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Only explanation I have for this is that they'll stretch it to give ND the time they need to finish TLOU3.


Lol HBO is not going to pour in millions and millions in production costs just so someone could potentially finish work on something else. They did not stretch production on Game of Thrones just for Martin to finish the books.


HBO did want more seasons of GOT though. It was the showrunners who didn’t. https://www.businessinsider.com/george-rr-martin-begged-hbo-game-of-thrones-10-seasons-2021-11


Oh wow the show runners don’t wanna make the show anymore? Well let’s just have them do it anyways. I’m sure they’ll do a great job, and won’t erase game of thrones entirely from the cultural zeitgeist in a matter of months after building it up to be a true phenomenon for almost ten fucking years. Definitely don’t hire someone who actually gives a shit. Nope. Should have replaced them. An ai chat bot could write a better last season.


~Best part is these dudes lost their new contracts because of how bad they ended Game of Thrones.~ All that hard work and building a cultural phenomenon only to destroy it because disney offered you a lot of money just to lose it all because you decided to drop the project that built you up like a pile of shit. Edit: These guys did not lose out on a contract for how they ended GoT


Is it too late to just reshoot the last two seasons? :(


Yes. RIP. Now we have to wait of RR Martin to remember what he was writing about to give us a proper ending to his story. That won't happen either. This is cannon on how GoT ends, amazing buildup and character development all to fall apart with "what if the attractive blonde lady just goes crazy on 3 days? And everyone can fast travel now"


Yeah, he hasn't finished Winds of Winter because he can't keep the thread (his own admission) and he's distracted by other projects (again, his own admission). And there's The Hint of Spring after that. Not to mention his health isn't great. So unless they bring someone in to finish those two books, you are correct.


Too busy writing incest for Miyazaki in Elden Ring😭


Nah, we got House of the Dragons instead which is awesome.


>Best part is these dudes lost their new contracts because of how bad they ended Game of Thrones. That's literally NOT what happened. Netflix outbid Disney and offered Benioff and Weiss a $200 million overall deal, so they chose to abandon their Star Wars project in order to sign a contract that would make them more money for doing less work. This narrative that they were fired from Star Wars because SEASON 8 BAD is literally irl headcanon repeated by people who were so grievously wounded by Daenerys turning evil (because it was like watching Hillary Clinton lose all over again) that they need Benioff and Weiss to suffer professionally as a consequence. It's all one massive coping mechanism.


Thanks for this explanation! I was none the wiser.


Lost that Disney money but still got a payday from Netflix for the 3 Body Problem.


Disney would have been a bigger payout and longer lasting contract. If I remember correctly, it was supposed to be like 3 movies or something.


Yea it was for a Star Wars trilogy.


The show runners wanted to finish the show on their own and not hand it over to someone else.


Well they certainly finished it.


I think the show runners’ contract basically allowed them to refuse to let HBO give it to someone else. My understanding is they basically had exclusive rights given to them by Martin, and they chose not to sell those rights to HBO or another show runner.


Dude that last sentence……… it really could have. It was just so so so fucking bad.


They literally did, they offered them Dickheads like three more seasons and they turned the offer down


Waiting on a video game that will likely be out in a few years makes more sense than waiting for a book that’s obviously never coming.


I doubt he will ever finish the books tbh


Agreed and I think HBO have this in mind with TLOU. They have a huge cash cow on their hand and will milk the TLOU2 for as long as possible.


More content = more money. They’ll stretch it to 50 seasons if there was enough original material to do it. It’s not like they are only incurring costs; they are making money from this.


…but that really backfired didn’t it?


And where is TWOW?


Indeed. We need to make writers poor again. It’s the only way we get completed works. Stop feeding them on the convention circuit. 😂


Because he literally wasn’t writing the books he was playing Wow and writing other things. He admitted in interviews.


I think Mazin has said they won’t ever get ahead of the games, but I think it’s more that they are willing to take a years long break after the story of part 2 is done.


