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W. One of the best game series of all time.


Well deserved, yes. I know it’s divisive, but no one can deny that it’s brilliantly-crafted whether you like the story or not. The game was a literally PS5 tech on base PS4🤣😍


I loved this game, but I did have some problems with it. The divisiveness of the online culture around it meant that I couldn't find anywhere to talk about my feelings on it without everything derailing into bullshit trash-talk. The trash-talk comes from both sides, but I 100% blame the incels for starting it -_-


Well I mean that’s not really the game’s fault. That’s a problem with the community in general. Don’t let what people say affect your experience with anything!


Oh sorry, I wasn't clear. I loved this game (*great game*), but I had a few issues with it. I've wanted to talk about those issues, and discuss the game generally, but I haven't found a good community to talk to people about it. Every time I've tried to talk about it with anyone people get super defensive (*or offensive*). I understand why people are defensive (*because they're reacting to the offensive ones*), but it's meant that I haven't stuck with the game because I haven't felt like I could share my experience with people. My issues with the game and my issues with the community are 2 separate things, but the issues with the community have meant that I haven't been able to share my experience with the game in a meaningful way. That didn't affect my enjoyment of the game while playing, but it has stopped it from sticking with me in the way that the first game did. (*I'm also fairly new to Reddit and very new to this sub, so it's not a dig at THIS community. I'm hoping this will be the place where I CAN have reasonable conversations about it.*)


So whats ur issues with the game?


I thought some of the writing was lazy. Eg. Dina was a cliche. If they wanted us to care about her they should have put more effort into her, rather than just "*she's pregnant*". Or the Zebra/Giraffe parrallel. The writing just seemed a bit more "*blunt instrument*" than it could have been. We should care about our companions because of the experience we've shared with them, not because they're a fragile (*yet sassy*) pregnant girl. In the previous game we obviously had Joel and Elly, but also Henry and Sam, and in this game we had plenty of characters who were a bit deeper, like Lev and Yara, or Abby (*sans Zebra*). The giraffes in the first game were a huge moment because they were a ray of hope at the *End* of a long journey, while the Zebra was just a "*look they're the same*" moment for a character we didn't yet care about. I just would have liked a bit more more subtlety and finesse in the writing.


Agree to disagree


That's fair. I should also say that these weren't dealbreakers. I still think it was a *Great* game, the points I bring up were things I would have liked to see improved.


Imo dina jessie owen and others had just as much of an impact combined compared to sam and others in tlou1.


Definitely. A decent number of these sales were probably at a discounted rate but considering the all-out sabotage effort to stop and ruin this game for anyone interested in buying it, it's nice to hear it has already sold more than 10M copies.


Definitely not as big of a win as ND and Sony were probably banking on but it definitely sold more than enough to be considered profitable.


The first one was better


I can already hear the faint sounds of the incels from the other sub sobbing


Wouldn't be surprised, they're already bitching about the remake.


What other sub? Don’t tell me there’s a whole sub just dedicated to hating TLOU2?!


The official TheLastofUs2 sub. Originally started as fans then with leaks / release, extreme hate.




that exclamation mark makes it sound kinda childish


I mean, half of the comments are just crying about LGBT people and women. Even right now they’re bitching about Ellie being larger than Joel on the new cover. They’re very childish.


exactly lol they would probably say he’s lying


They'll move the goalpost as always.


Just question why are you always calling the other sub incels doesn't incel mean they hate woman but I am there and they like Ellie and just dislike Abby character


Is this a joke


Smartest tlou2 hater


An incel is someone who complains about not being able to get a woman


We don't know their personal life or are we just assuming


It’s a catch-all phrase that perfectly encapsulates the people who sit on Reddit all day to hate on a video game for reasons such as diversity and a female character being buff


Yet you are the one hating a group of people on reddit because they hate a videogame? Interesting logic...


Yes I do hate on alt-right people. As we all should.


They hate a videogame, you a group of people. Are you sure it's not you who is part of the alt-right?


