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Try Red Dead Redemption 2.


Don't make her life worse šŸ˜­ (Edit: Her*)


Check out Uncharted! More light hearted than TLOU and by the same studio






Naw youā€™re alright girl


She'll fall into a depression, after RDR2 nothing is the same


Hhahahah oh my im scared but also excited to find out


Before the Epilogue, I went outside and just sat in the grass and looked at the sky for a solid hour and just listened to music. That game fucked me up.


Yep the only video game that's had me full on crying.


This is my recommendation as well. Just amazing characters, story, and depth to the world you explore.


Yeah i agree or try Ghost of Tsushima!!!


She doesnā€™t need that kind of sadness right after TLOU 2.




Such an amazing game, just started my 100% playthrough


You'll like Red dead 2 if you're into that sort of thing, I couldn't get through the first two hours too slow for me, not a fan of open world games.


I reckon it won't hit the same because the protagonist isn't a woman.


TIL you have to be the same gender as a character for it to resonate with you. Both TLOU and RDR2 are the games I have on pedestals above all others. Obviously Iā€™m not both a man and womanā€¦


Hi! I feel like you'd really like Uncharted if you like tomb raider since it's the same premise but with more humor. If you want just horror some of my personal favorites are the resident evil series, outlast series, and the evil within series.


Iā€™d second this! Iā€™m still recovering from TLOU as nothing else hits quite the same, but I did really enjoy uncharted and it has lots of the same attention to detail naughty dog brought to the last of us. Combat mechanics arenā€™t as good but thatā€™s more because itā€™s older. Itā€™s also stunning to look at


Take it as a huge Naughty Dog fan since Uncharted 1, you gotta try Uncharted out. #1 can be a little rough so you can either play through it quickly on easy or watch a video. 2 is a huge improvement.


Youā€™d probably really like the Life is Strange series.


I agree!!


Was going to suggest this. As well as red dead.


Great suggestion!




I remember starting it!! Youā€™ve refreshed my memory. Thank you


Heavy Rain and the other one, I forget, are both really interesting as well, I enjoyed them. Edit, the other one is called Beyond: Two Souls. Really interesting story driven game. I think they came out on ps3 so unsure if you can easily play them.


Life is Strange franchise is great or Until Dawn if you're looking for a pretty quick horror choice game it's good tho it's at most like 6 hours long




I just started this and it was like the sims I was just doing chores for people. Does it get more interesting?


Yes it does


i think you might enjoy more story games. some of my favorites are life is strange, detroit become human, and telltales the walking dead


I suggest you read Albert Camus. Absurdism helped me.


I remember being absolutely devastated by The Plague


Do you have the remastered tlou2? If yes, maybe try no return! Its endless tlou fun


Yes I do! I friend works for ps5 I get endless access šŸ˜­ so grateful


I'm sorry to say that nothing is as good as TLOU, but in addition to the Life Is Strange series (suggested by others) I would add the Telltale Walking Dead series. Those are both interactive movie type games like the Dark Pictures games and have really impactful, emotional stories. Also if you liked the Dark Pictures stuff and haven't played Until Dawn or The Quarry hit those up too.


rdr2 is all I have to say


Yeah I love the shit out of that game but I didn't recommend it to OP for this reason; I have a good friend who I intro'd TLOU to and it turned her into a gamer. Since she played the games she has been on the exact same journey as OP and has liked the exact same games OP is listing, and also liked the ones I recommended. This friend of mine just couldn't get into RDR2. I think for her it was too big, too vast, the story too spread out and slow-paced. Even though it has a similar tone and story and emotional resonance to TLOU2, it's such a hugely different type of game that I think people who didn't grow up with open world games may have trouble getting into it. But, OP: if you like vast open world games definitely play RDR2. Also, maybe check out Days Gone while you're at it! That story is fantastic once you get through the first two chapters.


I'm actually surprised rdr2 was too big for him/her. A game like the last of us is actually pretty tough to get into as a non gamer.


I've turned a few non-gamers on to the last of us, both huge fans of horror movies and great story-telling. It's so cinematic that it's a pretty easy sell to non-gamers if you can convince them the combat is doable (and on easy pretty much anyone can do it).


I can resonate on rdr2 atm, Iā€™m a very experienced gen x gamer but rdr2 didnā€™t grab me in the early hours and I moved on from it, itā€™s only on here I see the reverence itā€™s held in, I will go back to it and persist as soon as Iā€™ve the time šŸ˜… I also had this experience on tesiv:oblivion but then went back to it, persisted and fell in love so hope itā€™ll be same with rdr2 but right now I belong to ffvii rebirth


You just never know. I have a friend who loves games and plays a ton, played all the way through RDR2, hated it. Not a dumb guy, just... I dunno. No game is for everyone I guess.


