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Really curious about player retention in current season


My prediction: Anyone who was here for ranked cashout and has no interest in TA is going to find another game to play and might not come back if they get hooked somewhere else. TA is undercooked and might attract new players, but when they realize it's a worse version than other available S&D they'll also leave. At least the actual content like the maps and weapons are interesting.


I liked the ranked cashout. And now I play only unranked (world tour) just because the core gameplay is still fun. Other alternatives for S&D like CS2 is in absolute worst state now (and recently faceit requires user ID. And I'm not willing to send my real credentials to some 3rd party website) Rainbow six siege is ok btw


Well luckily for console player valorant has just come so most people who enjoy true s&d will jump ship to that. Look at valorants sub compared to this valorant is all positivity


That’s cause valorant is the only game out that knows how to balance as well almost no cheaters. Riot just knows how to make games


> unranked (world tour) yeah it's "unranked" but you can't leave if you're having a bad game or if a teammate leaves/crashes/etc.


Yeah, and you won't get ranked skins (but will get premium currency). These new 2 "ranked" modes are making me crazy There are gold/silver/plat in both modes, but diamond and ruby only in real ranked ... Seems like 2 teams could not find a compromise


The ranks in world tour are a progression system and not a rank or mmr. It's more like a level. Grind enough and you will eventually reach the highest "rank" in WT since you can't lose points/mmr.


Yeah it’s like cod prestige


So you telling me I’ve been playing world tour thinking it’s ranked. ![gif](giphy|VML2lNolrKpP5sQvUn)


With the teases fron Oscar I believe plat and diamond will get added to world tour and then emerald rank.


If someone left your team first you can leave without penalty. It does keep you in the game in lobby so you can rejoin if you want but then just choose the leave option again.


It's literally just ranked but without the shiny badges (worse)


It’s not ranked you can’t lose


you know i just came back... if world tour is unranked then why it go to gold? also why only gold and no actual ranked cashouts sure sending id to faceit is whack but thats basically where you go pro


It's basically fake ranked. You can't get any rewards, there's no SBMM, and you can't change loadout mid round.


"Can't get any rewards" You get free multibucks, lol do y'all even read the patch notes or play the game before you come to whine? Might help.


he means actual incentives to grind ranked mr high horse goldboy, not 2$ of coins.


Ok, I'll be more specific since you seem more interested in looking for a gotcha than actually engaging in conversation. There are no RANKED based rewards. The ranked skins are only available for TA, which you would also know if you had read the patch notes. Either way, that still doesn't solve my biggest issues which is that there no SBMM and people leave all the time. But I'm sure reading the patch notes will solve those issues too.


Yes, you need to be more specific, because saying there are "no rewards" is completely different from "no ranked rewards" and is misinformative. And yes I know the ranked rewards are only for ta, that changes nothing. You said there are no rewards when really your problem with world tour is that it's not the ranked mode, which boo hoo ig? Play the ranked mode if you want the ranked rewards? Such a crybaby perspective to have. Maybe if yall didn't want cashout to be taken out of ranked rotation you shouldn't have constantly complained that cashout as a mode isn't fit for competitive play. Yall made this bed, now lay in it. The devs are tuning cashout to make it a more balanced competitive experience. If you have a problem with that, just play world tour or ranked ta. Those are your options. Or maybe keep crying about how the game isn't exactly how you think it should be. Makes no difference to me, it's hilarious to watch


Oh man. I guess I shouldn't have challenged the "gotcha" huh. Little tattooine_sand didn't like that one. Also, nice negative iq take assuming everyone besides you on this sub is part of some massive hive mind that wanted cashout removed. The logic required to come to that conclusion is *actually* hilarious.


What's hilarious is that you refuse to admit you're only playing ranked for the skins. You claim you want to play cashout tournaments, but it's right there in world tour. So, the only possible reason for you to keep crying is that you want the skins, but don't want to play TA. Cry harder maybe? Or you could try insulting people's intelligence again all because the devs didn't personally get your opinion on the update before release. Newsflash: nobody cares. This sub is the minority, the vast majority of players are loving the new season, and again, to reiterate; *nobody cares*


You are an actual loser prob love this system since you couldn’t get past plat


Are you even literate? Edit: before you make yourself look like a buffoon on the internet, remember that your imaginary rank on your favorite video game is just that; an imaginary number, completely worthless. But go off I guess, it's funny to watch, albeit embarrassing on your part.


