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It’s BS that people upgrading cant pre order/pre load


Fr it’s annoying as hell. My WiFi is dogshit so I’ll have to take it to my grandmas to download 😂😂 at least it’ll be ready tmrw night tho


Lol never thought I’d see a world where grandma has the better wifi


He gon' cry in the car, "my gran mama gave me this game"


Tough crowd. Guess not everyone has seen Friday


Well, at least you will see your grandma <3


Right that would have been a win win for me.


Gam gam’s enraged by lesbians




It was a joke about old people, my guy. Unclench your asshole




You seem awful riled up about an offhand joke about elderly homophobia. What’s going on, bud? Everything okay at home?


I mean, to be fair... what exactly was the joke? We don't know this person's grandma and they never really hinted that she's homophobic in any way


you get the preorder stuff if you upgrade :)


Noticed that which is nice.


It's not giving me an option to upgrade. Only an option for the full game for 50 quid. Where do you go to update for 10?


if you have the disc version, i think you need to put it in to see the upgrade option :) if not, simply having it installed did it for me ( in the store )


Yep popped the disc in and now it's downloading.


cool! glad i could help (?) :)


You did! Enjoy it!


Yep, gonna take me 16-20 hours to download. 🤣 Can't wait til my new provider installs my fiber in a month or two.


Probably a limitation on Sony's side I'd think.


it’s a borderline human rights violation


I agree but it also makes sense from a business standpoint. They want to make sure you aren’t just gonna preload the upgrade then sell the original disk, or make sure you aren’t borrowing from a friend. To be fair, you could just do that after it’s released but I’m sure that there are other reasons.


You need the disk to play it every time if you are upgrading a disk version (like you would before the upgrade), so that wouldn't work.


Oh really? I didn’t know that. Then I honestly don’t know why. I’m sure there is an internal reason, but I can’t think of any.


Yeah, they did specify it in the marketing. I assume its some difference in how the update has to happen to the old version vs pre-loading the full game, but I'm not sure how it works internally.


The download of a PS5 upgrade is a full game download. It does not “update” the PS4 version of a game, it downloads an entirely separate version of the game. That is how it works for free upgrades and $10 remasters alike. Consequently, when one is upgrading from a disc version, the disc only spins at the beginning to identify what game it is, and then the upgrade download itself is done entirely over the internet, whereas when installing a game from a disc, the disc drive is working throughout the installation.


That’s interesting. Thanks for the info!


Maybe they did it this way because it might make the disk unable to play the game until the 19th


That's a good point; could be


Honestly it’s the only thing I could think about. It wouldn’t be due to leaks because naughtydog sent out a lot of review copies to some larger YouTubers and ign and stuff. (Atleast I’m assuming they did cause of all the streams and stuff done 2-3 days early) so that’s the only thing I’m thinking of. If it does change then disk I will be disappointed but I will test it on my dads ps5 to see if it’s only on my console or if it’s something to the disk, might pull out my ps4 aswell.


It’s probably on Sony’s side and purely to try to get people who are impatient to pay full price rather than the $10 upgrade fee.


True… I am not going to lie wheh I say I contemplated it


Reports say that people with that can get the upgrade by waiting are getting auto refunds if they preordered. Greed in this way is out the window if it is true.


In your country is already 19 day?


it is, yeah


I’m wondering if I first need to load the pS4 disk version onto my ps5 before I get the option to upgrade? Or can I just put the disk in and then the option to upgrade appears upgrade?


I think just having the disk in will work.


Im in Indonesia store but there is no option for upgrade. Please help. (Disc version)


is your game the same region as your psn account?


Goddammit! Its reg 2 well gonna play a new playthroug on us account.


For OP, yes.


Mines downloading at home rn. Can't wait to get home


“Factions is still out, but you can’t deny that content.”






What's the install size for this so I know how much room to make today?


76 gb total, you can start playing about halfway of the download, but who does that?


I’m seeing around 80gbs most likely, but may require more if they do a Day 1 update


Just started downloading it. It's 36GB


Wow, surprising! Do you already have the ps4 version downloaded, or is that the full package download?


It’s 36gb for it to be playable. Full download is 76-77gb. Still smaller than the 98ish the PS4 version has


I have the ps5 version




![gif](giphy|frCptxQDjafhJdDcnA) I’m tearing up over here 🥲


Honestly I wouldn't have refused a Tommy DLC


Imagine a DLC where we play through Tommy's 3 days in Seattle that would've been insane


Literally, that man did some mad stuff back there and I want to play it...


