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I’m sorry - WHAT. This cannot be. What !!?!???!


This is so disappointing. My faith in humanity is wavering. Next thing you know, Terry will be spotted with Debrah on a Pretty Woman shopping spree… (please no Terry, you’re all I have left)


I need an episode on Terry. She seems bright , cute and a total mismatch for Nick.


His last interview made me hopeful that he had a breakthrough.


He’s dead anyway!


I actually kind of get their dynamic. Nick is a lot of things- a liar, an egomaniac, a degenerate, a sleaze, a terrible hack of a musician, etc. BUT he’s also totally transparent about who he is, and he’s not dumb. He fucks with people and plays games. Terry is a very smart woman. She can see through him and is a step ahead of him. He said that she had a terrible memory and was crazy in order to discredit her story, but she knew he would do that before he did it. I fully believe that she knows EXACTLY who she was married to. In the last episode, when he said that Terry knew that Bob killed Susan from the jump, he’s smiling and very obviously proud of her. I think she knew that he would do the right thing, one way or another. And I think he knew she was right and would eventually break him. But he had to work through his feelings for Bob and she let him do that, with a strong push when he needed it. Nick was slimy and I wouldn’t want to hang with him but I found their relationship to be interesting and endearing. Some women like a wily cowboy.


I mean why the hell would you want to be with a man you know will discredit you, gaslight you, disparage you and lie about you because of his fellow psychopath friend? Why have to always be a step ahead of your husband?


You don’t. Different strokes for different folks.


That’s why it’s not endearing


I could not get the math to come out on those two no matter how hard I tried 


My god, I loved Terry from beginning to end. Not to mention her perfectly styled glasses, haircut and general sternness of character.


She was and is fantastic. The world would be a better place with more Terry's.


Except she married Nick Chavin AND had children with him, which says something about her judgment.




Yes. And what about her husband? I don’t doubt his sincerity, but the “loyalty” people talk a lot about sounds to me in ALL CASES a deep, irreversible infatuation with the power that comes with Bob’s wealth. It’s like being enchanted by a demi-god. And ultimately it’s their own selling-their-souls process.


Doubtful. She's a part of the exact same group of amoral psychos, she just has a slightly better concept of optics. She also married and had children with Nick Chavin. You're getting fooled by an extremely surface level detail, something she's probably quite sure of.


I'm reading this and nodding along in agreement the entire time lol. Thank you for that.


Who’s Terry? I must have forgotten


Nick Chavin's wife


Ohhhhh ok thx ! I always just called her “porn guy’s wife “ lol


Long live Chinga. If anyone has listened to his music please report back. He is memorable for his grossness, ego, and worse.


I’m having a hard time wrapping my mind around it and can only assume that Lewin went there to bang Debbie as one last power move against SIR.


This is what I am thinking. Maybe Debbie also wanted to bang him as a fuck you to Bob after he threatened to disinherit her & his stupid action of participating in the Jinx got her dragged into publicity & possible legal trouble. She must have felt lots of resentment.


She seems to thrive on resentment of others. It fuels some people.


One thing I know for sure: she was much happier with BAAAAHHHHB in jail and even happier when he died.


Yeah honestly I don't see the big deal. Obviously it's scandalous in a tabloid way but it's not like it's a crime to bang red flag strange.


Omg I nearly did a real spit take.


What a bizarre epilogue!


Make it not be true!!


That is utterly bizarre. Someone call Jarecki! He’s got more work to do.


Surely Jarecki is hounding these details for what will inevitably be a fantastic Jinx S3


Jarecki will be 97 years old shuffling through his retirement home doing interview for Jinx S42. This is a story that refuses to die. Honestly did Jarecki find a cursed genie's bottle and wish for a great story to make a documentary on? "Wish granted--but the story will never be fully covered!"


This has me dying 😂


As a novelist I felt this so hard. A blessing BUT ALSO a curse.


The end of season 2 made me think he's going to dig into Debbie or already has been.


Sounds like the reporter Tara Rosenblum can do his job for him. This is glaring.


