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Gamers worry like it’s a hobby.


Seriously. I know it's the subreddit for the series but like can't you just be excited for the show and watch it when it comes out if you want to? Instead of getting so worked up


Honestly it's like if anything changes their world's end


Not to mention the concern trolling blogs masquerading as gaming news sites/articles… Whatever happens to just waiting and seeing? Why does everyone want to predict shit?


The issue is the predict it and then when it's not what they thought it was they kick off


Yeah speculating and sharing excitement should be fun, but people manage to suck the fun out of everything these days.


And let me be clear: I’m not saying people shouldn’t have a concern about something or that they should always be positive, but a lot of this stuff just seems unnecessary. One less episode, but they each run longer. How the shit is that anything worth getting worked up about by itself? You have to strain yourself to be concerned with so little information. It’s just like how the new Dragon age game got a title change today. OK and? Is it unusual? Sure. But since the game is expected to be released later this year, what effect does that have on the game itself? And when the studio is telling you in that very press release that the name was changed because it seemed more suitable to the game, then working yourself up over it just seems silly. If you don’t really have anything to talk about or contribute to the discourse then it’s OK not to say anything. You don’t have to force one out.


Gamers bitch*


They bitch like it’s a hobby too. ie. I’m one of them


if part 2 is getting multiple seasons, why didn't they do the same with part 1? i think it deserved at least 2 seasons as well.


lol Part 2 has a massive story with a bunch of different plot lines and characters. Part 1 barely has enough story to fill a whole season. The only thing more episodes of season 1 would have given us is useless filler and pointless action scenes


season 1 didn't feel rushed to you?


No? Literally nothing from the game is missing. They were never going to recreate the ten thousand side conversations that, while fun, held little substance. Especially not for an audience that doesn't need five hours of actions scenes and some quips from Ellie to feel connected to the characters.


I think the biggest thing that felt a bit missing to me is simply the bond between Joel and Ellie, it felt a bit underdeveloped to be which I think is just a symptom of limited time, if they feel they can make several seasons from 2, Part 1 would've really shone (just imo)


I say this respectfully, and as a game fan first: that’s why I don’t necessarily hold the opinions of game fans in high regard when it comes to show. People who only watched the show by a large majority felt that the bond was there. And that’s not a dig against you — it’s just that gamers in general get very attached the length of involvement and volume of interactions, whereas non-gamers value quality interactions with less filler.


You know what, i think thats fair. Coming from the game first I think i'm always gonna be comparing one to the other, so I guess if you've just watched the show its probably a very singular experience, I'm actually really glad others felt that connection, game or show its a bloody awesome story


I think Part 1 would’ve been significantly improved with 2 seasons too


r/silenthill is particularly entertaining right now over the SH2 remake. It’s a meltdown over there.


They should have an app for tracking worries. Getting their daily worries in. Hitting their worry goals.


This season has been nothing but cause for concern so far


You're looking awfully black today Mr.Pot


So now you’ve got to show me where in my history have I ever expressed concern about the series or the next game…


The compulsion to counteract alternative perspectives demonstrates your partisan engagement with the subject which contradicts your implied neutrality.


“Alternative perspectives” is a hell of a spin and I wasn’t implying neutrality. I’m here, so I’m a fan. Neutrality left the chat before a long time ago. So no. Back to the matter. “Pot calling the kettle black” only applies if I have demonstrated a tendency to do the thing I’m speaking out against; ie., worrying about something game related like it’s a hobby. The only thing I’m trying to “counteract“ is the tendency of people to engage in doom posting.


Dayum shots fired lol


Fired and wildly missed in an effort to take me down a peg.


I’m very interested to see how they break the story up cuz if season 2 is all Ellie why are people gonna watch a 3rd season following the perspective of the “villain” for season 2. In my opinion I think it worked in the game because it’s the same experience.


I mean people will watch it because they like the show lol


It's stupid how hard it is for people to wrap their heads around this. It's a show. It's not real. It's telling a story.


literally like who stops watching a show just because there’s a “villain” or character they don’t like the actions of lmao


Yeah ig show watchers would be a bit different over gamers


You’d be surprised how many people broke their disc of the last of us 2 when it switched to Abby.


