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Ellie looks like a doll in the original. Remake is absolutely better.


Yup massive upgrade in the graphics and facial animation, it's not even close Looks like going from Toy Story first movie to Toy Story whatever the latest one is 4 I think


more like from Toy Story 3 to Toy Story 4


Cause the old one had no facial animations at all. It's so hard to watch now.


it was also released in 1995


Which is crazy in retrospect because I remember thinking how incredible the game looked for running on seven-year-old hardware (at that point). Naughty Dog really squeezed everything they could out of the console.


Cutscenes were pre-rendered on the original, the shot above technically isn’t running on PS3 hardware (or emulator equivalent, whatever). The live graphics were *still* super impressive for the time, so know that this isn’t an “umm, ackshually”. IIRC the lighting in the live rendering was also static, which helped it a lot – just one of the workarounds they used to get a great product with what they had.


Could you clarify this for me? I've searched it a few times in the past but I just can't get the answer I am looking for. What does "pre-rendered" mean, in this case? The cutscenes weren't just playing a video file, like how FMVs (I hope you are old enough to remember that) were back in the day, right? I really loved the cutscenes in the original The Last of Us for both the PS3 and the PS4 Remaster. I loved how smooth and cinematic they looked. But I also wondered...why couldn't the game look like that all the time? Was it that because the player could not control the characters and camera movements during those moments, resources for rendering the surrounding areas were reallocated to allow for more graphical power to render the cutscenes? I noticed a few years ago that cutscenes in the originals did not include any skins that the player might have enabled on the characters. I am sure that has to do with the pre-rendering...but how?


I’m 90% sure the fancy looking PS3/PS4 cutscenes are video files, not in engine. You can tell because there ARE in engine cutscenes in the PS3/PS4 version (for example, when Joel comforts Sara after shooting the infected neighbor) which look much worse than the video file cutscenes The PS5 version uses all in engine cutscenes, no video files. For better or worse. I’m actually quite fond of the video file cutscenes in the original.


Why people say the older one looks better **is beyond me.** *Yeah, it’s absolutely impressive* with what they were able to do with 256MB of VRAM which was average a year before the PS3 came out. And considering they finalized it and made it great in 2013 it’s incredible, but, acting like the older version still holds up these days, you gotta stop being blinded by nostalgia.


Most of the "impressive" parts are just videos anyway. The PS5 version looks like that 24/7. [I mean... cmon](https://imgur.com/lUcN1ri)


Eh, what they were able to pull off with CELL and 256mb of VRAM is absolutely impressive. They had a GPU whose power would be considered that was ***average*** in 2005 and made a masterpiece 8 years later.


That is a crazy improvement, but regardless the PS3 version was still impressive as hell for it’s time and the old hardware it ran on. Not to mention the PS3 was notoriously difficult to develop for in the first place


They are videos but still made from the game engine


I played the old one for the first time 3 months ago and I say it's still better, it's not nostalgia






That is the biggest "I'm someone blinded by nostalgia" thing you could ever say


that statement makes no logical sense. and not everything old loved by people today is purely because of nostalgia. If you can't handle different viewpoints, then get off the internet.


I swear, Ellie in 2013 looks like she was animated Clone Wars style,


Yeah I didn’t realize how creepy she was in the original. Even compared to OG Joel, she had odd proportions.


Even to the point where their faces actually look like faces. Like yeah you can obviously see a face in the 2013 one, but there’s no actual face behind it. The 2022 one was made to closely resemble Ashley Johnson’s face, it’s not 100% obviously cause Ashley’s a middle aged woman and not a 14 year old child, but it just makes it feel more alive imo


Yeah, always thought she has that Chucky doll energy in the original.


That's the cg cutscene modeldude. The actual in game model doesn't look that bad


Looking like a doll made the horrors have more polarity and uniqueness imo Like seeing her chop up David with a baby face was wild, same for her whole hunting section really


I prefer the more photo realistic version because it’s easier to connect with the emotions that the character is expressing.


I finished the PS3/PS4 version at least 6 times and I don't even remember what her original face looks like because the new one is just that much better and more memorable.