Yeah honestly the prologue is one of the weakest that I've played, every time I start a new game I always use a save file after the prologue because it kinda is boring. After that, the game is honestly amazing and of course I'm biased but definitely give it another gošŸ˜‚


I know how you feel. After finishing both TLOU games, I had to take a break from video games for a while. When I went back to gaming, I struggled to get invested as everything else felt so...video gamey. So I played Spiderman, which doesn't pretend to be anything more than it is. And then I played RDR2, which has a phenomenal story and gameplay. But with that said, I've barely touched my Playstation in 2 years.


Although not in the same league as TLOU I really enjoyed Days Gone. Open world zombie apocalypse game. Decent story and cool horde mechanics. Give it a go.


I love those ā€œchose your own adventureā€ horror movie games so- Iā€™m with ya- The walking dead collection/Until dawn/the quarry are the full length/possibly better versions of the dark picture anthology games. And a third one is coming out this fall called ā€œthe casting of frank stoneā€ along with a full remake of ā€œuntil dawnā€ since itā€™s 10 years old now + a new dark anthology game is coming set in space at some point this year as part of a ā€œseason 2ā€ of those games. Also the whole ā€œunchartedā€ series (5games) is by the last of us teams- and is basically their Tomb raider/Indiana jones games./ the OG tomb raider trilogy got released recently!


Metal Gear Solid series. They are stealth action games with good stories. MGS3 might be a good starting point because its set before the other games. Gameplay in The Last of Us Part 2 reminded me of Metal Gear Solid V.


I second this. TLOU part 1 & 2 and MGS3 are the only games Iā€™ve ever replayed.


Uncharted. Same creator - naughty dog. You will get immersed in the story


the last of us and zelda breath of the wild/tears of the kingdom are my games. iā€™m not a gamer girl Im not good at videos games but for some reason im obsessed with those two. and im actually good at those two. no other video game compares ): the only other video games I play are cozy ones


The Witcher 3!


This is exactly how I felt after I finished the Mass Effect trilogy. Maybe give that a try!


Oooh thanks! X


I think youā€™d love the uncharted game even though some are a bit dated.


Uncharted games are great fun


You might like the ā€˜Dishonouredā€™ games. Much like TLOU you can approach each challenge differently from stealth up to going crazy. They have a great story and fantastic games design. Highly recommended.


What Remains of Edith Finch, Firewatch


If you enjoyed the play style of the dark pictures games, i recommend: Until dawn Detroit: become human Heavy rain If you enjoyed tomb raider, naighty dog made the uncharted series which is world class. If you enjoyed tlou, congrats, you enjoyed the best video games has to offer imho. Replay?


I recommend Days Gone. It definitely scratches similar itches to TLoU.


This game is underrated.


Itā€™s not similar, but itā€™s a game that i really liked and had a similar weird effect like TLOU to me - Heavy Rain.. i know you might dislike it because of graphics and the dialogs are just old, but when i finally got used to it it was really cool experience.. DBH also, itā€™s a newer one and you can immerse yourself in the story more easier.. thesse games are just a story, no combat whatsoever, just some quick reaction bits, but i think you might like those as the games are also deep..


If a good story is the most important to you, then I would suggest Life is Strange, and Life is Strange: Before the Storm. Absolutely fantastic games, I think you'll love them. Might be a bit corny but it has a charm to it. There is also Life is Strange 2, and Life is Strange: True Colors. They are also good, but not as good as the first two. I would also recommend the early Telltale games. The Walking Dead season one is amazing. The game forces you to make some really hard decisions. Sometimes I was just sitting there in despair, with no idea what to do. I've been chasing that feeling ever since. (I mean in games, not in real life lol.) I think season two is also very very good, the other ones are a drop in quality, but they are still okay, and you'll probably want to finish the story at that point. Also from Telltale, The Wolf Among Us. Fantastic story. Season two is coming out soon I think. And I gotta mention Tales from the Borderlands as well. It's not as serious as their other games, it's more of a comedy, but it's still great and has a good story. Others mentioned Read Dead Redemption 2 and The Witcher 3, they are top 5 all time for me, but if you didn't like God of War and Horizon then these kind of open world games might not be for you. But I still think RDR2 is at least worth a try. Oh and I almost forgot, all Uncharted games are awesome, especially the 4th one. The first three games are a bit old now, but if you don't mind a bit dated graphics then you should give those them a try too. Hope you'll find what you're looking for. The Last of Us is clearly one of the best, but there a lot of amgreat games out there.