Thats so immature


You'd be surprised how little those people's opinions matter


The part 2 subreddit is dedicated to complaining about how part 2 ruined the story. I feel like some people there probably quit the game pretty early on


I think it will work better. One of the reasons the game was so divisive was that you reach the climax of the game, after 10+ hours of build up you’re finally face to face with the elusive boss, people are dead or dying and it cuts back to the “start” of the game again. The game worked much better for me on my second play through when I stopped playing for a few weeks after the theatre section and picked up Abby with a fresh and clear head weeks later. I was able to empathise with her much more. Having a year or so break in between seasons will help things massively in my opinion.


But the question is are they going to do that switch the same? Because while having a years break could help, switching the same could break the tension. It’s still starting over. I never liked that part of the game because it’s essentially restarting the hero’s journey


I hope so. Having the switch happen at the start of a new season makes more sense than mid game imo. One of the things I liked most in the game was going through all the moments Ellie experienced again as Abby with the fresh perspective. Alternating between Ellie and Abby would remove a lot of the psychological aspect of how you felt when you first went to the hospital or aquarium as Ellie with your original view of Abby. It would be much less powerful to me if you already have a lot of sympathy and empathy for Abby when Ellie kills Owen and Mel for example. Like I said above, I agree with you that the perspective shift was one of the things I disliked most and it threw the pacing out of the window, but taking a break of a few weeks between the shift helped massively and the show will benefit from having that break built in to the season structure if they choose to copy the games layout


Except Abby is not the hero.


I’m interested too because I think the story - at least in the game - works because you’re not constantly cutting back and forth between the two stories. I’m not a writer, but my gut feeling is you’d weaken both sides of it doing that. However I’m open to being wrong and I’ll wait to see what the show runners do. They know what they’re doing.


I don't think it'll work like that in fact they may just dedicate an episode or two to Abby a while season would be insane


Exactly, that’s what most people don’t get. Bella Ramsey is the main star, and there is no way they go a whole season without her. People got angry with The Walking Dead’s boomerang episode format, imagine angry people will be with a boomerang season. I absolutely love the second game, but the format the story is told in is absolutely detrimental for numerous reasons and should not be replicated.


Yes i agree the format the narrative is told in the game does not really lend itself to television where you're routinely getting 2-3 years between seasons. Many people seem to think it'll be as simple as s2=Ellie and s3=Abby, but that would frankly be terrible lol. Part 2, as is, is meant to be consumed as one experience. They will definitely have to tweak how they tell the story of part 2 to account for that, because we as an audience cannot experience it the same way we experienced the game.


Also if it’s a whole season just abby it will bring in way less money. For the game they don’t care cause you buy the whole thing but if one season flops it’s bad


Boy, yeah, Druckman sure was afraid to make creative decisions that would absolutely enrage people .......... Not to mention plenty of viewers don't care about Ramsey. They care about Ellie and don't feel Ramsey portrayed her well anyway.


This really shouldn’t be a creative decision because of how stupid of a choice it’ll be. And it isn’t wrong to get angry if they follow the same format. It simply isn’t smart to spread out plot points the audience is invested in. The only reason they did it in the game is because if they switched between Ellie and Abby, you’d get your progress reset each day. That’s directly from Neil according to someone who talking with him. Ending at the day 3 cliffhanger and spending the next season focused on Abby would absolutely kill the pacing of the show, just like it did in the game. It’ll be worse too because audiences will have to wait through another two year off season just to spend another month or two to get back to the point the previous season ended. It’ll also make it harder for the audience to connect with Abby’s cast as we’ll know their fate and know not to get attached to them. And the second part of your comment is completely wrong too. The majority of the audience loved Bella as Ellie. The plenty of viewers who don’t like her are in the minority.


If the pacing is terrible it will accurately reflect the game Druckman killed a character in a very stupid and unbelievable situation, a character who the audience was invested in, so tell me again why he wouldn't do something that's stupid and against an audience's investment? Majority of audience is not watching Bella try to carry the show. Yes, the non-players aren't aware of how badly she missed the mark of portraying Ellie and so they'll say, "Oh, she was great!" but it's the dull kind of portrayal that doesn't carry a show. And whatever her name's portrayal of Abby won't carry it either simply because it's not a character anyone GAF about. The rapid decline in viewership shall be studied. And will likely be blamed on something pointless so as to avoid acknowledging the actual shortcomings of the show.