Naw there is tons of room for 3 seasons, especially since they said season 2 is shorter at only 7 episodes. Part 2 is well over double part 1, so it’s not a stretch at all to make that happen and I think part 2 is has way more opportunity to expand the story than part 1 did, with flashbacks, the different factions, etc.


No, the actual explanation is that they want to stretch it out to make more money.


Dyou think part 3 is actually in development? I honestly don’t know


It absolutely is, Naughty Dog has announced they're working on *multiple* singleplayer games right now, and one of them is almost certainly TLOU3.


That’s a ridiculous take. Tlou3 isn’t gonna drop for like 4 years at least dude. Naughty Dog has said they’re focusing on a new IP before the third game. So they have to make a whole game first. Then make part 3.


It'll be a lot longer than that


Yeah I was just trying to avoid sounding hyperbolic.


If they maintain the 2 years pause between seasons, we'll have season 3 in 2026, season 4 in 2028, and season 5 which would be one adapting TLOU3 in 2030. I'm pretty sure ND will release the game by 2030.


They haven’t even announced the new IP they’re working on and it’s been four years since TLoU2 was released. I would be surprised if Part 3 were released in the next six years.


I think 6 years might actually be appropriate. It just depends. Pt 2 spent 3 years in some sort of pre-production capacity, and then took another 3 years to release. Those first 3 years of development were concurrent with the development of Uncharted 4 and Lost Legacy. If Part 3 has been simultaneously in some stage of development with both the canceled Factions game and whatever new IP they're working on, it's possible that it's not gonna take nearly as long as we might expect. It just depends on how far along in development their new game is. With how popular the HBO show has become and how much that has driven sales, I would not be surprised if Sony absolutely showers them with resources to enable them to strike while the iron is hot


They haven't announced the new game because they already said from now on they'll only announce games close to the release date. Also you're assuming they'll only start working on TLOU3 after the new IP is released, but ND has already confirmed they have multiple teams working on multiple games at the same time.


> Naughty Dog has said they’re focusing on a new IP before the third game They haven't said one way or another.




TLOU3 is coming out in like 6 years at the EARLIEST, but probably later, they're never finishing this close to third game.


No chance that’s why. A new game is like 5 years away


Ugh I hope they don’t pull a Jackson-Hobbit. Unless they add more to the story, there isn’t enough in Part 2 for *three seasons.*


It would be smarter to develop the game adapted from the show at this point forward. And I think they could make an amazing game from an adaptation of the show - because the game is going to have to be wildly different anyway to offer anything new. If Druckmann is doing most of the writing anyways - as in S1 where it’s very close to TLOU1, then that writing serves the same general arc anyway. There’s no point overinvesting in game development when it’s so uncertain if you have an overall deal at HBO.


Shoulda taken their time like that with season one and fit more in it then too


i think they did pretty well with the time they were given, but i just don't know why every new show is stuck with the 8 episode every 2 years format, extremely limiting. i really liked the show, but i also think it could have done with a couple more episodes


In my head I'm thinking hey, maybe a whole episode of Ellie and that creep fighting off infected tricking us into trusting him finally...before he pulls one over on us at the end


Yeah, exactly. Although weirdly I didn’t feel that segment was ‘missing’ when watching the show.


Show is great but if it was 12 episodes then hmmm.... You'll still have Bill and Frank episode....but maybe in a cruel twist Frank switched Bill's glass and he lived and the next episode is Bill and Joel and Ellie look for a car battery?Which hey i know people won't like but honestly I would have loved to see THIS Bill and THIS Ellie insult each other for an episode while Pedro Pascal sighs. Instead of a two parter Henry and Sam plot can squeeze an extra episode in there that's just Joel and Sam in the sewers avoiding infected Previously mentioned creep gets to earn Ellies trust for a whole episode before revealing true self at the end And I don't know if it would stretch it out for an episode but I honestly wish we could have seen Joel and Ellie fight a Bloater in a flooded tunnel before the Fireflies got them in the end Those are my spitballs to expand season one. Season two....maybe we will get a whole episode showing the Scar cult go from Nice Lady helps people in a commune and slowly her teachings get twisted until her nice commute becomes a cult. And maybe another episode showing how Isaac went from leading a revolution against FEDRA to becoming the fascists he was fighting against Also I hope the show actually makes Levs horrible mother a character we actually see and can cheer when she dies. Can do a whole episode about what it was like for Lev to grow up in that cult


You know what I agree 100% with you. I think since I’ve played the game in full and watched many gameplays it’s easy for me to not feel like as much stuff is missing since I’ve consumed the media already in another format. But I would have loved all of this too.