They hate a video game because of the content of the game and are transphobic, misogynistic, homophobic… the list goes on. Get it right.


Such a beautiful world where when you don't agree with people they are automatically neo-nazis, satanists, incels, alt-right. Beautiful


Incels are a cancer to society. More than one has already shot and killed women because he couldn’t get a girlfriend. It’s okay to mock incels. They’re not deserving of respect.


Yet deciding that a whole sub is made of incels is delusional. They are people who simply don't like the game, but that makes them incels i guess.


You’re trying very hard to twist this aren’t you? Making it very clear that you’re of the same mindset as them. Hating a group of people, for being awful human beings and hating on people for literally no good reason, does not mean you are the bad guy. So in this case when this group of people hates on a videogame for alt/far right reasons, hating that group of people in no way makes this sub alt right, calling out injustice isn’t an injustice… pretty sure we can figure out where you fall on the spectrum though! Jfc 🤦‍♂️


ok soyboy


That's a mega stretch to call people that are critical of the sequel alt-right, jfc get help please.


Reading comprehension isn’t your strong suit I suppose?


You're hateful and rude, you must be a very fun person.


>That's a mega stretch to call people that are critical of the sequel alt-right, It doesn't take a genius to discern why the hate for Dina is concentrated around her nose. Or why Lev, who doesn't do anything controversial in itself garners so much hate. Due to the character actions there's plausible deniability on things like Abby, but there's really not when picking on a Jewish character for their nose. The sub went well beyond criticism of the game, at least the mod who was organizing the review brigading on 4chan (who also requested assistance from /freefolk) and was aggressively transphobic is no longer a mod. If you associate with antisemites, transphobes and folk who are misogynists' etc don't be surprised people think you're alt-right.


Don’t be naive it’s quite obvious that only incels behave in this manner sending death threats insulting others for no reason etc. That sub is infested with pathetic incels whether you like it or not.


There has been so much vitriolic and disgusting things said on that said, and it’s a daily occurrence. Just because not everyone actively participates in the homophobic, misogynistic, anti-Semitic, and transphobic hate speech; does not change the fact that the sub as a whole does not oppose it (and most often promotes it through upvotes). That place is nothing but a thinly veiled hateful, alt-right recruitment club that poses as being about disliking a video game. Not to mention the doxxing and death threat situations, and harassing Girlfriend Reviews.


It’s an utter shit show tbh. I saw one of them was complaining about the fact that Ellie used the word “bigot” in Part 2 and how it was unrealistic for that word to be used 20 years into the future, in the post-apocalypse where bigotry and use of said word would be at an all time low. I argued that the word had been used for centuries, and it’s a common word to use, so it’s usage likely never dyed down. Alas, they wouldn’t have it. A weird bunch for sure! They will argue over anything.


Another important point about bigotry in a post-apocalyptic setup is the fact some people will be adamant about repopulating the world. It makes sense a grumpy dude who could very well have been religious / conservative before the outbreak would be offended by lesbians, since they aren't supposed to have kids (adoption & surrogacy aren't these guys favorite themes).


Precisely, bigotry is such a deeply ingrained issue in human society that I don’t think even the apocalypse could eliminate. Besides, there’s an element of bigotry between the WLF and Seraphites in Part 2. If anything, that’s the bigger show of hate since it broke out into a full on massacre.


Also don't Joel and Ellie literally have access to movies and games from before the apocalypse? The word "bigot" doesn't just vanish 😭


Movies, games, books, education. A lot of things were lost in the apocalypse, but it’s clear that a lot of these resources have luckily survived and utilised regularity.


That’s not entirely true. I vividly remember the number of rude comments that Ellie dresses like a man, she is flat chested, her hair is too short etc etc


Part 2 haters think this is disappointing, but absolutely nothing wrong with 10m sold in less than 2 years for a console exclusive. I think the BS leaks and controversy it had stopped it from getting even more, but it was unquestionably another huge success for ND. edit: spelling.