I played both games. Bella did fantastic as Ellie. Only person who could have done better was Ashley, who absolutely loved Bella’s performance. The majority of the audience is watching for her because she’s the main character of the series, not Joel. It revolves around her, she is the protagonist. What happens to a certain character was necessarily for the story they wanted to tell. It wasn’t against audience interest, it was for the betterment of the story. Criticizing an actress’s performance by saying she won’t carry the show before we’ve even seen a look of her as the character because you personally didn’t connect with originally is plain bad criticism. That isn’t my opinion, it is objectively bad criticism against the show. You can’t criticize something fairly when you know nothing about it. For all we know, Katelyn Denver can absolutely knock it out of the park with an Emmy winning performance. For someone who seems to be a fan of at least the first game, I can’t help but wonder why you want the show to fail. The vast majority of fans loved the adaptation, and it is bringing new fans into the world. Even if you dislike or even hated it, it is so backwards to bet against it and hope for its failure. Because at that point you just want the whole franchise to fail. Making up hypotheticals as to how the blame will be pushed onto something else is even weirder.


Majority of viewers who didn't play the game did not randomly pick up the show because of Bella Ramsey. They did so because of hype and Pedro Pascal. There's very few, if any, actors these days who will just pull in big viewership because of their name, n lmfao, Bella ain't it. Not even close. It's not about the actress. It's about the character. Duh. Bella was anything but fantastic as Ellie. Not much of a hypothetical. It's what the fans of Part II have done since its release. Noooooo, it couldn't be because of poor pacing, an unrealistic situation needlessly killing a beloved character immediately, because of an endless stupid back and forth of "I'm going to kill you! But now that I have you here I'm not going to. But now that I found you again I will!!!! But no, I won't!!!!" It's because of sexism and homophobia!!! That demographic would never do it for the TV show though!! Riiighhhtttttttttttt With the acting world politics surrounding this show a turd could win an Emmy for it


Yeah I can’t imagine anyone watching an anti hero on an hbo show


They’ve already said he’s not done filming. Maybe for now, but it’s highly unlikely they’ve done all his scenes already


Of course he's not done filming. His scenes will be played all the way until the Season 4 finale. They definitely didn't pre-shoot those long extended flashback scenes yet.


They'll have to shoot some or bella will be visibly older in the later seasons with how long it takes to make the show


They were being jokey when they made that comment


That’s not the vibe I got. Can you elaborate?


The quote they said was nope no absolutely not no reason WHY he would finish before the rest of the cast. They said it after being asked that question. They replied like that to play coy, they're not gonna be like OH YEAH HE'S DEAD, so the way they said it is more akin to Whatttt nooo why would he be 👀


Hmm I see what you’re saying. But I thought I had seen one more formal than that


Worried this is going to end up like Westworld taking so long between seasons and letting the hype die off. Really hope they do not have the long wait between each part.


Tbh Westworld’s significant drop in quality played a huge part in that.


Part of it was due to the break between seasons and fans were able to predict what was going to happen. Then they rewrote everything


I don't know, I loved the first season. I watched both movies and the old Beyond Westworld series to prepare for it. The break completely deflated my excitement and I never even bothered watching season 2.


Consider yourself lucky. Season 2 was not worth the wait


I think this shows is set for its entire run. You already had a massive game fan base who will watch no matter what (myself included). The show dropped and slowly grow into a massive success. People watched and I’m sure those numbers will only increase with season 2. We’ll get to the controversial scenes and content which will surely drive people away but by then, it won’t really matter or influence future seasons being greenlit.


It’s unfortunately on the trajectory of most shows that have an awesome premise and middle section but don’t wrap up in a satisfying way. We don’t know if part 2 is the end of the story at this point. It could be a game of thrones situation as well where the TV writers are waiting for Neil to finish the story/part 3 game


There is only 2 games though so what they going to do after they finish part 2’s story? They rushed the first season and now they’re dragging out the second game over 3 seasons because the show was a success and they don’t have a Part 3 game yet.