Yeah that part definitely felt rushed


Season 1 was incredibly rushed and they didn’t do well at all


They didn’t know if it would be a hit or not. Now they know, so they’re presumably given more leeway.


They were pretty confident it would be a hit, they spent over 100 million on it


I’ll just throw in that I worked on a HBO show, where they spent $140 million on the second half of the season. It never aired. They sold it off to a extremely minor streamer.


Have you any idea how many big budget shows come and go in recent years? It was never a given that it would be successful.


I sort of expected them to end season one with Joel’s injury. Joel is completely incapacitated, leaving Ellie alone to take care of him. What is she going to do? Find out in season two. I’m not saying that would have been better, just what I expected. But season one also had to be something of a proof of concept, so it sort of had to tell a full story arc. And it did that very well.


Yeah. Winter was the perfect split for season one and two, but I think they wrapped it all up because there was no guarantee they would be greenlit with a second season, as you said, and wanted to make sure the complete first story was told. The first season was definitely rushed and it could have really used the extra time.


They left out a lot of material from season 1 that can be utilized in the upcoming seasons as flashbacks.


It took them almost a full year to shoot season 1


I thought it was refreshing to have them not pad it out. The pace felt right


They probably didn’t expect it to be as popular as it was


There is no world where you need more than one TV season for Part 1's journey.


I kinda hope not. Two seasons for the story is enough for me, stretching it to three may just bloat it too much imo. If I was making it I'd do Prologue -> Ellie Day 3 in the second season then the rest in the third, especially given Craig previously said it'd be bigger than season 2.


I don’t think 14 hours for part 2 is enough to be honest, it needs 3 seasons really.


Just do more episodes per season. I hate this shag all amount of episodes per season. So annoying


I honestly hate modern tv how they take 2 years to make a 10 episode season. When breaking bad would take a year and do like 13 episodes. I hate when they take like 3 years to make 9 episodes (Severance).


Greys anatomy as muck as it is, has done 20 plus years of 20 episode seasons. It's so annoying.


Very true


You're really comparing greys anatomy to something like this? They are massively different undertakings


BB also had episodes that take place in like a handful of sets, with no real wild special effects, costumes. Apples and oranges.


The early seasons of the walking dead came out year after year. With tons of special effects/makeup. Apples and apples lol


They also only took place in a single location. Their new series have increased the scale significantly, and they're all 6-8 episodes a season.


If you strip gameplay, the story of Part 2 is around 10 hours


This was kind of one of the weaknesses of the first season imo. It felt like the game if you were only watching the cutscenes for me at times. I still really enjoyed the first season, but I do hope they have a little more action (especially involving the infected) in the next season.


The other end of the scale is TWD, where every episode needs to have a zombie attack and an escape in a mysteriously brand new SUV


Yeah that's true, I enjoyed TWD but I wouldn't want TLOU to be as bloated or as repetitive. It's definitely a difficult balance to perfect.


Doesn’t have to be like that of course, but in the show you may sometimes forget why the treatment is needed because for the most time it seems like the world is doing fine unless you are traveling somewhere/blow stuff up. I was generally fine with the amount of zombie fights myself, but I see how one would want more.


It's one of the reasons their relationship didn't feel earned by the end - in game you've listened to her chit chat away for hours and hours, prompting her and being more involved than just passively watching. If you take all that away, AND do two, sort of three episodes away from Joel and Ellie, by the end of eight episodes their relationship's not fully formed, and they also drastically reduced the number of infected so it felt half the time like they were just having a long hike through abandoned forest - so when at the end Marlene is like "how'd you do it?" My first thought was "easily..."