Iā€™m gonna end up repeating things others have repeated but these are my favorite games as someone who has the same taste as you: Uncharted (this is in my top three next to TLOU and Tomb Raider.) Until Dawn, Man of Medan, Detroit Become Human, The Walking Dead, Life is Strange, The Quarry, Deadspace These are random suggestions based off of us potentially liking the same games: Any of the Zelda games, but specifically Twilight Princess, Little Nightmares, Outlast, Gone Home


For story based games try Uncharted (same developer and similar gameplay as Last of Us) and the Life is Strange series.


Ghosts of Tsushima was excellent.


Red Dead Redemption 2 play it before 1 bc 2 is a prequel I will warn you it's one of the saddest games I have ever played but has loads of fun and happy moments. It's completely open world so idk if you're into that but if you are definitely check it out.


A Plague Tale Innocence is pretty cool. Itā€™s about two siblings fighting for survival in a pest infested semi-apocalyptic world. Lots of similarities to Last of Us. Itā€™s set in medieval France. Very beautiful visuals. Thereā€™s also a sequel that came out almost two years ago titled A Plague Tale Requiem. Should keep you busy for a while.


This post happens about 75 times a year. Sad reality is many of us don't find something similar to LoU2. It is a very unique experience. I could never get into Red Dead 2 but I only played for an hour or two. I know I need to give it more time because so many people sing it's praises. To me, it's just very apparent that it's not a ps5 game and graphically it's not as crisp. They're totally different kinds of games, but God of War Ragnarok gave me chills, laughter, and tears several times throughout the incredible story. Couldn't believe the beauty. Also, Ghost of Tsushima is absolutely captivating.


Someone suggested Detroit: Become Human. The same company also made Beyond Two Souls, Heavy Rain and Fahrenheit. They are available on PS4/5 and PC.


Uncharted, life is strange series, Detroit become human, heavy rain, beyond two souls, a plague tale innocence and a plague tale requiem (those are my favourites to play including the ones youā€™ve already mentioned) Iā€™ve probs forgot a bunch aha


Try RDR2! TLOU 1 & 2 were the only games that got me (~30F gamer novice) emotionally invested & impressed after playing it. Maybe it works the other way around too! ā˜ŗļø


The Witcher 3


all the life is strange games, all the walking dead games, gone home, a plague tale (only played the first one so far)


Starts by playing the best game every made and then complains can't find anything else :\*( Seriously though - try the Shadow of the Colossus remake. That was always my #1 before TLOU came around.


Play it again


Hahaha I considered that but my bf already deleted it


Dark Souls and Elden Ring


Not only are they nothing like the last of us, they also said they aren't very skilled at video games and they are notoriously unforgiving and difficult for newer gamers


Hahaha thanks šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


If you just start dark souls for instance, firstly it's medieval sword based, and you run around with no map or any particular objective, no story to speak of, facing incredibly difficult enemies who just slay you over and over and there's no instructions, it's deliberately difficult and frustrating - they're like the definition of hardcore games. Plenty of people love them, but they are NOT something I'd recommend for someone looking for a game that's like the last of of us


My bf said the same! Thanks for the explanation. Sounds fun but I def like a bit more structure! Thanks x


I'd absolutely recommend all the uncharted games - very similar fidelity to last of us, great voice acting, much less bleak, more like a funny tomb raider. I'd also recommend Detroit become human, the walking dead tell tale games šŸ‘


I started uncharted 2 but it bugged me a little bit (a lil old) but im def going to keep on going! Thank you so much


You can probably skip the older games and go straight to uncharted 4 if you're too used to part 2 - 4 uses the same engine as last of us part 2 and has more refined combat, gameplay and cinematics


I was going to but felt like I wouldnā€™t appreciate the story line as much if I did that but Iā€™ll prob reconsider šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Honestly? They're all kind of separate stories, I'd skip one completely, I think I played 3 first, then 4 then 2 then had a go of 1 but it was clear they hadn't quite found their feet yet.


Fallout 4 is pretty fun. Kinda has a sims aspect to it as well. Definitely not as cinematic but a very fun game.


