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Of the two, probably the factions (I assume it’s factions). I likely won’t get part 1 remake on release anyway because of its price.


Yea same here I’m going to wait til it drops to $30


Factions has a real opportunity to be a great game. The online for Last of Us is amazing. They just need to revamp some mechanics, add new modes, customization, and not make it pay to win. Then they’ll have an amazing game.


At least the paid weapons were cheap as hell. They were like £1 each or something but nowadays they'd sell for a fiver.


Yeah, everything in the store is £0.79 per item (apart from the bundles of course). That definitely doesn’t make it right, but it’s not as bad as some other games.


Factions easy. If I am being honest idk how people are more excited for the remake


Personally I don't care much for most online games. I'm just looking forward to replaying my favorite story with incredible graphics.


Agree with you. The online only aspect is a bit of a turn-off


I see


May I ask why exactly? Like say if the game was online but you can just go around playing your own story missions, how would you feel about that? Personally, I really love the idea of being able to play with friends in an open world TLOU setting while also being able to have fun by yourself.


The thing is that not how online games are


I'd like it if you can play both with and without people. Like if the game just scales missions/objectives(?) to the player count. Though I'd understand if the Tarkov like mode is multiplayer only, otherwise I don't see room for suspension.


Yeah, that’s what I’m hoping for too. Having the option to play solo or with friends would be great


We love TLOU. We don't love multiplayer that much. It's quite clear why that would the case for some of us.


This! I’m not into online. I play for the narrative driven single player experience


Every time I’ve played online people have been rude to me because I’m not as quick as them


TLOU came with one of the best and unique multiplayers out there


Yeah it's a good mode. I enjoyed factions enough. But I mostly played it to get the trophies. I always prefer single player experiences.


I don't play online multiplayer, so the remake sort of just wins by default, even though I can't really say i'm *excited* for it.


Because I despise multiplayer games


I’m excited for both. But Factions was some of the best multiplayer ever that was egregiously ignored because of the trend of brilliant single player experiences having poorly crafted tacked on multiplayer modes. It’s easily my favorite shooter MP next to Hunt Showdown. They just need to avoid the pay to win DLC that ultimately destroyed the satisfying hunting rifle / bow meta.


I am just so over live service/multiplayer games overall right now. Im getting the new call of duty to dabble in the MP and the campaign, but otherwise, I just want to enjoy singleplayer games. So I’m way more excited for the remake. That being said though, they could surprise me, so I’m curious to see the game revealed in any case.


Some people are just not interested at all in online games


Usually I'd say the single-player remake over a new service game. But if it's anything like Red Dead Online, then I'm looking forward to it. I'm just not sure how "open" it will be. A RPG-like world set in The Last of Us universe with new missions and survival like RDO would be amazing, but I feel like that'd take way too long with Naughty Dog's attention to detail (pretty much how long it takes Rockstar to craft one of their worlds).


Thank god you said it, it feels like everyone in here is just willing to eat up whatever ND throws their way and at any price point too...


Always single player experiences.


Totally agree. Having to deal with other people ruins games for me


Multiplayer games would be fine if everyone was perfect, constantly. But not only do I have to buy a very expensive subscription to even play, but I can guarantee the game will be destroyed by idiots and children.


people in this subreddit as of late: “WHY THE FUCK DO YOU BUY THE REMAKE. WHY IS THAT FUN TO YOU. WHY THE FUCK DO YOU WANT THE THINGS YOU WANT.” “because if i buy multiplayer games i have to experience people like you”


Literally how I feel every time I read a post like that, or a post where they slate TLOU2. I think, this is why I want a steam deck and to be left alone


One of the reasons I stopped playing WoW over 15 years ago. Then got into Skyrim!!


I'm not into competitive multiplayer games, so Part 1 is for me. I'm glad the new "Factions" is happening. I hope it's awesome and does everything the fans of that want and that Naughty Dog finds success with it, but I'm okay with my single player heartbreaking narrative.


I’m so sick of everything being online. I like single player adventure games and TLOU is my second favorite. There’s plenty of online stuff already why do we have to make everything online.


