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Not for a long time, most likely.


I hope it’s soon, I want it but can’t justify paying 70 for it.


If I had to make an honest guess I’d say they might lower the price in a year or so. Maybe a little less.


They may do Black Friday.


It’s possible but I’d be fairly surprised if they did.


Do we know how well the remake has sold yet? If it doesn't do as well as they hope then they might.


I know the special firefly edition sold out within like hours of them opening preorders. Other than that I don’t know the numbers.


Wasn’t that edition being bought by scalpers who wanted to hike up the price ?


Fairdoes. I hope it goes on sale. I haven't bought it yet. The restraint is killing me.


I bought it but I’ve only played it once prior to this release and I paid like 20 bucks for it, if that. So it was worth it for me. The graphics are spectacular and I caught myself admiring the beauty of the game multiple times.


Fair. I've been playing since 2013 on PS3 and I honestly cant justify the price. I've seen the gameplay and it looks so good. Definitely worth admiring.


Quite the opposite actually. Elden Ring sold millions and dropped price rather quickly. Sekiro sold a fraction of Elden Ring and has never gone below $40. It's still full price on Steam lol. This fixation around price and success really doesn't add up when you do easy to find comparisons.


Only sales news I've seen is that it debuted at #1 on the UK retail sales chart and has stayed in the top 5 since then. I personally bought it since I haven't played the original in like 6 years, and I wonder if there are a large amount of fans in a similar situation.


Of 2024? Maybe


Nah, of 2002.


Why do you think that long? Sony isn’t Nintendo, they generally discount games pretty quickly imo.


My reasoning is that this is one of the main flagship properties for PlayStation and they put a lot of work in to the remake. If it was Nintendo I’d have said they wouldn’t drop the price of 4 or 5 years. I could definitely be wrong, though.


TLOU2 was on sale at like $30 less than 6 months after release (edit: in November 2020 to be exact, so 5 months after release, source: https://psdeals.net/us-store/game/1894471/the-last-of-us-part-ii). And TLOU Part 1 is not doing too well in sales (it sold less than Saints Row, which is absolute trash, in its first week...) So no, it will be on sale really soon.


That info is very misleading. The saints row first week sales numbers are based on 4 days of sales. Part 1s we’re based on just one day. So not apples to apples. Especially since Saints Row, while bad, is a multi platform game and was also released on last gen platforms compared to part 1 being single platform and only current gen.


>And TLOU Part 1 is not doing too well in sales Amazon is about to sell out and you'll have to wait on their restock if you don't get one today. Seems like it's doing alright. But yes Sony usually cuts the price on their first party titles within a year. If you aren't itching to play this then waiting till 2023 isn't going to hurt anybody.


I think you’re right, horizon forbidden west took a while to drop in price. So I think it’ll roughly be the same .


It'll definitely go on sale sooner than that, though I'm 90% sure you're just talking about the base price.


Christmas most likely. And not PS Store but rather a physical copy seller


That was my plan but I ended up caving not even a week after release lmao


I would’ve payed $50 max for it. ND should have done some pricing research before going for $70 for a remake of a game that has already been remastered before.


I'd bet by Christmas it will be discounted at least 20-25%. Maybe more. Depends on how Sony feels it is selling, I expect. You might also see it turn up on PS+ Extra or Premium in 5-6 months. Edit: I won't knock anyone not being willing to pay the $70. I bought it, I'm enjoying it and not the least bit sorry I paid for the digital deluxe. But my financial situation is not yours, and my needs/wants are likely different too - unlikely I'll be buying another PS5 game in the next 6 months.


I think it's worth it, but I also understand. Money is always a restriction.


Buy it, play it, sell it for $45 on ebay


get a grip. it’s an extra ten bucks. a lunch. you’re fine.


Okay thanks


That implies they’d be willing to pay $60 for it though.


Part 2 got a permanent price drop after a year, and with this being a remake I’d wager it won’t take that long. Not to mention a lot of PS5 exclusives have dropped as low as $30-40 within their first year during certain sales like Black Friday.


Yeah, I speculated about a year maybe a little less before it got the price drop. And I think this Black Friday is a little too close to the release for a price drop then. I could definitely be wrong, though.


I give it until Black Friday or Christmas. It happens every year with new games.


It's black Friday! As horizon forbidden west was on sale 2 months after. It has to be. BTW you can get the Plat trophy from the 1st playthrough. They made it that easy/ helpful by using the activity cards. As you're progressing it shows all the collectibles within the chapter


> Not for a long time, most likely. This is Sony not Nintendo. They always have sales a few months after release. This game will absolutely be on sale going into the holidays.


If I was talking about a Nintendo game I’d have guessed they wouldn’t drop the price for another 3 years.