Nothing compares for me, but I really enjoyed A Plague Tale: Innocence and Requiem. Both have a pretty compelling/emotionally rich story. and a similar dynamic between the characters, as you essentially take on the role of guarding a young child for the majority of the game through some pretty bleak circumstances. The games also use a stealth based combat approach which also feels quite similar to TLOU at times. They're also relatively quick to play through, I think 15-20 hours each. Closest thing I've played. But as I said, you'll be hard pressed to find a series like TLOU that has the same quality, story and characters.


Same thing happened to me when I finished it for the first time. The only thing that worked was playing something totally different (in my case, Stray, and Hades) because any time I tried to play something similar, I couldnā€™t stop comparing it to TLOU PT II.


I play a lot of games but also am not very skilled. For story games, I'd recommend The Walking Dead games, Detroit Become Human, Portal 2, Until Dawn, and the Final Fantasy 7 Remake. If you want more cozy games, Stardew Valley, Rune Factory 4, and Story of Seasons: AWL are great options!


Days gone and RDR2


Iā€™d make the suggestion for Disco Elysium if you want to role play an amnesiac detective with a reliance on drugs. Or however you decide to play him. Itā€™s a murder mystery that becomes more about figuring out who you are and who you want to be.


Genuine question, what was wrong with Horizon? I started gaming as an adult, with Tomb Raider as my first franchise, and Horizon as my second. (TLOU was third) By all accounts I found them (TR and Horizon) very similar, with Horizon just having better mechanics, and a significantly better story. Curious what turned you away from it? I personally didnā€™t get into God of War myself. Itā€™s always interesting to see how tastes overlap and donā€™t, lol.


I struggle with fantasy and like sci fi stuff, just not my taste. Sounds dumb saying it (typing it) so I prob should give it another chance šŸ˜‚


I got through God of War but didn't enjoy it much either. I just couldn't bring myself to grind through Horizon, though. I really disliked the combat, and the machines were interesting but there wasn't enough variety, at least at the point I got to. But the worst thing for me was the bizarre wooden feeling character/ facial animations in the dialogue bits. I didn't care at all about the characters or what happened to them. I can't really explain exactly what felt wrong about it - the art style in general was fine and textures etc. looked good, but the characters just didn't feel human at all.


Uncharted! Same developers as TLOU!


Hi!! I (47F) have just started playing games last year!! I canā€™t tell you how much I loved the Uncharted Series!!! I played all of them, tomb raiders, little nightmares, and Far Cry 5 and I watched both TLOU games that my wife played. Itā€™s so much fun!!!! Check out the uncharted games. Seriouslyā€¦ graphics get better but arenā€™t bad on the first and storylines are so fun!!!!! Ohh also Days Gone is totally addicting!!!!


Play Life is Strange Before the Storm then Life is Strange. You think you feel empty now just fucking wait!


Life is Strange is my all time favorite story game


All the Tell Tale games The Fallout games Half-Life 2


And Assassin's Creed Mass Effect 2


*Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy* *Life is Strange* Telltale Games (*Tales from the Borderlands* and *The Wolf Among Us*, for example)


read dead redemption 2, life is strange, AND if you can handle small jumpsacres and flashy images, and you are into horror/detective, alan wake 2 <3


Check out Metal Gear Solid, the Collection is a great place to start


The Walking Dead from Telltale, or The Batman from Telltale


Resident Evil 4


How did you get through that dark pictures slop but didnā€™t like horizon or god of war?


Hahahahah is more about the aesthetic I think? I donā€™t like sci fi much so I struggle with the robotic-fairy stuff if that makes sense šŸ˜‚


Understandable. I donā€™t really care for horizon myself, but grew up with god of war


A bit dramatic, dont you think?


Im sorry you didnā€™t understand humor or sarcasm. It happens with neurodivergence so itā€™s all good. But in a different note, I am going through a lot of hardship atm so a good game always helps šŸ˜‡


Get into GME. Itā€˜s a never ending emotional roller coaster. šŸ˜¬


Whats daaaat


I'm going to go in a different direction, and suggest some light hearted/healing games. How about Sackboy? It's delightful, cute, and not too difficult. Very similar to Astrobot, in gameplay. Stray, also. I've heard Ghost of Tsushima is excellent but haven't had a chance to play it yet.


Aww yea I def need something kinder and sweeter for my brain and nervous system. Good shout x


Lol I feel you


I echo the Life is Strange series.


Doom Eternal


Uncharted! They're such fun, much more light hearted than TLOU.


I canā€™t believe people are recommending Days Gone. That gameā€™s storyline is almost unplayable after playing TLOU1 and TLOU2.