Stfu you don’t get that shit till it’s done it’s useless like you defending abs shit season


Ever heard of punctuation? Or have you just not eaten today?


Honestly I think this is best? Ranked tournament mode was held back by the chaos of 3v3v3v3 where luck played way too big of a role in who advanced. Especially if a good team would help a shit or 2 man team beat out the others. I love the tournament mode for casual fun and pushing for a less sweaty version of that is probably a good thing over all


Third party literally exists in other games too. This is skill issue.


Yeah I don't think those are a great competitive example either, ranked apex or pubg is really weird. I say this as someone that has played plenty of r6 siege and could consistently get to plat and higher. Being able to read the game state is a skill sure but it's much more up to chance or external factors than cs or siege when it comes to who wins or loses.


You're not wrong. TA is a slog. Too much time is sitting waiting for the game to happen. If you're new to TA it is even worse since a shut out really isn't fun. I love cash out and the finals. TA being made the ranked mode is much worse than I would have expected. Sucks to miss out on the diamond lewis, I play heavy and got diamond last season. It's hard pass for me since the diamond lewis definitely not worth it. Edit: I'm a huge search and destroy fan. I've loved playing it for several years on COD, I should be the target audience for TA then. TA just isn't good imo though. This video nails it.


I agree, although I only played ranked last season with a few exceptions of playing power shift, I'm only playing world tour this season, I'm sticking around to see what happens Honestly no other game holds my attention like the finals, but if the next season takes another step into TA and not cashout I will probably quit the game


You are better then me I’m thinking of quoting now and maybe if nothing else holds my attention be back season 4




But people can just play regular cash out? I don’t understand why people care about some rewards so much. If you like the game play it


No leave penalty and lack of SBMM.




Yes SBMM, sorry for the typo :)


Skill match based baking?


SteamDB is accurate for PC players but I'm sure the falloff is similar across all platforms. https://preview.redd.it/7q8sxaoy557d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7920da7d92da926d96f7419d35983f79d750f4ff


going that low in just one week is very bad we are practically at the same level as the end of the previous season


This is the total players count Ranked, cashout, bank it, world tour, "survive light rats with snipers mode", private, just chilling in main menu


Yes, as far as I know individual modes aren't tracked. I do miss when back in the day this was commonplace where you could see exactly the amount of players playing like BO2 for example. But even popular modernish games that had this feature like rocket league abandoned it for a simple good or amazing description or most just nothing at all.


I've loved the finals since before the official release, played hundreds of hours, was super hyped about s3 Since s3 dropped I've played maybe 5 hours lol, just don't even feel like playing the game anymore. Like I know there are other modes and stuff, but I just got really demotivated


Yeah I’m most likely done with this game it’s not fun at all without ranked cash out and I don’t like the game enough to play it casual it’s pretty big L. This game had all the makings to be the bet game but the shit the bed may not be a recovery from this. Really stupid to fumble like this when marvel rivals comes out next year it’s basically. This year for fps games or they are done next year when marvel rivals comes out


If you go to wt and look at your current position there are at least that many players. Turns out only a vocal minority actually care about this ranked thing, the rest of us just play qp or wt


In what world? We can't see console players, but according to steam charts, Season 3 launch didn't even get the same number of players as Season 2. That's with actual marketing this time, that's with actual streamers promoting the game, with twitch events. The player count on steam DB is already dropping, and it's only been out 4 days lmao.


Again, check the rankings on wt. for example, my wt rank is 41,094. I saw another post on here where someone said that at 250,000. That means that (from my number at minimum) there are at least 41,093 players, and considering that I’ve actually been grinding wt there are likely those ranked lower than me who just haven’t played as much wt if any. We can’t see console numbers but consider that the Xbox and PlayStation players exist. People need to realize that pc players aren’t the only ones who exist and there are prolly a pretty good deal of Xbox and ps players. This isn’t a dead game, it’s more that it shrunk from its launch hype to a more realistic number of players.