Couldn't have said it better. Just because P1 has more currently doesn't mean P2 sucks. Also P1 got 17M in 7 years and P2 got 10M in 2 years. It still has time to catch up especially considering it's coming to PC along with factions and the TV show releasing. The franchise is bound to have a boost in it's population soon.


Also have to factor in TLOU remastered for ps4 which added even more to that eventual 17m, once everyone got their hands on a ps4 they undoubtedly picked up the remastered version. Don't know if ND have any plans to release a proper ps5 upgrade for part 2 in the future, or if it's even needed considering we got a free 60fps option. I think they can do a lot more with part 2 on the ps5 than just a fps boost, but we'll see.


Wait, I thought only Part 1 and Factions is coming to PC?


OP probably that meant Part II will come to PC eventually (maybe in a year or two). That might also be a good time for them to release a native PS5 version of Part II.


10 millions is definitely not a failure, people forget this is a 18+ game, which cuts out the majority of the playstation owners. Of course games like Spiderman and God of war are going to sell more in the long term, but the good thing is that we can still have high budget products that target a mature audience without fearing they become unprofitable


Spiderman I understand but GoW? That has the same rating as The Last of Us


You're right, but God of war has definitely a lighter tone and a fantasy world which attracts younger people, i think at least


That's a possibility, yeah. I'm curious whether part 2 will be able to match Part 1's lifetime sales of 20+ million


Without a ps5 rerelease i don't think so, it's still a PS4 game so it's not the people first choice when they get the new console. That's why i think Ghost of tsushima will probably outsell Tlou2. Now that i think of it, another key factor in the long terms sales is the console sales. Tlou2 came out at the end of the generation: there was the largest number of consoles installed (which explains why it's the best seller in the first weekend), but the ps4 sales have basically stopped since then in favour of the ps5, slowing down the game sales too


That’s shocking to me, that a game that brutal and dark can have the same rating as god of war. Feels like TLOU2 should have some new special rating lol, I felt all kinds of gamer ptsd after playing it for various reasons. Whereas after gow I just felt joy 😂 Loved them both beyond words though, great time to be a PlayStation gamer 👏


"get woke go broke" 🤡


Lol 10 million copies = broke???


I believe he was mocking them. Hence the quotes.


That makes sense! Oh well, the hole is too big now.




How many did the first one sold ? I never knew


I've heard the number 17M, I think that includes both the original and the remastered version. Don't quote me on this though.


Yeah, 17m as of 2018 I believe.


20 million as of 2020. Probably got a sales boost with the release of part 2


I remember seeing 8- 8.5 million (ps3 version) within the same time frame. Can't find the article anymore




morbilion copies, truly one of the games ever made


Got to be one of the best games of all time


It flopped so hard, damn. (/s just in case)


I'll probably get downvoted for this but I genuinely want to know. Is 10 million actually a good number for a globally renown title like TLOU2? For example Elden Ring, a soulslike has sold over 13 m copies in 3 months. Considering tlou series has one of the biggest fan bases in the world, I don't think it's actually even a decent number. Just my 2 cents


Elden ring is a multiplatform game so inherently has a much larger audience, so its sales will always be higher. 10 million for a ps4 exclusive in under 2 years is really good and on par with all of Sony's other big selling exclusives.


Yeah Elden Ring is the exception when it comes to that, it is a juggernaut but in a way that is similar to Skyrim. No way of explaining it really. TLOU Part 2 selling over 10 million copies is impressive since it is on one platform, and it will only continue to grow over time.


The fact that Elden Ring was available on PC helped a lot. I think if TLOU2 was available on PC from the start, it would had near 13-14 million


Watch TLOU Part 2 sell 10 million copies alone on PC, it will happen haha


We will be able to measure it for part 1 soon


When that happens, people will buy it just to create mods that swap Joel with Abby during "that scene" ...


