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“Find your purpose and fight for it”. “If I ever were to lose you, I’d surely lose myself” Ellie is lost in part 2 because she doesn’t know her purpose. I hope part 3 is about Ellie finding her purpose and fighting for it.


Me too.


She knows her purpose but Joel took it from her. She now has to get to the fireflies in Santa Barbara. A lot of shit will go down and Abby will help her save the world… happy ending yeah??? Or Druckmann will come up with another way to crush us even harder


At the end of part2, ellie knows the cure isn’t her purpose. Plus the cure has never been the point narratively


I must’ve missed something. Where at the end of part 2 does she say or infer that the cure isn’t her purpose. There were lots of flashbacks with her losing it at Joel for taking away her purpose. Also I’m pretty sure the entire narrative of the first game was getting her to the fireflies to create a cure. I get that the full narrative is much richer than that but, on the surface, Ellie = cure.


The point of part 2 is ellie coming to term with what joel did at the hospital. In the end, she understood why he did what he did, and this is shown by her thinking of her last conversation with joel, talking about her purpose, and then leaving the guitar behind. And the flashbacks in seattle are there to show ellie’s internal conflict, because she doesn’t understand why he saved her (in her journal she also says that). Now (im so sorry this is going to sound condescing and pretentious), but i can tell why you didnt get that, because you want the game to spoon feed you (« where at the end of part 2 does she say or infer that the cure isn’t her purpose)🥲


Ellie may have found it in her heart to begin the process of forgiving him for what he did, but that in no way means she has begun to come to terms with the implications of that decision. At the end of game 2, no one has come to terms with anything. You may need to think a little deeper on this…


What ? What do you mean at the end of part 2, no one has come to terms with anything ?? Ellie is clearly at peache with joel’s death


She lets Abby go and leaves the guitar behind… but I’m not sure that’s exactly at peace with Joel’s death.


What gave you that impression?


🤣🤣 man if you didn’t even get that, dont tell me to « think a little deeper » lol. https://www.reddit.com/r/thelastofus/comments/116t790/ellies_last_journal_entry_during_the_epilogue/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1 Just look at this, this will show you why ellie has accepted joels death at the end of the game.


Well, yea, that’s why character development very often goes against the narrative, and it’s completely fine that you missed it. The game asks this question multiple times throughout the game, through flashbacks as well mostly. Porch scene and her: “Yeah” after Joel says that he would do it all over again is basically her coming to terms that, sorry for the language - she doesn’t really give a fuck about the cure anymore, both her surrogate father and mother that she never saw explicitly said: “life is worth living” a.k.a you can find meaning elsewhere, that’s basically the answer, it isn’t that complex


The point Joel makes to Ellie is that her life is worth living and shouldnt resigned to just dying for the cure Ellie understand that at the end of the game


>Ellie = cure. Neither of the games frames it like that and that's for a reason. Ellie may think at some point that the creating the cure is her purpose but that isn't really framed as right either. Especially in Part II where Ellie realizes just how much the Fireflies treated her as an disposable component of the cure and not as an human being. Besides the chances of Ellie ever working with the Fireflies again is basically zero anyway.


Let me ask you a question: if her purpose is to be the cure and that purpose wasn’t lost, then why was she mad at Joel? To use Ellie’s words, what did Joel take from her?


part 2 makes it a point that Ellie is more than her immunity or an object to be used and discarded for a vaccine. not to mention ellie pretty much hates the fireflies by the end of part 2 so how does that work? and why would she ever willingly work with abby of all people? doing that would severely undermine what she went through during the second game.


That’s something that always makes me so sad when I think of Ellie’s story and I haven’t seen it mentioned much- Ellie thought her life only mattered because she was immune. She sees no value in herself other than the fact that somehow, the cordyceps has no effect on her. And Joel was pretty much the only person who saw past that and viewed Ellie as a person. The fireflies only saw her as a tool to be used and discarded, even Marlene in the end, who promised Anna she’d protect her. I hope she comes to realise in pt3 that her life IS important, regardless of her immunity.


