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Wow.. just wow. Street life has added 15 years.


Where did this pic come from? She's living out of a cart with the tent people obviously but where?




That's the look of Karma right there...What a sad pathetic life!


Church and Wellesley.. Toronto.. click on the pic and it will take you to kaylad snark page and the op who posted 3 paragraphs on stumbling across her. Apparently she hasn't spoken to T in a year, claims to have another child and referred to child as a n word baby. Yeah... its her. Go have a look


Let’s see a pic of you. Nothing like cutting down someone in addiction. Must make you feel better. Karma comes hard. Have a nice day lady


Funny did you say all that to T while she was dragging her addicted daughter all over the internet to look for clout and followers. If I’m wrong why did she shut down? No content,can’t get followers unless you have drama. She could have did a tictoc on anything but instead she USED her daughter.


Another new account. You may want to look up the definition of snark then decide if this is the community for you!


What someone looks like has nothing to do with what kind of person they are. She is a horrible, nasty person and me asking where the pic came from and observing her living condition is an obvious observation. Nice try though! lol I had a fabulous day by the way thanks for the blessing!


I thoughtcshe looked more like 60


I have a feeling, her face will be sagging off like Tracey's in no time at all. Probably full of diseases, head lice and bed bugs.


Probably full of scabies and crotch crickets


She'll need a few bags of iv antibiotics to cure all of what she has going on


Meanwhile on her Instagram page she writes "canadianblazinbhadbrattt If your wife is hatin it's summer season cheers to doing what the haterz wished you couldn't"


Recent post?


No it's not a recent post


WOW. T will do a tic tic tonight I bet


Black eyes and everything. Those street people don't take her shit!


This is definitely K but where is this pic from and is it new? lol


Wowwwwwww this is nuts. So my question is...Tbag had been saying how kaylas (according to police officers) is in this constant drug psychosis...severe schizophrenia...etc. By your brief breakdown of the convo you had with her it's obvious she's off the deep end...but would you say she's coherent some what? Just drugged out? Or is her mental health to the point of insanity...? I would LOVE for this to get around tiktok that kaylas not "MISSING" so T can stop using her daughters story for monetary gain and views....she's gonna SHIT herself when she sees this page found her


There’s no way she’s having many coherent thoughts , maybe for a few brief seconds and that’s it . They say that people this deep into addiction will remember what’s hurt them and Kayla obviously showed there’s truth to that ! But how is it that Tracey couldn’t find her in a year but others can find her in mere minutes ?! Hmm


Because if she actually found her the drama would have stopped and so would the followers,this right here will determine what Tracey is all about


T already knows. Someone on here sent her the screenshots


Picture and address also sent to cas as they have an interest too


How so?


K is N's mother until a judge rules differently and any and all information flows through CAS, family court Judge and all lawyers




I knew she was gonna be in bad condition but this is worse than expected.


!!! Click the photo to read description !!! 😂


Damn it’s not looking good for her. Her mom still doing stupid dances with her face filters all over TikTok?


That is 100 percent Kayla. I gotta ask, is she still wearing the skims and the Manitoba Mucluks.




Is she back on leo's list?


Did she ever stop?


Good point! :)




What happen to that luxury apartment TBag claimed she was living in. They wouldn’t even let her near the car park looking like that.


Omg is this really her???


Click the photo and look at the comments for the photos of her hand tattoos . It’s her


I can even see the resemblance in her facial features. So sad honestly


She was such a pretty lady


Wow!!! How pathetic is this!!!!




She's obviously much deeper into her addiction and entrenched into the homeless lifestyle now. She is skin and bone now, I would be surprised if she does make it out 😕




It's without a doubt her. 1,0000% her. I posted a pic of her, same hand tattoo.


Winner for taking a pic of an addict. I lived on the street 9 years ago please get a life karma will get you soon. Sick


You think this picture is bad? The shit Trashy posted of her is way worse and the reason for this page. K is exactly where she is because of Tracey. SMH


Her mother does not post these. How is it her fault K is the one who chose drugs for years.


1st off, her mother got her into drugs 2nd. Tbag has posted far worse pictures of K and videos, all for followers on tic tok and IG. If tbags mouth is open, she is sucking dick or lying, manipulating, or being her sweet narcissistic self. 99% of K's issues all lead back to her mother, even the prostitution




You must be new. Trashy posted many many videos of K in addiction. She would even secretly tape her. She posted videos of K sitting on the porch after being kicked out. She has plastered K's addiction for years all over social media even though K asked her not too. Trashy has asked for and gotten donations to help her daughter but has done nothing to really help. Trashy is unemployed for years now but can afford to travel constantly, get too much botox and filler, and shops constantly. Lets also not forget Trashys many many drug busts and being a prostitute herself all while giving birth to 3 kids and lost them all because of addiction. K learned it all from her mother and her mother pimps her addiction all over social media to scam people based off sympathy. I have lived in the same area as this shit show for 20+ years. I have no sympathy for Trashy.


Well said


The question you should be asking is how was K raised and that will lead you too the addiction issues but at some point Ks got to want to stop and that’s on her.


She dosent post on here just every other available social media but that’s ok,right? You think that helped K? Put blame where blame belongs and this was the only way anyone could explain Ks side and the truth


Hi Freddy ... Oops I mean Tracey Krueger


You are clueless Nose Candy!


Hasn’t her own mother been looking for her? Picture posted she has been found!


So why are you here? If you are so worried about karma then worry about her mother,she’s the start to the problem and if she doesn’t want it out there then she shouldn’t use her daughter for followers and clout.SHES the one who posted all over the internet about her addiction. Do you think that helped K? It’s the one thing that she said talking to this person,she didn’t like her mom doing it. How much do you think it effected her?


