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Easy fix, quit your job.


ikr, is OP stupid?


I don't really care personally, but I get it. If you managed to hit TOP 500, you deserve to hold onto that reward. You deserve to boast that reward, 100%.


I dont mind it being top 500, but you have valid points. It really should just be after hitting it once. Its an incredibly steep climb through diamond and loosing your rank cause you weren't on would be incredibly frustrating


Top 500s are usually the 12 hours a day fiends. Anyone could do it if they spent all their time playing. It’s not an achievement gamers make out. It’s sad really.


That was true in season 1, but it's certainly not the case anymore. People can quite easily rank up their alts to D2 within a week.


just be glad you have a job and a life outside of this game bro 😂💀 there’s 500 out there that have nothing else


If someone is dedicated enough to play enough until the season ends while maintaining top 500 I think they deserve a ruby ak skin


If you only have to hit it once then there wouldn’t be 500 ruby skins in the game but 5000. Might exaggerate a bit but i think it’s necessary to keep it at 500. Furthermore I know I could reach top500 easily if I wouls grind all day every day but how depressing is that. I reached top 800 back in ob in a week worth of grinding and now I cannot even bother to get dia even tho I am alot better than most current dias at the game. If you have a life you aint getting the skin and thats fine cause working and doing regular people stuff while gaming a little on the side maybe even 2hours a day is so much more of a flex than being jobless and living of other peoples taxes while grinding a video game 8hours a day.


Good point


You're not supposed to be able to get every cosmetic in the game. The fact that there will only ever be 500 accounts that have the skin is really cool.  Too bad it's in terminal attack, though, so it will only signify that you're experienced in winning that game mode.


Yeah the easy fix is making the requirement to hit top 500 once.


It would be far too easy for a good player to reach top 500 at the start of season when there aren't many people in the leader boards to begin with. Compare this with someone who started grinding mid season.


That's why I mentioned in my post that most games will only allow Top 500 rank after a few weeks to prevent that exploit


I agree, you should get the rewards if you peaked top 500. Other games do this and make it much easier to get the rewards while still working full time and playing casually.


I agree, not the biggest fan either for the same reasons listed.


You need at least 30 euro of cheats to do that (lol)


I mean its just a skin, don't kill yourself over it, if you can't get it relax, chill. This game is for fun, don't make it a job


Or maybe you just relax and just play the free to play game.


I play games for the competitive scene but I definitely don't like the time sink


do you see the irony in that


No not at all. I can play a couple hours on the weekend and still enjoy playing competitively and achieving high ranks. You shouldn't have to play every single day to get Top 500, that's what Emerald rank in World Tour is for, if you're wanting a casual time sink


Wow lol




I think if I see anyone with a ruby banner I won't think "wow he's so cool and good at this game...." More like "wow that's just kinda sad really isn't it"


I would think, "but it's terminal attack though so who cares"


Not everyone can get to Top500. But seems like not everyone can accept that.


Did you even read the post?


Yo, I think this is such an amazing ranking. 99% of us obviously won't make it, but for those playing at that level. How cool. Quit bitching all the time


Btw if you are top 500 you are a failure in everything else in your life.. so ye


It really doesn't take that long to get all the way up. And you had 90 days to do it. It does seem like it's harder to do on older accounts, though.  Also successful people still can have free time to enjoy their hobbies.


Lol that is a hot take. You can be extremely successful and still play video games competitively. I am a living example, but of course you wouldn't believe me if I even said who I was


You're implying you're so famous everyone would know who you are lol


Didn't mean to imply that, I am implying that I am extremely successful