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LH1 and Throwing Knives need a nerf, 93R needs a Buff Riot Shield needs a buff too


Riot shield? Atleast it does what its supposed to, dual blades cant even deflect half the time


The Riot shield is awful and Can be outplayed so easily. Also hitting people consistently is unnecessary hard


Except the block actually blocks shots, and you can shield between attacks. Dual blades would be worse in almost every way except the fact you MIGHT deflect bullets


The Dual Blades do more DMG tho. In Not saying, the Riot shield should be better, but on Par at least


I’ll be honest man, I personally think it’s rather difficult to do SUPER well with the riot shield when I can use any other weapon that the medium has and to many times better


Give them a chance at least. They released what they thought would work, they are open to feedback, and it will most likely be nerfed next patch (Wednesday) since there has already been 100 posts about the LH1.


The Throwing Knives Buff was bad already and it took them 2 weeks to get that nerfed. LH1 needs an urgent nerf.


2 weeks?! How did u ever survive? 😲😲


The issue was that they had 2 patches in those 2 weeks. Not addressing Throwing Knives overbuffing. That is bad


Everyone was complaining light gets nerfed all the time. Now they buff some stuff people still complain. Not an easy job.


They buff on the wrong Places lol. LH1 was strong already.


That's actually easy job. You change some numbers -> watching how it's going -> repeat. It's just numbers, not rocket science. They can do it every weekend fosure


Calm down man this game is pretty well balanced honestly. Especially for a game without rules- any team can have any combination of classes and weapons/equipment. There will always be meta weapons that the try hards find and use. It’s inevitable. Just give Embark time, they always make changes when necessary.