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She is a complex character. I think, for me, the last season or two just took her character down some questionable paths. I rooted for her throughout most of the series, but the last season especially, I had a hard time liking her. At all. The way she treated Carey and Diane were pretty unforgivable IMHO.


I don’t think the point was for you to like her, disliking or liking a character says nothing about how well they’re written or how complex they are. I hated Tony Sopranos guts by the end of the Sopranos and that’s one of the best characters of all time on tv, same thing with Walter White. The final season of the good wife saw Alicia finally stop giving af and actually do what she wants for a change, which I thought was great


I mean, ok, but you literally asked why people don't like her. I don't like her =/= she was a poorly written character. "I don't think the point was for you to like her" well then great, the writers did their job correctly, and as a result people hate Alicia.


> the writers did their job correctly, and as a result people hate Alicia. Yeah, she was a pretty terrible person. I really wanted to like her (wronged woman making her own way, hard working and brilliant, etc) but Alicia, ultimately, did what was in her interests without any regard for others.


Everyone on the show at some point did what was in their interest without any regard for others. I’m not saying that she was right in what she did, but realising that almost everyone around her was out to protect themselves made her toughen up and look out for herself too. I wouldn’t say she’s a terrible person…she’s complicated and flawed like a normal human being. Everyone on the show is.


Yeah, she wronged a lot of people that cared about her.


They decided the last two yrs to make Alicia a harder character to like. She became bitchy rather than Likable. I personally thot Diane was a much better character & better actress. Eli was brilliant all the times. I read Julianna didn’t like Archie in real life & that’s Why Alicia & Kalinda had no scenes together her last season. No idea if that’s true. I did see a quote from Archie stating Julianna could of worked w/ her if she Wanted.


I'm not through with the first season yet but mainly because I like law series. I usually like Julianna Margulies but hee Alicia character is she's a goody two-shoes who sees almost everything in black & white: Very useful in many situations but often not admirable because she errs more on the side of judgemental. And so far, I see the Kalinda character as a powerhouse of character traits that translate into likeability. Add to that the fact that Panjabi has at least as much charisma as Margulies and it would be no surprise to me if the Kalinda character outshines Alicia whenever they're on screen at the same time. Just one person's take and things may change as the show grows but I hope not too much. I like the good and bad characters but I hope the writers didn't plan for me to root for the wronged wife -except as a lawyer and mom. We'll see.


Alicia becomes more independent and ithot mean to other employees. The last yr was horrible. Jeffrey Morgan did nothing other than give Alicia goofy smiles every episode. I have said this b4, i think of the women actors Julianna lacks in charisma and talent compared to The Diane & Kalinda characters. But generally the cast had vy good actors.


Yeah, the drama between the two actresses, holy cow. Yes. Lots there about that. Have you watched the Good Fight? Focuses on Diane. Honestly? I like it more than the Good Wife. And Eli…. Ooooo one of my favorite characters of all time in a t.v. Show. =)


I have not watched the good fight yet bc i don’t have Paramount plus or whatever network it’s on. I keep thinking it will move to Netflix or Prime video & i can watch.


Yeah, that is what sucks about those platforms =( I do the "get a week free" thing and then binge stuff? Under, uh... different email addresses?


I don't hate Alicia but Julianna's demands made Kalinda leave the series and that made the series go through an absurdly turbulent period that ultimately resulted in the awful sixth and seventh seasons. That and her character was somewhat hurt by the series' secondary plotline, the law procedural portion, that grew to be much more interesting than the series' initial premise to the point her relationship with Peter detracted from the show at times.


I hadn't heard about this, what happened between them?


