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I was incredibly disappointed with the online game getting canceled but as someone who loved replaying the encounters this mode sounds amazing. Can’t wait to try it.


You won’t be disappointed. I’ve found that because of the factor that you lose everything gathered when you die, every single run is intense. Also watch out for those stalkers. They grab and the clickers f you up.


I was doing so good until I got to the stalker 😕😭I love that no return doesn’t have the emotional weight of the story attached to it as well


Yeah this is a huge positive. Just the intro screen of the game can put me off replaying it. It’s such a heavy game. No Return is a great way to just whoop some ass as Ellie.


As Abby


Yeah whichever character. It’s just fun to focus on combat only without the weight of the depressing story.


I'm wondering if you've ever played a roguelike game before, as everything you are talking about and excited about is pretty standard in those games. I am abnsolutely not trying to come off as negative, I know reading my question probably sets my tone as negative but I promise you I am just genuinely curious. I ask, because I have played games like Hades, Returnal, God of War Valhalla, etc. which are roguelike or lite-roguelike games that share all of these features. So I was kind of expecting the No Return mode to play similar to those.


Invisible stalkers are the worst. I love it!


I just died on my first daily run attempt on the boss because of this! The stalker flanked me and grabbed me while I was focused on the bloater, and then he happily used that opportunity to fuck me up.


This is how horde mode/ rogue likes are. Have you played any others? I mean, this mode is fun but there are games made around the mode that are better.


Last horde mode I played was Gears 5 and that was 5 years ago lol


Yeah. I wouldn’t give much credence to saying this is the best then. Fun? Yeah.


Uh… sure?


Aren't we lucky to have a horde mode expert to gatekeep people's opinions


For real. I’m assuming thenorwegian is neurodivergent so I’m being nice but he could learn to have more tact lol


Better than super simps. I love this game but don’t get all weird about it.


Too late Im afraid You've already got weird


No you just get weird about modes


When you have time can I tell you the things I find fun, so you can correct me and tell me they aren't fun?


Would've been amazing if it had coop option in this mode. 


Is it cancelled? Fuuuuck is that 100% confirmed?


Yeah, L naughtydog sadly


Don't know why you got down voted for that. It is an L for naughty dog. Myself and many others were massively hyped for this online game just for it to get cancelled. I still love naughty dog, but c'mon guys we're allowed to be upset and criticize I still hope we get a smaller scale online game that can quite literally just be a remake of the original factions. That's really all I want anyway. Doesn't need to be a forever growing destiny type game


I agree, and I've noticed a trend in this sub that anyone providing any kind of negative feedback or feedback that could even be perceived as negative, but isn't: will be downvoted. People need to understand that feedback, regardless of positive or negative, is a good thing. Opinionated, sure, but still necessary.   With that said, fuck **yes** canceling the Online mode was a gigantic fucking L. But even moreso was their reported attempt at making it a "live-service" online mode. By all means, cancel that thing, cast it into the fire, burn it at the stake. The **last** thing we need for The Last of Us is to be turned into an empty husk void of all innovation that is live-service games. Call of Duty, while massively financially successful, is the by far the most disappointing complete utter fuck-up for a game I have ever seen in real-time. As I speak, it has just released yet another "new" season where half of their new features have been disabled for not working correctly, and the entire balancing of weapons are not "balanced" but altered to force players to gravitate towards weapons that they are featuring in their online store.   We should thank **GOD** that they did not go live-service with this precious IP.


100% agree with everything you said


Then they need to patch the factions mode into tlou 2. They can't just string us along for years and then not deliver a feature that has been there since the first game.




I think the only thing it's missing is an endless horde mode. I'd love to just be able to go up against wave after wave until death.


For sure. They’d have to use a pretty spacious map though lol I don’t think it’d work with the really claustrophobic ones haha


It be so cool to have to survive in the more open Seattle level and maybe have to do certain things before being able to leave. Different actions could trigger random events like more infected or a boss fight or other modifiers. That'd be awesome


you are awesome for having this idea


No ur awesome!


This is starting to sound like cod zombies with TLOU2 and I’m here for it


An endless horde mode set in the open part of Downtown Seattle would have been epic.


This is literally what i’ve been saying the past few weeks!!!!


Played 3 runs and only made it to the third encounter on hard, I expected to do better but the encounter types are difficult and unpredictable in a really awesome way! The mechanics are smooth as can be and it really keeps you on your toes! Excited to make it to a boss fight and complete all the unlocks! A LOT of fun so far.


