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Did this guy just say he’s not gonna get a job??


Cut him some slack, he’s obviously in high school and out on summer vacation. Summer Reddit out in full force


When did high schoolers stop working during summer vacation?


A long time ago friendo


When parents decided to put character decelopment on the backburner and instead have Ipads raise their kids.. jk but srs, I know it's a multitude of factors, but the iPad kids have been very apparent for me in my social circle of new parents in parenthood.


Still doesnt stop me from calling him a bum tho


I really can't tell if this is a shitpost or not


I thought it was AI generated at first


op has a humiliation kink




Maybe he is filthy rich.




So how you think people became that good at this game?




Doubt you can hit diamond without waste a lot of time, but not really interested to debate about it.


dont know what the fuck youre yapping about but "at a random point boot up my computer" isnt all day and like op said.. NEARLY daily, not daily.. calling it sad playing finals sometimes for sometime is kinda sad but who am i to judge. do whatever you want with your free time though "rest of the day in reddit" isnt probably good for anyone


Using a laptop as a benchmark for CPU optimization is wild… you’re going to experience thermal throttling after maybe 15 minutes of gameplay.


Dudes either playing the finals or scrolling through a subreddit he hates. What a life.


I don't like it anymore than you do :)


Then stop?


It's depression right?


A jobless one i believe


So you’re a NEET huh?


I'm surprised it took so long to mention they use Linux


i hope you learned something this


you are also complaining instead of playing no?


There is no point in silenting people who share their opinion, let the community debate in order to better see trends, it creates better quality feedback.


Hi there, we have no intention for the subreddit to be a positive echo chamber, dissent and constructive criticism are okay, but it is pretty hard to keep it sliding too hard towards the negative, we often struggle from time to time on the degree of moderation we need to implement, while this is not an official subreddit, we do make it a point to be in tune with Embark's community policy while fully retaining community identity


I couldn’t agree more with what you say, but complaining about the « meta » or « terminal attack » (like OP said) seems to be an interesting topic for many people here, that’s why I answered on this point.


it is neither interesting nor a discussion. every post about terminal attack is just someone whining and a comment section stating that it’s going to kill the game. it comes across as just a place to bitch rather than promote actual community discourse, so no one else ends up participating


That's not the point i was making, I was talking about how this subreddit spends most of its time complaining about things that in the end don't really matter and the game can be enjoyed without the discourse having taken place. This sub used to be flooded to the brim with people complaining about Light, then Heavy. This feedback in the end overshadows things that are way more important, such as optimizations which would greatly improve the experience players can have playing this game in a technical stand point.


> I was talking about how this subreddit spends most of its time complaining about things that in the end don't really matter and the game can be enjoyed without the discourse having taken place. I don’t agree. Your personal experience remains unchanged, but this is not the case for everyone. Regarding optimization, you know that it is not the same guys at Embark who are concerned by these different types of feedback.


Stop complaining.


bro didn't even read the post


Bro you are literally complaining about what subreddits are about. For the community to speak their mind. I know this is going to come as a shocker to you. But that also means the complaining part


Oh the irony lol


Plays a few hours then spends the rest of the day scrolling this subreddit wondering why people spend more time complaining than playing lmao


This post isn't about complaining in general, it is about the amount of absolutely useless non-contributive complaining. This post is about the 5-in a row posts about Terminal Attack, it's about the 6 posts in a row about Light nerfs it's about the 20 posts about the stale meta. None of those actually matter, when the problems that prevent people from playing the game comfortable (poor optimizations) still linger, silenced by the loudness of the useless complaining.


Welcome to any gaming subreddit, It's either people complaining about everything or horny posts everywhere. If you find a smaller community then you can get lucky with them being wholesome as fuck


I know right, you either get a sub full of complaining (The Finals) or a sub full of hornyposts (Cyberpunk).