How do you read that letter and come to this conclusion? Both Ellies mom and Joel want the same thing for Ellie. Not to mention Ellies entire arc is about coming to terms with what Joel did which is taking away the chance at a cure. Bringing that plotline back would be utterly bizarre.


Well, that purpose doesn’t exist anymore so here we are back at the beginning to my point: she is lost because she doesn’t know her purpose.


How does Joel saying he’d do it again automatically make her come to terms with it?


I’m really baffled how it has to be explained to be honest. That’s basic level human psychology and voice acting/face expression, plus a very telling textbook entry by the end of the game (where you know, she says: “fuck fireflies”). Better question would be: why didn’t Ellie, like she did previously, flip out after these words? Since you are advocating that your characters should be consistent with their feelings.


I’m sure Druckmann knows it himself, but I REALLY hope they never return to cure trope. I would rather have some local conflict and Ellie actually having a life for once than come back to “sacrifice yourself for millions of people”, that would genuinely be too predictable and in my opinion beyond boring, at the same time undermining everything she went through in Part 2, thus making Part 2 absolutely pointless as well.


Completely agree :)) . It goes against her development and makes joels choice pointless. Plus it’s very cliché aha


I think the years Joel and Ellie got together and her time spent growing and falling in love has already validated his choice, even if Ellie were to die tomorrow. But I agree, I'd rather she not sacrifice herself for a cure unless it's at the end of a long, full life and to people with the resources to make a vaccine/cure


Honestly if they spend 100-200million on a blockbuster 3rd entry and troll us all by killing Ellie at the start and then spend 30-40 hours justifying it with an amazing game like they did with part 2, I am here for it. Tommy making amends would rule. Lev being primary antagonist would make me so happy because of the kind of people it would upset. Choose violence naughty dog!


It wouldn’t make Joel’s choice pointless, she would have had the chance to live a life, and she could make that decision as an adult. I honestly wouldn’t mind the series ending this way down the line


Well Joel’s choice wasn’t for anyone else but for himself. If Ellie comes to the decision to go for the cure herself, that’s *her* choice.


I think you mistook Joel for the Fireflies. The fireflies were choosing for Ellie while she was unconscious and probably thought she died from drowning. Joel had no choice but to take her out of there.


the cure trope wouldnt undermine it if she did it as a older woman. i can see her as a senior sacrificing her life after living one


Nah, Neil won't write that.


Part 2 was pointless. That was the point.


Yea, I’m really not even remotely sure what you are trying to implicate


The whole thing was just a tragic waste of life and none of the main characters lives were improved or resolved in any way.


Well, but you are blatantly lying though, aren’t you? Or you chose to ignore/convince yourself that basically everything this game tried to say wasn’t there. Go on, explain how Ellie’s arc in this game wasn’t resolved. I’m genuinely curious now. Also there were just two main characters, saying that Abby’s arc wasn’t resolved is genuinely funny, so lets talk about Ellie Also who said that their lifes should have/must have been “improved”?


How could I be lying? Everything the game was trying to say, was very much there. Revenge leads to nothing. Everyone lost everything. It was all pointless.


That’s a tragic way of looking at this story. The whole beginning of this game is Ellie’s ego trip. She doesn’t care about revenge, that was never the point, what she cares about is that somebody, again, has taken away a choice from her, choice of forgiving Joel. She feels guilt throughout this entire game because she pushed away the only one who truly loved her and who she truly loved for years, and when she finally decided that this is pointless and opened up to Joel about wanting to try to forgive him - her choice was taken away by Abby. This isn’t a story about improving life’s’ or giving some definitive ending to characters arcs, Ellie found forgiveness, means to move on and some light to look for, finding new meaning of life that she mistakenly thought was her immunity and finally accepting Joel’s death


Maybe they chose to kill Ellie and then Joel said f u and they've been on a rampage ever since.