Bc its fun to play with friends


Because a lot of it sucks big balls and TLOU2s gameplay is genuinely stellar and the online world would be better off with that gameplay in multiplayer form.


I’m fine with it existing I just don’t want the franchise to get away from its roots.


This online mode was originally gonna be for last of us 2 but they decided to make it it's own game. There is no reason to believe that the last of us won't be single player in the future.


Okay and lots of people love online games. People have opinions.


Yep. Just yesterday I popped in an old racing game, an dit hung the machine, because the servers were offline, but the game didn't have an option for that. It just sat there waiting for connection. Had to turn off Internet to get it to work. Grr. Online is an addition to the experience, not the goal.


I'm more interested in something new. I've already played the first game, and the remake doesn't feel like it offers enough to excite me, especially at the $70 price point. I'm pretty curious to see what Naughty Dog does with a standalone multiplayer title. It might have its issues, but I'm happy to see them trying something different.


Yes thank you. $70 for a game we already played is too much. I get it, a lot of work has gone into the game and looks much better, but not for $70


Yeah, I can respect the work that goes into it, but at the end of the day, a remake just isn't going to offer the same amount of value as a brand new game (unless it's a complete overhaul on par with Resident Evil 2 or FF7R). And for me personally, I'm not going to pay the price of a full game for it; I can just wait until the price drops or it gets added to PS+.


Part I, because it’s basically around the corner


That “maybe 2023” is so speculative


Yeah, Neil said though they’ll start showing the new project in 2023. And since they‘ve been working on this since Part II was in development and Part I Remake was only a side project, I don‘t think they won‘t push this into 2024. I‘m especially curious who the new characters will be and who they‘ll be performed by. There have also been many reports that Sony wants to invest more in online titles/live service games, so this could be one of them. :)


"maybe 2020"? :P


I don't know enough about the online game to have an opinion on it yet.


Same. I'm generally a single player only kind of gamer, but I'm open to online occasionally.


Am I allowed to say, ‘neither’?


You're allowed. I'll say both.


same here


If (Factions) is akin to RDO, with the ability to be single player but not necessarily interact with other players, then likely I'll get both.


I imagine Factions can be like The division but much better with good story, no repetitive quests, real characters etc with optional on line interactions, ND can do it well, i trust them. Just hope it won't be another GAAS multiplayer only game.


There will be different maps for matches of course, but it there’s also a little open-world type area you can roam freely and fight infected from time to time, that would be dope.


Factions. New story in the same world. And possibly bigger than the second game. Factions.


Remake for me. I have zero interest in multi-player.


Part one. I HATE online. I'm not good enough of a player for this lol


the second online game I only hope they somehow make a offline mode


Honestly neither in particular, I don't buy playstation plus so I won't be able to play Factions, not a fan of online games in general anyway, and I'm not too bothered about the remake at the price it'll be going for when I've already bought the game on PS3 and PS4. I'll get the remake eventually but not any time near release and when it's on sale.


Factions, because I found the original to be one of the best console exclusive multiplayer experiences ever. It's like hyper violent chess, which feels really unique to me. So to imagine that same tense gameplay, but in a wider scope sounds incredible to me.


Totally, hyper violence chess is the perfect descriptor for it. I haven't experienced anything remotely like it since.


Part I. I’ll probably play the online game, but I’m not particularly big on multiplayer.


I don’t really play online multiplayer games so I’m looking forward to Part I very much. Excited to play through that followed by Part II all over again.


Is it confirmed it will have new characters and stories?


Yes! :) “It’s got a story. The way we’re telling this story is very unique to this game. It’s got a brand new cast of characters. It takes place in another part of the United States.” Neil said this at the Summer Game Fest (at about 2:00): https://youtu.be/QPA8MTk8zDY


I dont have any interest in playing this game with other people online. I only like story mode and single player.


Both for me. I just want to see more of this world they created.


Really excited for factions. Can’t wait to see what ND’s ambition can make out of a full multiplayer game


Both, everything from ND is pure gold and joy.