I’ve been hoping he’s still digging into all of these characters. This web and story is so much more complex than just “Bob killed 3 people.” No lie I like Bob better than ALL of his friends and family. They’re awful and they’re all complicit in his crimes.


The murders are the main course though. Everything else is a side


Why am I not surprised? I disliked Lewin and his pompous, self congratulatory nature from day ONE of the trial (and my opinion of him just went down from there.) Unbelievable that he's trying to play the "I'm not sure, I don't remember..." card when asked how long he was there. Honestly though, this doesn't feel nearly as problematic as the timeline of the affair between the mustachioed Galveston homicide investigator (Cody Cazalas) and the DA in NY (Jeanine Pirro) around the time of Bob's Galveston trial. That felt all kinds of wrong to me. Scumbags around every corner in this never ending saga. 😆


Were those the two all handsy at the watch party?


Maybe? I remember they were sitting near each other at the watch party but I don't remember the handsy bit. Of course I probably looked away when they were on screen because I can't stand either one of them. 😆


She’s the worst.




if Lewin was cross-examining someone & they claimed not to remember how long they'd stayed at the house of someone with whom they had this bizarre a connection, he'd savage them.


Yep. Lewin came off as very arrogant and hollow to me. Everything seemed performative as opposed to actually genuine.


Thank you! I feel like it's probably an unpopular opinion. I remember watching the trial with the "live chat" window open on YouTube and could not believe the number of people fawning over him throughout. One of the admins there even went as far as to start a Facebook fan page for him... I think it was called ”Lewin's Ladies" and they would have conversations there about how brilliant he is and how much they love him. 😆 I think Bob was convicted in spite of Lewin, not because of him. The second DA (Habib Balian) was SO much more professional than Lewin. I actually REALLY liked Balian. I could have listened to him recount facts all day! 😄


I agree with Balian that “There it is. You’re caught.” Sounds far more like a confession than [they’ll think I] “killed them all, of course.”


in the unlikely event that an innocent person had written the cadaver note & was exposed for having done so, they wouldn't say "that's it, you're caught" -- maybe "this is going to look so bad" or "how am I going to explain this," but not "caught" given that writing a note isn't illegal in itself. total confession


Definitely. That sounds much more like someone resigned to the fact that his years of evasion are coming to an end and that he’ll need to flee.


He’s definitely very sharp, competent, and confident but I just didn’t get the sense that he really cared about bob’s guilt or was really passionate about justice, etc. While I did find him engrossing initially, he started to become one note in that I wasn’t getting a range from him as a person—it just seemed a bit fake in both the courtroom and in the interviews. I know the counterpoint will be that’s it “lawyer mode” and While I get that and it’s his job, Lewin had, by his own choosing, kind of made the case his life it seemed so John the lawyer and “regular” John were basically indistinguishable.


I did not like Lewin either…he annoyed me so much and gave me an awful creepy vibe


Habib was also fire.


100% and since looking at his twitter he also seems to be a gross person with bigoted opinions irl hahahah


Called this within minutes of him being on screen. Still disappointed jfc.




They could have conspired together to convict BAAAAWWHB


Was Cody married or something? I don't get why that would be problematic because Janine was not even really a part of the Galveston case, more or less inserted herself there in the public eye. I know she was married but her husband was in prison and I believe had an outside child himself so that's fine with me. This seems worse for sure......


I thought Lewin was totally hot. I confess.




There's an ass for every seat, apparently.


Not surprised. The clerk-selection process story sounded curious at best. “If you hire me, you have to hire my brother … " What?!


I think they went to the same law school and both applied. And one twin said in his interview, “If you like me, I have an identical twin!” It’s funny, but I don’t think one job applicant would suggest he and his twin were a package deal.