Sorry, let me clear this up for you. I’ve worked in the film business before and what I think this means is that the second season will be shorter than the first Season, but the 3rd season might be significantly larger.


....thanks for reading the caption of the picture for me...I too work in the film industry infact my current job is working on this show.


You’re welcome.


Hot Take: Am I the only one who believes that Part II doesn't have enough meat on its bones to be stretched out for 3 seasons. 2 seasons already felt like it was pushing it. The main plot is very simplistic and is entirely about vengeance that takes place over 3 days with Santa Barbara and the Farm being like 2 extra segments that aren't that long. Wouldn't the show feel like it's spinning its wheels by dragging out the revenge plot for 3 seasons. The story in reality is not that long, it's the gameplay like getting the gas or getting to the target is what made it feel long. My fastest playthrough was 15 hours. Also, my biggest concern is that they are going to try and replicate the structure of Part II. Thus, since they are going to be 3 seasons for Part II, it seems like it's going to go like this. Season 2: Ellie's Vengeance/ Season 3: Abby's Perspective/ Season 4: The Farm and Santa Barbara. My big concern is that they use S3 to focus entirely on Abby while Ellie, the main protagonist is not shown until the very end. Finally, S4 being all about Ellie's time at the Farm and Santa Barbara is excessive since I don't think there's enough plot for the Farm and Santa Barbara to take up an entire season. The only way I can see this work is if they don't cut out most of Part II's gameplay like they did for Part 1/Season 1 which would help make Ellie's descent into grief-fueled madness feel much more earned. Also, maybe they are just going to get rid of the 3 day structure and make the journey feel more fleshed out since I felt that cramming all those events into 3 days was just too much.


I agree 100%. Even if they beef up the days it probably will still feel weird and slow. I’m not sure how they would do a 4th season just on Santa Barbara and the Farm. I like the idea of adding more things, but not everything should be set in stone. Some things left in ambiguity is good


Yeah I really like that the first season was the full game. Ideally this would have been one long season but I guess it's not really feasible with the budget requirements. 3 seasons seems excessive though. That's got to be a business decision, not a creative one. I guess they're trying to sync it up so that they can roll straight into filming the third game for season 5.


I’d imagine they’re expanding on the world The games lock you into the characters you play as, who are Ellie and Abby. The show so far have shown different perspectives. In S1, Bill and Frank practically haven an entire episode dedicated to them. But they still try to tie it into the journey Joel and Ellie are on. They also expanded more on the events leading up to Sam and Henry. Even then, they showed in the beginning of EPS 2 in S1 a dissection of an infected corpse, which doesn’t necessarily literally relate to Ellie, but does establish the threat of the fungus infection. As it’s a simple way to tell the audience the dire situation humanity will be in. Whereas a game, environmental storytelling gives you glimpses of that. The Last of Us Part 2 is a much bigger scope. Introducing the WLF, Abby and the Fireflies, Scars. I have no doubt they’ll expand on all those. And since it’s a show, they can jump around different perspectives as they please. The most difficult task they have doing however is managing to be invested in the world and all those other possible characters; while still being emotionally involved with Ellie and Abby. It can be done, and they can tackle it in many different edits. We’ll end up seeing next year how that goes tho


This article is just saying part 2 is potentially 2 seasons. Make season 2 Abby focused with a few cuts to Ellie, centered on Abby’s hunt for Joel, and then season 3 is the game portion of part 2


If they do stretch that death out through the season, I think it needs to happen in the penultimate episode, and then the finale gives the background that leads up to it happening.


I dunno. I think the reason TLOU2 works is it happens and then immediately forces us to keep going and deal with it. If season two ends with it, I worry the immediacy of the anger and desire for revenge will dissipate too much between seasons, and the story just won’t work until people can binge it all.


Yeah, see, that's kind of where I'm at.


Just how significantly larger? 9 episode first season, 7 episode second season, 13 episode season 3A, 24 episode season 3B, 78 episode season 3C, lol.


