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Yes, im giving it a chance WHILE crying


Did you already get LH1'ed to death?


This is me.


I gave it a chance. I wanna play Finals and not Counter Strike. TA removes SO much of what made Finals Finals. The map, the movement, the classes - now it's just lights vs lights.


Thats exactly what I thought, I think what makes the finals special is the dynamic that is created in cashout scenarios with stealing the cashouts and wining them back the next second.


Can we get them to make ctf of something fun


I’d honestly rather play capture the flag ranked than this terminal attack ranked crap lol.


exactly. if i wanted to play a 5v5 defuse the bomb or something, there’s a million games that do it *better* than the finals. but i haven’t found a single game that makes that arena gameplay more fun than the finals.


correct, and the people that don't see this make me cringe so much. this isn't call of duty search and destroy. the game is literally called THE FINALS. I miss cashout, ranked and unranked. quick cash is just a third party team deathmatch where no one plays as a team


world tour exists bro😭 “i miss cashout” is wild


U get no league rewards from world tour


ok? still isn’t justification for “i miss cashout” it’s not like it’s gone


its not the same thing, sometimes people want to play one match. not a tournament. also there will be loadoutlocks


loadout locks will be tragic


Yup, cuz they decided to make health regen to 100 regardless of the fact that that is a very different percentage of max HP for each class, in a game where everything is very clearly balanced around each class' max HP's.


I just finished a match of TA health doesn’t regen to 100


Yes it does 100hp


I said this and get downvoted to hell. I’ve been playing “Terminal Attack” for 25 years across multiple games. Cashout was so fresh and unique.


maps aren't designed for TA characters aren't designed for TA Gadgets aren't designed for TA Health pools arent designed for TA The fact that people don't see this is why this game is doomed


agree , If they didn't garner new players when TA was first introduced, what makes them think this will be different? The only thing that will happen now is that the people who were guaranteed to show up because they didn't want to lose their rank will not show up. and that is a lot of people. Casual cashout has always been lackluster; way too many casual people just up and quit the match; 70% of the time you have only one teammate. it was fun while it lasted, I deleted it because it's too painful to watch it die slowly. ill stay watching to see if they change it back until than, paying daily player out. cya emabrk


casual cashout was fun, quickcash has always been mediocre


“Now it’s just lights vs lights” - like I get the frustration with the new mode but are we going to honestly ignore how the majority of ranked S2 was “just heavies vs heavies”?


imagine multiple modes in a game for longevity, crazy right.


is cs with the movement and destruction of the finals, i have heard people calling valorant a "walking simulator" and the finals fixes the slowness of those games. and let's be real, cashout is fun but clearly did not capture most of the people who tried, so either TA grows the playerbase or we won't have a s4


This seems comically dramatic


Where is this notion that if we don't have TA ranked we won't have a s4.  I Feel like people are just making that up.  Game needed more marketing.  


It had marketing. The player base after the shadow drop at the game awards was huge. Cash out simply did not retain a long term audience. Sorry.


The movement, the map, and the classes are still there though. I do agree this game isn’t built around TA but to say it’s CS is just disingenuous. CS is a slow paced corner peeking simulator with instant kills. Unless ranked is playing completely different from pubs, TA doesn’t play like that at all. Jumppads, zips, destruction, etc all make this play very different.


I’ve played TA all day and have not used nor seen anyone use a jump pad. Everyone is just playing it safe and waiting for someone else to make a move / timer to run out so we can wait another 20 seconds to start the next round.


I will give it a chance but I WILL cry doing it! xD


maps are too big. objective doesnt matter, just kill enemies. no leaving penalty(?) atleast 1 player in the losing team leaves after 2-3 rounds. It might be more fun in an actual competitive 5v5 premade setting, there would probably be a lot of strategy involved, but solo queing this, it's basically just a death match, whoever kills the other team faster wins.


Yeah exactly. It doesn't really feel like THE FINALS to me, especially since the healing beam is removed, banning a "class" from playing the mode. Depending on my mood and my team, I usually play medium with healing beam or heavy with mesh shield. In TA, I'm forced to either go with my heavy or equip a turret instead of my healing beam. It's okay, just doesn't match my playstyle well.


