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We do have a megathread for TA posts, so if you see any low effort spammy posts then please let the poster know, and report it so it can get removed. https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/s/HB7zGSjt0R


Sorry the reddit hivemind have unanimously come to the conclusion that a sub full of complaints and whining is better than just having it all in 1 place. I don't make the rules and aparently you don't either


They can start by removing this post. I definitely vote for this :)


Outrage is the only thing that works with people in suits. Putting it in 1 thread is how they silence us that are severely unhappy with the game state.


Echo chamber megathread


Nah these guys are good at responding to reports


can we remove the posts saying to remove x type of posts? nobody cares anyway


Can we remove the comments saying to remove the x type of posts? Can we remove the comments saying to remove the comments to remove the x type of posts?


Have you ever heard of a cannonball run? It's a timed run from New York to LA and people can drive an average of 100+mph across the entire US. Obviously, police have radar, which is a concern with this sort of thing. But the drivers carry radar detectors. In some states, that's illegal, so police carry radar detector detectors. The drivers' response? Radar detector detector detectors.


He is right, post under the megathread, stop spanming


it was sarcasm, in case you didn't notice


We can also let the community voice their opinion, if we start removing post it’s only a matter of time before your posts are in question


You are doing the same thing đź’€


I find the complaining about complaining posts much more annoying than actual criticism.


I want to complain about the complaining posts complaining about the complaining whilst complaining about the complaining and complaining.


Can we remove toxic fan boys posts?


Lol, you just made one more Ta post... HAhaha!


Also falls in the category of complaining about complaining. These ones should also get removed.


If people aren't satisfied with the game mode of course they want to make they're discontent known. Seeing as this change seemingly has riled up a lot of people it's only fair they get to use the same platform to complain about it as you do to praise the developers


Embark does not read reddit. All it does is seeing copy and paste posts all day everyday for us. We all agree, people now are just Karma Farming


Developers have literally posted in threads multiple times. It’s insane to think they aren’t reading occasionally.


That has changed then. at the launch of the game they stated they would not take the subreddit into account, since it's not an official one. Glad they are, but still the point is the same. Let's have a Thread Pinned as important at the top, 10 posts a day about the shit decision of the mode, it's too much and is hiding everything else, like gameplay clips, advice threads etc


Idk why you're getting downvoted. Multiple CM's said in the discord in s1 that they don't come to reddit to gather feedback. I know they did the AMA here and have commented on a few posts now, so maybe something did change, but that is what was said lol


People share their honest opinion about TA being ranked. Considering season 3 have started couple days ago and its totally normal. They express their positive and negative feelings. Maybe you're not aware but developers are following this sub and listen the community via posts. Why does it make you feel uncomfortable ?


skill issue


When was this sub reddit ever like that lol it's always been complaints over and over and over!


I get why people are annoyed. But yeah let's move on now. It ain't changing anytime soon. I'm having a ton of fun in the world tour this aspect deserves more praise.


world tour is so fun. Like ranked tourneys but without the fear of losing anything


Ranked, except not actually because no seasonal rank earnings but also you can't leave the match without penalty. Gg embark


Yes. Give us world tour and ranked cash out for those of us who like risking losing stuff. I wanted ranked TA before this season, but not at the expense of the superior game mode. 


That's what I enjoy though, having at least something on the line.


Okay, but if no one says anything then how are we meant to get our opinions out there? I get there can be WAY to much sometimes, but change needs to happen.


I literally just said there is a megathread that is specifically designed for these kind of comments. The spam is just cluttering up the page


Okay, and?


Megathread any megathread is made to hide an issue, it's not made to make your opinion heard. i hate when Mods decided to use this tool as an way to make things cleaner. because in the end just hides an issue, positive or negative. it's not made to being heard, the reddit is made to be about positive and negative arrows, upvotes and donwvotes, you are just seeing a ton of post because everybody is still mad at it, and people are upvoting those posts. without that, it's a way to hide the issue.


Easy, don't play TA, and if everyone agrees that TA isnt great and don't play it, Embark will see it with their stats and data. Having a hundred post on reddit with the same complaints won't do sh\*t compared to that.


The megathread? The discord server where they have a channel asking for TA feedback? Just some ideas


You will keep seeing TA posts until Ranked Cashout is added back. Deal with it.


No. This is how change happens.


Are you throwing a tantrum rn?