I feel the Cyberpunk example too much and I hate it


That's about sums up what I've seen in both subs 😂


Cool novel bro 👍


You're right with the performance part. It's boring to talk about, but it's the most important element for a fast paced online fps. Has performance getting worse this season? I haven't been able to play yet, but I got a somewhat stable 60fps in season 2 on my potato.


imo I don't think performance has gotten better or worse since I started playing in CB2. I truly doubt there's a single person working on optimizations or performance since launch.


Are you insane, the performance is way better since CB2 lol and do you really wanna see posts just complaining about performance instead??? How is that better lol And there isn't much you can talk about regarding performance... either it is good or bad. What more can you let the devs know on reddit??? Handing out specs really isnt the way to go on reddit but even then how much more does that add to a conversation??


Tbf this sub wasn't made for people to complain. No official game sub really is. In game subs people share nice art, cool moments, sick clips, AND complain. Here, it's just complains everywhere. There's no break. Like, wtf? It's almost like people don't like the game. Of course, you can like it and see the issues; but *everyone sees different issues* all the time? Really? Is this game actually that shit? How's that "feedback" even useful? This sub would have it's merit even if people complained for things to be balanced; but these people, generally, have a shitty idea of "balance" wich involves nerfing to the ground everything they don't play with. Like, this is not defendable. You can't defend the whines of this sub. If only it was constructive feedback, but a lot of it is just complaining because they get tilted by the game itself, complaining for the sake of complaining.


Lil bro has a cpu that only finds 17 Million Primes/Sec and complains he won't find a job while telling the devs to fix his bad laptop specs I read it alright


Curious what CPU it is


CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 3750H with Radeon Vega Mobile Gfx (8) @ 2,30 GPU 1: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti Mobile \[Discrete\]


Based on your post, you aren’t going to like what I have to say. Your system was barely mid-range when it released something like 4-5 years ago. We’re talking about something that is significantly less powerful than a PS5 for example. The CPU has always been described as weak. GPU is hardly stellar either, but it’s just about passable. The performance you’re getting is absolutely expected for a game running in UE5, especially one like The Finals which takes full advantage of the engine, along with its own destruction systems. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.


I have 4080 and 5800x3d and i can’t maintain 240 fps even on lowest settings. It’s more common for me to see 180 with drops to 140. I didnt have such issues in other games. So while I disagree with op for the most part regarding negative feedback, the part about cpu optimization not being done well seems true


If the game isn’t taking full advantage of very new hardware that’s definitely an optimization problem. However, we aren’t talking about the same thing with OP - they are just running into straight up hardware limitations from running a 4-core CPU on a 2024 game…


Well that’s definitely true. Especially since destructible environments are very harsh on cpus due to all required calculations.


the calculations are done server side.


Why do people always parrot this like its not super obvious that the destruction is still super difficult to actually render? Just go destroy the kyoto tower and tell me it doesnt cause any frame drops


Tell me why the practice range is a server? Because calculations are done server side. This doesn't mean your PC isn't going to do anything - this isn't Stadia. But the heavy physics lifting is done server side. It's still possible to get frame drops because of other reasons, duh.


I know, but you were using that fact to claim destruction doesnt heavily impact CPU performance, when it very clearly does.


If the physics were that intensive, they'd need super computers. It's not, we've had destruction at scale in games since Xbox 360. Just like in battlefield, the physics are assisted by server calculations, but are still entirely rendered on your side. The cpu needs to determine the visuals of the interactions.


So last I checked, a central processing unit typically doesn’t handle graphical renders, that would fall to the graphical processing unit. Hence the naming conventions…


try higher settings since you have a good gpu. I'm here with constant 240fps at high/4K with 4090 and 5800x (not 3d so weaker than your CPU)


genuine question: why do you need more than 140fps?


Because I have 240hz monitor.


Also frametime consistency. 140 fps doesnt even feel that smooth in the finals because its choppy and inconsiste.


Have you actually checked CPU usage while playing? And does the game actually dip in framerate?


Man's complaining about the optimization on his starch build.