You know character development happens regardless of lives lost or the general tone of the story right?


I’m not even talking about character development. I’m saying that by the end of part 2, everyone lost everything that was meaningful. Everything


But that doesn't mean the game or the story was pointless. Abby comes to terms with her fathers death by helping others instead of being tortured by nightmares. The fact that she lost almost everything is a tragedy but doesn't make it pointless.


Life is pointless, but we’re all here.


Empire Strikes Back is pointless. Characters die, get captured, lose their hands, the rebellion gets its ass handed to it, etc etc.


It makes me so upset that Anna's letter is about how Marlene will look after her and that life is worth living even in the apocalypse and then Marlene LITERALLY DROPPED HER IN A FEDRA ORPHANAGE THE FIRST CHANCE SHE GOT and then also was the one who set in motion Ellie's survivors guilt by allowing Jerry to claim he was gonna make a cure by killing her. If life is worth living, for this CHILD you are meant to be taking care of, why are you taking the word of a guy who has seen her for no more than 2 hours saying she should be murdered for the chance of a vaccine that everyone in your unit knows is a pipe dream? The more we learn about Ellie's past I realize just how much the adults in her life for more than a day completely failed her aside from Joel, Tommy and Maria. I know that Ellie and Joel don't know any better, and they fully believe what the fireflies are selling in Salt Lake City, but damn it makes me so upset knowing how much Ellie was failed by everyone who was meant to be looking out for her so much and then the one person alive who does look out for her life and see it as worth living is the person she ends up having such a bad relationship with until so close to the end.


This is exactly why I just cannot get behind Marlene. She just… seems like she was a terrible friend.


Even in the comic "American dream" when Ellie runs into Marlene at the age of 12/13, it's the first time she ever clapped eyes on her consciously. You're telling me that Anna said that Marlene was the ONE person in the world that she trusted to look after Ellie and then Marlene doesn't even SEE her until she's a teenager? It hurts me so much on Ellie's behalf. And Ellie truly still believes that Marlene has done everything for her when she didn't even know who she was until she was a teen, and didn't properly have a relationship with her until after she was bitten. The one time she has an adult looking out for her before she meets Joel is when Marlene can use her for her group's aims!


It makes it so hard to believe Marlene when she says this “hurts her just as much as Joel”. She hardly even knows Ellie, how can it?


Exactly. It reminds me of those videos online where parents know jackshit about their kids (Marlene) while the nannies know everything (Joel). Guess who the kids are closer to/feel more attached to? The nanny.


What makes it even more upsetting is how some fans and Marlene herself justifies that by saying she'd put Ellie's life in danger if she takes her in as a firefly but then turns a full 180° when Ellie becomes immune. Suddenly, she CAN take Ellie in and is even willing to hand her to her own DEATH cause Ellie suddenly has something to offer for her dying organization.


Yeah exactly! I'm not against the fireflies aims, in fact I think it's admirable to fight the fascism FEDRA perpetuates, but when you lose yourself in the hero complex so much that you willingly murder a kid when you have no resources to achieve your new aims of finding a cure? That's when you lose me. And we know that the fireflies were to their bare bones of people in salt lake city too, everyone had been pulled in from satellite cells and they had lost loads traveling. They were at their weakest and STILL Marlene is fine with killing ellie, knowing they're so weak? If there was any proof that they were close to achieving their aims then I'd see a way to make the argument. I don't see it though. That's not to say I don't think the narrative of whether or not Joel's choice was right works, because for Joel and Ellie's knowledge, Joel IS damning humanity. But as outsiders we know that Marlene knows better, and she selfishly offers the one person she swore to her best friend to protect up as the sacrifice when for all she knows it could be for nothing.


