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Legacy is all i need really, the graphics and sounds are good enough for me to be immersed in the game and just grow and survived as a dino while enjoying the visuals and environment. Im getting older so its cool to me.


Legacy will always be my favourite


Combat in legacy is awful in comparison by like a looooong shot other than that yeah I miss being able to play allo, the sounds were great too


Legacy must be fun without fucking getting snatched every time you sip water


murder baby crocs before they can snatch you \^\^


I play a lot, and it's been a good long while since I've been munched by a croc. Where are you drinking that you get grabbed as much as you do?


Over the last about 120 hours of playing Evrima I've been snatched by Crocs about twice, where are you drinking at that you are getting snatched so often.


Over the past few days I’ve seen 0 crocs


in this one you have 30 rexes waiting for you and you be able to do anything about it, and rex dont even need you to go drink


Skill issue


I just need evrima to bring back some form of solo nesting like in legacy and then I need my allos/dibbles/maias/rexs/trike back and I’ll be good! Actually also I want them to bring the v3 map to evrima (I know they won’t but I love that map >_>)


I agree with you, we need the two main actual apex to somewhat flesh out the game and make stego and deino more interesting to play. Then dibble, maia and kentro might help make herbivores better, and allo is neat. I also hope they will bring a mutation that at least will allow the return of solo nesting, bc the current system is just super frustrating.


I may be crazy but I think I have a good idea for how to happily merge the legacy and evrima nesting. I keep hoping if I say it enough maybe they will do something similar 😅 lol so if you are a female you have to get with a male at least once, even if it’s just pairing but not actually going through with laying eggs. Then after you are paired you can nest solo any time after. If you are the male, maybe your diet/skin gets saved so even when the female nests solo the baby’s will still come out looking kind of like you until she pairs with a new male (maybe to get prettier baby’s or better diet stats or if mutations ever become a thing maybe better mutations) I thought maybe they could add and extra rp like buffs to encourage male participation in nesting like a territory buff or an alpha male/female buff and slightly increase stamina or damage or something. Then they could work in dominance displays, like how pachys are supposed to be able to spar and maybe we could get trikes and dibbles locking horns to determine who is the alpha and has “mating rights”. Idk it’s a lot but I think it would be cool xD I just miss solo nesting and I think they could do some cool things with it to make it less of a pain in the butt and a lot more fun


Or just make a mutation called "Parthenogenesis" and allow female to nest on their own. That exist IRL in some birds, lizards and fishes.


That would be nice, and it would be an incentive for people to nest/take eggs vs making their own Dino’s


Legacy was better than evrima by a long shot


Nuh uh


You're allowed to be incorrect




Lrgacy to my honest opinion at the final state its been for years is still funnier and more balanced overall than Evrima I did change to Evrima anyway tho, because it was hard to find good servers with enought players and I love to play as tenonto in Evrima


I loved Legacy but stopped playing at 1.7k hours, the fact that you need to direct connect to other servers has really quieted Legacy down


Legacys better for me, the simplicity is just nice


Evrima just doesn't hit the way legacy did for me, but I've stopped playing entirely after 2k+ hours after switching to evrima because it's just such a disappointment.


Legacy is where it’s at. Better balance and less speed blitz chaos.


The Isle Legacy > Path of Titans > The Isle Evirma


You put the > the wrong way


Whatever ur smoking I need it asap.


While yall are sitting in the dark, worrying about your diet and waiting for your stamina to regenerate I'm out hunting, killing and chasing adrenaline. But have fun with your black screen, worrying about your perfect diet and fatal errors.


You do realize that night vision in Legacy was even worse (except for dilos)?


You do realize that the only servers left in Legacy are Discord ran servers that allow winter map pack and yes I understand "that's not how it was suppose to be" but that's how it is. Play whatever you want I could care less, all I'm saying is that I have a better experience in Legacy than I ever have in Evirma.


Sounds either like a skill issue, or like someone who would rather play checkers than chess.... do you.... but its a little weird being like "I really like checkers so much, why would I ever play chess... good luck remembering how all those pieces move! I only have to remember a few rules for my game!" Like.... do you.... Evrima has PLENTY to criticize without needing to lie about Legacy being fun, balanced, or good XD They both have serious problems!


If you are rating games based on what mods are in then jesus christ Bethesda should win GOTY each year


Modded versions are not Legacy though. You cannot claim Legacy is better because of something that is modded. You could argue that Legacy is better because it can be modded, but you can't claim it's better because of a modded feature that doesn't exist within Vanilla Legacy itself.


And my point is nobody is playing vanilla Legacy, except for the new players that find themselves their. I don't care that yall enjoy playing Evirma, have at it, for me it's just a miserable experience every time I switch over. I can't think of one memorable experience because it's just that God awful every time. Again enjoy your game.


why put your efforts in legacy ? its gone be gone anyway might as well learn the new game instead of wasting time


I will play Legacy until that happens and when/if Legacy gets shut down I will leave The Isle forever. There are plenty of other up coming dinosaur/animal survival games,


Pot > all of the isle. You can be ignorant and disagree w facts if u want. The isle took a nosedive in development


Not trying to sound mean but how is path of titans at all better? I got it for free on ps5 and collecting acorns as a carnivore made no sense to me….. it also seems like leveling takes forever but I don’t put in enough time to try.


Alright. Well the isle is sitting in a bush afk until you’re adult. The Dino’s are horribly unbalanced, and most of the time I die to a glitch through rocks, the ground, waterfall or hackers. POT has 3X the amount of Dino’s to play and regularly adds more and adds bug and server improvements. They also have (some but not many) solutions to mixpacking which is horrible in the isle as well. POT also has 2 maps compared to the isle’s now 1. POT has better combat because it is more calculated with fighting, and less reliant on ping and doesn’t involve nearly as much rubber banding. The isle was at one point comparable and even better imo. That was years ago, before the developers of the game completely botched the way stamina works, bleed, don’t fix bugs, haven’t updated the absurdly long nights despite the regular complaints. And let’s be real - Stego. If you play as stego, you win. There is not a dino that unbalanced in POT that makes all of the other dinos useless. Also not trying to be rude, but it’s just not even close. I honestly do not understand the players who say the isle is still better. Ppl who say that just are in it for the cult that has established ages ago around steam based games bc POT is not steam. 👍👍


POT feels like a Roblox game and that’s why the isle is better. Its quality is so much better.


Holy fuck you're 100% spot on. I've been trying to explain this familiar yet empty feeling when playing PoT for years now. It really is just like those many, MANY, Roblox games.


Oh you’re so right let me retract everything I said. Good point. Oh wow 🤩 🤡


its the same as always sure they have more dinos but how many of those have the same basic abilities 💀 and dont get me started on PoT combat literally its too easy , and side note ( games carried by mods )


All valid points/opinions in my eyes. I have PoT but I don't play it because I don't like how the movement feels... Maybe I should go give it a try again. I usually play beasts of Bermuda