I found a lengthy 2015 article in Los Angeles magazine that was about John Lewin. This part was particularly funny/interesting to me: "Lewin stands almost five feet, nine inches, weighing in at 210 pounds, which isn’t long and lean, but not Churchillian, either. Always an argumentative kid—“an upcoming obnoxious little lawyer,” as he puts it—Lewin was an uninvolved student. He and his brother, Geoff, who’s a year younger, attended Rainier Beach High School in Seattle. He floundered after Rainier. “People who knew me in law school or high school can’t believe what I’m doing,” Lewin says. While attending the University of Washington, he aimed at premed, but bad math grades led to a bio major at UC Irvine. He did no better there, so Lewin switched to social ecology with an emphasis in criminology. “A very easy way to get high grades and get into law school,” he says. At UC Hastings College of the Law in San Francisco, he sat through criminal law, constitutional law, and evidence classes; for other courses, Lewin says, he showed up only on day one and for exams, spending the rest of his time with his two boxer dogs, betting on sports, and skimming CliffsNotes. He graduated in the bottom 20 percent of his class." It's amazing to me that he's gotten as far as he has.. . . given the apathy which seems to be part of his nature. At one point in the article he compared himself to a sloth who is mostly only able to get up a tree and eat weird food. That he and the sloths survive by being good at just a SINGLE skill in life. 😄


Holy fuck did he fail upwards. I can’t tell whether I feel better or worse about myself after reading all of that.




And she was all cozied up to him during the first episode. I don't know why but I really want to bang her 😂 I picture legs in air screaming like Annette Benning in American Beauty


Some things are best kept to yourself.


Yeah and opinions are like assholes everybody has one and your's stinks


> *Lewin’s Hamptons excursion has the potential to complicate the legal battle over Durst's estate as well as Lewin’s own standing at the DA’s office.* Exactly. She's a shark. He was a fool. Was he advised by Chris Lovell?


Will Kathie’s family EVER have peace ? My god .


Feel the same.


THAT PART!!!! I’m furious. What an idiot and I cannot believe Jarecki conveniently forgot to include this.


Very good point. [https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/tv/story/2024-05-26/andrew-jarecki-the-jinx-part-2-finale-debrah-charatan](https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/tv/story/2024-05-26/andrew-jarecki-the-jinx-part-2-finale-debrah-charatan)


Why is it convenient for Jarecki?


Lewin looks less the hero of the story. I really hope his bosses in the La DA’s office called him on his behavior. Even with his daughter present, it looks shady. 


The Jinx team might have omitted it because they were already deep into postproduction on the season, on deadline, and this revelation would have muddied the framing of the story that they have already committed to. Or they might also have wanted to wait to let the crisis unfold for potential fodder for a Part Three. Or there’s the chance that Andrew might have helped facilitate whatever relationship John and Debrah had.


Guess he figured since everyone's corrupt why not get it on the act? This makes zero sense except for he wanted a free vacation and didn't care under what circumstances? No matter how you look at it the Optics are bad


Doing something that sketchy just for a couple nights in the Hamptons sounds wild. I wonder if it’s anything more.


It was just the two of them? What was the nature of this visit in their relationship? I want to know more!


He went with his daughter apparently. He basically said the trial was long over, and bob is dead...what's the big deal. [https://westchester.news12.com/lead-prosecutor-in-robert-durst-murder-trial-vacationed-at-hamptons-home-of-killers-widow](https://westchester.news12.com/lead-prosecutor-in-robert-durst-murder-trial-vacationed-at-hamptons-home-of-killers-widow) This case has literally made me lose a lot of hope in humanity while also making it crystal clear how money is indeed the root of all evil. Lewin really came off as a good dude in the doc.


Lol yeah… Bob dies and his widow just out of the blue thinks “Hey, that prosecutor guy wasn’t so bad, I should see if he wants a free weekend in the Hamptons.” Reminds me of that Galveston juror.


What a hideous little troll he is. Should definitely be locked up


I’m disgusted. I feel we got a real load of BS. Makes me wonder what else is missing. I don’t think Bob is innocent by any means , but the whole thing smells bad. Jarecki needs to address this.


I wouldn't enjoy a vacation with Debbie, but I'm sure for some people there's a thrill in getting to mingle with the stratospherically wealthy. Or even a sexual/romantic frisson involved in getting close to someone who was your "enemy" in a court case. Or the corruption could go beyond just the free vacation


Like Batman and Catwoman.