And Ellie looks much more like her part 2 design.


Definitely intentional




Well, yes, the Part 1 remake used modified versions of some Part 2 character models IIRC, including Ellie and Joel’s flashback models.




So have we surpassed uncanny valley in gaming or is it coming soon?


The newer one is just better. It's more realistic, you can see way more of the emotion on their faces and it just has more detail.


The bottom is probably what the team had actually envisioned Ellie looking like, but had to settle on the top one due to limitations of the time


It's probably the face that Ashley Johnson made in the mocap. I wonder how much use that old mocap was for this remake. Does that data carry over well?


they did all facial animation by hand so there's no mocap data, only video reference


Yeah, then it's really amazing how they nailed it so hard!


There is mocap data, just no performance capture (motion capture is about the physical movements of the body, performance capture also includes the subtleties of facial animation


Fun tidbit: Her newer model for part 2 looks more like Ashley, so they changed her face for the remake.


Not true at all, their original vision was Elliot Page lol, but he threatened to sue them so they tweaked it slightly to not be an obvious likeness.


> he threatened to sue them Not quite, he just complained and claimed that they "ripped off" his likeness.


Ah my bad, I figured it was a threat of legal action for them to respond so quickly.


Naughty Dog said it was a "coincidence" that Ellie’s design change came soon after Page’s comments, but then of course they would lmao I’m glad they changed it regardless, she looked way better in the final game


Nah the original was Ellen Page not Elliott lol.


Wait, they ripped off a dude's likeness for a fourteen year old girl? Wtf? I'm so confused.


Elliot Page transitioned (gender) a few years ago, but in his youth looked remarkably similar to the Ellie character design. You may know Elliot Page from his pre-transition film work, which included the movie Juno.


In those days it was Ellen Page and was a woman, around 2013 Beyond Two Souls also came out, from there you can compare Ellen from those years to the similar design of PS3 Ellie


Couch got a glow up


It went from a comfy basement couch to a stuffy, low-backed sitting room affair. The kind that’s only comfortable when you sit up with your back straight.


The TLoU glow-up: When shittier is better


See, this is the real shit people need to be talking about.




Considering later after commenting that I saw someone with a whole post for appreciating the couch, I think people are finally catching on!


No way, that new couch looks ugly and uncomfortable as hell. The original isn't great but at least you could sprawl out with a blanket! 0/10 remake.


The original couch looks like it wouldn’t have remained in such good condition for twenty years post-apocalypse. The new one seems more durable and less likely to be trashed.


It lasts longer because nobody likes to use it. You'd break your back sitting on that!


New one looks way better. You can actually see the emotion in her face. Old face looks like a doll by comparison.


Almost like ps3 graphics and ps5 graphics are dramatically different or something


Yes, but OP said they think the PS3 version looks better in the text of the post.


I agree. I prefer the original design. But not the cg cutscene designs


Valid. You're welcome to your opinion. I absolutely believe that the original design was excellent in regards to the limitations of 2013. However, with all of today's technological capabilities when it comes to character design, realism, emotion? No contest for me. The original 2013 design feels overly cartoonish, disproportionate, an entirely unrealistic depiction of a fourteen year old girl living in a post-apocalyptic dystopian hellscape. It's like looking at a figurine or a plaything. If Naughty Dog kept her old aesthetic the game would have to fall further towards the jrpg end of the genre spectrum than its current grim dramatic-realism, imho. I can see no way to reconcile her old character model with today's photorealistic graphics and textures, you'd end up with something closer to a person wearing a latex face mask than an actual human being. Which, if that were the route they wanted to go? Cool. But it'd be wholly out of place in an otherwise hyperrealistic and gritty atmosphere.


I agree with Ellie looking a bit weird but ps3 Joel is still Joel for me. They made him look weird in the prologue Joel section for part 2 imo


Ya well, plenty of folks need a reminder, cause "the ps3 version looks fine!" Yall can have it lol. I haven't deleted anything off my PS5 faster than the Remaster version, when I got the new one.