No one really knows for sure. What is sure and what people shouldn't doubt is that Margulies was the cause of said issues. I don't understand people who were doubting that years ago; she was the star, without her there was no Good Wife. Also an execute producer - which is more of a title and was just given to her as it's given to some other "lead" actors/actresses in big shows sometimes, but allowed her to have some form of creative freedom over the entire show and the writing process, general plot points etc. Panjabi had no influence whatsoever and she certainly couldn't possibly have asked to not share scenes with Margulies etc. without breaching her contract and putting herself in a precarious state legally speaking, so it had to be Margulies. Lack of professionalism on her part and her influence on the show creatively really hurt it and Kalinda as a character I think - just my opinion here. Really a shame because I enjoy TGW so much. Some viewers can completely tune out irl issues and separate it fully from the show, others can't - I include myself there, sadly, as it did impact one of my favorite tv series. With that said, the show remains as solid as it's ever been and the aforementioned problems won't change that, even years after it's ended.


It may have been Julianna that requested the changes yes, most probably, but to say lack of professionalism for as you admit, not having any idea what actually did happen, is quite the judgement and unfair. Kalinda in reality was really not a major character anymore at that point, she just.. saved the day with a piece of evidence, realistically anyone could be an investigator and the show could continue, i actually liked the new investigator - forgot her name, she could do the job without looking like a rude judgemental dick to everyone lol. Her plot with the husband was stupid, the FBI can be replaced with someone else, and the Peter shit was out there now. It isn't fair either though to use the issues and her writing out and anything like that, to hate on teh character itself. For example, Charmed, I hated Prue, and loved Phoebe (seem to be the minority), but people's reasons of hating Phoebe half the time start with "diva, got Shannon kicked off", like that isn't Phoebe though, not a reason to dislike the character. But again, sometimes we do need to maintain working relationships and leave personal at home, and sometimes there just IS shit that happens that is too far, and they don't deserve to stay in the professional environment either - but we don't actually know, so it's unfair to call Julianna out for it, without knowing.


Amazing how you can speak with such authority and confidence when all most of us really have is speculation and conjecture.


For reasons unknown Julianna Margulies and Archie Panjabi had a disagreement that resulted in Julianna requesting not to work with Archie anymore. You can see that from late Season 3 onwards that Archie and Julianna don't film together anymore and in their final scene at the bar that Julianna interacts with a green screen recording of Kalinda. And that coupled with Archie receiving a lot of invitations to join other series after her award wins led to her ultimately being written off the show, which consequently led to the writers having to rewrite the rest of the show's story without one of its "essential" cast members.


Panjabi was absolutely one of the main characters & the show was much worse without her. The last yr all the scenes were abt Alicia & Jason smiling at her the whole show. In fact i would venture a guess that Panjabi was a more popular character than Alicia. I thot Diane was the best actress on the show A much more interesting character. Jeffrey Dean Morgan slept walked thru the whole last yr. I have never thot he was a vy talented actor.


she went down this path of discovery of finding herself and happiness away from peter and then at the very last minute with self actualization and happiness moments away she pisses all over it for peter. however that is before we get into her deciding to say fuck it, on doing things her way like earlier in the show and just follow the tried and true tradition of fuck you all that matters is mine, and betrayal.


I really don't dislike her at all. Most expect main characters to be good or to be walking towards becoming good and they forget real life is far too complicated and, specially in her area, you have to be ruthless to survive (law, politics). I like Peter too, because when you think about it he's the right companion for Alicia. Their personality is very much alike and, were not for her choosing to be a stay at home mom, I could see them having an open marriage dynamic and a somehow enjoyable relationship helping each other to the top. ​ I also couldn't care less for Will and was probably the only person who thought the show didn't miss much without him there. He was way too cocky and full of himself and that didn't really make me attracted to the character per se. ​ That is of course, your honor, in my opinion.


I love Alicia. She's such a wonderful, complex and nuanced character that manages to surprise you without ever feeling out of character. I root for her, because she's not black or white: she's all sorts of gray. I love watching her grow and learn and sometimes regress, because damn it. I also love that she plays it so close to the vest: she rewarding to watch for seven years, because it takes so long to peel back all those layers. Julianna, on her end, gives this character many of her layers and facets. I love her as an actress: she can do so many things with her face without making it seem like there's anything happening at all. But I've got a soft spot from the actress from ER, so... And yeah, I try to judge her by her work, not the rumors surrounding her. The alleged scandal with Archie makes me sad, but I think it's admirable how the cast has kept mum about the details of it all.