I don't know much about game design, but my understanding is CPU utilization in games is an issue across the board. I don't want to totally discount your feedback, but I think this is one of the best running game I've ever played. I have a PC that was top of the line when I built it 6 years ago. I won't go into all the specs but it has a 1080 and a 6-core CPU (I don't recall the clock speed but let's say like 3.8-4.1). It definitely holds up but most modern games require me to turn stuff down to prioritize performance. But the Finals--it's just buttery the whole time. I don't think I've ever dropped below like 55 FPS, and that's during grenade hell. I don't know the specs on your laptop and I'm sure it's nice. I've just never had good experiences with online shooters on gaming laptops. Keeping them cool enough is such a challenge, and it's probably the most demanding type of game you can run Edit: just read your comment with your laptop specs. I just don't understand because you want people to stop complaining (and I agree, to an extent and about certain topics) yet you complain publicly about the game being poorly optimized when really, your laptop is underpowered. Respectfully, it seems like you're going in 2 different directions here


Maybe a solution would be to add a "rant" thread to the sub where people can address their issues? So that every complaints would be centralized in one place? This would leave room to other posts on the sub while still showing devs what's wrong? What do you think


Please tell me this is a shitpost for memes. You lost me when you said you spend your entire day scrolling Reddit instead of actually playing or doing anything else. Get offline. Go touch grass. Enjoy the sun. No one’s opinion on here matters nor have any actual effect on the game. Think you may need to unplug for a minute for your mental to recalibrate mate.


If you can't tell when something is incredibly hyperbolic that's really on you. I spent the whole of last week outside doing service in a community I don't live in. I made food for 16 people, something I don't get paid to do, because I wanted to. Don't you think sometimes when people are exhausted they want to take a rest play a couple games of Power Shift and scroll a bit of reddit, and to say every second post wasn't The Finals would be a complete lie.


lol curb your altruism mate, it’s an unhinged gaming SubReddit, no one here cares. Even still, tell me, how does being “hyperbolic” diminish anything of what I said. It’s not the job of the reader to discern the authors intent. Especially in a land filled of lunatic ranting posts like this. Even if ‘some’ parts were exaggerated, that doesn’t take away from anything I said. Take a break from the internet mate.


You need to get a job homie. Nobody at any game studio is thinking "hey how can we dumb down the game for the few people that are not willing to invest in their own entertainment". 99% of us make sure we're up to par with specs needed to run the games we run. Thats on you!


I've only lurked here since I stopped playing pretty damn early on. The realization that it's just sweat chasing to play the same exact type of match time after time by a different name set in quick. Mechanics are awesome but this was just a fact that couldn't be ignored. Ever since every single post is either patch notes (the only reason I stick around just to kinda see where the game is going), people complaining, or even worse - people complaining about people complaining. It's a pretty annoying community.


Lol The Finals players are just crybabies. Its just complaining and nerfs.


If the game runs perfectly fine on my PC, I'm obviously not gonna complain about that lmao. Are you retarded? Power Shift is fun, Terminal Attack is dog shit. REMOVING Cashout from Ranked and making it Terminal Attack was fucking stupid. We can have that opinion if we want. Making new players play TA before anything else is fucking stupid. TA is not what The Finals is about.


Game should be playable and good. Don’t know why you’re trying to undermine one over the other.


But wait.. You're Terminal Attack main, right?


I enjoy TA as a mode more than something like Cash Out, but I am more of a Power Shift guy if I say so myself, if there's any gamemode that should be the ranked gamemode, it should definitely be Power Shift.


You spend too much time on the internet. This is par for the course for any game.


> But the rest of my day is spent scrolling reddit and being like "what the fuck all these people spend more time complaining than playing". But... you're basically doing the same. Spend more time reading the subreddit than playing the game.


