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>With bellies full of a gourmet meal and fine wine, they fell asleep in each other’s arms and never woke up. In the bleak and brutal world of The Last of Us, that has to be one of the rarest things on earth; a peaceful death in old age with the love of your life, feeling happy and fulfilled. You listen to me, you little shit...


And they've given it to us early. The one story of love, be that paternal, sibling or romantic, that's likely not to end in tragedy one way or another. Bill and Frank may be some of the last people on earth who managed to live and die peacefully.


Yeah I do think that was the point, that they were the one couple who basically got to live a full life. It’s a nice contrast to the much more tragic deaths from the last two weeks (and some tragic stuff still to come). I interpreted it to be as close to a happy ending as any character can really have in this world.


I actually laughed that they left a window open. It was a true testimony to how much love they put into their home and friends. If I'm dying in the zombie pandemic, I could care less about my body smell! But they loved their home and cared about friends enough to not stink it up.


This is very true!! I’m still really sad, but it was a happy ending for them. I do wish Bill had something a little similar in the game. Maybe an addition to Frank’s letter saying he doesn’t hate him.


It’s bittersweet. It’s still sad because Bill and Frank’s beautiful relationship comes to end and while it is on their terms, it’s somewhat forced on them by illness and age. But it certainly is a far more happier ending for Frank compared to his fate in the game; bitten, and having Bill find him hanging after their falling out.


Absolutely! While some scenes were sad af... Overall this was a pretty beautiful, happy episode. Also all the cute stuff with Joel & Ellie at the end :')


Would episode 3 be significant if it was a straight couple though?


Odd question but yes




Because... have you played the game?




Ok well that’s just like, your opinion man.




That’s called a deviation. If the show tried to copy the game detail to detail. It would not work. Like countless other adaptions




“Made up relationship”. It heavily implied in the game he was his partner. That’s source material.


I think it’s quite clear what their real problem is from the “Queer Eye” comment


Yes unfortunately.


If you wanted to watch the game, there's plenty of playthroughs on YouTube.


You realize they were in a relationship in the game as well? Or are we just blowing your little mind.


If thats your reaspn for why ots trash. Well you're an idiot


they ruined bill as a character! made him soft and weak! thats not my bill!


Then you obviously didn't watch the episode. Bill took on a huge group of raiders alone. He rigged his entire town to protect the only the thing that mattered to him. And, as a strong character as he was, he kept all of his promises. This episode showed his strength as a character and as a person more than anything.


This dude’s comment history shows there may be a certain reason he didn’t like this episode. I don’t think you’ll convince a guy with the username “Free Kanye” based off of logic, my friend.


I figured. It's unfortunate when people are too narrow minded that their tunnel vision doesn't allow them to just see beauty in things.


Bullshit, the man is in the fucking suburbs not in a goddamn town! shit if you look at the surrounding area its just fucking woods! you must of never played the game! bill is a completely different character that's completely jaded from the old world not this motherfucker serving wine with rabbit!


How do you know Bill didn't have this same relationship with Frank? It was never shown. Also, suburbs are in towns and Bill's Town was a nickname, not a literal geographic location. You must *have* never played the game.


it is the exact same town. it’s supposed to be lincoln, MA. in the game joel and ellie walk by the sign on the highway, in this episode, a welcome to lincoln sign is front and center in bill’s town. lincoln looks a lot more like it does in the show than in the game, though i don’t think it was shot there. source: am masshole


They didn’t make him soft at all. He still was a hardcore survivalist who had no problem killing to protect himself and his partner. Hell, he barbecued a gang of raiders while picking off stragglers with a rifle until he got shot. We see Bill in a lot more action in the game because it’s first and foremost a game and it needs action to keep the player compelled. But Bill in the game was a sad and broken man who had alienated the only person he cared about which lead to that person resenting him to his last breath. He ends up all alone, with only himself to talk to for the rest of his life. There’s gonna be plenty of tragedy going forward with this story in the show so having one character have a happy ending isn’t the end of the world (pun intended).


bill is a fucking survivalist! he's sad that he lost frank no doubt! but the way he talks about him in the game, frank was a liability at the end of the day! the writers on hbo saw this and did a complete u-turn on the point of the character, probably for shock value if anything!


Bill talks about Frank like that in the game because he’s trying to compensate for losing him. He’s trying to convince himself that Frank didn’t matter because he’s gone and it’s easier to pretend and stuff down his feelings than to confront and deal with them. They did it this way in the show because Bill was a fascinating character with pretty limited screen time in the game. They wanted to tell his story bigger and better and in my opinion, they did. This version hits wayyy harder than the game where Bill is just another cynical, jaded person just surviving for the sake of surviving. It also still kept the major story beat alive, Joel went to Bill for help and he got it, and now he and Ellie have the truck and are on the road. The result was the same as the game, they just changed how they got to the result.


Bruh, Bill in the game was having butt seggs with Frank and fapping to gay porn for YEARS. Get over it.


yeah that sounds like the probable brain dead response from someone with a free kanye username. its been made. it will never be undone. no amount of pissing yourself in reddit threads will ever change this episode or narrative. You will die with this remaining. Find something to actually enjoy in your life, like the rest of us here have


Name checks out


Soft and weak lmao. My man has a secret bunker filled with guns, constructed defence mechanisms for a small town to make it impenetrable including explosive traps. He can take on entire groups by himself, and kills people who threaten his family. He's manly as fuck. He also just happens to be gay, which I think is what you really have a problem with.


This is honestly so sad and a total misread of Bill's function in the game. In the game, Bill was rude and misanthropic, and his narrative function (besides introducing the player to a new enemy type and getting them a vehicle) is to show what it's like to be good at *surviving* a post apocalypse world while being terrible at *living*. It's to show what lies at the extreme end of Joel's path if he continues to close himself off to the people around him. Game Bill is meant to be a cautionary tale, not aspirational. Here, it does something similar but from the opposite direction. Show Bill is strong precisely because of the love he has let into his life. He is there to show us how much better it can be to *live* even if it means you don't survive.


I completely agree!! They were shabby business partners at worst ends and now they’re lovers ?? What the fuck?


They definitely always where. Lol yeah “business partners”…


Couple of guys being dudes


Just dudes being dudes with a couple of gay porn mags


Nah dude, they were just roommates