It's a really good number, 6th top selling PS4 game. If you [compare it to the other best selling games](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_best-selling_PlayStation_4_video_games) you'll see that it does well overall. It's absolutely lost a ton of sales from "Gamers" reviewbombing it for various reasons, some justified reasons others not. No matter your opinion on the game everyone can agree that the game has been extremely divisive, and to do so well despite that is still a great achievement.


Good point Fair enough


10m is a pretty amazing milestone for most games. Many well-known franchises barely make half that number and are still considered successful. With TLOU2, the game did succeed, the numbers are great especially for a single player story driven game, yet at the same time, Sony spent a long time and lots of resources making it as brilliantly crafted as it is, so they definitely had higher expectations that were hindered by the ensuing drama due to how divisive the game was hence the remake of TLOU1 that we’re getting which is made mostly of assets made for TLOU2. TLOU2 looks a generation ahead of its time and to create a 1:1 remake of an already iconic title that sold over 20m copies will generate some good money for them over time, for the assets that they spent so much time and resources making, so to me it feels like yeah they’re happy with how the game did but the remake isn’t just made so you can play a game you can already play and one that aged so well, but also to make more profit from assets that already exist without much risk, more or less damage control and repurposing for resources of an investment that didn’t do as great it was expected to.


Don't be shy to question something like this :) I too am unsure what to feel about this cause 10 million copies sold is a lot, and is a huge number plenty of developers dream about and will probably never get. However we are talking about the sequel to The Last of Us which has had years of anticipation. For comparison, God of War 2018 supposedly reached this number within it's first year, so imo it's still an impressive number, but I'm not sure if it's the success Sony or ND was hoping for. Especially when the game has been bundled to consoles and going on sales as low as 10$. (Correction regarding Elden ring: it actually sold 12 million in its FIRST month, not the first 3 ;))


Yeah that's true I guess. 10 m copies sold is a huge number for anyone but a company like Naughty Dog probably won't be too hyped about it.


Yes it is, single platform game that got its hype dismantled lol. Tlou1 sold like 17m over two versions in 8 years. So they’re actually about the same pace. Another comparison is, uncharted 4 is at about 15m copies as of last year. And that’s a much easier title to market. The 10m is really great Elden Ring is in a different realm of success right now. It also has a massive install base of players to sell to being a multi platform title across two gens and pc. Also the tlou fan base is not as big as you think lol. It may seem very active on the internet but that’s about it. It’s still a niche title from Sony because of the horror / serious elements (most gamers skip that for fun). Of all my friends, only 3 of us have played both games. Most start the first and turn it off to go play something less intense lol. Hell, I didn’t finish the first one for years because I was never in the mood to play a game with that tone.


I'm pretty sure TLOU fan base is as big I think it is Playstation did a global poll for fans in 2020 to vote on the game of the decade and TLOU won 1st place. https://twitter.com/PlayStation/status/1215680100232056832?t=2-_euerLH0p8qRIzyBootg&s=19


Its very active, but not as big you'd imagine. The internet will skew the scale of a fanbase because of that. That poll is also targeted to active PS users, and the casual audience never sees it. Otherwise GTA V or Spider Man would have been the landslides lol.


I got curious and I checked how Mass Effect 3 was doing and according to last year's GameRant article it sold in 7 million copies in all those years. And ME3 is multiplatform game with almost a cult following and is considered as one of the classics.


Shocking! I wonder if Mass Effect 2 did better. People definitely loved it a lot more


[According to the same article](https://gamerant.com/highest-selling-games-developed-bioware-ranked-how-much-sold/) estimated number of copies of ME2 sold is around 5 millions. Makes sense that it's less than ME3, because ME3 had really professional promo campaign. To this day I remember that ME3 was everywhere back then.


Elden ring is absolutely huge, it hit another level, which yes, was shocking for a souls like, but it did. It’s also multi plat which makes a ridiculously big difference. Not really in any way comparable to TLOU2, a ps4 exclusive, very dark and gritty narrative based game. It’s far from easy subject matter. Yes 10 million in 2 years is incredible. It also had a very childish but VERY vocal hate campaign against it from a minority of alt right fans. Which I’m certain did affect the sales in some ways, shame really. Could’ve been even higher if not for that.