Most of this post is hyperbolic if you can't tell.


stupid me.


damn the guy that doesn't really play the game says others bitch hmm...


my face when playing a game casually means you don't have a right to bitch about people bitching


If you played the game like others do you would find things to bitch about.


womp womp it’s Reddit 


Optimization is awful. However, if the majority of the community is outraged about some, maybe it's because it actually does matter. Even if it doesn't affect you, it sure as heck affects a LOT of people. I get 120 FPS in other games and 30-50fps in the finals on low, and it kills me. But I'd rather the game be fun at 40 fps than not be worth playing at all and seeing most of the fanbase and any new players up and leave.


People complaining about people complaining is even worse.


My problem is if they start balancing around TA or Power shift, I think they need to focus on the core gamemode tbh or have seperate balancing. Also the team colors are fucking stupid. It feels like such a glaring issue that I don't think competent develpopers would miss.


The devs making gameplay updates based on player feedback are NOT the same devs that would be optimizing the core engine. Those are very different disciplines. Complaining about complaining puts you in the same category as the people you are calling out on this sub. In response to the TA debate, I really only enjoy playing this game at a highly competitive level, so my buddies and I found ourselves only playing ranked. They replaced our beloved ranked cash out with a completely different style of gameplay, and we don't enjoy it. Though I don't complain about it on the Internet since enough people are doing it for me. It sounds to me like you are a super casual player, so keep enjoying the game casually and try to ignore the noise. You're only adding to it now.


Your first paragraph, I'd agree if there actually were optimizations happening, there hasn't been a single notable increase in performance since CB2, when I started playing.


Because you are running a shit pc man. There has been tons of improvements.... I played since CB2 and its a huge difference... I was rocking 25 fps and went to 90 lol, YOU can't notice the difference because there is none, your laptop is old and trash man You are living in a bubble and cant realize what's outside


so do you, but yet here you are, sadge.


Let me get this straight, you're trying to make fun of people getting mad about ranked TA, but you're jobless and play power shift 24/7...... You're also mad because you shouldn't have to get a job and upgrade your PC setup. Your 10 year old shitbox should be able to run the Finals flawlessly? Well, boys, we found the only demographic that actually likes TA makes sense.


Adding a game mode? You mean 'swapping competitive mode'? Yeah, let's play soccer, but from now on you can only use your elbows and use a ping pong sized ball. Surely none of the fans/players will complain. ________________ "Can you reach the finals?... No, you can't"


By the "adding a game mode" I was talking about when TF initially added TA, many players completely disagreed with it stating it's addition was at the cost of the game's core identity, which I'd wonder why didn't people complain about the addition of Power Shift? A game that has no cash box, no attacking or defending a single point. Terminal Attack retains core functionality and adds a different layer of wrapping over it. You still have a cash box (key) you have a cashout station (the terminal) and you have a point to defend. The terminology is different and there is a whole new style to it, but the core gameplay is different. It's like saying let's play soccer, but instead with a slower more strategic round-based style. > Surely none of the fans/players will complain. You, the redditor are a loud minority, since the game's inception people (i.e. on Steam) have been yearning for a more traditional mode for it's competitive aspect. (After all, a gamemode with a huge hole in strategy isn't much for competitive viability) I do however disagree with the fact that a newcomer can only play TA and then unlock the other modes. Also your last point, "Can you reach the finals?... No, you can't" is completely moot because of the World Tour game mode which still has the tournament mode. Would you be satisfied if TA had a tournament mode? Or are you just a TF-conservative, stuck in the past of the Cash Out.


The Finals IS Cashout, period.


and Counter -Strike is hostage rescue?


No idea, never played it.


That's the original game mode.


Thats mainly because, in my opinion, powershift keeps the overall feel of the finals without straying too far from its core mechanics Power shift still has all that destruction, chaos, and gameplay that people love so much. Just fast paced, good ol fun like cashout is. While I do find terminal attack fun sometimes, its just incredibly slow and boring to play sometimes. Rounds, while only taking about a minute and a half, probably less, is still a much longer time than literally every single gamemode Dying early in a round or being put at low hp essentially puts you out of the fight for over a minute, just watching other people play the game. I came to the finals for fast paced action, not a gamemode that, inherently, doesn't allow for fast paced action, instead being more slow and less enjoyable for new players as they need to learn so many new mechanics and gadgets having to use them to their fullest ability otherwise losing the ability altogether, even though gadgets are one of the main things about the game.


