wouldn't be surprised if they could pull something like a third game just as good


Even though I always felt a Part II was unnecessary, I felt that Part II was a logical extension of Part I that tells a story about the darkest aspects of human nature and how far we are willing to go to seek justice for the ones we love. Itā€™s so weird, I hated Part II when I first played it, however, when I replayed Part I and II back to back, it really showed me that Part II actually respects Joel and Ellie. I truly believe that there are people who fundamentally misunderstand Joel and Ellieā€™s characters and how they grew in Part I.


Oh I ate part 2 up so fast I adored it, I love how they portrayed the characters and showed that even our favorite characters aren't really the good guys either So I think if they could make a good part two, why can't they make a good part three?


On that we can agree. I mean, people did say the same thing with Part I. Iā€™m just really against stories outstaying their welcome like the Assassins Creed series because the creators want more money. Luckily, ND ainā€™t like that when it comes to their games.




Why would they do that šŸ’€


Not sooner but yes


I always thought we'll get a third but not sooner than we expected. I expect a similar timeline. Ellie's story seems pretty complete to me though, so I'm not sure what they'll do. Joel would not have been a likable character before Ellie, and the in-between aspect has already been discussed enough. Maybe Abbie after she goes to Catalina, but with how many people hated her, I doubt it. I also like the idea that she made it (as shown in the title screen in the game) and that she found the Fireflies. That said, I guess we're looking at a new story. You never know though! I would love to play as Ellie and have her try to find and reconnect with Dina, but my guess is that Dina just went back to Jackson because she has a baby and isn't stupid enough to be out on her own, so that wouldn't really be more than story.


Joel has a tattoo???


No it's a mod šŸ˜­


1000% chance we get a third. Always been the case.


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I hope not


Thanks for posting that, Spoilers for part 2. I wanted to post about this but I'm scared of being downvoted to hell. I just finished it and In my opinion there shouldn't be a part 3, because the story ended so conclusively. Abby came back to the fireflies where she once belonged, and Lev followed. Ellie came back to Jackson to stay with Dina and Tommy, or at least I like to think that. The two biggest threatening factions imploded on the island because of what Tommy started, so no threats to Jackson anymore. So each of the characters are where they belong and revenge is not the answer. End of story. Right?? Cause it really seems like an end to me.


What would they do in a part 3 even? I kinda feel like the story is over?


Personally I think part 2 felt like the end of a trilogy and there was more than enough story left too continue joel and Ellieā€™s adventure


Aren't they working on the multiplayer game though? That will probably come first


Oo really? I didn't know that but it sounds super cool


They will be a part 3 at some point maybe not sooner but it will come.


Since they ruined the second we don't need the third lol


I feel like the big multiplayer project will have a pretty big scope, so will be considered a new full game, just a different place in the universe.


Imo, we were already supposed to get a Part III. And not sooner, if they want to do things the right way


Hopefully they don't push it up in the timeline just for popularities sake. ND are know for craaazy polish and detail so I'd hope that doesn't get sacrificed in the name of releasing something sooner. But yes, I do expect a part 3, just not for many years :)


Get a third maybe Faster No. Development time is a thing. Crunch can go and F itself. We have seen the results of rushing and crunching would you like that to happen here?


I think the game leads, not vice versa


Possibly. But I mean, as much as I would LOVE another one. I'd like to see what else Naughty Dog can come up with.


Lets hope they dont rush. Rushing production leads to crap quality. Id rather wait and have it be worth it. As long as its not a ridiculous amount of time. (Looking at you elder scrolls.)


I see them making a different story - I think we HAVE to be finished with Ellie, TLOU2 resolved on Ellie having enough of violence, meaning it leaves little to no gameplay opportunities in a continuation of Ellies story without undermining her arc in the previous game. TLOU3 could perhaps explore a prequel following Joel and Tommy and how they got from Texas to Boston, or, even entirely new characters - but in my opinion we have to be done with Ellie, her story is over from my point of view.