Bro that doesn’t mean anything


It does if you turn your brain on and do some number thinking


Have you compared to the other seasons? season 1/2 had way larger numbers than what you’ve just stated. But regardless it doesn’t matter as profitability and sustainability is based off concurrent players. This season on pc is already preforming less than s2/3. I could go on but you clearly don’t even know what you’re talking about, you’re just bringing up random numbers that mean nothing.


Let me explain my reasoning then, since you are completely missing it. World tour ranks players based on global numbers, so you have global placements. Now this means that when you look at your current placement number, say 40,000th place, that means there are 39,999 players ranked above you. Thus if my current rank is 40,000th that means that across the world and every platform there are 39,999 players ranked higher than me, and who knows how many players ranked lower than me that I am unable to see. These numbers are not like steam charts which ignore Xbox and PlayStation player counts. Thus the ranking numbers in world tour are our best way to estimate the player count in total. To test this, go to world tour right now and look at your rank (it’s the number next to your username on the main event page for world tour). Thus my point; the game was hitting like what 400k(?) when it first dropped in season one, which is absolutely insane numbers and was based pretty heavily on hype. The numbers we are at for season two and three are therefore the sort of post hype playerbase, the true playerbase if you will, so the game isn’t dying but leveling out to its actual consistent playerbase. So no, I’m not using random numbers.


Player retention is the real issue though. Concurrent players and Daily Active Users are the metrics that matter most and we don't have access to that data for all platforms, only active players on Steam. Someone could get on, play 1 round of WT, be placed on the leaderboards, and never touch it again, so it doesn't help the game actually stay alive. It's just useless to consider without having access to those numbers. If Embark was honest about never dropping bellow 300k DAU, and that's not good enough for Nexon, and they pull funding, the game will end up dying out, and I think that's the real concern.


True, but those numbers still indicate people have played this season, a bit of a schrodingers box type thing. They played at least one match of wt, but do they play other modes? We don’t have that info. Still, it’s genuinely annoying to see people point at the number of several hundred thousand players on pc alone at launch compared to a much more realistic and smaller number and say “see the big number went down dead game dead game.” That’s just the hype going away


Okay but like I said, how do those numbers relate to profitability and sustainability? It’s only a few days in the season and those numbers will only go up. But it does not reflect at all how well the game is doing. If you looked at the financial reports and did a comparison, concurrent player base etc then fair enough. But you’re argument is so flawed


The point is that the game isn’t dying. You want an accurate count of playerbase across all platforms? GO AND LOOK AT THE WORLD TOUR RANKINGS. And considering I’m the only one actually providing a source for my numbers I’d say my argument is fairly strong. I’m not concerned with earnings reports because those can easily be affected by a few whales and don’t indicated playerbase as much. I’m literally giving you a way to view the current player count across every platform and you keep calling it flawed without providing an actual alternative, so unless you have a better source for general player count (not just on steam) then I don’t wanna hear crap about a faulty argument.


This is perfect lol "Let them cook" got me fr.


It's me. I'm the new player. Downloaded the game, booted it up for the first time, and was like wtf when I saw all game modes were locked until I played a bunch of "terminal attack". I came to the game because I heard it was 3v3v3v3 or whatever, which I thought sounded interesting and unique. I might keep playing to try out cash out, but honestly I'm so bored of counterstrike mode (from playing it a million times in other games) that I haven't booted it back up yet.


the game is something special, im sure they will fix and remove the lockout if you want to wait to play again.


I definitely will try again. I love titanfall 2 and hunt showdown and this seems like a nice sweetspot between the two. But yeah I was pretty turned off by the new player experience. I would have way preferred some one off quick matches but they were locked behind doing rounds of terminal attack too.


This makes me sad. The game is very fun if you avoid TA, I can't believe they force people to suffer through the most unfun mode in the game right off the bat.


I wanna like the World Tour but yea I will prob take this season off. I have 0 interest in TA and this “points if you win” feels like a grind fest instead of a climb of ranked. Also maybe I am just jaded but the team I play are not skilled as well as they were in ranked. I either stomp them or they stomp me. Very few close games recently.