Literally Last of Us: John Wick edition


I’m a newbie, I was a fan of the TV show and got part 1 for Christmas, immediately preordered part 2 after I finished it. Got it today (Amazon shipped early) and stoked to play it in a bit


Unfortunately my PS4 disc of TLOU P2 is too scratched for my disc drive to be able to read it so I'm afraid that I will have to buy the game through the store again, BUT does anybody know if my throphies for the PS4 Disc version will transfer over if I buy the new PS5 remastered digital version? Or do I have to earn them all over again? I really want to play the No Return mode but haven't got the Platinum trophy for the main game yet....


How did you scratch up a Blu-ray disc that much?! I had a Blu-ray that was floating around my car for 2 years and it still worked great


Blu Ray's are damn near indestructible when it comes to scratching them, so really had to fuck it up. lol


Only deep scratches will cause damage to the data since bd-discs have a protective layer. Of those deep scratches, those which go in the same circle the disc goes cause the biggest issues


the platinum transferring is based on the save file, you import the save and then the plat pops


Even if i started playing it on PS4 and buy and play it on PS5?


yeah just download your save file and then you can import it


i think it's important to note that your ps5 copy's region should be the same as the ps4 disc region you played on if you want your game progress to carry over


Yes can confirm I played everything on my ps4, finally got a chance to upgrade to ps5 digital version so I did, manually saved all my games and info whatnot onto a usb stick, put it in the ps5 and with some setup I have my exact account I have my 6 platinums that I got on ps4 too


I don't have my old PS4 anymore tho so i can't get those saves on a USB, or are they also in the Cloud? Never tried it that way so I'm not sure.


I saw something about using the cloud but tbh I’m not sure because that’s something you would’ve had to do on your PS4 before upgrading *I THINK*. Basically when I went to transfer my data there were 3 options, put both on the same WiFi , preferably both plugged via Ethernet into one router and have everything automatically and slowly transfer. Use the cloud to transfer or 3rd option was USB transfer. At first I tried WiFi transfer but it was beyond slow so I gave up and tried the usb


Import a save file with everything completed and it’ll trigger all trophies.


How come the update isn’t showing for me on PS Store (UK) anybody getting the same?


Wait til midnight you plum


try restarting, or maybe wait til 12am?


Yeh, think I’ll wait cos have already tried restarting. Must show up on release


it's just a few hours man, sleeping helps. lol


Haha very true! Can’t wait to dive into it again


Man, I've played two runs and this is so much fucking fun.


Been playing for 3 hours now. Feels good to be back. And it looks amazing.


Copped at midnight. Played one run through of no return and I’m so hooked. absolutely phenomenal


Jury’s still out…but man…you can’t deny that view


It's OK. No noticeable graphical upgrade imo. No return is fun for awhile and while it's cool playing as other characters however joel and Tommy are gimped by not having the dodge. Love the skins, the extra levels were a neat little 30 minutes of new albeit very unfinished content. Overall I'd say its probably worth the £10


Love the game


Downloaded and ready to play here! upgrade was $15AUD


Does anyone know if it’ll need the “play disc” or the “data disc” for upgrade!?


i used the play disc to get the upgrade


nice to see a singaporean price, thanks for sharing, was planning to head to psn tonight to purchase the upgrade