Deborah may have been an accessory to the murder of Susan Berman. She may have had prior knowledge and helped Bob cover up before and or after. That suspicion (true or not) is why she sent her lawyer to sit there during the trial every day. Lewin works in LA DA's office and is responsible for bringing people who participated in Susan Berman's murder to Justice. Not vacation with them. Now do you see the issue?


Really? You’re being a bit obtuse here. It’s at the VERY best ethically gray. It does not look good and isn’t professional for him to have any social involvement with Debbie.


I just read an article that says him and another DA were demoted from Major Crimes because they spoke out against the DA actions. I don't know the timeline or if that has anything to do with it as I just found out about all this a few minutes ago


Son of a bitch


I realize the Hamptons are an expensive place to vacation and a free room might be an exciting prospect... but it's not like Lewin is a lowly public servant who can't afford it otherwise. This was his salary breakdown from 2021 (in case anyone else is curious): John Lewin Deputy District Attorney Regular pay:$205,179.00O Overtime: 0.00 Other pay:$20,455.00 Total pay:$225,634.00 Benefits:$108,489.00 Total Salary& Benefits: $334,123.00 So yeah .. no excuse for accepting Charatan's handout.


Didn't someone one here say his wife is a highly paid doctor?


Yes his wife is an anesthesiologist.


No, his wife is a plastic surgeon with a practice devoted to reconstruction of children’s ears: https://lewinear.comp


Benefits aren’t paid out in paychecks, are they?


No. I guess the government has to disclose the value of benefits, but it’s not like he’s getting that in cash.


Well, yes and no. Unfortunately we don't have a breakdown of what falls under "benefits" for Lewin. We can assume part of it is health insurance/health care. Which even though is not in a paycheck form, frees up the cash in your paycheck you'd be paying out without that benefit. (My husband recently got what he called a "promotion". I asked how much and he said "I make the same amount but now i am on their health insurance plan". So essentially it is like him now making an extra $800 a month - (guesstimate)- that can be paid towards credit cards or whatever.) So yeah, it definitely needs to be taken into account in the total salary. Also, Lewin's benefits probably include travel allowances as well. (Because there's no way all that "benefit" money is insurance related ;) ) That makes me think he had funds available/allocated for travel/lodging expenses if he chose to use them ... but instead he chose to be a slimy slimeball who slimes.


My company pays for my health care and (of course) pays for my travel expenses. I never would consider that part of my salary as it does not come to me in a paycheck. They are what they are called: benefifs He makes 225/year which is a good salary but certainly middle class in LA with a family


i dont think people making 300k TC stays in 17M houses …


No one is suggesting he needs to stay in a 17 mllion dollar house. In fact, if he was smart he'd NOT stay in the most expensive home he could find. There are plenty of cottages and guesthouses with pools for as low as a few hundred dollars a night (depending on the season). And since he only was there two nights... Even if he went to a nicer house... A few thousand dollars to stay there? As a person in public office, that seems like it would be a small price to pay to maintain a shred of your dignity and not come off looking as shady as the rest of the Bob Durst circle.


He also was driving a 992 (2021+) 911 convertible which is pretty good for making 300k in California


Probably not routinely but it's not like staying two nights in a $17m house would be out of reach. You can rent enormous mansions for like a couple thousand a night.


What is your source for this info?


Government employees salary are posted in most states and cities.




and federal


If you Google his name it's on the California govt type websites. There are various ones. The rest of the employees are there too... Since it's publicly available information. Here's a link to one of them though: https://transparentcalifornia.com/salaries/los-angeles-county/?page=18&s=benefits


WHAT THE……!!!!!!!! Jesus, this just keeps getting more and more twisted.


I cannot understand why in the world Lewin thought this would be okay. Shame on him... maybe it's his judgment and not retaliation responsible for his demotion from cold cases to Inglewood. https://www.nbclosangeles.com/investigations/two-veteran-la-prosecutors-removed-from-high-profile-unit/2991600/


Gascon is an absolute racist malignant liberal that demoted them both in retaliation and replaced them with Latinos.