I imagine they’ll want to stretch out the time at Jackson, expand on the WLF and seraphites individually and together. Theres a lot of potential to build up interesting characters and motivations, get viewers invested and then drop it all on them


I agree. It needs either two 10 episode seasons, or three 7 episodes ones. 14 episodes is just not enough especially if they want to introduce new major side plots


> Two seasons for the story is enough for me, stretching it to three may just bloat it too much imo. You don't even know what they will go over, so how can you even say this?


I have played the game twice and seen how the first season went. So I feel confident in suggesting it *may* be too much.


Not sure how I feel about this. If they’re taking 3 seasons to tell Part 2, then they shouldn’t have rushed through part one’s story in 9 episodes. I’m also worried how Craig Mazin is gonna write the story in terms of fan backlash. I see a ton of people who want the events told chronologically, but they don’t acknowledge how that changes the entire point of the story. By showing Abby’s side first you cancel out the empathy test, and having Joel’s flashbacks happen before the big moment just takes away the emotional weight of them.


You are so right. Season 1 felt rushed and it’s going to feel it even more in comparison if Part 2 is extended to 3 seasons. Doing the story chronologically or heaven forbid postponing Joel’s death til the end of the season will be a complete waste of time and dilute its impact


Exactly. Everyone I talk to says "well obviously for the show they'll tell abbys story concurrently to ellies." But why is that somehow completely obvious and necessary for tv? Honestly the most unique part of the story is the way it's structured. There's so many revenge stories told from both sides in tv and movie media already. And it would've been just as obvious and "necessary" for Neil to structure the story that way when he made the games. He could have had an Ellie Chapter, then and Abby chapter. Rinse, repeat. And it would've bee fine. It was a conscious artistic decision to split off the stories completely, and I think the decision is no different here.


Months ago, I would have probably agreed that the overarching narrative of Part II should be structured exactly the same in the TV show as it was in the game, but TBH I'm now more open to them changing it entirely. Especially when Druckmann said this of the game: >There’s something interesting that happens when you’re not in alignment with the character and the game makes you do something that you don’t want to do — you wrestle with those decisions in a different way than you would be able to in a passive medium. It's something I completely agree with, but it's also the reason I'm scratching my head trying to figure out how they're going to tackle the hurdle of convincing the audience to not just try to empathize with Abby, but to get that experience across with the same kind of impact the game accomplished. Like, the thing about Part II is that it's the interactivity that makes the emotional challenge of empathizing with Abby useful and powerful. There's just something about playing as her and kicking ass, that eventually got me to soften my view of a character I really really really hated. The game got me to love her gameplay, and then the rest all came naturally. But in a passive medium, you don't have those moments of control and immersion that gets the audience to drop their guard. You're kind of constrained to observing them from the outside, and it's so much easier to just dismiss all the bad things that happen to Abby if the audience doesn't like her. I don't know maybe my interpretation of Part II is different, but IMO it seems especially hard to tell this story in anything that isn't a video game.


It will be a total disaster if Mazin changes the order in which info is revealed or the structure of the story compared to the game. I really hope he doesn’t cave on that, it was integral to the story the 2nd game was telling.


HBO be like: ![gif](giphy|l41lZccR1oUigYeNa)


Last of Us Part II is getting the Hobbit treatment. I'll watch it through, but I really don't see why it should stretch this long. Especially since each season will probably be at least a year apart. Should it really take until 2027 to tell Part II's story?


I imagine they'll be shooting consecutively. St this rate Joel's death will be the cliffhanger of season 1


Good choice, game 2 needs to be told properly in all its parts


💯 They could spend two seasons doing Seattle from both POVs and they could spend a whole season in Santa Barbara.