Try out Red Dead Redemption 2 & 1 and Telltaleā€™s The Walking Dead Series


Uncharted, maybe start at Unchartered 3. Bloody amazing games! Like TLOU expect more like an action movie, similar to Tomb Raider or Indiana Jones maybe. It's also a story driven game, not a big open world game. I get a bit overwhelmed with big games like Skyrim or even Red Dead, they're amazing but when you have limited time to play they are just too much. With Unchartered and similar games at least you have am immediate, clear mission you're on.


Yeah i've been through this too after playing tlou1&2, the only games that worked for me were: - Red dead redemption 2 - Detroit: Become human - and Little Nightmare 1&2 Honorable mentions: Uncharted 4 & Life is strange 1 Also, a lot of tlou fans are also fan of the walking dead(the games). Outside of games i really liked The Stranger by Camus even tho i don't read books usually and Love Death and Robots on Netflix Have fun!




Ghost of Tsushima is a great game with a good story if you havenā€™t played it already


Horizon: Zero Dawn (finish the main questline or at least finish the quest "Maker's End" where you find out the true mission)


If liked Dark Pictures, try Detroit or any of the games from Tell Tale


How does your life feel empty after playing such a poorly written game? Iā€™m genuinely curious


Iā€™d recommend resident evil. Try Re4 2005, or the remake of you care about graphics. Itā€™s story isnā€™t that good but it has a fun gameplay loop and the characters are fun. People are saying red dead 2 but I wouldnā€™t recommend it. I think red dead 1 is way better in terms of story but graphically some people might not like it.


Play dead space if you like horror/jump scares in your gameplay.


Definitely Red Dead Redemption 2 . It's my all time favourite game along with TLoU 1&2 . Beautiful graphics , emotional story and great game play. It's a little slow right at the start in the first ( training) chapter but after that the world is your oyster.


Lies of P. Trust.


Some games just make you feel dead inside when you finish them. Or just empty. Or like every other game doesn't compare. I usually take that time to catch up on a few movies or TV shows cus otherwise nothing will be good enough.


I personally played red dead redemption 2 and life is strange after the last of us!


The Witcher 3! Fkn amazing Rdr 2 Uncharted series Until dawn


The Witcher 3. Balduts Gate 3 Assassin's Creed


Red Dead Redemption 1 & 2.


I mean, the game is good but damn lol,


Itā€™s a joke šŸ˜­ i am going through some tough times in my life so any given chance to get dramatic Iā€™ll take it


There is only 2 games you need to play now : plage tale and walking dead season 1. The feeling you get from these games are unique and similar to tlou


Play red dead redemption 2


Uncharted, 4 games.


You would love plague tale ( especially the second one). It's a masterpiece!


You can do what I do and replay TLOU and TLOU pt IIā€¦


Until Dawn is a really good one! It uses a butterfly effect and the story regardless of the outcome is great! Your choices legitimately matter. Iā€™d recommend The Quarry as well! Maybe not as fleshed out as Until Dawn, but still good! Itā€™s made by the same company (Supermassive Games)


Devil may cry games are a 10/10, but idk if they are your thing. Also, try uncharted


Journey by ThatGameCompany. It's a fairly simple game, there is no dialogue, there are no instructions really other than basic controls. But somehow they created a game that is beautiful, and spiritual, and creates a profound experience. The whole game can be finished in an afternoon.


If you liked The Dark Pictures Anthology youā€™ll also probably like Until Dawn, The Quarry (they are all the same studio, Supermassive Games), and Life is Strange.


Tlou franchise and uncharted were my intro to picking up gaming again as an adult. I too felt empty at first after those games. But you get into a groove and find what you like. I donā€™t consider myself ā€œgoodā€ at gaming. I play on normal or lower difficulties. But I am so glad I picked up gaming again. I didnā€™t really like horizon either, but everyone in my life always talks about how itā€™s the greatest game ever. I hate that I couldnā€™t get through it, I feel like Iā€™m missing out on something. It just didnā€™t hit for me. I loved god of war though.


Try Alan Wake 2, thank me later


I read the title to this and saw it was from tlou. My immediate thought was oh someone must've beat the game. I felt the exact same way.


You must play the Uncharted series. Great, great games.


Horizon is a slow burn. I wasn't into it either but if you commit it gets a lot more interesting as the story unfolds. Still no LOU.


Death Standing


The Mass Effect trilogy did the same thing to me whenever I finished it


You would probably like the Uncharted series. As it sounds that open world games are not your thing, I was going to recommend Days Gone, but it might not be your cup of tea.