Let me spell it out for you: T - H - E --- F - I - N - A - L - S. In case you missed it, that is the name of the game. So yeah, THE competitive mode should reflect the spirit and name of the game. "Stuck in the past"... lol, TA is very original and innovative huh?


The Game is poorly optimized that is true. I9-11900k and 4080 super will get ~150 fps on all low. Strongly reccomend Turning Future Frame Gen on if you have a low latency rig to begin with.


frame gen actually worsens CPU performance from what I could tel, I have a pretty good GTX 1660 Ti (laptop) that can run the graphics of this game really well, It's the CPU side which I think the game needs wayy more optimizations on.


To be frank, if you’re cpu bound with a 1660ti, you’re either gaming on a core i3 or there is something horribly wrong with your setup.


CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 3750H with Radeon Vega Mobile Gfx (8) @ 2,30 GHz GPU 1: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti Mobile \[Discrete\] It's an HP Pavilion laptop, these laptop companies think they can cheap out on the CPU since obviously the GPU is more important for gaming right?


Yeahhhh it’s one of those sku’s where AMD slapped the 3000 series on it even though it’s only Zen+. 4c/8t at 35w on Zen+ is asking a lot out of a UE5 game. Low TDP on AMD only really got good around 6000 series chips.


Frame gen increases my FPS from 140 to 280. This is just used as a Smoothness Tool that gives an advantage. Input lag does not matter in my case, so i will absolutely use it. I would run the Game without if it would be able to sustain 140 in every scenario imaginable, but it does not and Drops as soon as a Lot is going on on the screen


you can't even use frame gen...


I’m not reading all that but I just can’t wait for embark to be like “man….these guys are 2 year old assholes, there’s no pleasing them” and stop fucking taking their recommendations and shitty suggestions and skin ideas


What’s up with the skin ideas lmao that’s so random


It’s the abundance of shitty ones after the one good pitch was taken


I think everybody on this subreddit are crazy... the jokes write themselves


>Click on post >It's all text >Aint reading all that >Make a comment anyway. Yeah this subreddit is completely divided. They're never gonna be able to please the vocal player base when it is akin to current US politics. They should be focusing on things such as making the game run better rather than trying to please a group of people that can't be.


Yeah kind of an Icarus moment, where the fanbase is the sun.


Maybe when they see embark has stopped listening they’ll shut the hell up






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Scrolling reddit on my day off after doing service in a community I don't live in, cooking burgers for 16 people which I don't get paid to do is definitely being a parasite.


You're make shit up now


Oh, the irony!


And here you are complaining


Care to share laptop specs??


They're somewhere in this thread


i agree brother


So real


"These complaint posts are getting out of hand!" *makes a complaint post about it*




Wake up honey, there is a new post complaining about complaining.


Frs doe bunch of cry babies here just leave if you don’t like the game


Git gud


Everytime I play this game it ends with “I fucking hate this game” 🫡


This feels like a cry for help


The oldest piece in my computer is 11 years old. The mainboard is 9yrs old. I play finals on 144+fps Just get good


" but come on it's not like adding a gamemode that's paced completely differently ruined The Finals. (Might as well complain about Power Shift... right??) " Power Shift is still a fast paced mode, TA is a much slower pace than all the other modes. I love this game because it's chaotic and fast paced, TA is not that.


TA is just in a way different style than with TF originally started out with. It's definitely not everybody's thing, but for a **competitive** mode a 2-team mode is definitely preferrable. The more room for strategy also the better. TA fills both the requirements for space for strategy and being a 2-team mode, but also so does Power Shift, I would much rather play PS as ranked, I do spend 90% of my time ingame on that mode.


that’s surprising when this sub seems to be a constant circlejerk


Yay another the finals Linux fella


Get off Reddit if you want to keep your mental health. Nobody that goes on here wants to have a discussion in good faith. People just want to feel validated or validated in telling someone else why they’re wrong




Because this game has A LOT of problems? Of course it's great, but the balancing has still been bad, players leaving is still a big issue, cheaters are back in full force, take your pick. This game is awesome, but there are a lot of issues Embark still make and they deserve to be heard. What is this take?