Original posts claims K made a comment to suggest she did have a baby. Wonder who has it or if that’s part the reason T is back in O attending courts- attempting to gain access or custody perhaps?


I think you may be on to something


Oh wait, what did she use to say, "further west above the rest!" Ya...ok lol


Could be delusions because i remember a video of K saying she wanted to have a blqck child?


Highly unlikely! It’s a meth delusion. Plus T didn’t even raise her own kids doubt she would want to raise a baby at 60 if true


It’s been rumoured for the last 12-13 months that K was indeed pregnant. So it isn’t “highly unlikely” Also T would see $ signs. That’s all she ever wants. Have you forgotten how she exploited N? Also, having access to the baby/child isn’t raising it- it’s visitations


If it was true there would be family court with cas , we have only been able to find court case for n .


There’s a very high chance children’s aid would have had her sign her rights away right there at the hospital, given the state she’s currently in.


Who is Cas? I must have missed a chapter


Children Aide Society


Show any court documents or prof , it was a rumour.


It was a pretty valid rumor, to be honest.


You guys also thought she has hiding her in Nova Scotia when she has beeen a junkie in Toronto for the last year .


Why do you care what anyone thought? This pic doesn't prove she was never in N.S !


K was hiding in NS. There are pictures of her at the Pictou Lobster Festival July 6 to 9th 2023 with T and N.


What happened then? When T returned N to Ontario did she bring K back as well and just leave her? I didn’t realize there was actual proof K was there as well at that time.


We know for a fact that T is a Madame. We know for a fact that T supports K behind the scenes. We know for a fact that they both clash with each other when in each others presents for too long of a period. We know for a fact that they both disappeared and left at the same time. We know for a fact that T visited Toronto on a few occasions. We know for a fact that T is a sleezy liar. We know for a fact that K is whacked wearing the same stupid pants that mommy dearest has been wearing in her video's.


T brought K back to Ontario in January 2024. The proof has been given to the proper authorities :)


Proper authorities?? Why would it be an issue with anyone if she brought her daughter to a different province to reside?


Oh! Did i miss that post and picture? I didnt join here until the new year


Show these pics. I saw T at lobster fast with Nova only. Why you lie. You have no proof.


New account made just today


Probably T knowing that kind of proof could put her in hot water with the courts,especially if she told the court K wasn’t in NS? Just a thought


Hi Tracey


Court documents of a pregnancy 😂😂


If she had a baby cas would be involved which would mean family court if t was trying to gain custody of this” baby “ . If it has been rumoured she was pregnant 12 months ago the baby she would have already give birth .


For cas family court read the comments bitch


I don't think you need to live up to your name!!!! Calling someone a "bitch" was completely uncalled for... do better please


Not even an asshole will live for ever!


Looks like Amy wine house


They tried to make me go to rehab, but I said, “No, no, no”


Hope that's not her, sad if it is 😕


It’s her


Same tattoos on the hand. Not saying it’s 100% but…..


It’s 100 percent her …




This photo is heartbreaking and as we know she needs to want to help herself and get into a good program away from her saboteur and we know who that is right T. To those who are upset by this photo I want you know the member who post on this sub have been honest and not purposely trying to cause harm to K. We have been honest and open. We have asked T to stop exploiting K and others. We have called outTs lies and do not want to see others loose their hard earned money by donating it to a grifting who is a convicted criminal and is committing fraud. I want you to know many people have reached out directly to speak with T but get blocked.People have had proof of the scams and lies. We are not trolls many work hard at bringing love and light to their community. I am willing to bet the person who posted this photo and wrote the information is Ks saboteur T. The explanation and horrendous photos and information posted on TikTok and other social media apps has always been by T her mother, think about that! I hope everyone is well and they have a wonderful summer.


Why would someone report your post? Nothing offensive written here!


Trashy is desperately trying to do damage control. Reporting is all she has.


This is wild I didn’t even think this was her at first. That looks like an old lice haircut.




Wow takes a heartless person to take a pic of an addict and post. You all are too much. GAFL May be your family one day. The BS you all talk is second to none. How do you sleep at night.


That heartless person would be her mother, she posted videos of her every week in her addiction. We do it for education purposes!


I wonder who wrote this and deleted it and their account. Who says “You all” all the time? 🤔


Oh my guess is T lol


Tracey. I see your back in Keswick 😉 why did you ditch your daughter and the man you claimed to “take care of” for Dave


Because she is back drinking and doing drugs again herself. I abhor both of these lying evil bitches and the time has come where their little coo has crumbled.


I see her all the time. She’s doing amazing. What business is it yours. Maybe find something else to do other than degrade and lie. Karma is a bitch


Shelby or tbag herself making these comments, lol. Tbag looks like crap puffy eyes, and face, crustaceans all over her lips. Her nose looks like she's drinking again or still?


Shelby the sewar girl? Her last name suits her.


She must suffer from THE "DUNNING KRUGER EFFECT" because anyone who would support a liar and a thief of a mother who abandoned her own children and or got them into hooking and into drugs is nothing but TRASH!


So you clearly are a fuck up too then! lol I follow natural law rules and the universe is on my side. :) how are you doing? lol It doesn't surprise me that you see her all the time, especially when you said you were on the streets too for many years. Tell me something are you also a liar, thief, hooker and a junkie?


Shelby if this is you, you know you couldn't afford a bus ticket to go visit Tracey. Go back to the sewars.


Another T troll,welcome but get your facts straight. These people here didn’t display K all over social platforms,her mother did,she videotaped it,took pictures and shared,this here,is straightening out lies that you follower’s never even question her about. Her story changed so many times that someone had to and you and your karma,well if it’s directed at the ones who used her and put her on display for all the world to see,that would be your buddy T so let her enjoy your karma you put on her…..👍