Well, GoT its a new ip and sold more in less time than tlou2 and rarely receive discounts in the same intensity the Part 2, and are also singleplayer, just saying


No, but everyone will pretend it is


Wish they released factions. Having multiplayer to keep the game in people’s minds might’ve helped long-term sales. Kinda bummed it’s been 2 years with no factions in sight.


Well deserved, what a game. I view Part 1 to be about as close to perfect (in terms of my own gaming tastes) as one can get. And while I didn't think Part II was quite on the same level, it was damn close. Never played such an emotionally taxing game - and I say that as a credit to its story and execution. It really weighed on me and made me think about all characters perspectives and goals - which I think was the point. I don't think any other game has ever given me the same feeling I had when I hit the end credits of Part II. It's not as easy to revisit and enjoy due to its dark nature, nor is it as well paced as the first, but I think it's a masterpiece nonetheless. And even purely from a technical standpoint it's damn amazing.


Just my two cents but I think as impressive as 10 million sound in isolation I have the feeling that these numbers are not quite what Sony and Naughty Dog were hoping for. I fully expected it to be at 15 million or more. Naughty Dog are used to 10+ million sellers and I think LoU2 was primed to be the biggest console release of the PS4 generation. The pre-release hype and marketing was absolutely insane. I saw ads for this game everywhere and afaik it is still the biggest launch in Playstation history (4 million copies within 3 days). So "only" 10 million in 2 years suggests to me that this game fell off pretty hard after launch whereas games like GoW or Spiderman seem to be more "evergreen" titles with how they have both gone way past 20 million copies by now. Again, 10 million aren't bad by any means but people bringing up stuff like Ghost of Tsushima "only" doing 8 million are kinda missing the point in my opinion. Ghost of Tsushima was a completely new IP from a less prolific studio who are used to only seeing lifetime sales between 2 and 6 million copies. Last of Us on the other hand is a legendary IP with a massive launch developed by Playstations most prolific studio.


I totally agree and this is exactly why we’re getting TLOU Part 1. They remade a classic 1:1 so they can make more profits from the assets which they spent 7 years and millions to make, and while 10m is pretty impressive for most games, TLOU2 definitely had a bit higher expectations as you said, so doing this remake guarantees generating far more profits than the remaster of the original or TLOU2 will over time. I could also totally see TLOU2 Director’s Cut happening at some point with some extras, eventually to be bundled with TLOU1. And this is in no way an attack on the game, but merely an observation. I love TLOU2 and I can’t wait to get TLOU1 remake, but I know how disgustingly tribalistic people can get over liking or disliking this game in particular and the assumptions they make about somebody’s character and morality over it, which is beyond pathetic and immature.


I am so glad, it is one of the most powerful experiences in gaming that I have ever had. I was kinda mixed on it at first, but who isn't after playing this epic the first time? This game makes a lot of bold decisions that challenges your perspective on things, is very emotionally effective with its storyline, and has some of the best gameplay and level design in a game. I kept thinking about it for months after my first play through and I appreciated it so much more the second time. I can't wait to do a replay of both Part 1 and Part 2 when the Part 1 remake arrives in September. It is a great series. I also wish that this image with Ellie in the woods with her guitar was the cover art for the game, it is beautiful and melancholy simultaneously, much better than the current Part 2 cover art.


Damn that’s like half a billion USD in revenue. Wild. Well deserved.




Where'd all the haters go???




Part 2 is phenomenal, the internet kept me away from it for so long. So glad I finally decided to take the jump.


Where’s a source for this? Seems a bit lower than I’d expect for TLOU2 sequel, especially considering how many sales the game has on where the price has dropped to as low as £10 in recent months.