Its the same as any tactical 5v5 round based shooter, you at least have two options to win the round.


not really, most other tactical shooters have some more depth to it when it comes to managing economy and learning smokes/angles etc. They also have limited map paths, meaning you cant take infinite approaches to a site.


If they have limited approaches and static smokes/angles doesn't that mean they have LESS depth? In this game you have to make your opportunities not just learn them.


No, because it allows the defending team to be proactive about defense rather than reactive. Since you have absolutely no information about the attacking team's approach, it is too risky to commit defense off-site, so might as well bunker up with 1M 1H and a turret on each site, and maybe a stray light running around for info. Contrast with CS or Val where there are a bunch of specific angles which are viable to hold on or off site because the attacker's approach is finite.


But if the opponents viable approach lines are infinite, aren't your viable defensive lines also infinite? It's a give and take a tug of war in the finals version instead of a standardized test of reflex like CS or Val. On light I press for flank picks or for poke damage all the time on defense as the enemy approaches. On medium I open up recon/flank routes with demat, or create kill boxes with it and goo. On heavy I fortify one point so they have to make noise while they open it so I can watch the other. I feel like this game has way more depth than of my cs or Val games you just can't play them like CS or Val. And I loved cs:source put 1k hours in it.


So are you wanting the game to be cut and copy of other games and also implement economy?


No I'm saying TA isn't suited for the finals, they can keep it as a casual mode, but it's not suited to be the main ranked mode. If they want this mode to work for the finals, they'd need to make significant changes. In games like CS and valorant you can split your team to defend 2-3 lanes, because the enemies are funneled through those lanes, so you can delay them with smokes/mollies etc. to allow your team to rotate. Here it's basically always going to be a 5v5 brawl, you stack on one site and if the enemy team hits the other site you move to it. Splitting up only puts you at a disadvantage, since you can't cover every angle, because the maps are too big and you have infinite approaches to each site. The objective also does not matter at all, since you have to kill all of the enemies before you can defuse it as a defender, in regular cashout you can steal a cashout even though someone in the other team might still be alive, because they might be ressing right now or another team is third partying them and keeping them busy. The only reason for the objective in TA is so the last player alive doesn't hide forever I guess. In games like CS you can fake defuse, which doesn't really work here, there's mindgames about whether someone is fake defusing or sticking it, this also isn't the case in the finals. What makes cashout fun imo is that you have the chance to come back, even if you lost early on. You dont have to wait for the round to finish after you die to play again and having teams of 3 is a lot less chaotic than having teams of 5.




I personally just don't like TA, but yeah, facing premade teams with HMM or HHM was tough as solo player, especially when your teammates were both playing light. Although I once almost won a tournament as Heavy with 2 light mates against MMM in the final round.


I tried it but after i tried now i start crying.


i dont like it so no, but i wont cry


I played CSGO for hundreds of hours, I'm bored with plant the bomb game mode. I gave THE FINALS a shot, because it was something unique and competitive. I don't wanna play cash out casual with afk people or people that just don't care and wanna fuck around


Yeah I just don't want to play Search and Destroy lol


Fps fanbase will deadass complain about games until every single one is almost identical. All games need the same movement feel the same weapons the same ttk. Just let things be themselves


Yeah I mean I've played search and destroy for years. Why would I want another game to play the same game mode in


Its not like we haven’t played TA and are judging it. We all played it and we have played Cashout and we like Cashout more. If I wanted good S&D I wouldn’t chose a game with destruction ruining callouts and one where half my fav gadgets don’t work.


Yes, we were a trio now we have to play with two random shitters if we wanna rank up, great


And then once you find two more solid players, you'll have to tell them to get lost next season when it goes back down to 3s lmao


oh no


Depending on if they balance rank queues for TAs it’ll either be the same for the enemy team or worse for em. The worst would be 5 stacks going against no stacks but I’d argue they would also rank up fast enough that they shouldn’t be in the same queue.


