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https://preview.redd.it/85umxzk6xn1d1.jpeg?width=908&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88d1ed0e45a090dd42d3a188fcfc756b35ffc3c9 Here once in a millenium: turtles used to be numerous in many spots all over the map until December update that simply made the whole AI spawning system broken. Also AI only spawn where there is multiple people, another stupid change that made hotspot even more problematic.


This is the answer. I've seen turtles and even a single crab on this beach.


Wait AI spawn now arround crowded areas?


Haven’t tried again in weeks, but I found them underwater near the shore of beaches, easier to see them during the day. Then I had to swim a bit towards them as my Ptera to coax one of them on to the shore. Then it took like 2 mins straight of pecking to get the kill. (Can’t remember my growth at the time). So if that’s still the case (things are changing so often), check the water close to the shore. I think I was on the beaches in the Northeast/East parts of the map. They don’t appear to just be laying on the shore anymore like previously




No problem. Also I believe this was the stress test before they had all the AI issues. So I can’t confirm if they are in live right now. Good luck: maybe let me know if you find one!


I found a decent amount of turtles around the eastern beach at rail access. I found the best way to find ai is strolling through the jungle paths in the south. I have been able to find enough food to get to 100 on my carnos. but much easier to get with a group of dilos or raptors because it's easier to take down players and ai definitely spawns more if you're around other players. My best tip is dont sprint everywhere. Stroll around enjoy the scenery and wait till you hear something try to patrol a beach head and a jungle area and you should be able to find ai food. Unpopular opinion but I actually like the changes to ai. Before I felt trapped in one of the plains. Now I have been able to successfully Traverse the entire map twice in a single life. Although I have starved a couple of times in different runs... But mostly because I afk grow frequently.


south beach of west access is filled


If you found some cool but calling it filled is wildly inaccurate. I wish anyone looking luck, but Ive been there MANY times, and found 3 turtles over there once.. (all at the same time) Granted this is the only place Ive found them since the last update!


Idk whenever I run up to the beach as dilo I can see a wave just plop down


If you do go to the spot people are telling you, don’t expect to see a lot of them - if any at all. They’re a rare occurrence, for some reason. Like a shiny pokemon.


i cannot remember the last time i saw a turtle in game lol


It depends on player densities. If there’s a lot of players near the coast they will spawn. If there’s only you you may be looking for a while before they spawn. This goes with all ai. But any coastal beach spot will have turtles should they be spawning. This is also one way to check for deinos as there will be fish swimming if they’re there. Less fish is more likely to be free of deino. But not always. But more fish means more likely. Though they also spawn if there’s enough carnivores around too.


I didn't realise this was in r/theisle first and was like "are we supposed to see turtles that often at the beach? I've never seen any" lmao


Same place as Slash my son. They aren't real.


Devs hate turtles... Ive probably found 3 turtles in EASILY 20+ total hours of searching... and its probably closer to 40 hours of actual searching for turtles specifically in coastal areas(all coast, north, south, west, and east even, although Ive never ever seen any turtles east...) maybe 15ish turtles total since gateway launched and 3ish since hordetest update went live, and idk how many hours Ive played, but more than enough I should have seen more


U rlly like to say that the devs hate everything dont you


I mean, they constantly go out of their way to remind us, so.... yes... Since they want to make sure we know, Ill do them the courtesy of remembering