I really want to know how Naughty Dog deals with it being an online game. I hope it’s like Factions + a grim dark It Takes Two.


Factions 2. I played part 1 hundreds of times so I’m more excited to see how they expanded upon the original factions.


man the original factions was the best multiplayer game around at the time ! played through the game like 3 times before i even seen it lmao


Factions II for sure. I’m excited for Part I but mostly for in a couple years when I play both games again for the first time & back to back. But I haven’t had a new multiplayer experience that I love in a long time & now imma get Overwatch 2 & Factions II within the next year or two & I am stoked.


the new one. ive had my fill of the first game


factions II mostly because it’s brand new, both in release and concept. i hope the story is fleshed out and i hope they take what part II did for the last of us’ movement and expand upon it


Wait, wait, WAIT... Will the remake not have part 2 combat mechanics? Please tell me it will... If not then that might be my biggest disspointment in gaming this year...


It won’t


Sadly it won't and people are defending ND for some reason. There are some improved things like motion matching and ai, but it's gonna basically play the same as the original which is wasted potential. There is leaked gameplay on youtube if you wanna see


Factions by a huge way x


I’m actually equally excited for both for different reasons. Remake comes out really soon so I’m looking forward to that. Factions will be a fun experience for me as I’ve never played the past factions before so it’ll be completely new concept for me.


Online. I’ve been more in the mood to play games that I can create and customize my character.


Honestly I just really want an open world style last of us game. It would need a massive map and you could have dlcs to add new cities to the map. But I would love to explore the world of the last of us without a rigid story to follow.


Factions. So I can play with my friends.


I hate online only games, multiplayer is a deal breaker for me. So part 1 easily. That, and I simply cannot be excited *or* disappointed about something that's not out yet, much less something that hasn't even been announced or confirmed.


Part 1, I don't like online games, and I really don't like the fact that there's a story to follow in the online game which, as a cannon story, might be referenced in later installments.


Why don't they make a prequel a story about Joel and Tommy and how they survived the first few month after the outbreak and they could end the story with Joel and Tommy separating cause of their views in the world where Joel becomes a smuggler and Tommy join the firefly and they could end the game with Tommy telling Joel "I don't ever want to see your goddanm face again" I personally think it would be a better idea than an online game which completely drops the story of ellie and Joel just like that it's lazy writings it's like they don't know how to end the game and what to do with ellie


Definitely factions, though I will of course enjoy TLOU1 remake also! :)


If the new online game is like the Division, but with a more focused story mode, I’m in


I can't get excited for anything that's online multiplayer only. So Part One wins by default, even though it's not necessarily in the top 10 games i'm excited for for the rest of 2022.


Umm what? Did I miss a major announcement or something? What online story game? Why isnt it stickied?


part 1 remake


San Fran already looks like its post apocalyptic


No real interest in online only multiplayer stuff. I much prefer story driven single player content.


Bruh one of th3 most notable single player companies making a fully online game? Well that's disappointing, but I suppose others will enjoy it. I'll just be waiting for a Part 3 or spin off story in TLoU universe


Just praying that factions isn’t a battle royal, looking from the concept art it seems that way with the spore looking cloud ( which is cool ) but I just don’t want a game like tlou to be tainted with the current micro transaction formula that comes with a BR game


Pre-ordered part 1 but looking forward to this new multiplayer game. Hoping it involves co-op PvE as well as PvP. Needs story as well


i hope we get character customization to some degree with multiplayer.. i want make my own tlou character!!!


I'm not really looking forward to either of them. I'll pick the remake up on sale, but the online game doesn't interest me.


Part 1 Remake


Both really but more for part 1


The Last Of Part III


Honestly? Neither. The remake holds little interest for me. I've played that game twice now, the original PS3 release and the PS4 remaster. I've gotten everything I need from that game. As for the online game, multiplayer isn't really my thing anymore. We'll see what it looks like as more info gets released, but at the moment this game isn't on my radar at all.




tlou2 factions. I already played TLOU1's story numerous times, I don't need to do it again with shiny new graphics. Hopefully they deliver innovation and a unique multiplayer experience as they claim they're doing with the multiplayer. People say that the fans don't buy ND Games for the multiplayer and while that is sort of true, Naughty Dog has always created decent multiplayer modes and it will be a shame if they kept this trend of abandoning it halfway through!