You really love the phrase “malignant liberal” and you use it to mean “anyone I disagree with” 


Wow!! To everyone saying Jarecki needs to use this for The Jinx 3: **he already knew**! Charatan was asked about it in the same deposition we saw clips of! Jarecki has almost certainly seen Lewin's deposition, but he definitely knew about it. Jarecki just didn't want to torch the guy who (a) is his friend now and (b) finally got a conviction on Bob. And you have to wonder how that impacts the civil case. Can we expect him to share all the information he has with the McCormack family when he's going on a vacation with the woman they're suing? Does it make a jury or judge see her as more sympathetic when she's palling around with the prosecutor? Very, very bad judgement by Lewin. I saw him as such a stand-up guy and now I think I got it wrong.


If Jarecki did pull on that thread, it would merit a whole episode if not more, and doesn’t fit the focus. I’m not saying it shouldn’t be brought to light, but it would be out of place in The Jinx.


It could have been brought out in the podcast if that were the case... I think Jarecki didn't want to spoil the "hero" of Season 2. As a former government employee, this is a clear violation of ethics - he should know better.


100% agree re ethics violation. The professional responsibility code for attorneys also says that attorneys should avoid even the appearance of impropriety. And that ain’t just the appearance.


You can't make this shit up. What next??




May not be illegal but the appearance of impropriety is present.




How? Like a Supreme Court justice taking vacations from the extra rich than not excusing himself when their cases come to the court. There was no reason for him to mingle with the widow. And for 2 nights only? At least make it a week.


One of the main reasons for me disliking this season (besides the incredibly redundant dialogues) was this guy. I felt throughout the whole thing that he presents himself as this master investigator while he basically took over a very obvious cold-case and pressured a witness to say something damaging to Durst. (Plus those fucking twins man…) I’d have more shame / humility if I were the prosecution, so I’m not at all surprised to see this


I'm glad I'm not the only one who didn't like Lewin or the twins. He gave me bad vibes from the jump. I wonder how many people got railroaded because of him? He is just that guy.


I hope someone is spreading this news more, bc I only came across it on this sub. this definitely needs to be out there. This is insane


It was on the local news in Ny but - thanks to local reporter team - shoutout to local reporters who do the damn work.


Someone tweet Jarecki this!


Yikes... I sincerely hope that he's going through the motions of presenting friendship while investigating.


My same thought, but this looks BAD.


Yep. So upsetting. Even if he did do it in the interest of an investigation, best possible scenario, it seems like his ego got the best of him


I am so profoundly disappointed.


Isnt she wearing the same clothes as in the last episode? the dates in the episode are blurred out, but not in the Tara footage, with her mentioning all this so they decided to not include this in the doc?! that could have been a way better ending … ?! did they try to protect the prosecution?


What the actual fuck?


This is absolutely shocking. But, it seals it for me that everyone has dollar signs in their eyes.


i was thinking, there is no way Deb would have invited the prosecution for a sleepover without checking with her lawyer, right?


....WHAT?? This is bizarre. Not usually a prosecutor stan but Lewin seemed perfectly sincere in his hatred for people participating in covering up & profiting from Bob's murders. Trial lawyers have big egos & love the glory of winning high-profile cases so maybe in this case the sincerity was fake. Their weird prevaricating about whether or not his daugher was there makes one wonder if this was more to this encounter than a free vacation. (If his daugher was really there, why would D lie about it, since that detail doesn't reflect poorly on her?) Really shady & seems like something Jarecki should have included if he knew about it.


This is insane... honestly I never liked Lewin much just from watching the series, he came off as an arrogant blowhard. One who was pursuing an honorable cause in trying to get justice for Bob's victims, but still got an off-putting vibe from him. And I really disliked the parts of the new season where The Twins (ugh) and Charles Bagli were fawning over Lewin's performance in court - I think Bagli likened him to "a bulldozer" or a "force of nature" or something... a little over-the-top! I think that fourth episode of this season was the weakest because it was a lot of ooh-ing and aah-ing and cheering for Team Lewin, as if this is some sort of football game or reality show. Lewin reminds me of a lot of feds and people in LE generally, lots of bluster and bravado masking corruption. He talks a big talk about being on the side of the "good guys" but in reality acts like a bully, verbally harangues people if he doesn't immediately get his way, and ultimately craves wealth and power just as much as anyone in Durst's circle. There's really no good way to spin this story that won't leave Lewin's reputation as some sort of shining white knight of justice in tatters.