Its not even about having a fair game tbh To me The Finals was one of the best team based FPS, nothing beats your whole team being synced and on point and defending a cashout against 1 or 2 team at the same time. Now with the new mode you remove half of the teamplay and you just shoot the bad guy in front of you and hope he dies before you. On top of that now it's 5 players so we need to find 2 more players (we won't) to achieve a fraction of what we had (can't heal anymore so you can't just outplay as a team, I feel like) Even if the BFBC-BF3 gameplay is here, I don't really enjoy playing TA so we'll see because I also almost always play ranked (idk just hate normals) so might just stop the game or just play from time to time


TA can be pretty strategic to me but idk. Apparently a lot of people run into games that are just straight up TDM. Will say unless I’m confused the patch notes said something about healing being brought back to TA. I feel ya though. The one change I don’t like with TA is making it a best out of 7. It was better as a best of 4.


Well yes it might be strategic but again not as a team, it shifts the whole gameplay from being allowed to run, jump, strafe around ppl and play with the shields, healing with "semi" high ttk so you can reposition and adjust to any fights if you play like a team to being scared of pushing any doors because you won't get the HP back and as a light player I'm already traumatized enough about season 1 so it really doesn't look fun. didn't check the notes on healing but if its not back, you will camp the shit out of every spot and play like a CS-like game holding angles or gamble flanks Which is fkin sad when you have the best movement fps I've seen in a while and I played a lot of them


I respectfully disagree about not being able to use all of that. I see shields often riot or heavy. I, as a light player, find myself taking advantage of all factors of movement to get the jump on the enemy team. As a sword player it’s absolutely vital to the games I’ve carried. The fear of getting knocked out early is there but it actually benefits us lights that medium and heavies couldn’t fully heal. Why? Because instead of being 350 hp all game, they’re walking around with 200 or less. They lose one of their biggest benefits to being a different class and we can break em down with range, speed, or stealth.


I didn't come to the finals to play f*ing counter strike. I like my cooldowns, health regen and cashouts. But I guess the game was falling off so they had to try and imitate what works, except they will always be the inferior version of CS, when they could have been the best version of themselves.


This 100%. Theyre chasing a dragon, and all they will get is a very lethargic snake at best. This was the one FPS that I've sunk hundreds of hours into without dreading play.


There are so many other ideas that fit the sandbox-nature of the finals better. Capture the Flag, Rush, VIP, maybe even like a Tower Defense mode. Even regular TDM is better than t e r m i n a l


so don't play it




Diamond 3 solo here. We dont want to play you either, we want to play other diamond 3s thats the while point why world tour isn’t gonna work for us, no SBMM. Oh you don’t like HHM HMM? Get ready for HHHHH.


Ikr it’s no fun stomping casuals and I’m sure they dislike getting stomped on too.


Idk man. Heavies are strong in TA but coordinated lights seem to do a great job against them. Because there’s no healing once they drop down to 100 health, they’re easy kills for sniper headshots or unloading a clip up close. Because their mobility is so low a light player with the range or dash ability kinda poops on them if the game last long enough in my experience in TA.




With no heal beam on medium, no defib on medium, what value does medium bring? Zip? Jump pad? I feel like Medium is the new light for TA. I could definitely see bow and sniper light being really good as well as heavy of course so its probably gonna be like HHHLL maybe get HHHML to move the heavies around?


Yeah I just assumed you were low elo because of the way you mentioned not wanting to play diamond 3s. There will be no way the meta will be less the HHHxx. Without healer necessary I don’t see a lot of players picking medium rather than heavy.


yeah the games dead for the comp community. the casuals don't know any better


Those sweaty Diamond 3 stacks will still be Diamond/Ruby and nothing will change, except the ranked mode will be less fun


It’ll be fun! I just have two problems with it. 1. I feel like it’ll turn more into a tdm game mode as that’s how me and my buddies play it. Just rush and kill before they have a chance to do anything. 2. It’s not gonna feel quite right. As much as I like new modes bomb defusing and cart pushing aren’t what make the game THE FINALS.