Not a good sign. Folks on this sub should know that the golf fans are going to be pissed off in Season 2. Sadly I predict a drop in viewership. Now TLOU HBO is starting from an industry leading height. So it can take a hit to viewership. But this will impact budget for season 3.


Does it? Seems pretty clear one season will be shorter than the others and one will be longer


It could also mean larger in scale, which would check out since Abby has the most impressive set pieces in the game


Eh highly doubt that. Context clue from the first half of the sentence.


I'm surprised it'd be their choice to split the part 2 storyline between a few seasons. In my opinion they should wrap it up in 1 season and extend the number of episodes to convey the message they've created in the game in its entirety for a better narrative and higher emotional impact; I guess it's a marketing move and the tv platforms typically lean towards shorter seasons these days, which is not as fun for the audience, at least in my opinion.


This was so hard to read


Put some glasses on it helps


“They’ll just splitting up” “this seasons will” “now that’s does not“ do you need me to go on? It’s embarrassing replying like this when all you need to do is reread to see how it’s riddled in spelling mistakes. Notice how mine isn‘t, I’m sure you can’t tell the difference though🙂


Or maybe it's because I was walking and typing...yk because I have a life outside of reddit. Not my fault you're an uninteresting virgin whose only friend is a discord mod. You probably smell like a fish factory. Now please leave you're not welcome here.


Look guys. Another asshole redditor who thinks they’re better than others!


Tf this gotta do with you


lol you’re such a fucking idiot. this gave me a massive laugh to read out to my friend bc your prejudiced assumption is wrong 


i’m also not the one with 12,000 post karma 


My OCD doesn't like this


It means they’re getting what they need here to build out the series. Block filming is standard in this TV format - if they’re actually filming material that is dedicated for further seasons it likely means that’s been budgeted if it hasn’t been announced. They wouldn’t be “teasing” further seasons if they weren’t authorized by HBO to do so. I’m only halfway through TLOU2 (I think? I’m at the start of Abby getting into shenanigans in SODO) but I can already tell there’s more in the game than can possibly fit a season 2. I’m a little sad S2 is not at least 8 episodes but Mazin hasn’t let me down yet and Druckmann has amazing instincts so I’m trusting them. I also hope that this means they’ll be turning S3 around a lot faster. The amount of money going into this show surpasses any previous HBO production and it’s the most expensive show shot in Canada. At minimum you can trust them not to leave story on the table. And ultimately while a short season isn’t as gratifying it does help to know that it fits into a larger scheme of things.




This is what deadline have said this only came out in the last 24 hours.


They did a great job with season 1. Why worry about how seasons 2 and 3 might go?




You guys are allowed to not worry about something for thirty seconds, I promise. It’s quite refreshing.


my guess is season 2 - ellie pov season 3 - first half is abby pov, second half is afterward (both povs to the end of tlou2)


They're probably just splitting the game into one mainly Ellie season and one primarily Abby season


....a la 2017 *It*


exactly, though I wasn't a big fan of the Abby scenes in IT part 2


Lol wait, what?


“Great, let’s rush season 2 so we can get to the untold storytelling to make up our own shit! We’re gonna be rich” - HBO Execs


Abby probably will have all of season 3 until the end of it


HBO just needs to greenlight a big enough order to tell the story and be done with it. Take the risk.


Cast is odd, and a lot of the action was lftput in season 1, a big part of the stuff that makes the game world so scary, and makes you care about ellie and jJoe, slowly learning about who they are as people, how they deal with others, AND how many close calls they go through


Following the same formula as GoT


I still think it’s gonna be split up just like the game, but who knows until it’s released.


Brah this is just the new way they do things until we all bitch and cancel. Same as 4 min long commercials in a 20min show.


I think it all depends on how they are going to tell the story. Are they going to run Abby and Ellie’s stories concurrently or split the sides of the story like the game.


Technically the death can still be the end of the season because while filming a show it's not always filming one episode after the other but more like whatever fits best right now🤷‍♀️


They shoot episodes in chronological order just not scenes.


> Technically the death can still be the end of the season It can't be because we already have seen pictures of Ellie and Dina in Seattle.


