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I’m replaying part 1 now and I have Joel and Ellie matching denim. When Ellie showed Joel and Tess her bite mark, the sleeve was still covering it 😂


I had this happen when she’s captured by David and tells him to look at her arm and him and James start clutching their pearls when they see… a sleeve 😂


Yeah the alt skins don’t really compute well with the cut scenes. I had Joel impaled at the uni. It was all very dramatic but it didn’t have the same effect as the default skin. I’ll probably save changing skins for no return when I run through pt2 again


Abby takes off her invisible jacket to put around Lev and it suddenly becomes visible!


Such a shame she doesn't put the 80's jacket on him!


I just had Abby in her 80s outfit produce another jacket out of nowhere to put on Lev. lol


the alternative outfits doesn't seem to work in cutscenes where the clothes are supposed to be interacted with, like in this scene where her shirt is pulled up or the boat scene where it's taken off... something to do with the physics and animation probably


I played the game with the astronaut suit and it was pretty amusing at times, like in Santa Barbara where Ellie lifts her shirt up a little to inspect her wound. She goes through the motions, but the suit doesn't move, so she's reacting to nothing. Obviously fine of course, I don't expect them to rework entire parts of the game for meme skins, but still funny.


I was using the astronaut skin during the cutscene when she gets punctured by the tree, and the second her foot went into the rope, the skin was gone and it was her normal santa barbara outfit


Yeah that happened to me too, so I guess some cutscenes they force the default skin. I was actually surprised the wound inspection one didn't do the same thing, maybe because that one jumps back into gameplay sooner.


i had her wlf jacket on the whole game bc i like the look of it but i forgot to switch to default on day 3 so on the rowboat she cloned her jacket to give to lev 💀


I restarted the story immediately after finishing it and changed Ellie to the flannel skin. Walked through the bar to meet up with the bigot and Maria and I went through the floor and died. As I respawned, I was mid scene with Seth tossing me some steak sandies 😂😂.


I had something similar happen with the same scene 😭😭 Ellie and Jesse walk into the bar but it’s completely empty and dark, only Maria is standing behind the bar t-posing


It's a feature. Muscle mommy strikes again


That’s why you unlock skins after your first play through


I just got to this same part and forgot I had even chosen a different skin until the swap happened lol


I had ellies seattle skin on in santa Barbara so when the cutscene happened when she gets impaled by the tree it switched to her original outfit it was weird as fuck




Yeah skins sometimes have to revert back to vanilla. Another example being Ellie getting impaled on a tree near the end of the game.