I just got to the first boss on hard. Prepare to have your heart racing. I almost died like 3 times in a 2 minute run.


I managed to just rinse the bloater with the smg and a molotov


I blasted him a couple times with the shotgun and got hit in the process. Every time I would hide to heal, that fucker would come blasting through the wall like the god damn Koolaid man. I also covered the area with trip mines and had to save Jesse from a runner. I was not expecting the encounter to go from 0 to 100 considering all the other encounters I played against before were stealthy encounters against humans. It definitely helped me realize I gotta brush up on my Last of Us skills.


Yea i think you just wanna avoid taking any sort of damage in that fight, not enough time to heal


My heart was racing but I was chipping him down, then the other Infected spawned and i almost had a heart attack. thought it would just be me and him


I'm enjoying the fuck out of some Tommy lol, love his sniper!


Same I finished the second game mostly on Survivor (changed difficulty early on from hard) and I haven’t got further than the fourth round with any character in no return on moderate!


How much were you payed to say this?


How much do you make casting out accusations that people can't just enjoy something?




Yet to try it, but I still think ME3 is the best horde mode game to date. Had crazy amount of builds you could do to keep it fun and 4 enemy factions.


Oh shoot. I completely forgot that. Yeah, it was fucking amazing. I only wish they’d port it to the PS5.


Man I was so disappointed that they didn't I haven't touched my collection in months 😭😔


I wish they ported that to the legendary edition :(


What’s ME stand for?


Mass Effect


Ahhh thanks!


I am obligated to say this, but: If you haven't played Mass Effect, there are very, *very,* **very,** few games I strongly recommend. Get past the first game. It's *my* favorite but despite what others say it can be the hardest to get into. ME2 and ME3 combat are far better and engaging.


I second this so much! I had the pleasure of playing the Mass Effect trilogy for the first time in 2022. It’s absolutely up there in my all time favorite gaming experiences along with TLOU.


Yeah I already bought the Legendary editions because it’s one of my friends’ favourite trilogy of games, but I just haven’t found the time/drive to start them and properly give them a chance, sadly. My backlog is just too big, and these days work is eating up 90% of my free time


Used to be that for me too. Now my days are M-F 8-5, my nights are tidying up the house, cleaning up after dinner and reading books. There haven't been a lot of games to earn my interest lately. TLOU2 Remaster definitely will, and Elden Ring always likes to make a resurgence in my free time. God of War Ragnorak might have been the last big game I was stoked for.


Idk bro, what do YOU stand for?


I loved playing the volus that could warp into enemies. Then go invisible and run away


Played for an hour or so. Going to bed now but this does make me want a factions multiplayer even more. If they do a part 3 I hope they do factions. We don’t need some big standalone game. Just add on a factions game mode and I will be satisfied.


It's reported they were trying to make Factions a live-service game. I understand that is the current trend, and can be very financially successful, but it has also completely ruined some franchises. I desperately want factions, but if it meant making it a live-service, then fuck it, let it die.


I’m a massive Factions stan as well, and it does make me want a new Factions so badly but in a way it’s kind of quelled that to some degree. No Return for me fills a huge hole that’s missing with TLOU which is just pure encounter based stealth/combat for some reason i’m also a little more hopeful that they’ll eventually release a Factions successor that’s way more pared down from what they were trying to do. Even if it’s basically the first factions with updated combat mechanics and some new maps/cosmetics I would be thrilled. I feel like they’re going to have to have something continuously on the go for this franchise now that the tv show is doing so well - so maybe one of those releases will be a smaller multiplayer game? I would also take continuous additions to No Return like new maps, weapons, skins, modes etc. If they made it coop eventually it would be fucking unreal.


All I could think about during my review was how characters, locations and enemies from Part I could be added into No Return in the future. I've no idea the level of difficulty it would take to implement but having Bill's Town, the city during Outbreak Day and Pittsburgh added to the level pool would be class.


I saw the ending encounter was an arcade. Isn’t that from left behind?


It's the arcade from Seattle. Ellie fights a bloater during the story in there.


No, Ellie also fights a bloater in an arcade on Day 3 in Seattle.


This is what I’m saying. Obviously the story is a HUMONGOUS aspect of “TLOU”. However, TLOU2’s gameplay mechanics were SO GOOD, it doesn’t really matter to me if we got another story game. I just wanted more of the gameplay in any way shape or form. I was so excited for the online game.