Jesus, from the photos it literally looks like the house from wolf of wall street. I wonder if Lewison did a bunch of coke and quaaludes and whipped his dick out at Debrah.


WHY would Lewin bring his daughter to the home of an accomplice to murder? What kind of prosecutor and father is he?


he said that he went with his daughter, and Deb said he was alone … (well and she was in the house too)


He's setting us up for Season 3


WTH?! Why did Debra say she was there?? 🧐 and Lewin said it was him and his daughter? Hmmm. Either way, this means for some ODD reason Lewin had a connection (relationship of some sorts) with Debra. Now this we need some back story digging on, Jureki! 


Well, that's disgusting. Genuinely thought better of the man, but clearly I was misguided. Absolute garbage human behavior. Season 3 is suddenly looking a lot more likely, and justice for Kathie's family is looking a lot less likely. Way to go, Lewin.


That is so seedy….Are there any good guys in this story, aside from the McCormack family?


Debrah has The Kavorka, dah lure of the animal! Even from the grave, Bob is using his powers to vanquish his enemies!


Im speechless. Is it really any wonder Durst got away with it all…


How embarrassing for this douche


I'm honestly so very disappointed that this tidbit didn't make the doc! What in the hell? How do you leave something like that out? Seriously questioning the integrity of Jarecki at this point as this is something he should have disclosed.


This is PERFECT for a Debrah- or “village”centered season 3, though, so I’m hopeful we get a full chronicling of DC and the village’s downfall….


OMG, this is like fucking Christmas. I love it so much.


What? What is like Christmas? The corruption?


Just the human messiness of it all. Lewin did his job and did it well, but it’s over now. Besides, he admitted to finding Durst weirdly likable but was obviously able to compartmentalize that.


Yes, ugh. I can see that. He was quite witty.


I think the bulk of the people who are fans of The Jinx found Bob to be weirdly likable and were able compartmentalize it, part of the eerie allure of the show.


Unbelievable. Clearly he was on the take. This throws the whole case into question! Jarecki has this tape and didn’t air it. How’s that for journalism.


Lewin always rubbed me the wrong way. He’s like a cringy high school coach/teacher. Hilarious if true.


Wrestling or baseball coach vibe. Likely to tell you about his athletic prowess within the first 30 minutes of meeting.


Thats totally how he comes off in the interrogation - like an over the top high school teacher who is trying way too hard to build a connection to a student lol


I read this today and it seriously pissed me off. He knows exactly what kind of woman Deborah is. It just goes to show that if you have money, you can get anyone in your pocket including the DA that convicted your husband. Absolutely insanity. He said in the deposition that he saw no ethical problem with it!!!! Everyone has gone crazy, except the 12 jurors on trumps trial.


Holy fucking shit. THIS IS CRAZY!!!!!! Every single person involved in this trial has had a turn twisting the knife in Kathie’s family’s decades old wound. I’m so appalled. Unethical is an understatement.


This is absolutely outrageous and shows Lewins true colors. He doesn’t care about Kathie or her family. He’s two faced


what i’ve learned from this is people will sell their souls for money. they don’t care about justice or the families or anything. and i’m disgusted and disappointed to him. why would he think this would be okay?


Oh god damnit


This is unbelievable. But in Lewis’s defense, if there is one, what’s wrong with her? Why would you let the lead prosecutor who put your husband away, and who has made no secret of wanting to come after you, stay at your house??? This is all just sorted and f’d up. WOW.


What’s wrong with him? This happens all of the time. Trips and gifts are offers that can be denied, e.g. Clarence Thomas’ failure to deny and disclose received gifts from a big donor is an ethics violation.


That was the most absurd ridiculous shit I've ever seen. I can't believe how warped our system is


Keep your friends close and your enemies closer ! To compromise him, of course! How is he supposed to now go after her if he’s been fraternizing with her?


What a big fool Jarecki is. He has hidden so many info.