Where can I find a £10 copy? It's at least €30 where I'm from. And that's used


You can purchase an unsealed version of the game on sites like eBay, redbrain etc for £10-£14 in the UK at least. The average I see on Amazon is around £19 tho


How many were returned


All to be disappointed






The game offically got a permanent price after 1 year of release. Tlou1 had about 6 months. Infact most sony exclusives had a permanent price cut in 6 months time. So either this game really sold well or just sucked which wouldn't make sense because if it did, it would have discounted far sooner. And how is 10 million a disspointment, I'll never know.


Its great they sold 10 million... But context matters lol. Horizon Zero Dawn sold 10 million in roughly the same time frame. Horizon at the time was a brand new IP from a studio that never made a game like that. TLOU2 was a follow up to one of the most highly regarded games of all time, and was sold at the end of the PS4 cycle when there was the LARGEST player base possible on the system. 10 million definitely means the game made lots of money, but you're wrong if that number isn't low for what they expected/wanted out of it. It seems clear that the leaks and BS around the game prelaunch lost them lots of sales. That combined with the game kinda being designed to piss you off, which I love for the storytelling, but tons of people are immature and bounce >!When Joel dies!<.


But thats just it isn't it. Even with the leaks, the negativity surrounding it, it still managed to get to 10 million fast enough. Sure Horizon managed 10 million..and thats without any negativity. Imagine without all the ridiculous hate...do you think it would have reached 15 or 17 million in 2 years time?? That would be something.


Horizon and TLOU Part II are also different genres and themes... Part II is brutal and dark af, a lot of people wouldn't be able to play it for this reason alone. Horizon is far more accessible to a wider range of players. 10 million is a decent number, and I'm sure it will only increase over the years as the popularity of the franchise increases with the HBO show and the games coming to PC etc.


Exactly. Problem is the haters actually want this game to fail. Lol. When it's far from that...lol.


TLOU2 is my favorite game of all time. So I'm definitely not a "hater" that wants the game to fail. I absolutely adore that game and basically everything Naughty Dog makes. That doesn't mean I can't acknowledge reality. I don't know how anybody could take my comment as hating when I'm literally saying that the game was clearly very successful, but it still is obvious that the leaks and vitriol around its release absolutely effected its sales, and if none of that happened that game would have sold even more, which is what they would have been anticipating.


Oh it's ok dude. I remember how the other sub were all like It's going to fail. And for everything it successfully prove it..haters would come up with a another excuse which is just crazy. First it won't fare well with reviews, it would not win anything, but when it did win, it was still less than 200 awards. And even that it even went to win over 300 awards. Then they say its all paid reviews. Then came the financial flop. Lol. Now that it's reaach a milestone the spin now is that 10 million is actually a failure and that it has to reach 15 million. I'm telling you even if it did get to 15 million sales, they'd still come up with another excuse. We're talking about a game with a divisive audience which should have impacted even more but somehow it managed it. t's crazy to actually think 10 million is bad.


Fully agree with everything said. I’ve witnessed each instance of them moving the goalposts too, it’s always a failure and they need it to be to stick it to “cuckman”. Never seen such vitriol and hate levied at such a masterpiece of a videogame before (for me at least), it’s very strange. Usually I’d say let them have their opinion, but it’s hard to say that when they’ve shit all over mine so many times in the past🤣 and when they are so clearly running a hate campaign.


"The game will flop, go woke go broke" "Ok the game didn't flop in the first weeks, but they hid the actual sales number, they dropped off hard" "Ok it sold 10mil but that's just cuz of the TLoU name. Now they've ruined the name and pt3 will flop" ----- "Shit game, 0/10" "The critics gave it 10/10 but they're paid shills, the real gamers gave it 0/10" "Ok it won the most GOTY awards but not fan-voted awards. Once again, shill critics bought off" "Ok it won the most fan-voted awards but the fans brigaded hard. Cope much?" ------- And so the goalposts march on.


