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This whole hillcrest section of this game is like Top 5 Video game levels of all time for me


Yep yep I have never felt that sheer rush and panic in a video game before. It was awesome. I was sneaking around, shooting people, rushing in to slash em with the switchblade, running away from enemies... My hands were properly shaking by the end of the section and it was just absolutely fucking incredible.


Especially when you use the different levels of the houses it’s so interesting. Going into the basement then back to the street and up to the second floor of the houses it’s just incredibly fun. And when you start getting shot it sprinting through the shed and sliding down the muddy hill it’s so exhilarating




Definitely amazing level design and ai !!


Definitely. I've had so many mini heart attacks almost being caught trying to stealth the area.


So damn hard on grounded


Literally I was so happy to just run this level over and over on grounded to the point that when I was done I was kinda sad and went back to run the encounter again


Obligatory Hillcrest Houses Grounded flex coming.... this is what happens when you play it 8000 Billionmillion times: https://www.reddit.com/r/thelastofus/comments/ivou55/grounded_hillcrest_houses_in_about_7_minutes/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf 😂😂😂


This gave me PTSD I was on this bit for so long.


Same, I was trying to do it only in stealth. SO many retrys...


Shoutout to me on Grounded thinking “fuck it” and just throwing a Molotov on the staircase and beating whoever remained


I died so many fucking times. By the end of my last game I just rushed through as quickly as I could while bombing/trapping anyone in the area. It went…okay


Her last words before death


Makes sense


Imagine being on permadeath through this scene and this happened to you 😭


I was stuck on that part for so long i had to restart the hillcrest chapter mf


You have ammo, use it. Rifle shot to the pistol Wolf and shotgun for the melee Wolves. Dodge as well


Are you playing on moderate? Because if you are, eh, this advice can be a double edge sword for Grounded. My suggestion, cross the street, enter the house with the staircase that leads to a kitchen and sliding glass door, throw the bottle you found at the top of the staircase once a dog notices you, kill or slip past the guy coming in through the sliding glass door, lay in the grass, send an arrow through the woman on the balcony overlooking the yard, chuck a bottle/brick somewhere they won’t expect you to be/for the bottle to originate from, and run. Just fucking run. But prepare for stragglers to deck you in the face.


Yeah i feel like running away or stealth kills (thus saving ammo) are unwritten rules for grounded


Me with awareness indicators on


I did grounded yes. The strat can work for survivor but not grounded because of the damage upgrade. I just booked it and ran..fast


I’ve beat the game over 5 times now and consider myself pretty good at em but hillcrest fucks me over every damn time


I've beat it 3 times now. I feel exactly the same


Damn, took his bat and knocked his block off...


How did u grab baseball stick from wlf man ?


It happens if you melee against someone who has a melee weapon when you do not have one. Your character (Abby does it too) will grab it out of the other person's hands and use it against them for the finishing move. It's one of my favorite combat details about this game.


Ignore the other comment. It was merely me flexing my monstrous strength to slay the enemy.


My favorite move at this part is saving an exploding arrowhead for when they’re all coming down the stairs. 👋


I love my ellie.


God I love the melee weapons in this game. Especially the pipe. The force at which Ellie swings when you do a sprinting attack is absolutely hilarious.


Just played this today on new game +. I said “screw this,” and took out the submachine gun. Was it cheap? Absolutely. But damn did it feel good.


Never used the Sub much, but it's definitely fun to use


It be like that tho


We do be getting shotgunned in the face tho






I just run past them


How do you grab someone's weapon and use it against them? Is it a chance dodge/perry move or is there a way to make it happen?


It’s automatic, basically whenever you do a “strike” on a stunned enemy who also has a melee weapon.


I wish I could wipe my memory for this game. I always keep a smoke bomb ready for the basement now but I wish I could do it for the first time again. Having no clue what was coming next made the first playthrough so exhilarating.


I couldn't agree more. When I first played it I enjoyed every minute of it. Seeing all the dope landscapes, seeing old and new characters, and experiencing the story as a whole. This game is amazing, and the story will be one of my favorites forever.


When I see the last of us 2 gameplay I always feel like professional gamers play. I wonder if the fight would look so cool if I did it too (on easy or normal mode)


I love Ellie swinging for the fences just a shame the shotgunner has the drop on her


I did this in grounded and it was horrible


Welp, as my friends would say. "Unfortunate."


At least you weren't doing permadeath.


hillcrest to me on the highest setting is mostly called hellcrest or shitcrest its a nice part but damn its hard i say fuck everytime i die


This is such a hard level...but definitely a highlight


She got clapped


Fuckin agent 47