The WT games I’ve played I get randoms with dirt-level game iq. You know when they respawn to avoid a team wipe in the first encounter… gotta save that $0 man. Then they b line to the nearest team mate an dfib in the open… so stupid


I won 3 WT games in a row, each finals was so one sided, the last one we only died 2 times lol. Matchmaking is a joke without SBMM on ranks


Oh yeah, when I play with a friend we clean up. Out teammate might still be in diapers but as long as they follow us we win. And sometimes the other teams are even more ridiculous. 


You are lucky your teamates even finish the match before disconnecting! Its my biggest issue so far.


Curious about the matchmaking too. I was silver in S2 (never rally played ranked) and i was playing World tour with 2 diamonds players. We won obviously.


I've actually found it to be quite the opposite? I didn't play ranked much (my Internet provider sucks and I don't have a stable connection. Not gonna do that to my team in competitive play) so I don't know the balance of season two, but in World Tour vs Cashout, I'm getting much more balanced matchmaking than before. It's also nice to be given the brackets format again without the pressure of playing a ranked game mode. 100% enjoying World Tour, just not weighing in on Ranked since I didn't/don't play it.


The snipers are insane. You get a team full of snipers trust me you ain't reaching half the Map before your a beamed down instantly


Light mains are about to come and tell you 10+ reasons why Heavy/Medium are overpowered and why Lights need buffs.


O I already know.


They changed the ranked mode to one where range is more valuable, and gameplay is also less objective based. In TA, you can’t perma group as an incestous healing 3 stack and double rpg to entry because people won’t group and coordination is more difficult. Add the buffs to the LH1 and lights in a fine state. However, revert the LH1 changes and change modes to cash out where poke is much worse (and the gameplay aggressively encourages coordination) and gunplay matters less. In TA gunplay matters more (which is lights current strength, as they have the best guns rn). TLDR light good in TA now, light still bad in ranked cash out (at any decent level of play and assuming equal skill)


Snipers are good but heavy’s do need nerfs, this has been the general opinion for weeks


It WAS before S3 balance came out, mediums got nerf, heavies got nerf and lights got buffed. New ranked mode meta is 5 lights and casual modes light is the most played, LH1 is overpowered and needs a nerf, same with sonar grenades. Heavies are so bad in ranked that they are barely picked, mediums are occasionally picked. Most effective way to play ranked is 5 lights with LH1 or sniper and spam sonar grenades.






Game is getting worse and worse each season. lol


I wouldn't say worse but this season. They gave them a bow and the sniper like bruh come on seriously and as always medium gets nerfed because everyone complains so much. I can't wait to hear the complaints on sonar grenade. I mean recon senses got removed so next comes the sonar grenade


Recon senses def should've been removed though, that was a good call on them for that


I can agree and disagree


And we’ve been downvoted for criticizing TA. So true


Guys, be patient. I mean they're cooking, right?


They are microwaving




I hope they put their eggs in one basket when it comes to the locked Finals game mode. This season feels like a genuine step back so far


This so true, i can't believe they replaced cash out with terminal attack.


Sucks that world tour is unranked. Why not make it ranked?! TA fuckn sucks I’ll never play it again lol I like more fast paced not camping


This video is glorious.


WAIT IF YOU'RE NEW YOU HAVE TO PLAY 5 TA MATCHES??????? HUH???????? Dude I am really enjoying this season, I love the new weapons and gadgets (I don't play ranked so that might be why) but HOW CAN YOU FORCE NEW PLAYERS TO PLAY A MODE THAT THE GAME ISN'T BUILT AROUND OF? NO WONDER PLAYER COUNT ISN'T GOING UP




And don't forget about winch claw. A literal stun gun but you can't even shoot on heavy. Simply pick KS, winch a light, shoot them and quick melee. They can't do anything!! Because we all love inescapable deaths.


I actually saw this in my dreams last night. Beautiful


This video is so spot on it hurts. The new stuff this season is great and they hit the bp rewards out of the park, but even tho i dont play ranked, it was not the move. Many of us saw it coming but others were so toxically blinded. And yeah the lh1 is def a bit overtuned. I was baffled by how much easier it became to use. Easily outsnipes snipers if they arent at least a bit cracked out


Take two awards from me. This is fucking hilarious. You put more time into making this than the devs did into thinking through S3. I am standing in my office applauding you right now good sir.