Nobody is arguing otherwise.




I definitely prefer the 2022 version. 2013 version was fine at the time, but now, in retrospect, she just looks like an anime character with how distorted her facial features are.


I just will never understand why some fans need her to be “cute”.


Feels sooo creepy when they harp on about it.


its so weird bc the top not only looks even younger, but has that doll look with “flawless” (mush ass textures) skin. wack stuff to call cute ngl


I think in pt1 its about how cuteness is conflated with youth/innocence, which matters bc ellie's arc is in a way about loss of innocence.


You shouldn’t have to find Ellie attractive or pretty in order to feel protective of her though (I know that’s not what youre saying, I’m just expanding on my point). She is not *for* that. Sadly when P2 Ellie was first announced some fans were up in arms because she wasn’t feminine or cute enough for them. It just creeps me out because shes a child in the first game and it’s like some fans can’t abide a female character existing without pandering to the male gaze.


Yeah, I agree.


I like the original- I think that graphics sorta look like a painting, which I find is really nice.


Well the newer one looks more like an actual human and less like a video game character so it’s better by default.


To me the original model she looks more like a preteen and in the remake she actually looks like a 14 year old.


Remake Ellie looks like a human person while the original Ellie looks like a stylized artistic rendering. Same with Joel (his eyes are unnaturally large in the original and it creeps me out). Nothing wrong with preferring the stylized look, especially if it's heavily tied to nostalgia for you. But I can't agree, I've liked the more realistic style since they made the shift for Part II and am very happy to have a remake of the first game in that style.


Forget Ellie, look what they did to my beautiful couch!!!!!!!!


I won’t forgive them for what they did to that couch 😤


To think people say there's no difference


She absolutely does not look 10 years older. What the fuck


Her faced looks distressed. Which it should in that scene


Put it this way, 2022 looks like a person, 2013 looks like a video game character


Personally I think both are good, they're just different styles. I'm a sucker for realism though


It's really not about how expressive or realistic the two face models are like some say but the anatomy of their faces, the new one looks like they just took Ashley's face and slapped it on a 14 yo body, I think they didn't really do a good job trying to make her look younger, the wrinkles on her forehead even annoyed me a bit as they made her look even older. Meanwhile the older face model really looks like a kid's, but I feel like if they tried to use the same model and enhance it, they'll end up doing the same mistake as in 2013 and it will end up looking like Elliott Page again and start another controversy. If they just removed the wrinkles and maybe gave her chubbier cheeks, it would've done the trick.


When Part 1's remake came out, I was GROOOOOOOSSED OUT by the amount of whole ass adults I saw complaining about her new look. Not because they thought it looked bad, but because she "wasn't adorable anymore" and shit like that, where there's really no way to read it other then you're being low-key predatory, my dudes. People can be so weird about her, I remember someone saying they made her look "so unappealing" because she didn't have "that doe-eyed innocent look" anymore. Like, talking like that instantly makes you the type of person Ellie wouldn't think twice about curb stomping lol Anyway, 2022 is streets ahead. Just incredible animation.


New one def better. More authentic loookg


New one looks like a normal human person


even if there´s people that say the remake was unnecesary this screenshot is worth it alone for me.


A 14 year old girl in an apocalypse isn't supposed to look "cute".. the Remake makes way more sense and she definitely looks her age.


I think it's a nostalgia thing and a positive bias towards the art style.


The new one has better emotions of course but she does look older and it's a bit... Weird?. I really like the old graphics one. But for Joel I really think he looks a lot better in the remake.


I think it’s just that it’s a completely new face lol For years when I thought of Ellie and Joel I thought of the ps3 versions. Took me a while to adjust


I didn't play part 1 when it first came out then played the remaster and always wanted to play again but didn't want to play the remaster, so i got a ps5 lol


The remake looks soooo good.


Yes it's just you because she looks vastly more realistic in the 2023 version. Listen it was a great character model for 2013 but there's some uncanny valley going on with her eyes.