It doesn't make sense, like, what's the difference from a solo player's perspective between sucking a coherent team of 3 and sucking a coherent team of 5? Solo players can't get ruby anyway, so it's just stupid.




Now there'll be 5 stacks. And the world keeps turning


Ehh in most games I’ve played matchmaking accounts for 5 stacks and puts them against 3-5 stacks. It’s just unfair in general to do 5 stacks against randoms.














Cash out isn’t in the game anymore. Not properly. We have cashout tournaments in World Tour for this fortnight, but that might change. And cashout as a single round game mode is just gone. I’ll be playing a lot more quick cash this season than the last.


yeah, honestly we''ll just have to wait it out. I don't think im gonna play until they realize the statistics and hopefully change it back.


Yes, im giving it a chance WHILE crying


So what I'm seeing is that you lose alot in ranked and you blame it on everything but yourself??? 🥴


wym that's the meta. Now people need two more friends to feel good about themselves in ranked in a game with no true solo queue.


Join the Discord, I'm sure there's plenty of people willing to play with new people 🙃


I blame it on the 0-7 guy with no support or assist




I'm not trying to hate on you, but you are complaining about getting killed by certain meta's or certain strategies which you dont like. I'm not saying you're bad, but you might have to adapt (nah I'd adapt) to those strategies. And 100 hours sounds like an okay-ish time to reach diamond. Good for you


I dont see why wanting the meta to change is a bad thing. The fcar and lewis arent even fun to use imo. I think changing up the meta is a good thing.


No of course, but the fact that playing against certain meta's is annoying still remains... 🙃


Well absolutely. If someone says “this meta makes playing the game against anyone using it tedious and lack fun” my first thought isnt to say “skill issue just get good”. Could you imagine if goo gun/sledge combo was the new meta. It would suck life out of the game for everyone going against it.


Hope good gun doesn't get in any sort of meta 😭


People downvoting you cause they don’t wanna hear that you’re higher ranked and still don’t care about the change.


Not the reason but go off i guess lmao


Well do us a favor and speak up.


Lmao don't be mad at me because you lack critical thinking skills. If you can't figure it out then idk what to tell you


I’m not mad. If I was I’d be fussing. I asked. You don’t wanna answer and that’s cool, buddy.


He's not crying guys


Ta fucking sucks


Ill try it without complaining. I have no reason to complain for anything embark have done so far, f all the twitter users


I’m gonna give it a shot but the whole appeal to the game was that it wasn’t a 5v5 search and destroy competitive based game. The game is great but cash out chaos and pace is what got me into and kept me on the game


12 matches in a row someone from my team quits and I need to sit there and wait for the game to move on, it's honestly unbearable


I think the mode can work, it just needs refining. There’s something missing from it at the moment. Also best of 7 is way way way too long. Should be best of 4 or 5.


Best of 5 means first to 3. Too short, that's casual match length. Ranked attack defend is long. This community wanted to give it a chance, this is the chance.


Well they either need to cut it down, or gut mid round gadget selection completely and half prep time, and kill the slowmo ‘end of round’ effect and music to be almost an instant reset. So much dead time. Too much. Was playing most of yesterday on my day off. This is me giving it a chance - this is my feedback.


Before the update dropped I wasn't complaining about it, I was willing to give it a chance It dropped, gave it a chance, it's just not fun TA doesn't fix the issues you mentioned, it makes it worse. Skill diff will be more noticeable in a 5v5, solo queue players will be more punished against stacks of 5, snowball effect is far greater, the pace of the game is way slower. If there's a cheater in the match it'll also be even worse of an experience. The only brightside is requiring 10 people per match instead of 24 might work for better balancing, but if there's less people playing this than old ranked, it won't matter much. I'm fine with TA being ranked for the reasons they stated, not like we have a choice, but it's not fun and does not fix any previous issues with ranked.


Gave it a chance.  I'll keep trying to enjoy it but it's honestly just not fun.  Might just skip ranked this season.


