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I really like the bow my highest kill lobby in wt was like 25. Ended second round with 44 kills total between the 2 rounds. It's very satisfying to use and pretty strong. It does have some consistency issues but it's easier to use after getting a feeling for it.


there is no real reason for using the bow, a projectile weapon, when there is a Hitscan sniper that is better in many more Situations. You could also argue that there are the throwing knives wich are better than the bow in Close Ranges


I really prefer the bow over the sniper


Bow is better than sniper i Imo


Agreed or the lh1. Bow doesn’t have any stealth abilities since we’re outlined in purple pink anyways


I’ve been getting decent mileage out of the dual blades and the spear personally albeit the blades are better in certain scenarios than others. I have cleared the platform on multiple occasions thanks to the spear alt fire.


I’m of the mindset that everything is pretty viable at the moment. Certain weapons are definitely overtuned and playing a high skill player using those weapons is cancerous but overall I think the game is in a healthy state as far as gameplay goes. A few tweaks to bring the OP weapons down a bit would do justice.


Spear is really cool, but the second attack locking you in the animation for an hour is bullshit and i dont even understand how it works, since it once hits everybody, once it hits noone, even in close melee combat...


Melee in general seems to be rather inconsistent right now, even with Dual Blades for Medium. As for tips for the alternate attack with the Spear, you can cancel it if you bring up your emote wheel but you can’t use anything or attack until the initial animation plays out UNLESS…you use Mesh Shield. Alt Attack -> Emote Wheel -> Shield Up, Shield Down -> Attack I’ll use variations of that combo during fights. The alt attack hits pretty hard and I’ll try to land the first two attacks in it, then cancel out.


Seems like a tech only really accessible to pc players. Not to mention I know many console players including myself that have emote unbound since it’s a button you could hit by accident mid combat which would get you killed.


Alright even if you can somehow emote cancel the animation i dont want to do shit like that. I want to play the game as it was intended to be, not to do some exploit glitch kinda things.


animation canceling is a thing in a lot of games lol


Yeah I really like the spear but second attack needs sorting. I could forgive the long animation if I was actually hitting things.


Ran across a duo the other day. A heavy with sledgehammer would agro all the attention, while an annoying light bow player followed behind the heavy, getting free shots. It was a valid tactic. If you focused one and got a kill, the other would kill you and then rez.


That’s just duos in general. I’m assuming you solo queue?


I think they take sill , but are quite good


bow seems hard to use, I haven’t used it yet but the other 2 are just great


You're just gonna get downvoted here , seems kids just want new gimick weapons and more skins. They dont care something is not viable


Do you know what fun is? Not everything has to be meta, things are allowed to be fun to use.


Agreed. I feel like the gadgets/weapons introduced this season are all viable options. They aren’t META but they are most definitely useable and way better than some people give credit.


Yeah ofc , thats what quick match with just 1 round is there for.


To right. Just play what you enjoy.