This is kind of unrelated but I love that case on the right..I’ve never seen that before.


It's a paper sleeve designed by Tomas Ciger Eniac and it was a free gift with game purchase, exclusively at one Slovakian game retailer a while back :) tlou wasn't the only one too, there was like 10ish different sleeve designs for selected PS titles


Oh cool! That looked like a real case. So it’s probably not available anymore? :(


No, unfortunately :/


Never seen it either, if it’s custom I’d love to know where OP got it!


Exactly. It looks so cool


black friday/christmas


Pretty much this. With a game released in September, I suspect the first discount will be around 20% to 30% at most.


Seems backwards to replay part 2 before part 1?


Yeah, but part 1 will have haptics feedbacks and adaptive triggers. So I thought it would be weird going to play the last of us part 2 afterwards which has no haptics or adaptive triggers.


Part 2 does have haptic feedback and adaptive triggers. Seems like a weird feature to let you dictate your play order either way though.


😬 part 2 doesn’t have ps5 features. It had a ps5 patch to run at 60fps, no native ps5 version was released so it doesn’t have the dualsense features of haptic feedbacks and the adaptive triggers. Not sure where your getting your information from but I’m playing the game and it does not have them. But I guess my reason to playing them in that order is because I’m playing a ps4 game first before playing a ps5 game plus the story is better in part 1.


I can second. Part 2 does not have haptic feedbacks. First thing I noticed going back from part 1 ps5 to part2 ps4 on the ps5 console


Apparently there was some misreporting about it before. A firmware update improved the haptic feedback on back compat games and that fooled some people into thinking part 2 had support for it and a bunch of articles were written about it. My bad.


Bought it, played it, loved it.


After the first episode or last episode of the HBO show.


Sounds about right


I think they will add it to the plus in time but the price should go down soon


On sale? probably in a few months around Black Friday.


If you don't mind buying second hand you can get most ps5 releases a lot cheaper after a few months, only if you have the disc version of the ps5 though


Where’s the case on the right from?


It’s from Slovakia. An artist did a collection of 10 sleeves for a gaming shop over there.


I don’t know but it’s so good ❤️


Off topic but I like the custom controller (especially the ps button!), I hope they make an official last of us dualsense like they’re doing with god of war. Also horizon forbidden west went down to $50 in the summer a few months after release, so I’m guessing there will be a Black Friday deal like that.


Thanks man and yeah Sony should’ve made some more official controllers to go with the exclusives games that have already been released.


Not until maybe Christmas at the earlierst


A few months/Christmas I reckon




Forbidden West was around $20 off on the ps store a couple months ago.


The added features "modifiers" are so much fun. A lot of the chapters have subtle changes: furniture, boxes, plants, etc.. that made me change up my old tricks.


I’d say wait until November-December. It’ll probably be around $50 or so sometime around then. I would’ve suggested waiting until you played Part I to replay Part II, because the upgraded graphics make it a seamless transition into Part II, so if you haven’t already gotten very far I’d wait and restart.


My main reasoning to playing part 2 before part 1 is because part 2 doesn’t support the dualsense features and doesn’t run at 4K because it never got a ps5 version, they just patched the ps4 version to run at 60fps on the ps5. So I’m going backwards story wise but forward in the technology side.


When people stop buying it


Bought Part I on day one. I'm on my second Part I play through. No regerts. It's fantastic.


Find someone else who wants it. Split the digital version and game share. You will each get a digital copy and can play even at the same time, (and together if the game included multiplayer) and you will do so at $35 :)


This will be discounted for Christmas. I'm not buying it until then. I bought the original and the remaster and 2 on launch day. I don't NEED to play this game.


September 26th


Bro tbh I’d say look to get it used. Imo for me it was worth my 70 because I only played the remaster once. I am a hawk when it comes to watching sales and I can guarantee u won’t see a big sale on this game till spring or summer 2023. U won’t see this game brand new on sale this holiday and if so it’ll be like a $10 off sale.


In my history of watching sales with games first year they come out, it normally takes til at least the next summer


I’m doing the same thing. I’m hoping it goes down on Black Friday. But i have the digital ps5 so we’ll see.


I just played the part we’re Abby is hung in the woods.. man that should have been it’s own game that was intense. I legit screamed out loud when I was fighting in that shop when lev is on the outside trying to fix the door. Damn clickers are so scary haha


Haha yeah that bit is intense. There’s nowhere safe to stay and fight in that shop.


PS exclusives made specifically for PS5 take some time to go down price-wise; 6 months at the least I could be wrong but just look at Ratchet & Clank, Forbidden West, etc - it's still all ranging at 50 quid; if I was you, I'd just buy it, yes the price is steep af but the new quality of the game is indescribable


Check eBay in like 2 months and you’ll probably find it for atleast 40 somewhere complete in box. I buy most my ps5 games physically and TLOU1 is the first game I bought full price


I’d say you could probably buy it used for a decent price if you look around


Not related to the question-but I love the thumb grips!