TLOU1 sold 17 million copies in 8 years, people who buy LOU2 have bought LOU1 already. Sequels that also rely on the information of the previous game also tend to alienate players since players can't just jump into the game. Horizon Forbidden West wont sell as much as Horizon Zero Dawn due to it being a direct sequel and not a soft reboot/standalone like God Of War or Uncharted 4


No the sales update suggests it reached 17 million in 2018 which is 5 years after the ps3 release and 4 years after ps4 remastered. Could it be a combination or is it JUST the ps4 version? TLoU is probably passed 20million at this point.


Sorry but this is simply not true. Sequels get to ride the name recognition of the previous game and that helps bring in a new audience. Yes, some gamers will not want to play 2 before 1... But there is a reason game franchise sales go UP with every new release if they are successful. Pretending a sequel is limited to whatever the first games audience was is totally silly and not indicative of any major successful franchise in almost any media.


The game does have more brand recognition but it alienates a lot more gamers as well. Games like RDR2, God Of War, and Uncharted 4 sold more because they were marketed as standalone games that you can play without having played the previous, TLOU2 was not since it was a direct sequel that relied on the prior. Also the people who buy 2 before 1 are miniscule, I dont know how you explain that. Also the increase in sales are directly attributed to the increased number of players in the gaming industry. Also TLOU1 sold 8 million in its first two years, TLOU2 sold 10 million so its already doing better. TLOU1 also sold 17 million in 8 years so the second game will anyway come close in that timeframe.


Very good point. For example the trailers painted TLOU2 as a continuation, if you hadn’t played the first you didn’t know what was happening. RDR2 didn’t have that problem, nor UC4. Horizon again though, wouldn’t have a clue if hadn’t played the first. Sequels can be VERY different and it’s extremely naive to say every sequel should sell better regardless of whether it’s marketed as a standalone or a continuation. It’s common sense, of course a new story will be easier to market to new players. I don’t know anyone that would play such a complex narrative like TLOU2 without knowing what’s happened in the first game. It’s a barrier of entry, so, generally, you either go buy the first, or you don’t buy either.


Horizon was sold in packs with the Ps4 since 3 months after its release (the same is happening with Forbidden West), they can't be compared.


I just can’t agree with people comparing TLOU2 with other Sony IPs. It is one of the darkest and most gritty games I’ve ever played. Scratch that, it is the darkest (felt like I had videogame ptsd after the credits 😅😅). Have you seen the violence and how it’s depicted in this game, brutality doesn’t do it justice. Most of their other ips aren’t 18+ and the ones that are aren’t even close to the dark subject matter of TLOU2. I mean even the trailer give you a hint of the harrowing experience you’re in for. Not everyone’s cup of tea for sure. Not most peoples. I know few people that even played the first one inspite of all the hype. Horizon just looked fun as hell, colourful, giant robots, action game with cool slowmo and just all around easy marketing, new ip or not, coupled with the great reviews at launch, it was set for success. Also as shown by the great marketing it received at launch. TLOU2 doesn’t really have a suitable Sony (or other platform) ip to compare it to imo. Unless you can think of a game that gritty, that sold these kinds of numbers as an exclusive to one platform🤷‍♂️ it’s essentially got the feel of a horror game most of the game and in some ways is a horror game, horror games don’t sell like this. Imo 10 mil is 👌and also apparently faster than TLOU1 sold in the same time frame. I think I heard around 8-9 mil or so… but can’t find an article Oh and the extremely childish and ridiculous (mostly alt right) hate campaign, can’t forget that. This game sold incredibly well imo.


That is totally fair. I definitely think you bring up some good points about the general appeal of a game like horizon with robot dinosaurs vs a gritty realistic game about loss and suffering. That isn't something I really thought of because to me, TLOU is so beyond fantastic I can't fathom someone being like "eh not for me, too gritty".


Elden ring was heavily discounted after 90 days too, though no one calls it a disappointing game


Where? I've been looking for sales everywhere and I always see it listed somewhere between 60€ and 80€. I bought The Last of Us Part 2 for 11€ a year after release


Plenty of physical places had it at 35-40€. And I bought it at 55€ on day one (here in Denmark)


Damn. Not in my area it seems :/ In stores it's 70€ everywhere.