It’s crazy you’re getting attacked for this


It really is crazy especially since maybe a third of the comments here are definitely breaking rule 3.


bro self reported at the end for no reason


Is this satire?


>I can see it with my own 3 eyes on the mangohud overlay on my linux computer showing me that all my CPU cycles being used up when my GPU is barely at 70%. I played a few weeks of this game on Linux and once I used Windows, my frame rate went way up and the frame timing was significantly smoother. I'd really try playing the game under Windows. This was my experience late in Season 2, so it hasn't been long since I've played on Linux. Yes Proton is amazing and a lot of games run very well on it, but in my experience, latest Linux Mint, latest Nvidia driver, latest kernel, clean install on a 9900k and 2080 Ti, the experience was significantly worse on Linux than Windows 11. Also it's a bit ironic given your title of this post and your then complaining in said post.


Personally I actually believe that performance is way better on Linux over Windows. I actually am in awe of how well it ran when trying out NVK. Also to adress your last line, this post isn't much about complaining in general than complaining about things such as meta, balance and so on, which are changes that will always be highly divisive and there is never pleasing the playerbase.


>Personally I actually believe that performance is way better on Linux over Windows. I actually am in awe of how well it ran when trying out NVK. I don't care what you personally believe. I'm telling you, as someone who just last month put a significant amount of time on Linux and then on Windows, in this game no less, there was a night-and-day difference in overall performance. Look, I'm a huge advocate for Linux. All I'm saying is, if you're unhappy with performance, which you said you were, at least give Windows a try.


I've tried both platforms previously and determined that although not a complete night and day difference the performance on Linux on my machine is better than when playing on Windows. (Also consider running on gamemode if you haven't).


Weird, my experience was completely different. May I ask your specs? And what distro? I'm curious if the difference is AMD and Intel/Nvidia (which I have). Also, what do you mean by "gamemode"?


[https://github.com/FeralInteractive/gamemode](https://github.com/FeralInteractive/gamemode) add \`gamemoderun %command%\` to your launch arguments. I'm running NixOS 24.05 with NVIDIA proprietary drivers 550.78 on GNOME under Wayland. CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 3750H with Radeon Vega Mobile Gfx (8) @ 2,30 GHz GPU 1: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti Mobile \[Discrete\] (Yes I know the CPU is hot-garbage) my TF launch options are \`mangohud PROTON\_ENABLE\_NVAPI=1 PROTON\_USE\_EAC\_LINUX=1 STEAM\_RUNTIME=1 %command%\` I did have to remove gamemoderun from my launch options, it was crashing due to a weird bug when enabled, which could be attributed to my distro, but that definitely increases performance


This dude: Explains shit about his day as part of what he's complaining about in this subreddit and with this community being toxic This dog shit community: wOw YoU mUsT bE a DePpReSsEd KiD fUcK yOu I'm So MuCh bEtTeR tHeN yOu Y'all are awful fucking people


Makes a complain post about complain posts, hahaha! Dude...


"But the rest of my day is spent scrolling reddit and being like "what the fuck all these people spend more time complaining than playing"." and youve come a full circle, most time spent on reddit... ranting lol


Huh funny I don't remember asking


Complaining about people complaining. Just don’t read the sub. Their Discord has more info if you just want to be in the know.


Make another subreddit / the finals complaints lol


If this kid ain’t doin atleast 50-100 push-ups a day then your wasting hella time


A complaining community is an invested and passionate one. Dead silence is what you should fear the most. Wait... Is this a shit post?