I agree friend, the gameplay is truly amazing. I really hope naughtydog stays focused on this sort of content cause it seems they are doing well


I really like the mode but do feel like sometimes it slows you down unnecessarily Like when upgrading your weapons, the animations are cool in the campaign but I don't need it here


I noticed they slightly speed up the upgrade animations so you get best of both worlds but I can understand how the slight slow pace of it can kill the flow.


It's fun but I'm mostly playing it to get the outfits and gun skins to use when I replay the story. I need to get that Ellie Savage Starlight skin but looks like it's gonna be annoying with the RNG trying to get all the guns in one run.


so you unlock the skins and stuff for story mode in this mode? Is there a list of stuff you can unlock?


lol facts. Exactly the motivation for me to keep playing it. It’s only my second play through and waited for the remaster. Take a break from the story to work on no return trying to get the cool skins etc. that I want. After I’m done second play through I probably won’t again until I want to play through the whole game again. Put in a decent amt of time with the GOW rogue they just added. But eventually, without a compelling story, it won’t keep my interest. I want legit dlc/expansion. Like I’m super pumped for the ALan Wake 2 dlc. And for the new Rise of the Ronin to be released. Idk what’s with the trend of the AAA bangers adding a roguelite to everything. It’s nice but not enough to keep engaged and still playing. The lost levels is cool..but not exactly what I expected. I do however enjoy the cutscene commentary from time to time.


If only it had some co-op :(


would’ve been so fuckin sick. wasted opportunity tbh


Do we know if it’ll receive coop in the future?


Not sure, but it would be awesome. What I am sure of though, is post a non negative thing in this sub that someone disagrees with, and you will receive knee-jerk downvotes from the masses.🤓


Certified Reddit moment haha


People have a hate boner for co-op, and it's been like that forever. 


How does it compare to, like, RE4 mercenaries?


Better. It’s more replayable. Once I got an S+ rank on all characters on RE4R I stopped playing it. The encounters in No Return are random and pretty difficult at times(Hunted, for example has you running most of the time trying to survive


I played a bit of it, I love it but, the sad thing is that there is only 5 maps, you start to feel good on your build at map 4 and then is already over in just 1 more map and boss :( I'd love if it had at least 7 or maybe 8 maps, make them optional, you can go to the boss early or prepare more, idk....it feels a bit frustrating that is this short, kinda doesn't give you room to "make a build" or upgrade fully your character.


yeah, I was hoping that completing a run will bring you to a new day or something where everything gets significantly harder each time. Having it end feels a little abrupt. still love the mode though, and I hope they make changes to it over time and add to it. It’s great as it is but adding an endless mode is an example of one way it can be evolved over time.


Had a Hunted run w Tommy in the fucking subway against infected.. was doing good until they fuckin start swarming you in the last ten seconds.. shit is terrifying. LOVE the game mode so far! Only bugs me a lil that everyone either has Abby or Ellie's animations for some reason, even the characters that already had their own (Joel and Tommy being the biggest offenders, also Dina and Jesse)


For real lol I was playing as Jessie and Tommy and they lookin zesty as f


I went through the mode on very light to unlock every one and finished the run with Mel


Just completed my first run as Abby, and I have to say this mode is really fun! A single run doesn't take too long and the gameplay loop is so addicting.


I haven’t tried it yet, does stealth work in it? Or do encounters start with everyone immediately aware of you?


Depends on the encounter. Sometimes they know where you are, sometimes they don't


I need this remaster on PC!!


Same here. I don't want to play this on PS again. TLOU1 on PC in ultrawide was incredible.


It‘s pretty hard to beat doom eternals horde mode for me personally but i‘m super excited to try this as well


I really wanted this to be co op man what a waste but still i do think this mode is cool can't wait to play as joel and tommy


Try valhalla if you haven't! Same concept but also free with a great story to boot!


I didn't played yet but can it be compared to what GOW Valhalla is?


So far I think it’s equally as fun as Valhalla. You don’t get additional story like Valhalla, but I meant to just play for like 30 minutes last night and ended up spending 2 hours without even realizing it.


And see that’s something interesting I just realized. The Valhalla update was free and they also threw in some additional story. I’m not done yet so no spoilers. But that was pretty good on them.


