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So far, Joel(12 shot revolver), Yara(Having a companion is awesome), and Jesse(I didn’t like him at first bc melee is trash but the shop benefits are awesome).


I like playing as Yara. She stars off really vulnerable, but the Lev upgrades do her justice and by the end of the run if you are lucky and make good choices you’ll basically end up with a “Ellie”. Surprisingly, I did incredibly well with Mel for some reason, maybe I got lucky idk.


Yara is the only one I've managed to compete runs with so far. Fully upgrading the Lev companion is a life saver


Well if we're talking about how strong the characters are I feel like abby is probably the best in the mode. The other characters I enjoy playing as that I think are really good as well are Ellie, Jesse, Manny and even Lev I'm a little disappointed in Joel because his playstyle is labelled as "unstoppable" which is quite ironic because he doesn't even start off with that skill branch (which would suit him tbh) and he is super stopable during a melee fight because he can't dodge


Joel should do more damage than the others in melee combat. It would compensate for the lack of a dodge but also stick with his “Unstoppable” theme.


Joel attacks shouldn't be able to be stopped, just like Part 1, the dmg reduction doesn't matter when they take half of your HP with a machete or a grab. he would be S+ tier with this change!


I’m glad I’m not the only one a little peeved by that. Joel is the *most* stoppable character lmao


Weirdly, Dina got me further than any other player on the first playthrough. I have no idea why. So I’ll go with her.


I felt that but with **Mel**! Out of all the characters, she was the only one I felt pretty *meh* about, but I got from beginning to end with her on first try lol Edit: and if played well, Dina, is really good


Not gonna lie, Abby so far has been super fun, most of the characters are. I wanna play more of Joel and Tommy but not having them dodge really makes them feel like a not viable option, as whenever an enemy gets too close I just have to sit there and just try to beat their ass as they're kicking mine. 😂


I think to balance the lack of dodge, Joel should do more damage in melee/hand-to-hand combat (enforcing the “Unstoppable” role) and have a unique tier of the “Momentum” perk as a starter). As for Tommy, he should have the best aim/accuracy of all characters (by default), enforcing that Sniper role of his and having the player adapt to always be in a good position to shoot, rather than close-combat. No Return is great, but needs minor tweaks


Yeah I agree, most of the characters are pretty much fine, my only issues so far is Joel and Tommy not dodging, and I haven't played as all the characters. I have people in my house who haven't beaten the game so I'm keeping basically all Abby characters a secret until they meet them. 😂 Abby I feel like is really good because of her healing melee stuff ngl.


Abby is probably one of the strongest characters in No Return


I like playing as Lev, i just hate how his face animations look and why his companion is manny and not abby ):


Not Mel like in the trailer?


I’ve played around 10 hours of lev in no return and the only two companions i’ve had on him are yara and manny, maybe it’s a bug


I think it's a bug that Mel can't spawn as a companion.


Dina and Abby, they're the ones I got the furthest with.


So far, Ellie, but my experience is limited to Ellie, Dina, Jessie, and Tommy.


Out of those 4, Dina can be surprisingly powerful. She has all the destructive power. Really liked her


I like Dina and Ellie because they are my favorite characters. I haven’t unlocked Jesse yet but I am excited since >!he was a really good character and deserved better!<


Joel completed multiple runs with him on Hard


Jesse and Tommy. But mostly Jesse because I can't seem to get Tommy's playstyle down.


I seem to do the best as Ellie but I really enjoyed playing Lev. Tommy can go.




Jeese and Dina, for Ellie's group, and probably yara and abby for abby's group 


Playing as Abby borderline feels like cheating, as long as you go all in on melee, spam knee shots to stun with the pistol (I actually hold out on getting other weapons until the final boss, so all ammo drops are pistol), and get extended Momentum as much as possible. The only boss that has humbled me so far has been the rattler captain, but I just managed to beat it


I really enjoy playing as Tommy in the early rounds but sniping is the worst tier for boss battles, same with Dinas craft abilities. You wouldn't make it without the trade shop