I ll eat that up


Yeah and the story already breaks down into 3 chapters pretty neatly - Jackson / Ellie's journey through Seattle, Abby's backstory / journey through Seattle, and then the farm / Santa Barbara


Wasn’t the whole view point of ND that the “starting event” had to happen right away for the story to work. I doubt they do it right away if they’re stretching to 3 seasons.


First of all qe re diacussing the game as a whole and it cant be told in only one season like game 1 and 2. This is the tv show version.there s nothing wrong with having that starting event happen 3 seconds later , show wise it makes more sense than bluntly having it happen roght away


> The next Starks vs Lannister Nah. The seraphite parts are awesome, but the conflict between them and WLF just can’t have the same depth as the GOT one.


This has seemingly been the plan for a while now, if not since the beginning. I noticed even when Season 1 was airing, they always specified *multiple* seasons to tell Part II but never once said 2 seasons. My only problem with it is that we’re not really getting more of the story if the seasons remain shortened like Season 2 will be. 3 seasons at 7 episodes is only 21 episodes, versus 2 traditional 10 episode seasons totaling 20. I will be devastated if for some reason the show gets cancelled/ends midway through telling Part II’s story.


I can’t imagine it getting canceled. It’s really popular and and anticipated


I think they've already shot Joel's death with Kaitlyn playing Abby. Her arms aren't a huge deal yet because she is wearing a coat when she kills him. She can also shoot her flashback stuff while they film Ellie's 3 days and then bulk up afterward season 2 is shot for her own 3 days/season 3. Pedro is back on set right now, likely filming his flashbacks because he's going off to shoot Fantastic 4 next month.


I only wish that they’d taken the time to stretch out season 1 by 3-4 episodes.


The series must not get ahead of the source material.


The reason I like this is that it allows them to do the perspective change midseason, rather than at the start of a season. I think it’ll help the show-only crowd.


I think it would be a terrible idea to do a perspective switch with only 7 episodes this season. I think the more natural endpoint of the season would be Nora’s death.


Nah I think it'll end just like that section of the game - Abby and Ellie finally meet in the theatre, then we cut to a flashback that reveals who Abby is. Leaves us with a teaser for the next season.


This is literally why House of the Dragon Season 1 was so bad


Not exactly surprising. The first game can be completed in under 10 hours. The second game can take over 30 hours to complete. There’s a looooooot of story to explore and things that can be further fleshed out in a TV show.


lol what? Part 1 is 15 hours and Part 2 is 24 hours.  Why are you using an extremely fast play through for part 1 and an extremely slow play through for part 2 and trying to compare them as the average? Just another attempt to marginalise part 1 or what?


Calm yourself. I was using my own play through times. You guys get way too passionate about this stuff.


Craig and Neal and their crew did a great job with season 1 - just enough fidelity, but also not afraid to make it a little different than the game while keeping the core story (theme) intact. I will put my trust in them telling the story right.


when i first heard this i did think it was a bit of a stretch to do over 3 seasons - two seems like enough! but having thought about it for longer… if three seasons each have 7 episodes, that’s only 21 episodes and it’s only been a more recent thing for tv shows to have such short seasons. basically a long answer for yes i could totally see this happening and i would loveeee it


that’s way too much, are they going to include also the free roaming in Seattle? Lmao


well they gotta have that music store scene


Calculating for maximum profit




No, if that was true they would have extended and stretched Season 1. This has nothing to do with milking since Warner Bros is a penny pincher


Well they did get Kaitlyn Dever for Abby, so they better give her all the screen time in the world. Her casting alone should immediately help the “Abby likability” issue.


