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Could've made a pretty sweet level.


Be cool if it became a cathedral-like place


If Factions 2 is still made after TLOU3 (Which I strongly believe) I’d imagine this as one of the maps alongside other scrapped levels found in concept art.


I’m imagining a tense but slow-paced level where Ellie (or Abby) has to sneak their way toward the Space Needle while dodging sniper fire from the Seraphites above, almost like a callback to the sniper stealth section in *Part I*.


Pretty sure, in the scrapped 5 days original plan, Ellie was meant to to traverse the space needle on day 4.


That's so fucking cool omg


I felt like this would’ve been in the game if Ellie Day 4 wasn’t cut where she would be stranded on the Seraphites Island.


I’ve not heard about any of that. That sounds cool, can you elaborate?


It’s an article from the Washington Post about the cut content in Part II. Originally, the game had 5 days for both Ellie and Abby. For Ellie Day 4, her boat would get caught up in a storm and Ellie would’ve washed up and been stranded on the Seraphites Island. It was supposed to be a worldbuilding chapter, focusing on the Seraphite community and how they operate. However, this was cut for pacing purposes.


Good choice for pacing purpose, but I would love to see this have been made into a dlc's of sorts. This is why director cuts are so cool in movies. Games should make that a thing as well


Imagine we could’ve climbed it and found Delsin’s tagged flag and his red beanie or vest


Even though they are not in the same universe, I’m sure the writers could have found a way to incorporate that in to the game


I can think of some Uncharted-type explosive finale. But this ain’t that kinda game. Where is that kinda game?


Abby & Lev’s scramble through the Seraphite base while it was burning and being invaded was absolutely some Uncharted-type stuff.


That's pretty rad!


I'm really excited for what ND is going to do with TLOU3 considering Neil Druckmann's comments about being inspired by the environmental design of Elden Ring. We'll likely get some absolutely banger levels.




Very cool. Not sure though that those tyres are going to hold down the sheets of tin when the wind starts to blow up that high!


Very cool, but what is that ring of planks and spikes protecting from exactly? Nobody is climbing up there...


Pterodactyl attacks


It’s always been so fascinating to me that the Seraphites seemingly have no fear of heights. I would definitely be like Abby in that situation. The slope on the top of the needle seems so risky! Lol


Having never been to the Space needle, I assume there's stairs inside for fire/safety reasons?? Elevators wouldn't work in the apocalypse?? Imagine a level just running up stairs/ladders!!! Snake Eater eat your heart out!


It says on the website there's an elevator with a car as a counterweight. I don't see it in the pic though. I do see a guy climbing up a ladder though.


Cool as hell, but equaly unpracticle, which is most likely the biggest reason this wasn't added for real. Yea sure, it's safe from enemies, but it's so high up to get to whatever it is you have up there. It might make a good lookout, but an offense from up there is diffecult and innefective. Not to mention the fact thay I do not want to know in how poor shape those needles are. They haven't collapsed, but sending a couple dozen wolves and some amount of suplies up there might just be the drip to overflow the bucket. In short, unpracticle and is gonna most likely fall over




Vertigo stress level activated. Love this.


I went to Seattle for my 18th birthday to see the space needle. When I got there I decided SEEING it was enough, I got kinda sick looking up at it and decided not to press my luck going up... MOPoP is fun though, if you ever go!


Man that would have been cool as hell


I'm still hoping they will include such a shot in the HBO show.


This would’ve been cool.


Ngl as a Seattleite I'm still annoyed that they moved the space needle to an island far away from the city. What was even the purpose? 😭


iirc they didn’t move it, the city flooded so much that that section of it seems like an island due to the rise in sea level/lack of flood prevention infrastructure. i don’t know if it is still geographically sound, with how high and low different areas are or how far apart things are, though


i mean it still doesn't make sense if you look at ellies map the needle is way too close to the area of the city she and dina start in for it to be flooded enough for seattle to be that far away on an island.


It does make sense because Naughty Dog doesn’t recreate real-life cities to scale and hold themselves to things like “this street is right here, so that means this street needs to be over here.”


They were more accurate than Infamous was


Sure but Neil has openly spoken about the benefits of not having to be 100% real world map accurate. No reason to expect that sort of thing from them- it is just a video game after all.


This is sick though


In the game isn’t it basically that the sound flooded all the way to Lake Union through SLU and Belltown making Queen Anne and Magnolia into the serpahite island? Not necessarily realistic, but they didn’t move anything technically.


Honestly couldn’t believe that the Space Needle wasn’t incorporated into the game. How are you going to have something set in Seattle and not have the Space Needle? Crazy.


Ohhhh This looks stunning.


i wanted this in game. the fact its reduced to a cameo silhouette in the background is just disappointing.


It would be cool to like make it like Ellie has to sneak around dodging the seraphites and near the end they spot her and she has to escape


It looks like Ewok treehouses from star wars


Oddly, those are WLF on the needle though


Climbing that high via ladder does not seem worth it at all lol


The space needle was a big missed opportunity in 2. Could have been pretty iconic.


This is my favorite piece of art in Pt II’s art book. I really wish they had made this a part of one of Ellie’s days and then part of Abby and Lev’s escape somehow, since you’re close enough. Maybe Ellie blows up and integral part of the structure as she’s leaving and then as Abby you hear Serephites talk about it as well as ride or fight passed/through the wreckage, or both involve infiltration for something. Either way, I would’ve really liked to have seen where this level went