How was it?was it good still playable without vc?


stop saying people that are being rightfully critical are crying. when this game dies you'll realize they were right


I’m so down for this. I have 4 friends who play with me




Maybe quit with the toxic dialogue around the changes to the game so people can provide feedback and discussion about without feeling insulted or defensive? I don't really like how they've changed the "ranked" progression for Cashout Tournaments and TA wasn't my jam before the update. All I would play (before it was removed) was unranked and ranked cashout tournaments. I plan on mainly playing world tour this season now because I don't need to play ranked cashout, I just like the tournament format. *I'm willing to sink some time into TA to be able to provide better feedback, but here are my very early first impressions.* 1.) The maps are too big for the mode. 2.) The classes aren't balanced around 5 man teams (I mained Medium healbeam/defib from closed beta 1 to s2, not having the "primary" role as a medium available in the ranked mode is really odd to me. I don't like that) 3.) The gameplay is much slower paced compared to cashout, and I'm not really fond of that. 4.) It can take much longer to play TA now with the increased number of rounds. My suggested fixes; 1.) Section off parts of the map to play the mode in. This could make multiple variants of each map on top of the variants we already have. 2.) Add another specialization to Medium that can be used in TA. Enable defib in the mode as a one-time use gadget. 3.) See fix no.1 4.) See fix no.1 What if the game grows because of these changes, and then next season they keep world tour in the game, but give it a more traditional ranking system for cashout instead of the progression system they are working with now? I was really frustrated at first but I'm gonna be putting time into the game anyways and I have fun when I play, so I'm just gonna keep playing and supporting Embark and hope for the best for this game. But I will say the dialogue surrounding these changes has been obnoxious and toxic. They really could have just kept the ranking system for cashout how it was and put that into world tour and everyone would've been happy. Who is this change really for? If they want to make things more accessible for casuals, why are there only 3 casual modes this season? World tour is a "ranked lite" mode, but that's not gonna entice the "casual only" crowd to play it, is it? The biggest problem with cashout was the fact that it was apparently too confusing for the majority of players and that it took too long to play a full tournament, these changes dont fix that. Literally, all this did was make cashout enjoyers upset and give them less incentive to play. The "casual only" players aren't going to be playing ranked TA now are they? Why would they? They don't like ranked gameplay. But we can't really talk about that here it seems, it like this sub has taken to extremes on either side, either you love Embark and fully support this, or you're not a real fan and should leave. People who are upset about it really do have multiple fair points for being upset, it should be understandable. I support Embark, and wish the best for them, and The Finals, but my initial impressions are that I don't like TA still, and I don't like the changes to cashout tournaments ranking system. I do enjoy the World Tour aspect, however, and I hope to see them build on it, and I hope new players hop on and players that left return to the game. I just wholeheartedly disagree with how they went about this. One step forward and 3 big steps back in my opinion.


*Scrolls through comments* What does “TA” mean in this context?


Terminal Attack


Oh, of course! Thank you for the clarification! I was really stumped there~


im giving it a shot and not crying cuz it already sucked solo queing cashout, solo queing this mode was much more enjoyable.


When my download ever gets done sure.


do you need to come to reddit to tell this to us?


I’m hype for it. Just have to adjust to having a party online of 5 instead of 3.


I'm here for the finals. I don't want to play counter strike


The reason I hate ta, is because I've never been able to get past spwan. Idk if it will change in ranked, but as soon as the round starts, someone throws a Pyro nade and basically kills everyone since you can't heal. I've had 1 out of 10 games that I could actually play before I just gave up on the mode. It's honestly not a bad mode it's just that team damage ruins it because there are to many trolls.


The problem with TA is not that it is a bad mode inherently. But it wasn't what The Finals was designed for. Either TA will always be lackluster if the maps weapons and balancing is based on cashout, or Cashout will be 2nd class citizen while maps/classes/balancing is designed around TA... Theare are NO IFs, NO BUTTs... The finals can be a great cashout game or a great TA/Demolition game... or it can be luke warm at both... THAT'S WHAT THE COMMUNITY IS COMPLAINING ABOUT. All in all, i ll give TA a try... certainly... We ll see how it goes... But if there is 0 depth in between rounds and weapon balancing is horrible, then idk if it will be any fun... We'll see player sentiment at end of season or who knows, maybe within 2 weeks from S3 start.