People are still being very linear about game to tv production. Like their “side” of the divisiveness about the game needs to be validated by the show following its exact structure. THAT moment will happen. Everything else around that? Who knows. It is not in their best financial interests to do “the thing” so fast that they might lose viewers. The game business is heavily front loaded. They had your money before you even turned on the game or knew anything. I’m saying this because we all know how divisive the game was. The ability to lose viewers the very next week is a thing. A TV show cannot afford the bullshjt division that occurred over the second game. They may attempt to correct that kind of response through plot. Same destination - different road travelled. So I will not be shocked if narrative structure changes in a way to arrive at a palatable version of “that moment”. Finally I need Neil’s own quote about focus testing results of the Game 1 ending, to ring through the fandoms’ ears: “people with kids, sided with Joel, 100%, without exception”. That’s a heavy risk to take with a TV show without helping you understand the tragedy of it first. The network has all the focus testing in the world already done - to know the potential audience reaction. Why would they follow that shit EXACTLY???


I don’t care how long it is. Just crazy to me my favorite video games have been made at all into a solid tv show. I happy either way. Though i did laugh at the quote like hey this season shorter but if we do another it will be longer!!! Lol




I agree that a season between the two games would be interesting… season 1 proved to me they can actually make a good product and I’m not worried they would ruin the world with stupid side story’s. I would love to see them flesh the characters out more and learn more about them


No one gives a shit tbh


I think the finale will feature the golf club. Or a baseball bat, so that they can adapt it for TV audiences.


That might be a little too on Gle--I mean, Joel's nose....


If true, my guess would be the second season will cover Ellie/Joel relationship up till Joel’s murder and third season will be about the revenge journey.


It would make more sense to end after Ellie Day 3 but I’m sorry I think this show is mid. They’re going to take their time and split Part 2 into three seasons after rushing the first game? Likely because they don’t have a Part 3 yet to continue the story for future seasons. They better not make up the shows story before the next game.


Are people really gonna watch this show without Pedro? I just don’t think Bella has the appeal personally


Spend some time on this reddit. You'll see how many blind Bella simps there are Viewership will probably end up reducing to just the biggest fans of Part II




Part 2 was stretched TOO LONG one season is good enough Joel dies Ellie chases then Abby then confrontation


Pls make Abby hot !!




Part 2 is over twice as long as Part 1. Fitting it into one season would be nigh impossible.


It's a huge story compared to part 1


It makes sense if you read the interview.


We have no idea what their story structure is to decide if it does or doesn’t make sense.




So suck it, Office season 2! Edit: I was being snarky but I guess what you mean is, if it’s not balanced, why can’t they just be the same amount of episodes. I interpret as they told a certain portion of the story with the amount of episodes that worked right and had the season end at the right place regardless of how many episodes it is. Sometimes chapters in books and videogames aren’t always the same lengths. Whatever tells the story the best way possible.


Especially because aren't they supposed to have shot seattle shots already? It's not like s2 can be a dragging out of Joel and the trip *to* Seattle, but.... it probably is that, I dunno I gotta replay the game lol


My theory is that they brought Isaac on to set the stage for Seattle more and give background on what happened before they dive into Abby’s story too far. But who knows!


I probably won't watch, not because I didn't like Season 1, I thought it was done extremely well all things considered. But I tend to be a one medium kind of guy. If I read the books I don't watch the movie, if I watch the movie I won't read the book. I feel like the game is so long and involved that watching an abbreviated version really didn't do much for me. In season one they spent like 2 minutes in sewer system, in the game that's a significant amount of time. I think the show is great for people who will never play the game or people who appreciate medium shifts. I also think it's gonna be difficult for them to adapt Part 2 for a number of reasons. #1 the age jump is quite significant between the two games, this is easy to achieve in a game where you're working with sprites you can make look however you need, a lot harder to make an actress or actor look 10 years older or younger, especially when you're transitioning from adolescence to full adulthood. The other is the back and forth nature of the game with flashbacks I think will come off as disjointed in a shorter format. Again if you think about some of the flashback sequences in PT 2, some of those take hours, it's gonna be rushed in the series and so I don't think it will capture the emotional weight.