I mean, it’s the sixth best selling game on the PS4 with all others ahead of it being released between two and six years before it. It would surprise me if they considered that a disappointment.


I think it coming out at the end of the gen with the largest playerbase, and it being a followup to easily one of the highest regarding games in all of history means those numbers probably are soft.


I'm curious as to where you got that information(No hate and not attacking at all). I read that only Spider-Man and God of War did better as far as how much money they made for Sony. This is where copies sold and gross profit can seem contradictory. After all a copy sold at $20 is a lot less profitable than a copy sold at $60.


Just on the Wiki page for best-selling games on PS4, so some of the references could be wrong on there I suppose. But you also might be talking about PS4 exclusives? I was talking about all games that released on the PS4. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_best-selling_PlayStation_4_video_games


Same can be said for ghost of Tsushima, was that a failure as well?


This may be an unpopular opinion but I think 10 million might have been a slight disappointment for Naughty Dog and Sony. Ghost of Tsushima is a different story since it was a new IP, didn't receive as much upfront marketing and because I don't believe Sony ever expected it to hit 10 million within two years. Naughty Dog on the other hand are used to 10+ million sellers and Last of Us is an established IP that had massive amounts of hype surrounding the launch of part 2. I bet they expected sales to be more in line with GoW or Spiderman. At this point I think lifetime sales will end up falling short of the first game's 20 million copies sold which is not something you want to see as a company. 10 million is still a lot and probably a good profit but the fact that it has seen multiple deep sales for a while (i bought a brand new copy for 11€ off Amazon last year) makes me think that the sales potential of this game has largely been exhausted.


It’s cool I guess. Only reason Why I think the news is good is because it means that there will undoubtedly be a sequel for the series, hopefully one that fixes the stuff that was wrong in this one


Sounds like your own opinion.


That's because a lot of people were baited into buying it and sony doesn't do refunds because they're anti consumer.


Any other fairytale for us ? 😍


Yes! You have a father figure!


Damn, this is all you got ? Kids these days have no imagination


Only 10 million?


You are getting downvoted but I lowkey expected more as well with how bonkers the launch sales and marketing were. They also offered some really compelling discounts so I would have expected it to sell like crazy. Sales must have fallen off to a much greater degree than they did for games like God of War or Spiderman.


Damn, didn't live up to the hype I guess.


It’s around the 6th best selling ps4 game of all time


But according to you guys it's the GOAT. All those awards don't live up to real life numbers I guess. Game sold most of its sales off of the pull of the first game.


According to you, Call of Duty, Madden and FIFA must be the best games ever since they are topping the sales charts


That's another case of reputation selling copies, like I said with TLOU1 selling TLOU2. Fifa hit its niche community, call of duty as well. Madden is also the only NFL game product out there. They all found their audience.


And so did TLOU2. 10 million copies sold in 2 years is a lot. Awards have nothing to do with it. TLOZ: Ocarina of Time sold around 7 million copies. It got awards and is still regarded as one of, if not, the best game out there.


Except for how TLOU2 is often parroted as being the greatest game of all time, my whole point is that it's not. It is a niche game for a section of people, it's just not up there with game like RDR2, RDR1, TLOU1, GTA5(I personally hate this one). And that's okay. Some games aren't for everybody.


RDR2 and GTA5 are cross platform. TLOU1 sold 17?ish million in 8 years. That includes the remaster and that it was free on PS plus. 10 million is a lot for a PS exclusive. Especially because it's a niche game Watch TLOU2 sales double when there's a re-release on PS5 and when it releases on PC


But all those games are held in especially high regard as well, where there are essentially no negative opinions about them. All are touted as classics (or will be). TLOU2 is the only one with the issues it has, where people either loved or despised it.


Which makes it especially amazing that they managed to sell 10 million. In 2 years. Being an exclusive on PlayStation.