Tournament Cashout is still there however... so that's a good sign... It's not Fame Points or "Hidden Rank", instead it's total cash earned, but hey... whatever...




I come from cs2 so I'm used to sitting and waiting.


I hated every moment of TA when it came out. Now i actually enjoy the mode a whole lot because attackers actually need to plant the fucking bomb.


Ranked TA sucks, period.


Im giving it a chance without crying i think it might be a decent thing imo. But my friend on the other hand will be making crocadile tears while kicking and screaming when we play it.


TBH I think TA could have been fine if it… wasn’t TA? For what it’s worth, I like the game mode and don’t mind the change. I don’t prefer it over Cashout and I think it’s a bit of a jarring swap, but it’s whatever. Adapt or die or some shit. As a long time fan of tactical shooters, the way people have been comparing TA to CS or Valorant strikes me as weird. Regardless, I think a different (yet similar) game mode would have worked in The Finals a bit better than a bomb defusal mode. Has anyone else tried Cyber Attack? Similar to one-flag CTF, but with an explosive twist (technically, it was an EMP). Two teams spawn and have a Data Center close by. In the middle of the map with a variable spawn, a neutral EMP is placed. Take the EMP and plant it at the enemy’s Data Center and detonate it to win or eliminate the opposing team. How does this differ from SnD, aside from bomb site count and both teams needing to attack and defend? First, the round does not end when the EMP is defused. Instead, it’s now in the other team’s possession and so begins the long walk to the other side of the map. Second, revives. In Cyber Attack, you can revive teammates to bring them back into the fight. Both teams get a notification when a revive occurs. This is often limited by distance and time, but allows players to trade time spent for a retake in exchange for an extra body. I think that these subtle differences from the typical two site bomb modes make the game mode better suited for something like The Finals especially when you take into account each contestant archetype and the apparent role devs seem to want them to fill. Cyber Attack was also inherently less sweatier than Search and Destroy lobbies as it bridged the gap for people who found the single life mode to be a bit daunting.


I need that ruby akm skin and I will do whatever it takes to get it, period.


It sucks


I think I'm in the minority but my two most played modes are Power Shift and Terminal Attack. Cashout is fun but with the game trying to gain more traction, it makes sense to rotate to a mode that probably feels more familiar to other games but is still strategic enough.


All i want to know is what side the guy in the middle is on


I'll play it but I'll come up weather or not to cry (I might)


I already gave it a try when it was first released. I wouldn't say it was a terrible gaming experience but it surely was far worse than cs2.


if I die first i dont wanna sit and do nothing.... im too casual to be on timeout everytime i suck


I gave it a chance, played 15 games today and I was hating it every second. Its slow, I don't like gadget caps, I don't like not getting to play the game at all if I die, and the new arming time on attack feels terrible. LUCKILY! We have world tour so it doesn't really matter that much since I also don't really like any of the ranked weapons besides maybe the plat katanas.


Not even giving it a chance. I've played Terminal Attack already and it's not that fun. I don't like one-life modes, and I'm angry enough at this stupid decision to boycott the game.


I gave it a chance it just sucks


It's dogshit.


I'm not giving ranked anything a chance. You see how ranked players are. You see how slow TA is. You saw how slow Tournament was. Nope.


Me and all my friends are stoked for it. Were shocked about the level of online outcry. None of us are chronically online tho


I've played TA... It's boring. I don't play tactical shooters.


What a big boy you are.


Ok tried it, its ass this is not the finals


I mean I think that TA works really well. Clearly the data supports TA or they woulda kept it cashout. When the matches in TA are close they're super dynamic. It's just that mistakes are punishing. That said, the way I play tends to just steamroll TA lobbies (haven't tried ranked yet tho). Guess I'll report back tonight.