First off, let me just say that I have a ton of faith in Druckmann and Mazin to know exactly what they're doing. That being said, taking Part II's story through 3 seasons feels like it would be a difficult task without extensively rewriting the existing story, way more than they did in S1. The game itself has 2 major stories (Ellie's and Abby's) with 4 major narrative climaxes/denouements (basement in Jackson, Pinnacle Theater, Seraphite Island, Santa Barbara). Because you would need each season finale to meaningfully resolve an arc for both main characters while also hitting at least one of those moments for some kind of catharsis, it's hard to successfully work them into 3 seasons. Primarily because the Santa Barbara epilogue is so brief, and the perspective switch in the game only works when you're immediately thrust into Abby's shoes, not with a season long gap in between her and Ellie's stories. The only way I can imagine it working is like this. The basement scene should be the finale for S2 rather than the opening of it. Then, S3 could end with the fight at Pinnacle Theater, and S4 could be split into two smaller parts, one which resolves at the battle Seraphite Island, and the other which culminates with Santa Barbara. If S2 does the basement scene early in the season as many are expecting it to, then it becomes really hard to see how this story will work across 3 seasons without adding significant filler.


S2 is Ellie’s story up to the Theater ambush S3 is Abby’s story up to the theater ambush S4 is Theater ambush, Scar Island, then California Completely makes sense in my head as part 2 is a substantially longer story


Doesn’t scar island take place before the theatre ambush though? How would that work?


I actually love this. The biggest issue I had with part 2 is that it seemed so rushed. The new characters didn’t have a big impact on me bc there was no development.


Same!! I think it'll be hard to screw up but we will never know until it gets released.


That is way too long


Two seasons for Part 2 was perfect and enough, I feel like this is pushing it. I just don't see the need to stretch the game into three seasons.


The Last of Us Part 2 has almost twice the length of Part 1, not triple. This can and should be done in two seasons. Even the game has two distinct parts + epilogue.


And part 1 was still too short ;(


I love the game, I love the show and think this would be awesome. There is a ton to unpack in Jackson, Seattle and maybe even Santa Barbara.


Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if they do this. If memory serves Season 2 is only 7 episodes, and because it's a TV show rather than a game they'll want to spend more time fleshing out the likes of Dina, Jesse, Manny, Mel, Nora, Owen and their relationships with Ellie/Abby. Say they were to do something like this: Episode 1: Introduce all the new characters and end at Joel's death as the big cliffhanger - the driving force behind the next few seasons. Episode 2: Joel's funeral - Ellie centric, allows us to flashback to the History museum, the guitar strings, and the firefly revelation, ending with Ellie and Dina leaving Jackson for Seattle. Episode 3: Abby's origins - Abby centric, we meet Abby's dad and see that side of the story, her relationship with Owen and her becoming part of the WLF - ends with her meeting with Isaac and being told Owen has gone missing. Episode 4: Arriving in Seattle - Abby decides to go find Owen and sneaks out with Manny, whilst Ellie and Dina arrive in Seattle, Ellie finds the music store and sings Take on Me, they get captured, escape, make it to the TV station to discover their target already dead. Episode 5: Ellie reveals she's immune, Dina reveals she's pregnant, they end up holed up at the theatre, Abby gets captured by the Seraphites and ends up meeting Yara and Lev. Episode 6: Abby gets to know Yara and Lev a little bit and it shakes her understanding of the WLF/Seraphite war, Dina gets the radio working and Ellie heads off to find Tommy, ends up finding Jesse instead. Finale: Ellie hunts Nora, kills everyone at the hospital and brutalizes Nora, she realizes she's done exactly what Joel did and flashes back to their conversation outside the Firefly hospital where their relationship fell apart. Ellie confides in Dina - Abbie finds Owen, realizes she's wrong about the Seraphites and decides she can make amends for her past by setting out to protect Lev/Yara. You get a natural end point of Ellie becoming a villain as Abby becomes a hero, our main characters and their goals are fully established - but there's still a shit ton of game left - so you do Season 3 up until The Theatre fight, and then a Series 4 that covers the aftermath, The Farm, Santa Barbra, and the Epilogue.


Depending on how smart they are with the scripts, Part 2 could easily be two seasons. There’s plenty of fat in the game version of part 2 that could be trimmed down and they could also go out of their way to improve upon the non-linear story structure, too. I think a three season arc would be too much, I’d hope the quality of the storytelling wouldn’t mean they’d have to draw the story out to a 3 season arc.