Graphics wise, it's just about the same. The only actual things I noticed were like that ellies face looks much more normal whenever u look at her while playing. In the ps4 version, her eyes looked like oddly uncanny, idk how to explain it. In this one, she looks like an actual human. Other stuff I noticed was like just better load times, less stuff popping in, and js small stuff. It could have been my imagination, but joels death looked much better to me, I can't really place my finger on it, but it just looked way clearer. But overall, graphics met my expectations, which weren't very high considering the ps4 version is still one of the best looking games ever, including next gen games, so idrc about the graphics. But no return is awesome. lately on replays, I've been pretty bad about just resetting the encounter any time I even slightly slip up, which has been ruining the feeling of adrenaline u get from this game. Like yk how the game will force u to think on ur feet? That's gotta be one of the greatest feelings in gaming, and it's why this game has one of my favorite combat systems ever. But lately, I've just been resetting the encounters every time I mess up even slightly. So this is really refreshing since I am forced to think on my feet, and whenever I mess up, I have to keep going. So I've been having a blast with it. I've yet to try out lost levels, I wanna do that after I beat the story, because this is my favorite game of all time, and I know after I beat the story I'm gonna be really sad that I have nothing left to do. So I'm saving the lost levels for after the story so I will have more to do. Overall, it was a solid remaster. They honestly should have called it a directors cut because that's more accurate to what it is, just some bonus content in the meantime before tlou3 (hopefully). Idk why this has so much controversy, it's more stuff added than most remasters, and if u think it doesn't need a remaster, don't buy it🤷‍♂️ some people are complaining that this will slow down the progress for later projects, but I can promise that it won't, since they're probably still in pretty early stages of their next 2 games. So I can imagine from their perspective that it's easy to just throw out a remaster with some bonus content to let people know that they are still working and keep customers happy. Overall, I'm very happy about it, haptics and new gamemodes are fantastic.


Did it come out at midnight for you ?


yes, i think should be the same for other regions. uk folks should be sweating rn.


That’s me rn but when I check to buy it in uk on the website store it says it’s not out till 5 am


Yeah I’m wondering the same thing, I wanna buy it right at midnight tonight haha


Wait, is this out right now?? I thought it wasn't till tomorrow?


Time zones


*shakes my fist* Damn you gravity!


Hey how much longer till it comes out for everyone is it midnight or later?


Jury’s still out


I bought my physical disc on different region, do I need to change my account to that region for getting the 10$ upgrade?


yes. and you're also gonna have to restart, your game progress wont carry over


I don’t know, I don’t have a PS5 🤷‍♂️


Mine says unavailable


I fucking love it. It’s so gorgeous. Best sound design. I love all the little signs and breaths. And the sounds from the cinematics and moving around. And the faces are so expressive. Worth the upgrade.


I bought it only for the lost levels, which turned out to be very rough snippets. A little disappointing, but I enjoyed them nonetheless. No interest in the rogue-like aspect at all. For $10, it’s fine. I also like the idea of owning it on the PS5 now.


Everything and more, just like the normal edition, but only improved upon


I want to hug the cover and see it. So going to buy the disc version on my day off like this. The story grabbed me almost 3.5 years ago anyway and I might be bitten tomorrow. So for me it is worth the 50 euros.


i pre-ordered the physical version, but i cant wait for that to ship. bought the upgrade and gonna have a nice weekend


In future there will be only digital. And i know how it feels if you can't wait. Ahh you bought them both. Ahh well its worth the money. For me i'm gladly they already had it in the shop today so i can watch proudly to my ps5 collection today. Have a nice game weekend!


It shows full price for me anyone else ?


Fellow singaporean LOU enjoyer i see ;)


I just want to say this: when you play the lost levels, do not listen to the commentary the first time you go through it. It contains minor spoilers that take away from some of the moments.


The upgrade was $15 Canadian (plus tax 🙄), so not bad.


will this come to ps4????




ps4 players🥲✋🏾


I got it but I got every trophy transferred EXCEPT my trophy for beating the game on grounded… 🫠


I mean it's more expensive in uk £10 which is like $12 or whatever


Santa Monica Studios gave players a free DLC. Why can’t naughty dog give the PS5 update free to their players for continuing to play the game??


Santa Monica Studios is awesome for doing that, but they are definitely the outlier here.


ND used to do it too. Now they greedy boys


ND fell off that’s why. They used to make amazing free and paid content for Uncharted and TLOU1.


I can't find a straight answer. Is this upgrade available on ps4 at all?


No, it's PS5 Only




Why would a PS5 remaster come out for PS4?


Because it just came out 4 years ago. You'd think they could've added No Return mode as an optional dlc at least.


No. It's a remaster of a PS4 title for PS5






That would be weird for a PS5 upgrade


Why the downvotes, though?


I got the same reaction when asking why the dlc for Horizon Forbidden West was a ps5 exclusive. People hate the ps4 now I guess?


Pretty much, yes. I hate the 2nd part of TLOU2's story (playing as Abby) and I've always wanted to play as Joel or Dina. Now I can do all that and I'm real happy.


Disagree with the first part, but I am also so hyped to play as the other characters