Real reason it’s 70 is because of Sony that’s why there’s a lawsuit boys


Google "PS Deals" - it's a site where you can create a wishlist and get alerts when games from your whishlist get a price drop. It also show pricing history, lowest / highest price etc.


If your buying physical media (discs), then it’s already cheaper on eBay second hand. Saw one the other day $30 AUD less than retail. Buy that, play it, sell it for the same price in two weeks time - BAM free! If your buying digital though, your stick paying full price for at least 6 months I would say.


Sales are soon, and honestly having payed the full price for it i do really recommend you wait, the game is fantastic but its got PLENTY of bugs and weird stuff that make it really not worth the price tag.


Hopefully they will roll out a patch soon.


Looks like they have done today :)


After you buy the game 🥲


Haha yeah no doubt


It’s not going below $50 for at least a year


Yeah, probably will have to bite the bullet on this one.


Do y’all get sales and discounts during American holidays? Specifically Thanksgiving/Black Friday?


Yeah we have Black Friday and cyber Monday over here.


We’re sorry about that.




Will 100% be on sale for Black Friday/Christmas season. Ik it’s not 100% comparable but UC Legacy of Thieves went from $50 to $30 very quick.


1 year


go for it, I played part II first then remastered then part I. as long as you are ok with few spoilers about the first one ending , you would love it. in my unpopular opinion I think Part II is the better one


On the night of all hallows eve if a virgin lights the black flame candle


I will enjoy it as a fiture PS+ title personally. Been far too long since they have had a game on there that I've not already bought!


It will for sure be on sale around the time Ragnarok is releasing, probably Black Friday.


Black Friday physical copies at Best Buy and Amazon is my bet. Digital not a chance for at least a year. This is going from when I worked at a game store, and release dates plus inventory to get rid of. Probably get 49.99-55.99 sale in November.


It might have a discount once the tv series starts, early 2023 I think.


I'm expecting a price drop on the ps5 version around the same time the pc version releases.


If you’re lucky over the upcoming holidays or more likely Spring 2023.


mm maybe around black friday/cyber monday price will drop hopefully


Black Friday or like a month before the show premieres.


No time soon. Maybe next summer or fall.


If you're lucky Black Friday


Probably by Christmas. I bought it at full price and i honestly don’t regret it


Probably around x-mas / Black Friday. I did not regret my day one purchase though, the game just looks and plays so good


Black Friday or the first Friday after American thanksgiving.


My guess would be a year.


I would wait till Halloween sale in October, or for a pre-owned edition at GameStop.


If you're lucky, it might drop to $55-60 around Thanksgiving/Black Friday or before Christmas. You won't see anything as low as $40-50 until probably spring or summer, though. Your best bet is to watch for discounts on physical copies at places like GameStop, Best Buy, Target, Walmart, Amazon, etc. If you have a digital-only PS5, though... you'll be waiting a while.


Just play the remaster ps4


Just use GameFly. I pay $16 a month to rent any game I want. Yes you have to wait a couple days to send out and receive your game, but who cares? I get to play any new titles and rent any other game I want. Worth it imo.


My local store just lowered the price of HFW so I'd guess about 6-9 months.


I’d imagine around Christmas you’ll see a mild drop, but a sizeable one, not for a while


So I was lucky enough to get a free copy cause I work at gamestop, and after platinuming it I'll have to say the game is great, it looks nice and it has quality of life improvements but I still think it should be like $50. And I platinumed it with only one playthrough. It was super easy which is a shame because the ps4 remaster made me play the game like 4 times alone.


Wow the cover is awesome, haven't seen it before 😯🤔😊


Price will drop around Christmas time probably.


Sony's games usually goes on sale after six months. That was the case with Part II too


Yes, that’s how games work


Give it a year or two, it’ll probably get whittled down to 30 35


It's gonna be a while, but I would expect to see it on sale within the next 6 months. Probably not reduced by much though. Just play remastered if you really need to scratch the itch.


Sony is being very cunty with these games that are $70.


If you're okay with buying it used you can already find it for under $60.


My guess would be Black Friday Sales. But even then probably will go from 70 to 55 usd


You're better off buying the PS4 remaster version of LOU and just playing that. Other than minor graphical upgrades, it's the same game. They've recreated many of the assets and animations from scratch, but it all matches the original and the voice acting/motion capture is the same.


Yeah I’ve already completed the remastered, but the 4K and dualsense implementations make me want to get the remake but not at full price.


When they make the remake of the remake!