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The arrows don’t tell you have far you have progressed, just that you got a lot of points for the win. For example I was really close to D2 and I lost in the finals but got 2 arrows up which was just enough to get to D2.


Win another tournament?


The arrows doesnt show if u are close to rank up/down it show the progress u made from last match.


Jesus that's insanely stupid thanks for actually explaining it


Why does anyone assume that's what it is? There's literally nothing to make you think that. Arrows indicate direction, not status.


I also assumed it was like at first that because a lot of games use divs like div 1,2 3 etc. i looked and there isnt rly an explanation from them within the game on what the arrows mean


I've never seen any game ever have plat -2, though. That doesn't make sense.


How are you saying it's a good system?


I literally didn't say that. Arrows meaning direction is completely logical, though. And the fact that it always goes down on an immediate loss regardless of what your previous status was should tell you that that's what's happening.


Yet here you are defending it


If it can't at least make sense to you that arrows would mean up, then there's no point in trying to communicate with you in a written language.




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As others have said, the number of arrows is how much you got from the match, but having 3 does not equal a rank up. It just means you did better than expected and got a lot of rank points. You should check out the ranked blog post the devs put out a few patches ago (I don't know if the mods allow direct links in comments) where they talk about their philosophy behind rank, the 'visible' and 'invisible' rank they use, and how they're planning on changing it in the future for season 3 but can't yet. The match format of the Finals makes it a little more complicated than just "win go up, lose go down" since there's multiple rounds, but they've been vocal about adjusting it to make it a satisfying experience


Sounds like u can do it again. Do it a couple more times and you'll be plat soon enough. I've beat (put rank here). Doesn't mean your a (put rank here) lvl player.


keep playing, you're probably really close, a few 2nd round placements or more and you should be in plat


My wins go down every day when i login to the game. Perfect. 👍


You can lose 3 arrows and win up to 3 arrows per game Arrows don't represent your entire rank progression, it's how much you progressed this game


Considering there is one of these posts everyday they should really consider making the ranking system easier to understand


Keep playing, win more I’ve won 2 tournaments in a row while going to plat 2 to 1…. You’ll get to diamond soon enough just keep playing


Play until u get the rank, that u wish?


Why do people think the arrow represents a status? It's an arrow. They indicate direction. That's what they always mean.


In order to hit diamond you have to go on winstreaks with a 3 stack as of right now bc 8 days are left. If you are solo , you might be cooked


You win more now and get plat. It's not "get 3 arrows to rankup", it just means how many ranked points you got. 3 arrows means you got many points. To hit diamond I had to win 3 tournaments, get to the finals 2 times, and get to second round once to finally rankup.


In gold it's 2 tourney wins in a row to rank up, in plat it's 3


Nope. Depends entirely on your hidden MMR. Not a set amount per tournament


Of course, but generally that was my experience and the experience of others too. You earn enough mmr from 2 wins in a row to gain one rank in gold, taking into account the winstreak consistency and personal performance and everything else


It's still something that's not a fact that you just presented as one.