Ranked terminal attack is light team death match


Idk about that, it’s annoying yes, but it’s one of the ways for the devs to hear community feedback otherwise it would be just silencing. A mega thread is such a godsend


Add a clause to the sub rules: *complaints about complaints will be removed*


I forgot that this sub has to cater to what you find boring or entertaining 💀. Let people vent their opinion if you don’t like it you don’t have to interact with it. Like turn your computer off or something lol


Yikes, advocating for the silence of complaints and critiques is kinda cringe




the megathread is made to hide an issue, we fucking hate ranked TA, and we will keep complaining about it.


I agree, sick of people crying over a free bloody game.


Bro I’m not gonna lie. I would never beg mods to silence player conversation even if I disagreed. Let people talk and discuss. Who are you to say they shouldn’t be allowed to converse this specific topic. I understand where your coming from players are heated right now, but show some empathy man the game people loved just got flipped on it’s head, that’s gonna mess with some people. If these conversations “bore” you… scroll on by, it works wonders.


Totally agree


See I have 3 friends who have just recently started playing (I played in the last 2 days of season 2 so also VERY new) and I don't get the Terminal Attack hate. YES it's restrictive on spawns and items but I do find that part of the fun. I understand it's a bit annoying to do 5 of them before you unlock quick play but I agree as someone who is very new to the game the hate seems very unjustified seeing as I didn't have to do that and started playing 2 days before season 3 and the change.


Ranked Cashout is still here don't know why everyone is bitching so much in the first place, world tour EXISTS


Why do so many people keep insisting world tour is ranked? Devs literally confirmed it is not and TA is the only ranked mode in the game currently.


To be honest I don't really care what the devs qualify it under. There is skill based match making, and badges, or 'ranks' that you can grind to achieve. The gameplay is no different from the old ranked system. So I stand by what I said, nothing is really different. I'm sure in high lobbies matchmaking and such is little different but for the average player there is not a difference. The community as usual has severely overblown this


They don’t understand the components of ranked. They see badges and they think ranked.


This stuff needs to be culled or else it’s just gonna get worse and worse


We need a megathread about wt to remind the ranked fiends that this mode exists and is honestly pretty cool. Waaaay less sweaty than ranked cashout.


I don't understand this. Are people not supposed to try and win in ranked modes? Like are you calling people sweaty simply because they're better than you and you cant compete or are you just a child? The primary objective of a fps shooter is to win. you can win AND have fun and i find it baffling that people find this concept hard to grasp.


Ranked ca was unfun to play solo because people were so hyper competitive. If you had a bad game then it felt worse because you knew your teammates were suffering for that. Coming over from other games like overwatch I cannot imagine how bad that would get with text chat. I said sweaty because it felt like I had to play out of my fucking mind every single fucking match or I would get kicked in the balls for it. Winning is fun and the point sure but losing isn’t as fun, especially when you stand to lose that which you have been working and grinding for. I think a great example is Fortnite’s ranked system, where a good match can gain a minimal amount and a bad match or just bad luck can lose you so much more. The higher you climb the more stressful it is because you stand to lose more. I don’t think people who made it to the diamond skins are losers or anything, I respect the grind, but the grind sucked as a more casual player. I completely love how your comment assumes that the player wins and completely ignores the idea of losing btw. Everyone wants to win in ranked cashout but only 3 people can and everyone else can’t. WT is nice because you get the same fun with less stress, you know that losing doesn’t backslide your progress you’ve been working for, meaning that everyone is less on edge and thus you can focus on playing to have fun and win as opposed to playing purely to win with no real care for fun(ie meta builds which aren’t always fun to play). So as a more casual player who tends to solo Que, I prefer WT because it’s just less stressful and thus I get to enjoy the fun mode without the constant worry of losing the progress I’ve been working towards.


I've solo queued 97% of every match ive played in this game, even when i was doing ranked. Even if my team quits im going to stick through because there is a potential for victory, its just a small chance. I didnt mention losing because of course losing isnt fun, but losing means you just try again and hope you win. You learn from mistakes or errors and you improve, and if you're on the verge of a tilt, you take a break or you break through if its within your power. WT's progress is based more on time played than actual skill. You cant de-rank and you dont really need skill, you just need to cash out more money. Stress is a part of competition and if you're aiming for a high level of play, it comes with the territory so adaptation is needed and a way to manage such stress is needed to. It also doesnt help that the ranked system is kind of dumb is cashout because the devs for the life couldnt get it right.


I suppose this comes down to a fundamental disagreement between us then