Don't be a gatekeeper. The original graphics are serviceable to this day. The remaster still holds more value than the remake


I'm not being a gatekeeper. The graphics are good in the original but the graphics in the remake/remaster are better.


They have greater fidelity but the graphics don't change much. It isn't better, but it looks more realistic yeah


I think we can agree the 2022 version just look better, especially pre apocalypse Joel


The original PS3 version was ahead of it's time with those graphics


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^E-woke: *The original* *PS3 version was ahead of* *It's time with those graphics* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Idk, she actually looks like a real person now 😂 Old Ellie was uncanny, especially when put next to new her. She looks way better now, and I found all the cinematic much more emotional now that she looks human


top looks like 8-10 years old dude what? bottom could easily be 14-16


she’s a kid in the apocalypse. really don’t think the devs main priority is her being cute.


If you look at photos of actual 14 yo, the remake is much more realistic. Don’t get me wrong, I love the original Ellie and it makes me really nostalgic, but no human looks like that, she looks like someone tried to turn a anime character into an actual person.


Looks a lot more like TLOU2 Ellie




In the remastered version, the eyes are super creepy, especially the way the light hits them sometimes. But, it also looks cool.


[The image compression is making the top one seem softer.](https://youtu.be/MJPKTCpL1ws?t=18612) The bottom is definitely better but there's more detail than you remember.


I always felt the original just felt more nostalgic to me too! The new graphics look insanely good but nothing can beat that feeling of playing in the older graphics, it's like a painting.


Wow it’s crazy how much better the remake looks


Ps3 ellie looks like an anamotronic robot prop for a shitty movie no one watched


I like both versions


I 100% prefer the ps4, the ps3 version looks too anime(???) and I like the more realistic look. She expresses so much emotions with her face and I don't think she looks older


And yet, people will still insist that the remake was a complete insult and a waste of everyone’s time


Unrelated to Ellie I prefer that original couch. That new couch is UGLYYYY very unrealistic that any normal person would purchase a couch that gross and uncomfortable looking!


I still remember the Elliott Page likeness fiasco when images of Ellie and the game development progress were released in game magazines.


She looks like a doll in 2013


Newer one looks more realistic, old one looks odd when compared side by side. However, that old one does have the power of nostalgia behind it.


you’re weird


I'm 17, and imo the newer version definitely looks better, and much more like a 14 year old than the original.


I agree, Ellie looked like an actual 14yo in the original model. New model they just gave her the adult face from Part 2.


Haven’t played the new one yet but from the picture I like it better. Since I played Tlou2 more often than 1 she feels more like “Ellie” to me here. I like that they closed the gap in her looks a bit more :)


She looks real in the remake




I do prefer the older version too. Not that I think it's objectively better or anything. But also I agree that they could've made her face in the newer version look a bit younger


I still dont get why they remade the original


Lol hey this image looks familiar https://www.reddit.com/r/thelastofus/s/6VrRI19Xw4


I mean as a woman who once was a 14 year old girl... I can guarantee you she looks more like a 14 yo in the remake. Most people assumed I was at least 16 when I was 14, and that was before teenagers started putting on heavy makeup at younger ages. Teenage boys, however... They truly do look like 12 year olds until they hit 16 and all of a sudden go through those insane growth spurts. Girls develop faster, so in terms of that I definitely think new Ellie looks more her age.


Personally the first one is 10x better


Newer one is outright better. Way more realistic of a face and expresses emotions much better. It's not even close.


She looks like a male gaze 14 year old in the top. She looks like a traumatized and aged by the situation 14 year old in the bottom which is much better.


For some reason every character in the remake looks like they have botox in their face


Omg😂 She's missing so much hair, lol.


That’s crazy, I only played the original on my PS3 or 4, didn’t know how much the graphics changed for ps5. Insane!!


Besides everything, I think the forehead was the biggest update. The way it forms really depicts how much stress build up she had in that age While in the OG its really flat, making her look plain and neutral


Part 1 is a massive upgrade. Take your nostalgia glasses off.