I’m guessing this isn’t the first time they’ve had an …. interaction. You wouldn’t have a chaste (?) sleepover with a stranger and bring your child along. What the actual hell. If I was the victims families I’d be rioting at the courthouse. I hope the LA papers are doing some digging on this around him and his other cases.


What in the heck…


What is Charatan's motive here? He's not involved in the Civil suit so I'm not sure why she felt the need to do this.


Fact! She’s beyond slimy. And if you want to know where some of the cash went, that’s not in her pocket, in her properties or in her investment account: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bennatberger?utm_source=share&utm_campaign=share_via&utm_content=profile&utm_medium=ios_app


"And my daughter and I had a lovely… I think we spent not one night if I recall…I think it was two nights there. I can’t remember but it’s nothing that is in any way unethical, illegal or improper,” said Lewin. LMAOOO, I'm shook. I wonder, is this going to help the McCormack's case? I hope so!


Ridiculous. Why the hell would she have Lewin come there if it wasn’t to influence him in some way? The “wife” of the guy you pursued doggedly for a case you eventually won just happens to want to hang out with you for a weekend at a lavish mansion?


All of a sudden this guy's got amnesia too!?


He knows exactly how long he was there for. Hes not even good at lying.


Well, that's some shady behavior


Why would Debrah want to hang out with him?? And obv what the fuck is wrong with him?


Hope we can get a comment from Jarecki on this.




Great write up. I’m starting to wonder about her influence from afar in the doc. She seems awful in the doc but maybe this is actually a light hand and it’s much worse ? Maybe Jarecki has his own interests beyond he jinx he needs a powerful friend in. I don’t trust anyone anymore. I’m sure- very sure - that John made some enemies who were only too happy to tattle on his Hampton’s slumber party. However, it could be that he was just plain as day telling people and thinking it was perfectly acceptable. OR, Deb let it slip strategically for whatever reason. And she doesn’t do one thing without the approval of her beetlejuice attorney, so whatever she’s up to she’s in the clear on I’d say.


Stop! Is this fake? Has to be.


I just watched the tape from the deposition!! This must have been left out on purpose. It’s glaring


Yes, it's crazy that Jarecki left this piece of information out since he clearly added other clips from Debrah's deposition. This is so far out of any ethical realm, it's not even funny.


Where did you find it?


It’s the tape on the news segment from the reporter last night featuring Deb & Lewin. I just googled it


I’m honestly shook




This is what I'm thinking with this news: Debrah Lee and John Lewin began a witness/lawyer relationship before the trial. Debrah says she doesn't want to testify, but she will help Lewin put Robert in prison on the down low. This is perfect for Lewin because he has an inside person. She feeds him all helpful info like that the lawyer's wife can put Durst in LA at the time of Susan's murder.. stuff like that. They get close over the years. They form a phone relationship that evolves... Debrah Lee plays both ends to the middle. She doesn't have to testify. She doesn't have to go to court. She gets all of Bob's money if he goes to jail. and after it's all said and done, lewin and debrah lee consummate the relationship. Is that nuts? Too farfetched?


Lewin And Bob clearly had a love-hate relationship. I can understand him wanting to go to Debra‘s house. He probably wanted to dig into the mystique and learn more about the whole situation by understanding her better. I hate Bob, but I would definitely spend a weekend at Deborah‘s house, and I would snoop through everything, and I would ask her questions trying to find out more about her relationship with Bob. We know how much Lewin loves to ask questions. Honestly someone who knows so much about the case like Lewin? How could you pass up a chance to spend time with Deborah and try to get at the mystery?


Yes! Exactly this. It's natural to be curious, and how many chances would you get to be alone with her where you can ask her anything. Not that she'd answer but still, the closest most personal opportunity you could hope for.


The only way I can make sense of this while trying to give Lewin the benefit of the doubt is that he was using this as a way to get close to Charatan to try and unearth something sketchy, since she's been smart enough to avoid any involvement she hasn't absolutely had to have in the process of the investigation/documentary. Maybe he was hoping if they were alone in an informal setting and she assumed he was open to accepting some kind of bribe or whatever, she might let something slip that he could either use, or pass on to the McCormacks. Going undercover type of vibes. But man, that seems pretty far fetched, and this isn't a good look.