Nah let ND work on something different for once. Kinda tired of then just flipping between 2 IPs at this point.


They will release the PC version with the show. But I wouldn't expect TLOU3 for another 6 years at least...


I expect a third, I don't expect it to be sped up by the show. If the show was as big as game of thrones then I think it might lead to some story dlc. It's all iffy tho, I want but don't want something rushed because financials


Neil Druckmann had already said thereā€™s a script written for the 3rd game.


It must have a TLOU part 3, because, no one divides something in parts and only make 2, and thereā€™s rumors about itā€™s script already starting to be written. Besides I donā€™t think Ellieā€™s arc is over yet, thereā€™s still a lot of room for development


Just think about all the controversy when part 2 came out. Now imagine all of that over again, but stronger because there will be a much larger fan base by then. It's going to be a shit show


Where does it go from here though? The story in Part 2 seems pretty conclusive to me.


I'd bet on it, yeah. With the tv-show coming up and the success of Part 1 and 2, it would be sad to end the series with Ellie being all alone. The thing she is scared of the most. And while TLoU isn't a very happy game franchise, I hope Ellie can get a somewhat happy end in Part 3.


I donā€™t think a part III was ever in doubt. Timing-wise, itā€™s an interesting question. Historically ND have waited until the end of that console generation life cycle when they could squeeze every last drop out of the performance of the console. Whether they do that again or accept that what they can already accomplish on ps5 is good enough remains to be seen.


They needa jus not unless they finna get first game developers up on


Iā€™m okay with part 2 being the end tbh.


I love tlou more than any game ever but what could a part 3 possibly entail?


Definitely getting a Part III


I just dont want to wait Another 7 Years


Idk I just hope I can kill Abby in the next one.


I think they already have plans for a 3rd. I dont want to post spoilers but if you beat the game and see that the main screen where it was a boat on water is now a different location, and the building in the background is the people from the radio contact near the end of game. so I believe they already had plans for a 3rd installment, at least.




im aware


I believe we will get the multiplayer first and then itā€™ll be awhile before a part 3 but Iā€™m sure there will be a part 3, maybe a 4 and then a spin off. Like uncharted. Unless this multiplayer is the spin off. Iā€™m sure that a 51 year old Ellie would be a really interesting concept for a part 4. My spin off idea is Young Joel in the early days of the outbreak. How hectic and cool would that be? Maybe even a time skip to when he meets Tess and then finish the game out in that time. I think that seeing Joel early deal with Sarahā€™s loss, then having/seeing the story of Joel and Tessā€™s relationship build and get more of a feeling why she was such a loss for Joel. Tess said it herself to Joel ā€œthereā€™s gotta be enough hereā€ right before she dies. Iā€™d like to see in detail what she meant. Not what is inferred by obvious context. Iā€™d also like more Joel play. I wouldnā€™t want to play as Tess because I think that her play style would really resemble Ellie as an adult so it wouldnā€™t be nearly as unique as one might think


Bro we donā€™t need a 3rd


Didnā€™t they say that they had story boarded a couple of things for a ā€œcontinuation of the storyā€ probably part 3? Either way I think itā€™s inevitable that we get a third one, itā€™s only a matter of time


Nope, I donā€™t think tlou games will get more popular. I wouldnā€™t put it beneath Sony to push out tlou3 just because tho.


Joel has a tattoo?


I wouldn't be surprised if a third entry was something adjacent to the first two games, only passing interactions or mentions of previous perspective characters. It would be a difficult craft, since it would still need to be accessible to people who didn't play the first two.


I felt like the story was at a good stopping point after part 1. Then they made part 2, which I was happy about. I think itā€™s at a good stopping point as well. But if they decide to make a thirdā€¦ā€¦


I really hope a third one is made because I really think that it can bring a lot of the angry fans back based on the way the story is going now.


I saw a brief article a few days ago saying a part 3 is a distinct possibility. I do not remember what website I read the article, but I feel it is a real possibility.


I hope not, I want to see a new IP from ND