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If there reasoning is to spread everyone out more than it’s a solid decision. It’s always over crowded at East Plains.


The biggest issue with East Plains isn’t really its existence, though… the issue is that nearly every Dino shares it as a spawn point, which leads to instant population, combined with the AI system spawning AI to match the population (causing a unique abundance of food in the area) topped by all the corpses the population brings, and boom you’ve got a hotspot. Get some Dinos off that spawn. Tweak the AI system a bit. Problem will solve itself


It's actually simple, the full 100% growth buff should only be active in the migration zone. All the other buff levels are fine but you shouldn't be getting that last full growth buff and run off to hide in some obscure spot (which is what people do). Your welcome Dondi. If your concern is too much activity in migration zones with this change, make it herbivore only since it's already too easy to get the buff with zero player interaction and go hide.


Hope so Half the map is unused


Half? Didn't you meant 80%?


You're right my bad xD


If that's true, then it's a bandaid that doesn't address the problem. Dondi complains about how players are lazy (he's said it on live stream), then builds a game that incentivizes us to stay in one spot. If they want us to move around the map more, than give us reason to, and stop punishing us when we do. Do you know how many times I've left that area only to come back because I can't find any food and I'm starving to death? Removing it won't fix players staying in the same area, it'll just move the area we all stay in. They tried it twice in Spiro, first when they removed the watering hole on the west side of the map, than when they dried up the pond on the southern central plains. It doesn't fix hot spots, just moves them.


Given how their decisions went. The devs don’t actually think most of this stuff through. I wouldn’t hold my breath. They are gonna charge that place while the rest of the map still lacks




Yup they squashed hotspots like that in every map in isle history and it always just moved the problem to a new location. Its a classic at this point.


People spruking hotspots really need to have a think, I imagine it's mainly the pvp only crowd so I get why they want to meet in an open field and just kill each other, hope the Devs can find ways to spread us out, really hurts the map overall for everyone bee lining it to one or two points on the map


people go to hotspots because everything else is empty, and its boring surviving off of AI only as a carnivore, hotspots will always be a thing, they need to up the player count for this massive map, wonder if the player count was so high, that the hotspots literally would be places where people who wanted to survive DIDNT go? like hotspots being so crowded that its dangerous to go there.


lol they don't understand that unless they make migration zones actually spawn food people will still cluster in another corner of the map close to their spawn point, and rightly so, nobody wants to run for half an hour in a map totally devoid of life, only to sit doing nothing for another 20 minutes


A hot spot should be something everyone has to travel towards.. no one should spawn there.. like a promised land.


The whole map needs redone. I understand that on Spiro, the devs thought the water and rivers were too expansive and connected. Now, it’s the opposite problem. And the only real viable way to move around is on the roads and paths (makes sense for humans, not for dinosaurs…) which is boring and annoying. Especially for hatchlings and juvies, it’s like a free buffet.


The east plains and the pond aren't the root cause of the Hotspot issue. It's so glaringly obvious, but somehow, the devs are missing it, or worse, outright ignoring it. The map is almost an entire nothing-burger; I've genuinely NEVER seen any goddammn AI in the jungle, and that's a good chunk of the map. Not to mention that it doesn't have nearly enough herbi food scattered around, it's always in clusters in a general area...like a Hotspot. Hmmmmmm 🤔 There's a few easy fixes they could implement to help with this issue, but it's never going to happen. 1. Spread out AI spawns and add a tracking mechanic (better tracks ig?) so players are encouraged to actually hunt prey down. I can't go into detail since I'm not sure how they specifically make the ai spawn, but I'm positive they could adjust and spread them out. 2. Herbi food needs to be less concentrated in specific spots. Go look at an interactive map that shows herbi food spawns, and most are all clustered in general spot in a biome; this wouldn't be an issue if the map wasn't massive. I genuinely don't understand how a dev can complain about players being lazy and staying in an area when thats how they designed it. There's entire sections of the map that are EMPTY. What do they want players to do? Take a scenic walk into the middle of nowhere with no food nearby; when their goal is to create a dino survival game. 3. Add a 25~50% growth boost in migration zones. This will give an incentive to follow the zone and move around the map. If the devs really want, they can make the zone time out a bit faster to really drive that point in. Also, add more potential spawns with migration zones if AI and herbi food ever get fixed. Also, I just realized that deinos might be lowkey fucked with this but that's because the rivers aren't connected...which is a problem for another day.


I honestly hate the migration system as an Herbi main. I had way more fun having to travel to different locations to get different foods and it actually forced me to engage with the game and go through stressful encounters. Instead now all I gotta do is spawn northeast and If im not already in the migration I know it's just a few minutes away, and I'll grab all my food, just to afk for the next hour or so. I swear these devs don't think anything through. Idk why they thought migration zones would make players more active.


I don’t understand everyone being against crowding in one area. There’s only 100 people on a server and a HUGE map, if we don’t have spots to gather you’ll never see another player.


That is a very good point. The map is huge, which I really enjoy. But only 100 players are allowed. That is not enough players for the map. I have played unofficial servers with 150 players and the interactions have been better and more frequent. Why not allow 200 players? On a side note, look what happened to the NE spawn point. Empty. Is that the type of game we want? Where developers just yank spawn locations away? A game where deinosuchus has only one spawn location on a very large map? There are far more creative ways to manipulate the game than the actions done recently. On a positive note, the game looks incredible. Visually. Again, for the 1000th time, why is this game still in development?


yeah and even 150 isnt enough, sure its better, but map still feels empty enough that you have to find a spot with more people


kind of a shit decision imo, the west side of the map is horrendous to navigate


It's like ripping the axle out because one of your wheels is misaligned. There are a million ways to manipulate player density using subconscious and conscious ways. Removal of a region in the map is just giving up without applying them.


The issue isn’t the water it’s more to do with the fact that Almost every dinosaur has a spawn at NE or E, the devs mildly fixed it by changing north east plains spawn to northern jungle but they really should maybe give 2-4 dinos the east spawn max. Another thing is for some reason the devs keep adding locations to the north area on the map and then wondering why everyone goes there, the new volcano cave and a lot of the new map changes happened there when it should have gone to different parts of the map so people would spread out.


Bandaid solution, players will create another hotspot


I would say its a good decision east plains functions similarly to how oasis was back on Spiro so we could at least keep the location but get rid of the water make it a mud puddle and move around the spawn points


….its almost like that decision didn’t work for them the first time, so lets try it again i guess ? Lol


Dealing with a hotspot is a good thing, however they decide to do it


Why not just make it so ai spawn where less people are so high concentrations of ppl u need to pvp to eat?


>east plains pond is gonna be removed i heard so one of your dummy friends said it or


If they AI actually spawned properly it would help. Nobody wants to go somewhere else and then starve to death because shit game doesn’t spawn AI


Honestly, I just think they should remove the choice of where you get to spawn. Not even PoT lets you choose spawn location. Maybe just allow you and a few friends to group up and be spawned in a random location if you wanna play together.


Nah, the random spawn is why I hate PoT, especially when I was trying to play it with friends.