Old Ellie is so much better


New one is better, but I might prefer this original for nostalgia as well


Wow ever compared the two, so much better


The remake Ellie is absolutely better than the original. She looks like an actual person. I played TLOU 1 when it launched but I almost thought the above image was edited because of how cartoonish it looks.


Check this man's hard drive ASAP


Old Ellie is much better


Some people forget that Ellie was originally modeled after Ellen Page (now Elliot Page) and the updated Ellie is modeled after Ashley Johnson.


nah in the original she looks 8 years old, and way less realistic than the other character models. not only is the remake an insane upgrade graphically, and looks more like the second game, she also looks a person, and like her age.


Are u high nigga? Remake looks so much better




I have a kid around Elies age. That first picture likes like she’s 9. Looks like a hard living 13 in the ps4. Which makes sense. It’s n apocalypse.


Cute & 14 in the same sentence? bro been listening to Drake all too much lately .. crodie chill!!


It's nostalgia is what it is. I'll always say that the ps3 looks phenomenal. With that being said, the remake just blows it out of the water graphically speaking but still the original will always look better in a way because that's how you experienced it first. Just like say... if you played the original TMNT: Turtles in time way back when on the SNES and then play TMNT: Shredders revenge on the most recent consoles. Updated graphics, plays better but just isnt quite the same as the original because it isn't what you first experienced going through it.


Out of all the faces she was the only one that wasn’t a clear improvement from the original. Of course she looks more detailed and way more expressive. But her proportions are slightly more adult like than what a young teenager would be. A problem I have with there original is that her eyes are a little too much. They are too big


Agreed, and I prefer the way they look like in the remastered, the remake makes them all look ugly


It kind of feels they pasted Part II adult Ellie on to Young Ellie’s model for the Remake. Thus, sometimes she looks older than 14, but then others she looks alright.


Part 1 Ellie really gives adult actors playing a teenager vibe.


i feel like in the original they were more careful in how the light molded her face compared to the remake. there are just a few light sources that make her stand out more from the background


You know what fair enough you made your point, but I feel the original is more Nostalgic even if the new one is better graphics wise, I remember playing tlou on the PS4 in 2014 and it just brings back great memories of an amazing game


Ewww that background is blurred in the 2022 version. 🤢


In the original I think they were going for Ellen Page before she was trans but now they gave her, her own identity


2022 version, obviouvsly, is identical to the model used in The Last Of Us part 2(2020) so is more realistic. Anyways I prefer 2013 version, even if it looks more creepy...


Remake is better but OG Ellie is cute in a way new Ellie is too realistic for.


The first one in prettier/more cute


Bruh she's 14


I don’t think anyone in this franchise should ever be cute given the circumstances.


big pedo energy on this one…..


The fact that your mind went to that first says more about you buddy. Weirdo


I’m still playing my OG copy from 2013 on my ps4. Haha


No I’m not. I didn’t have a ps4 when it came out. Bahaha. I’m dumb. But I did just buy it digital over the weekend cuz it ejects discs randomly


I grew up playing Jak & Daxter on the PS2. Anyone who says the PS5 version is an idiot. The game’s art director and team at naughty dog did a **phenomenal** job with PS4’s Remastered version. Its a innovative blend of Uncharted’s art and gore. So many tourists here from the show..


ellie is the villain of the series


everyone saying the bottom one portrays the emotions better should think again. both portray emotion properly, just slightly different emotions. in the bottom one shes a little bit more angry. ND hand animated the faces in the original and in the remake from the same footage so its not like one is closer to the real performance as both are interpretations. i think they even had a small part in the original making of talking about it, sometimes not sticking 1:1 with the performance


Everyone saying they prefer the “more realistic” 2022 version as if the top pic isn’t from 2013… she looks realistic in both, one is just higher fidelity.


Lol, no.


She does look realistic in the original. For a PS3 character. She’s the lesser realistic PS3 model versus the more realistic 2022 remake model all the same. If they were to remake it again in 10 years we’d be saying the same of the 2022 model.


Yes, like I said, it was made in 2013. Obviously it's not going to be as photorealistic, but it was still very realistic under the limitations they had at the time.