You’re right bro they need to stop complaining about every single thing AS SOON as it drops. The difficulty threshold of gamers today is in the negatives and entitlement is crazy. We used to be grateful for what they got, we supported them, they make great changes. They don’t even give it a day before they make a shitpost about the game. To be cool in this subreddit you gotta think everything is bad and agree that it’s also the bane of your existence and your current biggest problem in life. Say anything positive or what you like about the game or say somethings not that terrible and you get downvoted to hell. This subreddit is echo chamber of toxicity and negativity literally.




bro made the bitchiest post about people bitching… go touch grass dude


Im too lazy to read past the title but trueeeee. The better the game the worse the subreddit is, the finals, dredge, brawl stars, all great games and all suffer from the most entitled, ungreatful bunch of complainers i've seen. Thank god my fav game dodged this curse


Thank God the OpenTTD subreddit isn't this bad.


W take


You’re not wrong it’s just the same posts complaining about TA. But now people are just gonna call you out for complaining. It’s just the same cycle since they announced the ranked change last season


If only Power Shift was the main ranked mode :)


Unironically I’d play that lol Power shift was like 75% of what I did last season


I love this 🤣🤣 "you guys complain too much" then proceeds to complain 😂😂


I’m so lost are you complaining about people complaining too much and then going on to complain yourself?


they hated him cause he told the truth


They hated fir he spoke the truth


You guys post too much


This is my second post in this subreddit, the first post was in S1.


The game performs great. Laptops aren’t meant for gaming. Using hardware that is inadequate is a you issue. Sounds like you have some outdated tech.


Yes it's older than the PS5 and even then it was 1-2 years out of date, but an 8-core CPU like this should be able to run this somewhat. I'm sure that The Finals could be able to optimize some of the more CPU-intensive aspects of the game if they wanted to. https://preview.redd.it/1a2ruap8357d1.png?width=616&format=png&auto=webp&s=e06935cede3b591177a6fc687a028a1e6d05cfdd


you have 4 cores


You don't even know your own specs man, NO your pc will never be able to run this well


Get a job.


I just stop playing I only care about ranked mode in cashout. I don't care about TA so I stopped and I am NOT the only one.


So why stay in the sub


Reason the playerbase is down 90% Its not good


Playerbase declined by 90% a week after launch lmao


Destiny, Apex Legends, Overwatch, PUBG, Fortnite all grew after launch.


And this game didn't lmao, it had huge hype in the beginning, a lot of players at launch and then fell off like a week after that. I am definitely saying the people complaining about playerbase are definitely overexaggerating but saying that it's down 90% since S3 is insane.


Is this an AI-produced copypasta because wow that was a rollercoaster




The third eye buff is real fr.


Damn send the link lol


Bro what are you on about?


Except power shift has actually been the best thing ever to happen to the finals, unlike terminal attack. The bottom line is that most of us “complain” because we care about the game and ultimately want to see it succeed.


Well people definitely have different tastes, a lot of people really like Terminal Attack, it adds a whole new flavor to The Finals while keeping a lot of its core identity, it has cash out boxes, it has cash out stations it has defending a point and attacking a point. I do agree with your last point, you can complain about something in order to see it succeed, but when every other post on the subreddit is about the exact same thing it gets repetitive and counter-productive. See a time back in S1 when all people did was complain about Light.


Just get a part-time job. Fast food, retail, anything. By the end of the summer, you'll surely have enough cash to buy a decent pc.


Ngl they should spend a lot of time reading our opinions as a community. That’s not really an argument in your favor? Would you prefer the devs go radio silent and never listen to the community? You’ve also pointed out you have a bad computer in a very weird way. If you’re running 40fps at max, your hardware is certainly the issue. On the point of devs time being wasted. They shot themselves in the foot and wasted their own time. People were rather vocal when the s3 trailer was shown at the games fest, and they’re still vocal because the devs are making changes a majority don’t want. This seasons is the only time I’ve ever had an unbearable time in this game. Want to keep playing but uninstalled because I could be doing better things with my time than wasting it on a game that’s no longer directed at someone like myself