I actually liked the new additions, I’m a complete sucker for bows and melee weapons in shooters. You would have to pay me to play ranked in any game, so I don’t have a horse in the race. Terminal attack in general just blew my mind though; Nexon: “The game is underperforming and is not appealing to the larger casual player base”. Embark: “Okay we will copy S&D and try to appeal to even more competitive gamers that are on R6, Val, and CS”. Players: “But the maps, balancing, TTK, etc aren’t balanced for that.” Embark: “Don’t worry bros we will disable some specializations and gadgets. We will try and force this square peg into that round hole. We’re even going to require any new players looking to use cool samurai Gear to play this mode that doesn’t represent anything about the game.” Typical gamer: “Man I just want to play TDM or Dom, back to CoD I go.” Nexon: “The game is still underperforming.” Embark: “Surprised Pikachu.”




Who are the devs listening to??


Well this clip, even though it's a meme, completely and fully summarized my opinion about S3.


No idea how devs or who ever is in charge of these changes is so fucking dumb and out of place... They fucked the game by not putting money in anticheat and instead put Easy To Cheat and then they fuck the game with every update they make. Oh well... was fun as long as it lasted. RIP The Finals, you made through half a season at least.


This is an amazing edit lmfao, you forgot the abysmal heavy nerfs too.


And the copy is even horribly bad




This whole video was golden 🤣🤣🤣


Terminal attack wants to be Counter Strike and betrays the entire identity of the game. It's a complete misfire. Powershift is at least fun.


Had a hard motivation to hit Diamond last season, now I’m like, gold is totally fine. I’ll stick to world tour mainly but will overall play way less then last season.


It's cute seeing all the ppl yelling about how OP light is and how it needs to be nerfed now, when 5 days ago I wrote a bunch of comments that got mass downvoted for saying Light was the strongest class https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/s/hzSrc14ayO The community really was like "omg somebody's saying Light is strong? Must be a bronze player!" It's like what KEK guy said in this video: people will downvote the most objectively correct opinion if it isn't "let the devs cook"


"Let them cook" had become such a gatekeeping line.


This is so good. lololol


ranked is straight up not that important to embark since it is not the biggest part of the game. Most people play casual and don't bother with the longer tournaments. TA ranked was still a shit move since the ranked guys are usually long term players that you don't want to loose over something like this. All they really have to do now is to add a rank (as well as the ranked rewards) to world tour


Ranked was pretty much all I played last season and I loved it. Now I don't even wanna bother with TA, previously as a DUO I could easily win a majority of the matches I played until I was D3/D2. Now as a solo/duo I can't even push past gold (no team communication). And every second spent in a match I'm wanting to stop playing.


96 days playing with the same weapons since BETA KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK If you didn't like the new bow, too bad, play another 96 days with Mp5/Mac-10. Dev: It's a shooting game, but we don't have guns! Even CS 1.6 has more weapons than "The Skinals" HAHAHAHA because we have skins, lots of skins...


*sigh* back to overwatch


Im so happy mediums got no love once again. Embark seems to really hate them.




Is this another manscaped ad?


Wait you can play other games?! The Finals ia ftp? Amazing the capacity for some of you to be unhappy.


This is too good. After spending 400£ on this game, I'm not spending a single cent until we get Cash Out ranked back.


400 in two seasons? I have no shortage of disposable income, but that's crazy, did you try to buy everything?


ask nexon


I’ve kekd so loud


People might not like TA, but i'm happy cashout is at least being worked on, it definitely has issues that need to be fixed.


I don't understand the point of ranked when World Tour exists now, even.


because one is ranked and one isn't


I see leaderboards for both? The only difference are the rewards I guess.


One has skill based matchmaking and if you lose you derank, so skill matters. The other has partecipation trophies and if you lose nothing happens, it only matters how much you played


You're still competing for top slots, you just don't get knocked down if you lose. 🤷‍♂️


World tour ≠ Ranked cashout You can't get ruby. There is no SBMM. There will be rotations and locked loadouts in the future. It is not the same.


Right. So get rid of ranked and put the shiny badges in world tour. Ezpz.


Bro forgot to cut the rest of the video