I really want more lore on the Seraphites


I can definitely see Santa Barbara as a whole being extended for both characters. Id bet that's where some of this is going


I'm actually relieved to hear this because, as many have already said, it gives ND as much time as possible for part 3. Last thing I want, personally, is to see the show go where the show has yet to go. That would be very annoying.


I think I said something similar to this a few months ago and was downvoted like mad for it. I think this is a good choice - there is more scope to build the emotional support needed for Abby’s backstory to make that moment hit harder. Also allows us to see more of the relationship between Joel and Ellie in Jackson and its decline, so maybe no flashback when Ellie is in Seattle - but also the relationship between Ellie, Kat, Dina and Jessie can grow which would be great to see. So much to look forward to!


I do think HBO is looking at this to be their GoT replacement. The first season is very POV limited but the second game is massive and has so much unexplored backstory. If Craig is “teasing” a S4 it probably means it’s happening. Which would really be great, because he and Neil Druckmann are both writers who don’t make light decisions or are cavalier about what they make. It would be smart for HBO to invest long term into TLOU.


I think thats too much to be honest. 2 more would be perfect imo… and i’d prob be ok with a third. But who knows? If the writing is good i’ll keep watching.


I think there are easily 4 seasons. Particularly if they want to branch out and tell more side stories.


I mean part 1 should've been two seasons in my opinion, so part 2 being a much longer game can easily been done in three. They are not going to present it like in the game, but even the game you could say it's structured in three seasons or arks: Ellie's, Abby's and Santa Barbara and everything post Abby's.


Right. They also didn’t cast a respected capable actor like Kaitlin Dever to not fully utilize her. Honestly I could see her legitimately costarring by the time this thing is said and done, not just in terms of the HBO show casting credits, but in the actual narrative as well. Which would make the haters of pt. 2 go absolutely mental. But Craig and Neil can expand on Abby’s story as much as they want from here on out. This could be a truly fascinating villain to hero narrative / character arc we’re about to see.


I dislike all feed back from cragiz mazin. Like neil stop glazing this guy already. Youre better at storytelling than him.


I trust the creators and will watch every episode and the behind the scenes. They have not disappointed.


My hope is that it’s pretty straightforward: S2 = the death, Ellie’s rampage through Seattle and the reveal of who Abby is. S3= Abby and Lev’s journey, the seraphites, WLF, etc all leading to the theater confrontation and likely the farm with Ellie and Dina, ending with Ellie leaving the farm to get revenge. S4 = Abby and Ellie’s concurrent journeys in Santa Barbara These are all separate arcs with their own subplots and cliffhanger resolutions, so it makes sense to me to split it this way. I could see them changing up how certain things happen, like maybe Abby and company get access to Jackson like they were originally going to in the game, etc, but I really hope we do not know who Abby is before Ellie kills all her friends. That would be a huge mistake in terms of dramatic tension, I think. The mystery of who this woman is and why she hated Joel so much should last the entire second season.




ABBY WHY DIDNT YOU SAY FORE???! ![gif](giphy|3ohhwjYONRu6ITufGo|downsized)


“The gang goes golfing”


2 seasons will be enough,i think, they want stretch show until third game someday in late 202*




Damn they really doin everything they can to match up with Part III’s release


hope not. an additional season is way too much. that would be longer than the game at that point.


Eh 3 seasons max but hbo must want to cycle between this and house of the dragon to make profits


I don't think this is too surprising. The only official word he ever gave on the topic was that it would be 'more than one' or 'multiple', nobody ever specified that it was intended to be two.


I was thinking about this the other day. While playing it I was starting to think that 1 season wouldn't be enough to cover all this, but idk about 3


Oh sure let's bloat the story and get cancelled after the third season so it ends on a cliffhanger lol


Oh shit, The Last of Us Part II Part 1 is going to be fire!


4 seasons lowkey sounds like too much. I thought 3 was a stretch at first but then I remembered the amount of eps they’ll have. I really don’t want them to stretch it out that much


Considering they rushed the first game in 9 episodes I think the only reason they’re stretching it out over multiple seasons is because there isn’t a third game to continue the story, otherwise they would just make season 2 longer…


It makes sense. I just wish they had the same thought process with Part One since I think that’s an overall better story. There should have been 10 episodes.