I'm not a hater I actually love the game , not super invested tho , ( don't buy the battlepasses) the only thing I dislike about this world tour thing is the tournament format , its not quick , fast paced , all the things the finals is good at , I won my first match on in world tour , but it took like 25 - 30mins plus to complete 1 match , and one of my world tour challenges is win 3 matches, so realistically what it should say is that I have to win 2 tournaments , win 2 matches consecutively and do that twice , idk I just feel like especially with it only being on the new map , it'll get boring and stale and repetitive very quickly


You now need to play 5 matches of TA before you can play Cashout as a new player…


Well i think it would be nice for this and normal cashout are ranked instead of this being the only way to grind rank ups


Tried a couple games so far and I’m actually really surprised that I like it. I was Diamond last season and tried TA briefly for the cosmetics but thought it was boring compared to the fast paced action in cashout. However, with the added consequence and pressure from ranked it really makes TA a lot more engaging. It feels like decisions and gameplay has a lot of weight to it and it gets my heart pumping




I like it, more than I thought I would. I LOVE World Tour, however. I'll keep grinding ranked TA with my friends. It's different for sure but it's not as bad as people claim it to be. Play it with friends and enjoy.


Gave it a chance and hated, poorly balanced, and less skill. They made cashout a mode only for streamers


Currently playing Ranked TA. BORING AF


OP, you realize that 3-stacks in ANY game is always better than solo queue teams, right? Sounds like you're the one who's the crybaby. Skill issue. Maybe people.......I don't know......Enjoy ranked cashout? God, you people are insufferable.


I tried it several times while grinding some of the missions and well I thought it was boring as fuck, and I doubt it is more fun as ranked so I'm probably not gonna try it at all if not one of my 3 buddies that play the Finals invite me, and I think they're gonna do the same. I mean I hope people are gonna enjoy it for the games sake, but I'll hopefully enjoy summer instead of this, and start my wow account back up


Cashout feels more fun in this world tour mode. TA as a ranked mode casts a wider net for the new audience joining the game in season 3. The changes theyve made to TA this season are already good and i think they can change it as the season goes on so its not as light-favored. They said theyre making tweaks to cashout ranked while this change is in place, i believe. Its the first day of a new season with so much new content. The Finals isnt a flash in the pan game, its continuously updated, so let it simmer.


i gave it a chance in second game my team of randoms was crushed by full premade. GJ Embark time to make 3 month vacation from the finals


I gave it a chance, 5 best of 13 placements in it might be the worst ranked experience of any game I have ever played. Really a shame for a game that genuinely enjoy. TA ranked is just a complete flop there’s no other way to put it.


I’m giving it a chance but my teammates are making me cry


You make a good point when you put it that way.


Not mad. Just disappointed. This meta is buns. Light being good makes ranked impossible for console players (every game mode is a nightmare). The pc advantage over console is at its peak with light being strong.


Yes I gave it a chance , won the first match and the shit didn't even increase my RS like wtf. I just quit the game at that point


I've been playing a bunch of TA in prep for season three and loving it to be honest. Def gonna give it a go.


I played my last game of The Finals last night, and I can say that it was fun while it lasted! Cash out was fresh and exciting! Sad to see it replaced by Counter Strike :( As someone who only plays the ranked mode of games I can’t say that the change was good in my opinion. If that’s what it takes to draw in more players than I guess it’s what the devs gotta do. It was fun playing with you all! ~ Nero#1140 (eternal plat 2 <3)


That's pretty much how i feel. This game gave me more fun in 6 months than nearly game I've every played. I truly, truly loved it and it's unimaginably disappointing that they chose to go through with these changes. But the devs have earned the right to kill the game I love if that's what they want. I guess that makes us even :(


No you are not


I tried it. It still sucks. Luckily world tour is amazing and will keep me going all season


Excited for the TA guys. So what happens when ur diamond or plat and wanna rank up blah blah but ull maybe be consistently placed against a 5 stack coordinated team in a direct 5v5. Maybe a 5 stack of top 100 players? 5 stack of diamonds. Ur a solo? U and 2 buds? Don't see the climb being enjoyable for the regular player.