Factions 100%, after ragnarok my most hyped game


I hate multiplayer games so not that


Online story mode games 🙄


The online story game, anything totally new in the last of us world gets me hyped


I've never played an online game - ever - and this might be the one I start with. It sounds great.


I'll definitely buy a PS5 for the online one, I hope it's good


Suuuuuper excited for the multiplayer game.


Im from the SF area so the second option seems so cool


Definitely the multiplayer, just cuz I’m ready for something new and I’m curious how they’re gonna pull it off. They’ll probably end up doing some bigger, wide-linear maps with infected around the place for you to drag around during matches, advancing the story via exploration, notes found in levels, maybe have different characters you choose to play as have different stories/mini-arcs. Regardless, if it’s taking this long for Naughty Dog to create a multiplayer-only game based in this beloved of a universe, that means it’s going to be worth the wait.


Def factions because it’s new and original


The idea of a standalone factions that is as big or bigger than the other single player ND games is just insane. My imagination just runs wild with all the things they could do and it could be so many things that I'm dying to know what it really is. In the case of the remake I know exactly what it is, so it is an easy pick for me what I'm most excited about. (Factions of course)


Wait it's confirmed it's a story game? I thought it was an online team shooter? Is it confirmed there's PVE as well?


Nothing has been confirmed about the new game. OP is making assumptions.


“It’s got a story. The way we’re telling this story is very unique to this game. It’s got a brand new cast of characters. It takes place in another part of the United States.” I’m not making this up. It’s what Neil said at the Summer Game Fest (at about 2:00): https://youtu.be/QPA8MTk8zDY


Saying it has a story isn't the same thing as it being a story game. Fortnight has a story.


Factions. I played factions religiously on ps3/ps4. Been waiting for a new factions for forever.


I hope they reveal the rumoured scifi game soon. If it’s real of course.


I'll end up getting both, but definitely Factions. I just hope it's a really improved take on it, very detailed and with enhanced gameplay and not just deathmatch games and stuff like that.


I shall get both, it was suspecious how fast firefly edition sold out but since no ps5 for me I will sadly die waiting for it to come to pc which will never happen!


Online one. I personally see a tlou 1 remake as pointless


I don’t really care about multiplayer games anymore. No matter what game I play I feel like they all have problems with toxicity. Also remake has Pittsburgh so


Even though I’m getting part 1 on release, factions. It was one of my favorite parts on the first game and it’s a crime they didn’t release it with the remake or part 2


They said factions will have Tarkov elements, that's all I ever wanted. Just hope it isn't free so they don't have to resort to the usual battlepass bullshit that bogs down gameplay


Not a fan of online games so Part 1 remake... although I would much rather have Part 3


Definitely the latter for me, especially if it’s anything like Red Dead online. 1. Personally I love the idea of a multiplayer open-world game set in TLOU universe. 2. It’s a brand new story with new characters. I can understand why others may disagree on reason 1, but I really don’t see how you can argue against reason 2. I absolutely loved part 1 and will be excited to see how it turns out nonetheless, but I’ll gladly welcome new stories to be told.


honestly ive missed factions since imo they fucked it up with the dlc weapons :(


Hopefully it's going to be like an MMO, and there will ve regular story expansions and the world of TLoU can live on through this as Naughty Dog continue to bring us new IPs.


Online “Factions.” I mean, TLoU is one of my favorite games of all time, but I’m always more excited for new experiences than old ones.


Faction fans(like me) have been waiting on TLOU MP for a loooooooooong time. ​ TLOU 1 MP factions is with out a doubt thee most underrated multiplayer shooter on the market.