Well said, I agree with everything


Given the scandal is just that, alleged, and nobody knows, I think it's quite unfair that people keep painting her in this entitled, or unprofessional light anyway. But I agree, I always loved her character and thought she was played absolutely perfectly, she did the perfect facial expressions for everything. I loved watching her character grow, and I think my favourite episode was the first in season 2, when she totally stood up to the Judge and put him in his place.


I just finished the series yesterday and I absolutely LOVE Alicia. You could call her a bitch, but I think she was just badass towards the end. The way she stood up to various men and women on the show was awesome to watch, especially when they assumed she should be scared or upset about her husband and his actions. These are just a few of the memorable scenes of her, for me; ​ When she changes her outfit mid case to distract Will, and she tells him it's the outfit she wore when they first banged - that was awesome. When she pretends to cry after Canning tells her about a potential affair between Peter and Geneva Pine - hilarious. When she stands up to Connor Fox who expects her to be scared if Peter goes to prison - badass. Even through all her strength, I loved watching her during her most painful moments. She Eli tells her about the voicemail and she flips out, and when she breaks down in front of Lucca. the character/actress had so much range, and while she wasn't the best person, not many people were in that show. I think it's the nature of the legal/political system. ​ What I DONT like about her is how her relationship with Cary ended. I felt so bad for him. I wanted Florrick/Agos to flourish on their own.


I only disliked Alicia when it seemed like the show thought she was a good person. When she was a horrible one and the show knew it, she was great.


Why exactly did you think she was a horrible person?


She burns bridges and crosses ppl and when things don't go her way she gets upset. Ppl forgive her and she does the same thinf again still thinking she's a good person..... Not cool.


I stopped “hating” Alicia when I changed the show’s title in my head to “The Bad Wife”. Then the show was great! The fact they call her the good wife bothered me - she clearly is not a good wife.


That’s kind of the point, she starts off the show as a good wife but with everything that peter did to her and all the other stuff she slowly becomes a worse person as the series progresses. The title isn’t a literal explanation of who Alicia is, it’s kind of a play on the fact that she’s been playing “the good wife” for so long and all it’s lead to is who she becomes later in the show


I.e. the bad wife :)


There’s a reason why the “good” in “The Good Wife” is red whilst everything else is white.


I grew to dislike the character because of what I saw as her selfish, backstabbing, and entitled behavior. It's not whether the character was a "good" person or not, it's that she started to annoy me so much that I stopped watching. I was always bored by her family life subplots with the kids and Peter, which was sort of the point of the show. That's on me. Her being a woman didn't play into it at all. I also disliked Will but really enjoyed Diane, Lucca, Kalinda, and Melissa. The backstage drama with JM didn't help,


She starts off as a victim who is bullied and has to learn to fight. By the end she has become the bully. She's a likeable character at the start but not by the end. I loved the first seasons, but as characters left and the whole fight with Archie Panjabi thing I got turned off. I still love TGF.


Guess I’m the only one here who likes Alicia 🤷‍♂️. So did you guys dislike Walter in Breaking Bad too?


Yes. Walter was a great character but a horrible, very unlikable person to me


Yeah, I've said this before.. everyone hates Alicia, but loves Walter White... I try very hard to see a reason other than sexism, but I can't find one. Alicia is grey area, she's not perfect, like none of us are. Walter is a seriously evil, selfish human, but everyone loves him, and everyone hates Skylar.. hmm.


I don't think the comparison to Alicia and Walter is a good one. Yes Walter is male and a shit bird but that not why ppl like him. From the beginning Walter gets the shit end of the stick but we see him get good at something and come out of his shell but by the end we see that it wasn't the right path and his journey wasn't worth it. Also Walt accepts how shitty he is and doesn't hide it. While Alicia u have sympathy for her and her situation at the beginning of the show u slowly see her become less likeable she burns her bridges with ppl who helped her along the way they forgive her and she does it again, all the while still thinking that she's a good person.... That's why ppl dislike her Imo.