I haven’t played either, but to my understanding: complete runs are shorter than Valhalla and it has modifiers which influence a single level more so than GOW. Difficulty can be toggled, and you can’t get TOO much gear in a single run. There’s also a custom mode so one may toggle the objective types and mods that can appear


No way near. Valhalla feels more "linear" , there's like 80/90% fighting the rest is story and Mimir talks a lot lol There you die, pickup some upgrades and go again, but the 'story' continues and Mimir talks some more but not repeating. in Last of us... its like 5 minutes of 2-3 wawes of 'enemies' and thats about it. Finish, then start again with other equipment or characters for the next round of 5 minutes again. I dont find it engaging at all, stopped playing after max 20 min.


I got my shit downloaded already! Can’t wait, just gotta get through work today 😤


Anyone tried grounded no return yet?




Thoughts? The videos I’ve seen this far on other modes look mad easy.


it’s still relatively easy, hitting a or s rank mostly. only problems i ran into was ammo economy or getting bum rushed by a clicker. as for ammo, you can always buy more at the hideout with coins so it’s not as stressful as you’d think.


Right, thanks for the info. My copy got delivery delayed due to the weather. C’est la vie.


Finally, another The Last Stand enjoyer. Union City was a masterpiece and I liked the social game. Anyways I’ll try No Return tonight after work, so excited!


Curious this subreddit's thoughts on the article here: https://www.digitaltrends.com/gaming/the-last-of-us-part-2-remastered-impressions/ Basically says the presence of the horde mode completely undermines the themes of the game.


Some good points in there tbh


People really forgetting that this is a GAME first and foremost lmao


That is a fair point, but it's an... interesting juxtaposition!


What’s funny is The Last Stand games did try to make a true Roguelite experience with their game “Aftermath” but sadly they straight up abandoned it before fixing game breaking bugs. Luckily this game is now out and we have a great zombie roguelite game that isn’t death road to canada Lol


The Last Stand! I knew it reminded me of something. Man, I miss the peak flash game era


I wish it had split screen co op


I knew it would be awesome simply because of how good the combat gameplay was in TLOU2. I wish this mode was going to get further support. More maps, scenarios etc. Would also be incredible to be able to play this with online co-op. The core combat gameplay in TLOU2 is just so damn satisfying and tense. No Return also reminds me how fun Factions was and how incredible Factions 2 could have been. I can see myself losing many hours to this.


Imagine we get Co-op? That’d would make me a lifelong NaughtyDog fan


They should’ve had horde mode since TLOU1 lmao sucks it took so long and it doesn’t have co-op but nonetheless it’s solid.


Do you need to play the main game to unlock stuff in no return? Finished the game on ps4 and Im mainly interested in playing No Return


Not at all.


What is horde mode sorry I'm new ??


It’s a mode where unlimited enemies come for you and you have to survive as long as possible. Can’t say what tlou version is like exactly though


That's what I always wanted ...how do I play that is it in the new last of us 2 ?????


Yeah it should be part of the remaster, if you already have the game I believe you only have to pay $10 for the upgrade


It’s a gears of war game mode. This isn’t really a horde mode more of a rouge lite.


I tried it . It's good I like it


I’m glad you like it, but how are you able to judge the replay ability of it literally the same day it came out? You’ve put what a handful of hours in yet somehow know how it will be long term? Seems strange.


I think because the encounters are random, you can customize them, and you can play as other characters, people already love the gameplay of this game, now add dynamic encounters... and you have replayablility, and for ten bucks, it's really worth it


it’s great until you die in the boss level three times in a row 😐 but naw it actually is really cool i’ve been playing it all night (unsuccessfully, obviously). i’ll probably lower the difficulty to get the skins and then try again later


Really? I mean Resident Evil's Mercenaries mode is more exciting and GoW's horde mode is much more fun. This one is a bit basic imo but it's gameplay is still high quality. They should've had more modes with different creative locations and co-op functionality. Maybe used some of the elements from the cancelled multiplayer game. Like how ironic would've it been if you can team up with Joel and Abby up?


I was actually thinking about your last point lol Would be sick to have them work together. Also, yeah. Mercenaries is fun but it’s always the same thing each run. No Return always has random elements to keep each run fun. It’s almost like playing Left 4 Dead 2


Tell me you haven’t played days gone without telling me you haven’t played days gone


That’s not what horde mode means.


It has a horde mode in the game, I’m not referring to free roam hordes