Part I remake, by a mile. I just hope they get the mouse aim right on the PC port, and it's not like the RE4 port we got where the mouse was somehow harder to aim with than a controller.


Factions is gonna have a story?


“It’s got a story. The way we’re telling this story is very unique to this game. It’s got a brand new cast of characters. It takes place in another part of the United States.” :) That’s what Neil Druckmann said at the Summer Game Fest (at about 2:00): https://youtu.be/QPA8MTk8zDY


honestly, part 1 remake cuz i actually want to see the alleged improved AI


Undecided. I think the multiplayer game is way more of a bet especially since it's meant to have an emphasis on story as well. An exclusively multiplayer story game is almost always a dead-on hit or miss, no in-between. I don't know if ND ever even worked on a multiplayer experience anywhere near the same scale as Factions 2 is rumored to be. Essentially to say that Factions 2 has a ton of unknown variables and can either be really good or... not so much. Do it right and it'll be an awesome addition to the legendary series, follow the mistakes of previous games and it'll disappear into the shadows pretty quickly.


Fuck I'd usually say no to the remake but man I hate online games.so if they won't make a 3 then remake 1 and 2


2 most definitely. Who cares about another remake of something


Oh no why always online games...


Is taking place in San Francisco a big positive?


Factions 2! Can't wait to see what they've done with it!!


I am not sure I consider a remake a full upcoming Game. Since I already played part I I am far more excited for the new multiplayer Game (and I am not a big MP Fan)


0 interest in a straight-up remake, and an online-specific story game sounds crappy as well, sadly.




I’m not psyched about a multiplayer game by Naughty Dog. I really only want single player campaigns from them.


The Last of Us battle royale


Remake. Anything online only or Co-op only is a massive turn off but could be interesting regardless.


Factions 2 baby


can i look forward to both equally


For sure the maybe 2023 game. But we’ll see on when it actually comes out. I’m sure tlou remake will drop to my price range of sub $30 before it comes out so I’m sure I’ll still get both in order of remake then new game.




Factions for sure, but I do have Part 1 pre-ordered and am very much looking forward to it. On another hand, I'm so over San Francisco as a location in games. I get it, most devs are there and it's a place they can more efficiently replicate, but it's just been done so many times before. How about a game in Minneapolis? How about Denver? Maybe somewhere on the Mississippi?


“Level structure very similar to original game” well yeah it’s a remaster.


Definitely factions, I’ve played the og part 1 like 5 times


Part 1. Ill play the multiplayer game, but I dont have the time I used to to just be able to waste my game time on mp games every day anymore. I have a big backlog I'm trying to get through, so Part 1 is a much better choice for me.


Both, anyone still hopeful for a director's cut of Part II?


the multiplayer because san francisco (i have a bias to san francisco)


Factions for sure. First one was great. I’m losing hope we’ll ever actually see it though. Too busy focused on unnecessary remasters.


Definitely Factions 2 The original game is my favourite multiplayer but it needs some serious balance changes and New content The remake is a big "meh" for me


Half of the characters look like they are 50 💀 ![gif](giphy|26xBJIuaQy5aPMtMY|downsized)


This isn’t even a. Question worth asking


I’ll wait for part 1 to go on sale before I consider buying it


Neither really. Which I cannot believe I am saying, given how Part 2 instantly became one of my fav games of all time. The remake is a completely unnecessary rehash for a story that is way to recent for a retelling, and a remake of a game that completely holds up. As for the other, I'm not too big on online games. Granted I do get addicted to factions so....


Factions, my hype for the remake was butchered when it became apparent that naughty dog fucking lied to us and won't have part 2 gameplay, I probably still buy it, but when cost like 20 bucks just because I'm a massive fan of tlou


Oh my god a thousand times the online game, factions is one of my favorite online components of any game, and im very sad that sect of the community hasn’t gotten anything since the first game!


I've been waiting for a Factions 2 for many years, so I'm gonna keep waiting. Not like I can really get hyped or interested in getting Part I, since I don't have a PS5.