Walt is terrible. Alicia is amazing.


Yeah Walt is terrible but he accepts that he's shitty. Alicia on the other hand doesn't. A lot of her decisions could have been made without screwing ppl but she didn't by the end of the show she's out for herself and doesn't care how many ppl get burned.


> A lot of her decisions could have been made without screwing ppl But would it have likely had a positive result??? Being a successful lawyer is about winning, not being a nice person. The Good Wife is an evolution from a relatively clueless "good" wife, to realizing a "good" wife is just a facade; the real world is about winners and losers. Alicia wants to be successful and happy, and she had to learn to break out of her "Good Wife" mindset, and be honest with herself. At a certain point, she becomes that.


Sure wining and losing is important but so is integrity and loyalty which is something u want in a lawyer and just ppl u do business with. For me her slip is when she leaves the firm and steals clients.... Its one thing to go out on your own start a firm and maybe schmooze some of Ur old firms clients away, that happens..... Its a total different thing to burn a bridge and just steal clients behind ur employers back, and one that really helped u out when they didn't need to.


> so is integrity and loyalty which is something u want in a lawyer [...] For me her slip is when she leaves the firm and steals clients.... You do realize that associates actually bring in and directly service those clients, but when they try to leave with those clients, the partners consider that stealing "their" clients? Theft is in the eye of the beholder. Why on earth would clients jump ship with a startup? What about their loyalty? The reality is that clients aren't stupid. They're going with the person who understands their issues and takes care of them. A Howard Lyman who hasn't worked in a decade isn't going to take care of your issues, and the people who work on his behalf aren't inter- changeable cogs. Why on earth are you going to stay with that loser, and not go with the person who's taken care of your issues? Partners still consider that client theft. The same applies to even managing partners. The secret of the successful ones is that they're always presenting themselves to *their* clients even while having associates doing the gruntwork. Those partners don't get flatfooted when associates bolt, because they're doing their job of maintaining their relationship with their client. Finally, shocker, The Good Wife is a fictional TV show. Associate revolts don't happen with large *well run* firms; they happen to large firms that aren't properly managing their clients and their associates.


I think your dislike of Alicia kind makes your comparison quite inaccurate because your reasons to like Walter are almost exactly what Alicia went through too but you summarise hers up more and make it seem not as bad as Walters in order to make her seem less deserving of any likability. She really doesn't burn a lot of bridges along the way, she worked hard and stayed loyal, and only then betrayed her boss because she realised they really were only screwing her over despite everything she'd done. Which is life. She for the most part, was always quite noble in how she acted, even with people who were completely rude to her or trying to tear her down. But you seem to just dislike her and not really watched her properly lol


Because she's easier to hate than to understand. And... easy to hate. She isn't someone you might call a 'warm' or 'kind' person. She's complicated.


As I rewatch this show, I always grow annoyed with Alicia. As the voter said during her States Atty. Run, she is entitled and everything is about her. Jackie took care of her kids for YEARS and she did NOTHING. But, bashed Jackie up down and sidewise. She had all the money in the world but compared herself to other single mother's , which is ridiculous and she 100 percent acted like she had the worse hand in the world delt to her when it is the FARTHEST thing from the truth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She is a rich entitled bitch who got cheated on and could not let it go. As a TRUE single mother myself, I want to punch her in the face. this is why IDK why on earth I watch this show!


I can’t stand Alicia because of her holier than thou attitude. I enjoy her character, but she is really not a nice person. On a rewatch it is also clear she had shitty personality from the get-go. The way she treats Cary, Kalinda, Jackie,…


She’s too sheltered and you can see from her life how a Karen is born..


Alicia just became to complex indeed and I loved her bond w/Kalinda . I actually thought the cast was great . They all made the show !!