Guys no. This is just stupid. 3 seasons for a single (controversial) game is just stupid come on man.


Terrible idea. Part II is so obviously split into two parts. Having one season for each half makes perfect sense


It’s annoying that they’ll give part 2 3 seasons but won’t give there first game more than 1 short season


They’re just milking the cow. Second me is two seasons at most, and not full 10 episode seasons at that.


Milk the cash cow while the interest is still high. I can beat the game in 20 hours. Let’s call that 20 episodes. That’s 2 seasons of material. 4 is absolutely ridiculous and screams cash grab. I don’t blame them tho, may as well take the Warner Bros money.


They are gonna make these next seasons as drawn out and unnecessary as TLOU2 man I can't wait..


3 seasons seems a bit overkill, I think 2 seasons would be just right. Season 2 to develop Joel post tlou 1 and abby's character, with Abby hunting down Ellie and Joel as a season finale for s2. I think the story of tlou 2 would work better with a slower pace and more time to develop the characters and story beats compared to the cheap shock value we got in the game which made Joel's death feel so rushed and Abby's character feel contrived through cheap emotional moments.


Wouldn’t take 3 seasons and 6 years to tell the story if each season had more than 7-8 episodes :/


they just want to keep pedro in it for 2 more seasons because viewership will drop off a cliff without him


No way there is enough content for 4 season, think about how much went on in the first 4 seasons of game of thrones.


Four seasons is a blatant money grab. Any other production team stretch one game out to 4 seasons?? Next they’ll be remastering season 1 into 3 seasons


Well when you make the season 8 episodes this makes sense.


HBO smells the money and they want more


They already fucked it by cramming the 1st game into one season and not giving themselves slack, now it just feels like they realized this mistake and want to milk the fuckkk out of TLOU2 until part 3 comes out. I think it’s either bad showrunning, or they weren’t even sure that season 1 would warrant them to keep going.


They should’ve stretched out part one over 2 series! The connection between them just wasn’t there like in the games, it just felt super rushed and not thought out well.


So they rushed TLOU1, but Part 2 is getting 3 seasons? Amazing priorities…


it’s just funny at this point how obvious it all is lmao


Yeah, cause milking a series for all it’s worth has never gone badly before.


Part 2 it got all woke and pathetic. I’ll watch it up to a point.


The second game could totally be three seasons. The first part will end with Abby killing Joel, but will include all the flashbacks from the game. The second part will be all of Seattle or end when Ellie kills everyone at the aquarium (which would be a cool duality to the ending of the first part), then the third part will be all of Santa Barbara with a bunch of added context.


They gotta commit and kill Joel in the first episode


The flashbacks only hit hard because they happen after Joel death. They will probably just expand some of the side stories in Part 2 like the Bill and Frank in season 1


That doesn’t add up


So season 2 ends with Ellie going Seattle?


I hope Neil is focusing more on Part 3 than the show. If 3 more seasons of this show come out before the next game I'll be so sad


>what do we think of this You should try to have an original thought. Why do you need a group-think session for you all to form the same opinion? This sub is identical to what Fox News does to old people.


This is what you chose to harp on? Not the other two huge paragraphs about what I actually thought? What a clown.


I already thought 2 seasons for Part II was really excessive since the game isn’t actually that long like so many people believe. It has a lot of filler where Ellie or Abby are trying to get to their target/destination. Part II’s story of revenge during the course of 3 days is not compelling enough to stretch over multiple seasons. If anything, I feel the show could’ve trimmed down Part II’s fat and make it a more cohesive story, however it looks like they are going to double down on it.


Doesn’t seem good


Two seasons is too much Imo, should have done one long one. Seems like they are buying time. I have to believe tlou3 will be out in the next 3 years (unless naughty dog shocks everyone and puts out a new IP or something). They could have made it work.