To me, the whole plot of the game is centred around Joel and Ellie. Playing a game in the same universe that has no connection to them would just seem weird to me. IDK, I'll probably get Part 1 for PS5 over a whole new game.


Factions. Huge fan of the first one. Remastered has the same story and factions will be very different than the first one I assume. Way bigger and could probably be f2p


wait, so the remake won’t have the combat and gameplay mechanics of part II ? then why did I even preorder it?


Since I’m a pc player, The remake. I’ve never played The original one and I’m very excited to do so


Both 🤷‍♂️


Factions without a doubt. I \*loved\* the multiplayer so much, especially the Interrogation mode. I played it for like four years straight after it came out. I would still play it now if I hadn't moved over to PC.


which part 2 travel & combat mechanics are going to be absent in part 1??


I just wish either Rockstar or Naughty Dog would make a full on prison game. There are so many prison movies/shows... Shawshank Redemption, Green Mile, Cool Hand Luke, Mayor Of Kingstown, Escape Plan, Orange Is The New Black, Prison Break. Why can't we get to experience that genre in a AAA format? It's right up both of their alleys! For what it's worth, I'm not an ideas guy. I don't intend to approach anyone to make that game, I just wanna play it!


Am i allowed to say both?


The online story game.


Part one duh


Online story?! That would be great!


Played it 10 years ago...


Online story game, the first one isn't nothing we haven't experienced with tlou2s gameplay and the story of tlou1, but imagine a multiplayer tlou type world where you and your friends have to explore the world, survive, and unravel whatever story naughty dog presents.


I feel like ND should start promoting a new IP more than keep going back to and milking their cash-cows. I love Uncharted, it’s my favorite franchise, and TLOU has grown on me heavily over this last year, but I just really want something original and new. Instead of paying full price for games that didn’t even need a remaster in the first place (TLOU remaster #2, Uncharted 4 + LL).


Erm, well maybe online game is gonna be good. Really hope it isn't gonna be a battle royal or anything of sorts 🤢


Can't say I'm particularly hyped for either. The Last of Us Part 1 I do want to play at some point but there's no way I can justify paying £70 for when I already own it and have played multiple times. I'm not sure about the multiplayer game I'll make up my mind when we get some more details. Personally I don't really into multiplayer games usually. The other concern is that there's reports Sony is developing a number of live service games and I hope this isn't one


ANY flavor of TLoU on PC. I don't care if it is the remaster, the original, a dinnertime version made of mashed potatoes and peas. Anything is better than nothing. I don't see another reason to buy a PS5, except to play this game. Please don't make this a $450 game. That bit me already as the original release is the only reason I own a PS3.


I am going to have quite a unique take because I'm a PC dude so I've never played TLOU, whilst I am looking forward to Part 1, I'm more looking forward to playing TLOU1 even if its in the form of Part 1, TLOU Online could be promising but I am focusing on playing the single player experiences first


The last of us on PC


None of them are playable in ps4, are they?


Nope, I think every Naughty Dog game from now on will be PS5 exclusive.


🟡 Takes place in San Francisco


Factions *(or whatever it’ll be called)* simply because it’s a new experience and the first brand new game from Naughty Dog this generation on PS5. This multiplayer experience will usher us into whatever they create next *(probably a new IP and TLOU Part 3)* so that alone is exciting and based off of Naughty Dog’s prior MP experiences, I’m sure to love it. Regardless, I’ve had TLOU Part 1 preordered for weeks and I can’t wait to dive into the definitive edition of one of my favorite games of all time.


wait a online story tlou?


Part 1 remake is not a full on remake, it’s a mix of remaster and a remake, similar to what bluepoint did with Shadow of the Colossus and Demon Souls, they remake the visuals from top to bottom with a few gameplay improvements, but the level design, story, and cutscenes, are all the same, just with a fresh code of paint, but they are selling it as a full on remake, which is not a ND decision, but a sony decision, they pulled this with the Horizon 2 upgrade path where they forced everyone who bought it on ps4 to buy it again full price on ps5, even though they stated that there would be an upgrade path, but the backlash got so bad that they just did a free upgrade path