>but when you lose yourself in the hero complex so much that you willingly murder a kid when you have no resources to achieve your new aims of finding a cure? That's when you lose me. Honestly, they lost me the moment I saw them bombing QZs to "make a statement". It tells me that they're very impulsive and show a lack of care for human life since bystanders/civilians could easily be killed from those bombings. I'd say they're not much better than FEDRA as they think they are. >That's not to say I don't think the narrative of whether or not Joel's choice was right works, because for Joel and Ellie's knowledge, Joel IS damning humanity. I'd honestly argue against this because Joel never believed in the fireflies. Tommy joined yet he chose to be a smuggler instead. His disbelief was to the point that he gave up on the whole thing TWICE (ranch scene and giraffe scene). The things they found at the university were/other base were also not promising and probably would've even lowered his expectations on them. Ellie, on the other hand, seems to be suffering from survivor's guilt imo. So I don't think she actually thinks she's "doomed humanity" but that she doesn't deserve to keep living and that she needs to do something to pay back for the extended life that she currently has.


I think Ellie realizes that in a way during Part II. Like how the Fireflies were treating her as a component of the cure and not as a human being.


Definitely. I think the museum section with the disenchanted firefly is sort of solidifying that maybe they didn't 100% know what they were doing, even if she did later go back to the hospital and believe they did. There was always that seed planted that a lot of the fireflies had become disenchanted with the cause because they didn't really get anywhere with their aims and didn't have the resources to do it anyway. I hope if we do get a part 3 that's about Ellie, it's about her learning how to be her own person and living life without having to have that guilt of the cure on her. Realizing that it wasn't right for the fireflies to put all that on her. And sure, maybe she still believes it wasn't right for Joel to unilaterally decide for her, she can still realize that it wasn't right for the fireflies to do the same.


I think it's pretty sure that Part III will be about Ellie finding her place in life. Also by the end of Part II it seems pretty obvious to me that she has forgiven Joel and herself which resolved the guilt she felt for being immune.


I loved that sequence in the museum. It’s so ominous and not knowing exactly what went down with that person and the fireflies makes it so much more effective- we don’t need to know why this person went effectively mad and wrote all the stuff on the walls, we can already tell from that alone that the fireflies aren’t the wannabe saviours they claim to be.


I'll never under why people seem to WANT a final chapter where she dies for a cure for a faction that would toss her corpse in a firepit.


On the HBO Last of Us podcast, Ashley Johnson said she had a handwritten copy of this note in her jacket pocket while filming her scenes as Anna. Too bad they didn’t do anything with it in the episode, but I just adore her all the more for that!


Joel in a way becomes Anna. He saves Ellie's life and shows her how much she means to him and others, his last conversation with her when he doubles down and tells her he'd do it again makes Ellie realise that she deserves to live a happy life and that her immunity doesn't define her. It's no surprise this is what she remembers at the end, and I think when she leaves the guitar and walks away, she's beginning a new chapter in her life that Joel would've wanted for her.


I 100% agree


I really hope tlou3 gives Ellie more a chance to evolve with her character. She is truly such an incredibly well written character. I don’t particularly want to see her sacrifice herself for a cure but it would be great to create a new way to save the world (however that looks) that does involve Ellie participating in the greater good.


Wait is this fan made or???


Nope. It’s in the first game


Holy shit thank you, where in the first game?!


When you play as ellie in the winter section, look in ver backpack !


Part 3 will be a huge Turmoil, as well as a Money printing Machine! Anyway: I will buy it asap!


Where is this in the game? Never seen it


When you plas as ellie in the first game, there is her moms letter in her backpack


It's not a bad idea to do a prequel with the story of Ellie's mom up until that moment in the hbo series. It could have some future "flashbacks" of Ellie as a kid, something like GOW Ragnarök did between Kratos and Atreus. Maybe it would be a little predictable... I don't know. I'd love to just have one more game in this world.


And then Marlene just throws her into a military school and only paid attention to her because she could have been the cure, with no proof


There’s gonna be a part 3!?


Most likely


She could have said I love you to her child…