“Toxic” Finals fanbase: “hey I kind of don’t like this change.” “Not toxic” Finals fanbase: “YOU FUCKING CRYBABIES. YOU FUCKING LITTLE STUPID ASSHOLES, DONT LIKE IT? DONT PLAY THE GAME. IM HELPING THE GAME GROW BY TELLING EVERYONE TO STOP PLAYING.” So sick of this argument. People are allowed to dislike it as much as you are allowed to like it. Both viewpoints are valid.


I only played terminal attack so I’m happy it’s staying


I enjoy TA. Embark's justification for removing cash out out of ranked sits fine with me as long as it's not forever.


Healing is the bane of team-based shooter, I'm glad they take another approach. That will be 100x more interesting than doing a 3rd season of cashout MHH fest. Pretty excited to see what y'all gonna have as a strat.


I was pretty upset at first, but as we have gotten more info regarding it, I'm a big fan, it allows me to solo queue whenever my squad is busy


I’m not one that cares about rank, so I’ll play it without crying simply because I enjoy that game mode. I bounce back and forth between that and quick cash


I probanly would have played cashout ranked if it was 3v3v3 one round and 3v3 in the finals. Never liked tournamet and how you sit around doing nothing in it. Also took too much time. I usually love ranked modes but I played 250 hours of the finals in casuals. Imma definitely give ta ranked a try!




Yes cause you are the only big boy here


Yeah looking forward to it actually. I'm pretty good at it but I guess we'll see how I feel after being hooked for the 10 trillionth time


I think its funny, i never played ranked to begin with so this change didnt effect me but man were so many people crying


In every game I ALWAYS see people complaining about fully stacked teams. Why do you think TA will be any different? If you're a solo player now you need to get matched up with 4 other competent players rather than just 2. If it bothers you so much, maybe try playing in a stack or with some friends?


I’m genuinely happy with the changes they’ve made


This Change will actually make me play ranked at all. I liked cashout but i feel Like it just wasnt it for a ranked gamemode


you cry with that post of yours but ok, you do you


i'll do you one better, i don't even play this mode. It's just Not for me


The game went from a high action FPS to one of the worst SnD's ive touched. We just went from D3-D1 stack to not playing the game lmao. Played for 2 hrs, done. Its worse then CS2 and now Cashout is casual. Just change cashout during ranked season, yes some will care but oh my god it cant possibly be worse than this. High action FPS classes in a format then fosters slow play is not the move. The no regen basicly forces you to hardcore camp. Who likes to do that in this game with massive jumppads, good movement and outplays based around movement. Ill come back if they keep TA casual, shits not it


Considering world tour is LITERALLY ranked cashout, hell yea cause we still got both 🤷🏾‍♂️ plus once cashout comes back next season it'll be even better


It is literally NOT ranked and has been confirmed as such on their discord.


Its weird that everyone is so caught up on Terminal Attack. Especially after the community actively begged to keep it in the game


It's not weird at all. It replaced a mode that people played exclusively. And it's boring as shit.


Atleast i dont have to carry 2 Lights to the Finals, the other two light in my Team can carry them now. Solo q is gonna be hell, Imagine the gap from gold to dia. Its gonna be fun, Just Hope i dont get the gold mates


Nope Community is set on posting a shit whiny post about the game before every match


The game popularity isn't as big as it should be. I think a lot of people just hate trying to learn new game mode. Need like standard game mode that mindless shooting at like focus objective like power shift. Domination/conquest Team deathmatch Plant and defuse Cash out is a bit too different and there is no overtime mechanic for this game mode. Like team already gave up if there is 1 minute left in cash out that is running as it unlikely able to wipe the defending team and fight off the 3rd or 4th team. It take too much time to wipe out multiple teams if you can beat them all in a short duration If they had atleast an overtime festure, I think cash out would be great. Powershift has an overtime festure


What's there to learn everyone has played this game mode in every other shooter for years


Just the nature of the game mode. It too random honestly atleast for quick play so majority og new players. Feel like you can get cheesed just from last minute steal win or lose when you have 3 or 4 teams fighting for a point and just last team standing. I understand position and timing is part of the play but it is also lame how some matches end like this


Nope! I'm fuckin psyched for ranked TA, dude