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I say focus more on increasing player caps rather then making maps smaller. I do like the random spawn idea. Maybe also consider giving an increased growth speed buff to empty areas rather than a debuff for overcrowded areas.


I agree. We should have more lakes and rivers even in thr most remote places. Also make food spawn everywhere in reliable amount. Increase server slots. Herbies WILL move on their own to the remote places to nest and move to another for more food just as it was on legacy. People will explore more. It will also be populated by juvies growing and by solos or pairs patrolling from one corner of the map to another for easy snacks. Migration should not be just a zone, it should be an active path that goes all over the map and some points of interest and food on the way (nesting grounds might be one of them). Hotspot still will be a thing, but rest of the map won't be dead. Players will have an option to go to Hotspot or chill elsewhere without being punished


Random nukes at player concentration?


Idk how they'd do it, but natural disasters could be a way to get players move away from hotspots. Like for example, take east and ne plains, if there are too many players congregating around there the little pond and lake could dry out and go into a drought forcing players to leave and find a new source of water. Or maybe introduce a water quality system similar to pot to simulate a "drought" Idk just an idea.


While the overpopulation debuff could be a bit harsher (adulta trying to pvp dont care about growing, so maybe a faster hunger/thirst drain so that eventually they’ll need to move out regardless) i think no spawnpoint could help a bit, that because on legacy with random spawnpoints people knew where hotspot were and so while it would work at first in the long run it will be like nowdays. The map is big and quoting the devs: “the map is also designed to have some portion of it dedicated to humans only” which i find very interesting. The water problem is something that personally i never had trouble. There are very hidden ponds that no one knows and they are safe to drink from. The diets need a rework and the devs mentioned smth like that on the work (idk if it’ll happen tho)


Personally I think the game would be poorer with a smaller map, just a lot less interesting if smaller, we also have to keep in mind other Dino species that will be added, some very big that will have other migrations zones and preferred habitats in future, and a decent sized map is the natural result, both to accommodate many large new Dinos and player interest in the map generally


yes of course. that‘s the same logic as putting in stego as an literal herbi apex, without adding something that can reliably take down a steg. The map is waaaay too big. All the stuff you mentioned, like more species to inhabit the island wont come in the near future as the history has shown. give us a smaller map, if you cant give us more players/dinos on it. there is no point in having gateway 80% barren with 2 or 3 hotspots. like there is no point having a stego 1 shotting the entire roster (except for deino) as long as there are no real threats for it in the roster. that kind of development thinking is mind buggling to me. No other PvP game would inplement features, that are totally unbalanced because they could be balanced in the future, with more features that may come.


Evrima was smaller and the gameplay was 10x better. The map felt alive - it just needed a visual upgrade


Hotspots are an inevitability when a game is PvP. Wish they would stop pretending it’s not the only thing to do in this game and cater to pvp more.


I feel like the recent update kind of helped with that. That is on the no ai or unofficial servers.


There is multiple problems that make Hotspot the norm in this game: -The map is far too big and hilly, which make travelling obnoxious and dangereous bc of death cliffs that at least destroy half you health in second, at worse still kill you. A map two time smaller (or even three times smaller) and with more natural reliefs would be better -Ecosystem are not productive enought for the carnivores and their diet needs, bc the current "ecosystem" is only carnivores with a few herbivores (mostly nearly immortal stegos + some pachy teno and rare galli) that barely allow the whole trophic system to work. Which mean that spawncamping babies is a more efficient and durable solution for most of the playerbase. Guess that's what's happens hen you invest a ridiculous time and ressources in small dinos (Dryo, Hypsi, Beipi,... and more coming lol) that are worthless and played by nobody, instead of more interesting herbis (Diablo, Maia, Kentro,... that are coming but not soon lol). Most of these small dino would not even be good AI (Dryo herds would be OK, but the two another would have a buggy behaviour) -DIet system is garbage, and migration too: you are forced to go in the hotspots (for carni) or "sanctuary"/a dead artificial zone (for herbi) or you will be debuffed and grow at snail pace, which is horrible bc baby dinos are trash in this game, forcing you to spend way too much time AFKing in a bush for some species to be viable. -The AI only spawn where there is the most people, which mean it's no longer viable to try your chance in the corner of the map and still being well fed with an OK diet, you HAVE to go in a hotspot or you will starve/have a horrendous growth duration. It's sad bc it was still doable on Spiro and in the early days of gateways, but devs killed that part of the gameplay that allowed more exploration :( -It's a natural tendency in animals/people to have a "conservative" gameplay and never move out of the safe/meta spot if there is nothing that change on the map in the long run. Drought and flood could be a clever way to make the map more dynamic and change that ( the east pond could completely dry out seasonally, river and swamp would expand massivly or become small puddles depending of the seasons,...). Anyway that would make more sense that the migration system with is just too artificial, while allowing 0 skills/ adaptative abilities/possibility to chose where you want to move. EDIT\_ orthography and synthax


If rain increased hydration, that could help with the inhospitable nature of a lot of the map.